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// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump_type.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class TimeTicks;
class BASE_EXPORT MessagePump {
using MessagePumpFactory = std::unique_ptr<MessagePump>();
// Uses the given base::MessagePumpFactory to override the default MessagePump
// implementation for 'MessagePumpType::UI'. May only be called once.
static void OverrideMessagePumpForUIFactory(MessagePumpFactory* factory);
// Returns true if the MessagePumpForUI has been overidden.
static bool IsMessagePumpForUIFactoryOveridden();
static void InitializeFeatures();
// Manage the state of |kAlignWakeUps| and the leeway of the process.
static void OverrideAlignWakeUpsState(bool enabled, TimeDelta leeway);
static void ResetAlignWakeUpsState();
static bool GetAlignWakeUpsEnabled();
static TimeDelta GetLeewayIgnoringThreadOverride();
static TimeDelta GetLeewayForCurrentThread();
// Creates the default MessagePump based on |type|. Caller owns return value.
static std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> Create(MessagePumpType type);
// Please see the comments above the Run method for an illustration of how
// these delegate methods are used.
class BASE_EXPORT Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
struct NextWorkInfo {
// Helper to extract a TimeDelta for pumps that need a
// timeout-till-next-task.
TimeDelta remaining_delay() const {
DCHECK(!delayed_run_time.is_null() && !delayed_run_time.is_max());
DCHECK_GE(TimeTicks::Now(), recent_now);
return delayed_run_time - recent_now;
// Helper to verify if the next task is ready right away.
bool is_immediate() const { return delayed_run_time.is_null(); }
// The next PendingTask's |delayed_run_time|. is_null() if there's extra
// work to run immediately. is_max() if there are no more immediate nor
// delayed tasks.
TimeTicks delayed_run_time;
// |leeway| determines the preferred time range for scheduling
// work. A larger leeway provides more freedom to schedule work at
// an optimal time for power consumption. This field is ignored
// for immediate work.
TimeDelta leeway;
// A recent view of TimeTicks::Now(). Only valid if |delayed_run_time|
// isn't null nor max. MessagePump impls should use remaining_delay()
// instead of resampling Now() if they wish to sleep for a TimeDelta.
TimeTicks recent_now;
// If true, native messages should be processed before executing more work
// from the Delegate. This is an optional hint; not all message pumps
// implement this.
bool yield_to_native = false;
// Executes an immediate task or a ripe delayed task. Returns information
// about when DoWork() should be called again. If the returned NextWorkInfo
// is_immediate(), DoWork() must be invoked again shortly. Else, DoWork()
// must be invoked at |NextWorkInfo::delayed_run_time| or when
// ScheduleWork() is invoked, whichever comes first. Redundant/spurious
// invocations of DoWork() outside of those requirements are tolerated.
// DoIdleWork() will not be called so long as this returns a NextWorkInfo
// which is_immediate().
virtual NextWorkInfo DoWork() = 0;
// Called from within Run just before the message pump goes to sleep.
virtual void DoIdleWork() = 0;
class ScopedDoWorkItem {
ScopedDoWorkItem() : outer_(nullptr), work_item_depth_(0) {}
~ScopedDoWorkItem() {
if (outer_) {
ScopedDoWorkItem(ScopedDoWorkItem&& rhs)
: outer_(std::exchange(rhs.outer_, nullptr)),
work_item_depth_(rhs.work_item_depth_) {}
ScopedDoWorkItem& operator=(ScopedDoWorkItem&& rhs) {
// We should only ever go from an empty ScopedDoWorkItem to an
// initialized one, or from an initialized one to an empty one.
CHECK_NE(IsNull(), rhs.IsNull());
// Since we're overwriting this ScopedDoWorkItem, we need to record its
// destruction.
if (outer_) {
work_item_depth_ = rhs.work_item_depth_;
outer_ = std::exchange(rhs.outer_, nullptr);
return *this;
bool IsNull() { return !outer_; }
friend Delegate;
explicit ScopedDoWorkItem(Delegate* outer) : outer_(outer) {
work_item_depth_ = outer_->RunDepth();
// `outer_` is not a raw_ptr<...> for performance reasons (based on
// analysis of sampling profiler data and tab_search:top100:2020).
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION Delegate* outer_;
// Records the run level at which this DoWorkItem was created to allow
// detection of exits of nested loops.
int work_item_depth_;
// Called before a unit of work is executed. This allows reports
// about individual units of work to be produced. The unit of work ends when
// the returned ScopedDoWorkItem goes out of scope.
// TODO(crbug.com/40580088): Place calls for all platforms. Without this,
// some state like the top-level "ThreadController active" trace event will
// not be correct when work is performed.
[[nodiscard]] ScopedDoWorkItem BeginWorkItem() {
return ScopedDoWorkItem(this);
// Called before the message pump starts waiting for work. This indicates
// that the message pump is idle (out of application work and ideally out of
// native work -- if it can tell).
virtual void BeforeWait() = 0;
// May be called when starting to process native work and it is guaranteed
// that DoWork() will be called again before sleeping. Allows the delegate
// to skip unnecessary ScheduleWork() calls.
virtual void BeginNativeWorkBeforeDoWork() = 0;
// Returns the nesting level at which the Delegate is currently running.
virtual int RunDepth() = 0;
// Called upon entering/exiting a ScopedDoWorkItem.
virtual void OnBeginWorkItem() = 0;
virtual void OnEndWorkItem(int work_item_depth) = 0;
virtual ~MessagePump();
// The Run method is called to enter the message pump's run loop.
// Within the method, the message pump is responsible for processing native
// messages as well as for giving cycles to the delegate periodically. The
// message pump should take care to mix delegate callbacks with native message
// processing so neither type of event starves the other of cycles. Each call
// to a delegate function is considered the beginning of a new "unit of work".
// The anatomy of a typical run loop:
// for (;;) {
// bool did_native_work = false;
// {
// auto scoped_do_work_item = state_->delegate->BeginWorkItem();
// did_native_work = DoNativeWork();
// }
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// Delegate::NextWorkInfo next_work_info = delegate->DoWork();
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// if (did_native_work || next_work_info.is_immediate())
// continue;
// delegate_->DoIdleWork();
// if (should_quit_)
// break;
// if (did_idle_work)
// continue;
// WaitForWork();
// }
// Here, DoNativeWork is some private method of the message pump that is
// responsible for dispatching the next UI message or notifying the next IO
// completion (for example). WaitForWork is a private method that simply
// blocks until there is more work of any type to do.
// Notice that the run loop cycles between calling DoNativeWork and DoWork
// methods. This helps ensure that none of these work queues starve the
// others. This is important for message pumps that are used to drive
// animations, for example.
// Notice also that after each callout to foreign code, the run loop checks to
// see if it should quit. The Quit method is responsible for setting this
// flag. No further work is done once the quit flag is set.
// NOTE 1: Run may be called reentrantly from any of the callouts to foreign
// code (internal work, DoWork, DoIdleWork). As a result, DoWork and
// DoIdleWork must be reentrant.
// NOTE 2: Run implementations must arrange for DoWork to be invoked as
// expected if a callout to foreign code enters a message pump outside their
// control. For example, the MessageBox API on Windows pumps UI messages. If
// the MessageBox API is called (indirectly) from within Run, it is expected
// that DoWork will be invoked from within that call in response to
// ScheduleWork or as requested by the last NextWorkInfo returned by DoWork.
// The MessagePump::Delegate may then elect to do nested work or not depending
// on its policy in that context. Regardless of that decision (and return
// value of the nested DoWork() call), DoWork() will be invoked again when the
// nested loop unwinds.
virtual void Run(Delegate* delegate) = 0;
// Quit immediately from the most recently entered run loop. This method may
// only be used on the thread that called Run.
virtual void Quit() = 0;
// Schedule a DoWork callback to happen reasonably soon. Does nothing if a
// DoWork callback is already scheduled. Once this call is made, DoWork is
// guaranteed to be called repeatedly at least until it returns a
// non-immediate NextWorkInfo. This call can be expensive and callers should
// attempt not to invoke it again before a non-immediate NextWorkInfo was
// returned from DoWork(). Thread-safe (and callers should avoid holding a
// Lock at all cost while making this call as some platforms' priority
// boosting features have been observed to cause the caller to get descheduled
// : https://crbug.com/890978).
virtual void ScheduleWork() = 0;
// Schedule a DoWork callback to happen at the specified time, cancelling any
// pending callback scheduled by this method. This method may only be used on
// the thread that called Run.
// It isn't necessary to call this during normal execution, as the pump wakes
// up as requested by the return value of DoWork().
// TODO(crbug.com/40594269): Determine if this must be called to ensure that
// delayed tasks run when a message pump outside the control of Run is
// entered.
virtual void ScheduleDelayedWork(
const Delegate::NextWorkInfo& next_work_info) = 0;
// Returns an adjusted |run_time| based on alignment policies of the pump.
virtual TimeTicks AdjustDelayedRunTime(TimeTicks earliest_time,
TimeTicks run_time,
TimeTicks latest_time);
// Requests the pump to handle either the likely imminent creation (`true`) or
// destruction (`false`) of a native nested loop in which application tasks
// are desired to be run. The pump should override and return `true` if it
// supports this call and has scheduled work in response. The default
// implementation returns `false` and does nothing.
virtual bool HandleNestedNativeLoopWithApplicationTasks(
bool application_tasks_desired);
} // namespace base