2014-08-25 12:00:30 +02:00

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##Swagger support##
It is now possible to make your application produce Swagger-compliant JSON output based on `@ApiDoc` annotations, which can be used for consumption by [swagger-ui](
A couple of properties has been added to `@ApiDoc`:
To define a __resource description__:
* @ApiDoc(
* resource=true,
* resourceDescription="Operations on users.",
* description="Retrieve list of users."
* )
public function listUsersAction()
/* Stuff */
The `resourceDescription` is distinct from `description` as it applies to the whole resource group and not just the particular API endpoint.
Swagger provides you the ability to specify alternate output models for different status codes. Example, `200` would return your default resource object in JSON form, but `400` may return a custom validation error list object. This can be specified through the `responseMap` property:
* @ApiDoc(
* description="Retrieve list of users.",
* statusCodes={
* 400 = "Validation failed."
* },
* responseMap={
* 200 = "FooBundle\Entity\User",
* 400 = {
* "class"="CommonBundle\Model\ValidationErrors",
* "parsers"={"Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Parser\JmsMetadataParser"}
* }
* }
* )
public function updateUserAction()
/* Stuff */
This will tell Swagger that `CommonBundle\Model\ValidationErrors` is returned when this endpoint returns a `400 Validation failed.` HTTP response.
__Note:__ You can omit the `200` entry in the `responseMap` property and specify the default `output` property instead. That will result on the same thing.
###wordnik/swagger-ui consumption...
You could import the routes for Swagger integration:
resource: "@NelmioApiDocBundle/Resources/config/swagger_routing.yml"
prefix: /api-docs
Et voila!, simply specify in your Swagger client and you are good to go.
###Dump Swagger-compliant JSON to file-system...
The routes registered with the method above will read your `@ApiDoc` annotation during every request. Naturally, this will be slow because the bundle will parse your annotations every single time. For improved performance, you might be better off dumping the JSON output to the file-system and let your web-server serve them directly. If you want that, execute this command:
php app/console api:swagger:dump app/Resources/swagger-docs
The above command will dump JSON files under the `app/Resources/swagger-docs` directory (relative to your project root), and you can now process or server the files however you want. The destination defaults to the project root if not specified.
####Selective dumps
Dump the `api-docs.json` resource list file only:
php app/console api:swagger:dump --list-only api-docs.json
Dump a specific resource API declaration only:
php app/console api:swagger:dump --resource=users users.json
The above command will dump the `/users` API declaration in an `users.json` file.
### Defining a form-type as a GET form
If you use forms to capture GET requests, you will have to specify the `paramType` to `query` in the annotation:
* @ApiDoc(
* input = {"class" = "Foo\ContentBundle\Form\SearchType", "paramType" = "query"},
* ...
* )
public function searchAction(Request $request)
##Configuration reference
api_base_path: /api
swagger_version: 1.2
api_version: 0.1
title: Symfony2
description: My awesome Symfony2 app!
TermsOfServiceUrl: ~
contact: ~
license: ~
licenseUrl: ~