William Durand d25dd30453
Refactor doc
2015-10-27 10:35:58 +01:00

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Swagger Support

It is possible to make your application produce Swagger-compliant JSON output based on @ApiDoc annotations, which can be used for consumption by swagger-ui.

Annotation options

A couple of properties has been added to @ApiDoc:

To define a resource description:


     * @ApiDoc(
     *     resource=true,
     *     resourceDescription="Operations on users.",
     *     description="Retrieve list of users."
     *  )
	public function listUsersAction()
          /* Stuff */

The resourceDescription is distinct from description as it applies to the whole resource group and not just the particular API endpoint.

Defining a form-type as a GET form

If you use forms to capture GET requests, you will have to specify the paramType to query in the annotation:


 * @ApiDoc(
 *    input = {"class" = "Foo\ContentBundle\Form\SearchType", "paramType" = "query"},
 *   ...
 * )

 public function searchAction(Request $request)

Multiple response models

Swagger provides you the ability to specify alternate output models for different status codes. Example, 200 would return your default resource object in JSON form, but 400 may return a custom validation error list object. This can be specified through the responseMap property:


     * @ApiDoc(
     *     description="Retrieve list of users.",
     *     statusCodes={
     *         400 = "Validation failed."
     *     },
     *     responseMap={
     *     	200 = "FooBundle\Entity\User",
     *         400 = {
     *             "class"="CommonBundle\Model\ValidationErrors",
     *             "parsers"={"Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\JmsMetadataParser"}
     *         }
     *     }
     *  )
	public function updateUserAction()
          /* Stuff */

This will tell Swagger that CommonBundle\Model\ValidationErrors is returned when this endpoint returns a 400 Validation failed. HTTP response.

Note: You can omit the 200 entry in the responseMap property and specify the default output property instead. That will result on the same thing.

Integration with wordnik/swagger-ui

You could import the routes for use with swagger-ui:


    resource: "@NelmioApiDocBundle/Resources/config/swagger_routing.yml"
    prefix: /api-docs

Et voila!, simply specify http://yourdomain.com/api-docs in your swagger-ui instance and you are good to go.

Note: If your swagger-ui instance does not live under the same domain, you will probably encounter some problems related to same-origin policy violations. NelmioCorsBundle can solve this problem for you. Read through how to allow cross-site requests for the /api-docs/* pages.

Dumping the Swagger-compliant JSON API definitions

To display all JSON definitions:

php app/console api:swagger:dump

To dump just the resource list:

php app/console api:swagger:dump --list-only

To dump just the API definition the users resource:

php app/console api:swagger:dump --resource=users

Specify the --pretty flag to display a prettified JSON output.

Dump to files

You can specify the destination if you wish to dump the JSON definition to a file:

php app/console api:swagger:dump --list-only swagger-docs/api-docs.json
php app/console api:swagger:dump --resource=users swagger-docs/users.json

Or, you can dump everything into a directory in one command:

php app/console api:swagger:dump swagger-docs

Model naming

By default, the model naming strategy used is the dot_notation strategy. The model IDs are simply the Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN) of the class associated to it, with the \ replaced with .:

Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => Vendor.UserBundle.Entity.User

You can also change the model_naming_strategy in the configuration to last_segment_only, if you want model IDs to be just the class name minus the namespaces (Vendor\UserBundle\Entity\User => User). This will not afford you the guarantee that model IDs are unique, but that would really just depend on the classes you have in use.

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