Building JSDoc Comments
Ian Gilman edited this page 2023-12-13 09:54:52 -08:00

We use JSDoc comments in the code to build our documentation. As you're writing comments, you may want to test to see if they build properly. Below are instructions for how to do that. They assume you are already set up for OpenSeadragon development:

  1. Clone the https://github.com/openseadragon/site-build repository into a folder next to this repository. Run npm install in it.
  2. Make sure the site-build folder is clean and up to date.
  3. In the openseadragon folder, run grunt publish. This will build and copy the current code into the site-build folder.
  4. In the site-build folder, run grunt doc. This will build the documentation. Check to see if there are any errors or warnings.
  5. In the site-build folder, run grunt dev. This will build the site and start the local server at http://localhost:9000.
  6. Open up the local site in your browser and look through the documentation to see if it matches your expectations.
  7. When done, clear out the changes this process has made in site-build, since you were just testing.