Coverage for ' . $_GET["file"] . ''; echo 'Back to coverage report'; $reporter->showFile($_GET["file"]); }else{ ?>

Coverage report for Doctrine

Default mode shows results sorted by percentage. This can be changed with GET variables:

showSummary(); echo "
PercentageTotalCoveredMaybeNot Covered
"; } ?> path = $result["path"]; $this->coverage = $result["coverage"]; $this->sortBy ="percentage"; // default sort } public function showFile($fileName) { $key = $this->path . $fileName; $html = '
'; if( !isset( $this->coverage[$key])) { echo 'No coverage for this file
'; } $coveredLines = $this->coverage[$key]; $fileArray = file(Doctrine::getPath() . "/".$fileName); $html .= '
' . "\n"; foreach( $fileArray as $num => $line){ $linenum = $num+1; $html .= '
' . $linenum . '
' . "\n"; $class ="normal"; if( isset($coveredLines[$linenum]) && $coveredLines[$linenum] == 1){ $class = "covered"; }else if( isset($coveredLines[$linenum]) && $coveredLines[$linenum] == -1){ $class ="red"; }else if( isset($coveredLines[$linenum]) && $coveredLines[$linenum] == -2){ $class ="orange"; } $html .= '
' . htmlspecialchars($line) . '
' . "\n"; } $html .='
'; echo $html; } public function showSummary() { if(isset($_GET["order"])){ $this->sortBy = $_GET["order"]; } $totallines = 0; $totalcovered = 0; $totalmaybe = 0; $totalnotcovered = 0; $coveredArray = array(); foreach ($this->coverage as $file => $lines) { $pos = strpos($file, $this->path); if($pos === false && $pos !== 0){ continue; } $class = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', substr($file, strlen($this->path), -4)); $class = str_replace($this->path, Doctrine::getPath(), $class); if (strpos($class, '_Interface')) { continue; } if(!class_exists($class)){ continue; } $total = count($lines) -1; //we have to remove one since it always reports the last line as a hit $covered = 0; $maybe = 0; $notcovered = 0; foreach($lines as $result){ switch($result){ case "1": $covered++; break; case "-1": $notcovered++; break; case "-2": $maybe++; break; } } $covered--; //again we have to remove that last line. $totallines += $total; $totalcovered += $covered; $totalnotcovered += $notcovered; $totalmaybe += $maybe; if ($total === 0) { $total = 1; } $percentage = round((($covered + $maybe) / $total) * 100, 2); $coveredArray[$class] = array("covered" => $covered, "maybe" => $maybe, "notcovered"=>$notcovered, "total" => $total, "percentage" => $percentage); } //lets sort it uasort($coveredArray, array($this,"sortArray")); if(isset($_GET["desc"]) && $_GET["desc"] == "true"){ $coveredArray = array_reverse($coveredArray, true); } echo "" . TOTAL . "" . round((($totalcovered + $totalmaybe) / $totallines) * 100, 2) . " % $totallines$totalcovered$totalmaybe$totaldead"; foreach($coveredArray as $class => $info){ $fileName = str_replace("_", "/", $class) . ".php"; echo "" . $class . "" . $info["percentage"] . " % " . $info["total"] . "" . $info["covered"] . "" . $info["maybe"] . "" . $info["notcovered"]. "coverage"; } } public function sortArray($a, $b) { if ($a[$this->sortBy] == $b[$this->sortBy]) { return 0; } return ($a[$this->sortBy] < $b[$this->sortBy]) ? -1 : 1; } }