Class: Doctrine_Compiler

Source Location: /Doctrine/Compiler.php

Class Doctrine_Compiler

Class Overview

Doctrine_Compiler This class can be used for compiling the entire Doctrine framework into a single file

Located in /Doctrine/Compiler.php [line 33]

Information Tags:
Version:  $Revision: 1768 $
Since:  1.0
License:  LGPL


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Method Summary
static void   compile()   method for making a single file of most used doctrine runtime components including the compiled file instead of multiple files (in worst cases dozens of files) can improve performance by an order of magnitude

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static method compile  [line 43]

  static void compile( [ $target = null]  )

method for making a single file of most used doctrine runtime components including the compiled file instead of multiple files (in worst cases dozens of files) can improve performance by an order of magnitude


API Tags:
Access:  public

Information Tags:
Throws:  Doctrine_Compiler_Exception if something went wrong during the compile operation

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