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Builder Pattern
Builder pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.
In Go, normally a configuration struct is used to achieve the same behavior,
however passing a struct to the builder method fills the code with boilerplate
if cfg.Field != nil {...}
package car
type Speed float64
const (
MPH Speed = 1
KPH = 1.60934
type Color string
const (
BlueColor Color = "blue"
GreenColor = "green"
RedColor = "red"
type Wheels string
const (
SportsWheels Wheels = "sports"
SteelWheels = "steel"
type Builder interface {
Color(Color) Builder
Wheels(Wheels) Builder
TopSpeed(Speed) Builder
Build() Interface
type Interface interface {
Drive() error
Stop() error
assembly := car.NewBuilder().Paint(car.RedColor)
familyCar := assembly.Wheels(car.SportsWheels).TopSpeed(50 * car.MPH).Build()
sportsCar := assembly.Wheels(car.SteelWheels).TopSpeed(150 * car.MPH).Build()