
Namespace Doctrine\ORM

Class Summary
AbstractQueryBase contract for ORM queries.
ConfigurationConfiguration container for all configuration options of Doctrine.
EntityManagerThe EntityManager is the central access point to ORM functionality.
EntityNotFoundExceptionException thrown when a Proxy fails to retrieve an Entity result.
EntityRepositoryAn EntityRepository serves as a repository for entities with generic as well as business specific methods for retrieving entities.
EventsContainer for all ORM events.
NativeQueryRepresents a native SQL query.
NoResultExceptionException thrown when an ORM query unexpectedly does not return any results.
NonUniqueResultExceptionException thrown when an ORM query unexpectedly returns more than one result.
PersistentCollectionA PersistentCollection represents a collection of elements that have persistent state.
QueryA Query object represents a DQL query.
QueryBuilderThis class is responsible for building DQL query strings via an object oriented PHP interface.
UnitOfWorkThe UnitOfWork is responsible for tracking changes to objects during an "object-level" transaction and for writing out changes to the database in the correct order.
Exception Summary
ORMExceptionBase exception class for all ORM exceptions.
