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# Pingtunnel
<br />Pingtunnel is a tool that advertises udp traffic as icmp traffic for forwarding, similar to kcptun. Used to break through the network blockade, or to bypass the WIFI network login verification. Can be combined with kcptun very convenient.

# Sample
如把本机的:4455的UDP流量转发到www.yourserver.com:4455:For example, the UDP traffic of the machine: 4545 is forwarded to www.yourserver.com:4455:
* 在www.yourserver.com的服务器上用root权限运行。Run with root privileges on the server at www.yourserver.com
sudo ./pingtunnel -type server
* 在你本地电脑上用管理员权限运行。Run with administrator privileges on your local computer
pingtunnel.exe -type client -l :4455 -s www.yourserver.com -t www.yourserver.com:4455
* 如果看到客户端不停的ping、pong日志输出,说明工作正常。If you see the client ping, pong log output, it means normal work
ping www.xx.com 2018-12-23 13:05:50.5724495 +0800 CST m=+3.023909301 8 0 1997 2
pong from xx.xx.xx.xx 210.8078ms
# 注意
* 关闭服务器的系统ping,例如
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
* 客户端添加catch参数,用来主动抓取服务器回包,100就是每秒主动抓100个包
pingtunnel.exe -type client -l :4455 -s www.yourserver.com -t www.yourserver.com:4455 -catch 100
* 这个是在某开放wifi上,利用shadowsocks、kcptun、pingtunnel绕过验证直接上网,可以看到wifi是受限的,但是仍然可以通过远程访问网络,ip地址显示是远程服务器的地址,因为他没有禁ping

# Usage
By forging ping, the udp traffic is forwarded to the destination server through the remote server. Used to break certain operators to block UDP traffic.
pingtunnel -type server
pingtunnel -type client -l LOCAL_IP:4455 -s SERVER_IP -t SERVER_IP:4455
-type 服务器或者客户端
client or server
-l 本地的地址,发到这个端口的流量将转发到服务器
Local address, traffic sent to this port will be forwarded to the server
-s 服务器的地址,流量将通过隧道转发到这个服务器
The address of the server, the traffic will be forwarded to this server through the tunnel
-t 远端服务器转发的目的地址,流量将转发到这个地址
Destination address forwarded by the remote server, traffic will be forwarded to this address
-timeout 本地记录连接超时的时间,单位是秒
The time when the local record connection timed out, in seconds
-sproto 客户端发送ping协议的协议,默认是13
The protocol that the client sends the ping. The default is 13.
-rproto 客户端接收ping协议的协议,默认是14
The protocol that the client receives the ping. The default is 14.
-catch 主动抓模式,每秒从服务器主动抓多少个reply包,默认0
Active capture mode, how many reply packets are actively captured from the server per second, default 0