所有的图片都经过 pngquant --nofs 压缩,除了: * dns_flow.png 根本不是 png(是bmp),所以先要转换再压缩 * 桃源三结义图属于类摄影类图像,用 mozjpeg
Plain and Simple Language
This chapter is a basic lesson of [Starting from Scratch]. New students, please watch and learn carefully.
::: tip Made with ❤️ by @ricuhkaen :::
【Chapter 1】 Preface: Rambling - Airport or Self-built? That is the question.
Chapter 2: Preparation of Raw Materials - Tools must be sharpened before they can be used proficiently.
Chapter 3: Remote Login - A bridge connecting the north and south, turning a natural obstacle into a thoroughfare.
【Chapter 4】Security Protection - If you don't pay attention to security, you will shed tears for your loved ones.
[【Chapter 5】Website Construction] - Show Your Beauty (Link to webpage.md file)
Chapter 6: Certificate Management - Only those who obtain certificates are considered legitimate.
Chapter 7: Xray Server - Finally, waited for you.
Chapter 8: Xray Client - A New Beginning.
[Chapter 9] Appendix - All the exam points are here.