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2021-06-02 17:00:32 +03:00

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Here is a complete example of the Client usage with error handling. It fetches the filtered orders data and prints it out.

Note: it's not recommended using this example to process all API client errors in your application. It will clutter your code too much. There are other options for exception processing. You can match more generic exceptions in the hierarchy or use events to process exceptions.


use Psr\Http\Client\ClientExceptionInterface as PsrClientExceptionInterface;
use Psr\Http\Client\NetworkExceptionInterface;
use Psr\Http\Client\RequestExceptionInterface;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\AccessDeniedException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\AccountDoesNotExistException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\ApiErrorException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\InvalidCredentialsException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\MissingCredentialsException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\MissingParameterException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Api\ValidationException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Client\HandlerException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Exception\Client\HttpClientException;
use RetailCrm\Api\Factory\SimpleClientFactory;
use RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\ApiExceptionInterface;
use RetailCrm\Api\Interfaces\ClientExceptionInterface;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Entity\CustomersCorporate\CustomerCorporate;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Filter\Orders\OrderFilter;
use RetailCrm\Api\Model\Request\Orders\OrdersRequest;
use Throwable;

$client = SimpleClientFactory::createClient('https://test.retailcrm.pro', 'apiKey');

$request              = new OrdersRequest();
$request->filter      = new OrderFilter();
$request->filter->ids = [7141];

try {
    $response = $client->orders->list($request);
} catch (HandlerException $exception) {
    echo 'Error while trying to prepare request: ' . $exception->getMessage();
} catch (HttpClientException $exception) {
    $prefix = 'Unknown error';

    if ($exception->getPrevious() instanceof NetworkExceptionInterface) {
        $prefix = 'Network error';
    if ($exception->getPrevious() instanceof RequestExceptionInterface) {
        $prefix = 'Invalid request';
    if ($exception->getPrevious() instanceof PsrClientExceptionInterface) {
        $prefix = 'HTTP client exception';
    echo $prefix . ': ' . $exception->getMessage();

} catch (
    InvalidCredentialsException |
    AccessDeniedException |
    AccountDoesNotExistException |
    MissingCredentialsException |
    MissingParameterException $exception
    ) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();
} catch (ValidationException $exception) {
    echo 'Errors in fields:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($exception->getErrorResponse()->errors as $field => $error) {
        printf(" - %s: %s\n", $field, $error);
} catch (ApiExceptionInterface | ClientExceptionInterface $exception) {
    echo $exception; // Every ApiException and ClientException implements __toString() method
} catch (Throwable $throwable) {
    echo 'Unknown runtime exception: ' . $throwable->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
    echo $throwable->getTraceAsString();

foreach ($response->orders as $order) {
    printf("Order ID: %d\n", $order->id);
    printf("First name: %s\n", $order->firstName);
    printf("Last name: %s\n", $order->lastName);
    printf("Patronymic: %s\n", $order->patronymic);
    printf("Phone #1: %s\n", $order->phone);
    printf("Phone #2: %s\n", $order->additionalPhone);
    printf("E-Mail: %s\n", $order->email);

    if ($order->customer instanceof CustomerCorporate) {
        echo "Customer type: corporate\n";
    } else {
        echo "Customer type: individual\n";

    foreach ($order->items as $item) {
        echo PHP_EOL;

        printf("Product name: %s\n", $item->productName);
        printf("Quantity: %d\n", $item->quantity);
        printf("Initial price: %f\n", $item->initialPrice);

    echo PHP_EOL;

    printf("Discount: %f\n", $order->discountManualAmount);
    printf("Total: %f\n", $order->totalSumm);

    echo PHP_EOL;