The use of a shared_ptr is an implementation detail of the VMManager itself when mapping memory. Because of that, we shouldn't require all users of the CodeSet to have to allocate the shared_ptr ahead of time. It's intended that CodeSet simply pass in the required direct data, and that the memory manager takes care of it from that point on. This means we just do the shared pointer allocation in a single place, when loading modules, as opposed to in each loader.
209 lines
7.8 KiB
209 lines
7.8 KiB
// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cinttypes>
#include <vector>
#include <lz4.h>
#include "common/common_funcs.h"
#include "common/file_util.h"
#include "common/hex_util.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/swap.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/file_sys/patch_manager.h"
#include "core/gdbstub/gdbstub.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/code_set.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/process.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/vm_manager.h"
#include "core/loader/nso.h"
#include "core/memory.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
namespace Loader {
struct NsoSegmentHeader {
u32_le offset;
u32_le location;
u32_le size;
union {
u32_le alignment;
u32_le bss_size;
static_assert(sizeof(NsoSegmentHeader) == 0x10, "NsoSegmentHeader has incorrect size.");
struct NsoHeader {
u32_le magic;
u32_le version;
u8 flags;
std::array<NsoSegmentHeader, 3> segments; // Text, RoData, Data (in that order)
std::array<u8, 0x20> build_id;
std::array<u32_le, 3> segments_compressed_size;
bool IsSegmentCompressed(size_t segment_num) const {
ASSERT_MSG(segment_num < 3, "Invalid segment {}", segment_num);
return ((flags >> segment_num) & 1);
static_assert(sizeof(NsoHeader) == 0x6c, "NsoHeader has incorrect size.");
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<NsoHeader>, "NsoHeader isn't trivially copyable.");
struct ModHeader {
u32_le magic;
u32_le dynamic_offset;
u32_le bss_start_offset;
u32_le bss_end_offset;
u32_le eh_frame_hdr_start_offset;
u32_le eh_frame_hdr_end_offset;
u32_le module_offset; // Offset to runtime-generated module object. typically equal to .bss base
static_assert(sizeof(ModHeader) == 0x1c, "ModHeader has incorrect size.");
AppLoader_NSO::AppLoader_NSO(FileSys::VirtualFile file) : AppLoader(std::move(file)) {}
FileType AppLoader_NSO::IdentifyType(const FileSys::VirtualFile& file) {
u32 magic = 0;
if (file->ReadObject(&magic) != sizeof(magic)) {
return FileType::Error;
if (Common::MakeMagic('N', 'S', 'O', '0') != magic) {
return FileType::Error;
return FileType::NSO;
static std::vector<u8> DecompressSegment(const std::vector<u8>& compressed_data,
const NsoSegmentHeader& header) {
std::vector<u8> uncompressed_data(header.size);
const int bytes_uncompressed =
LZ4_decompress_safe(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(compressed_data.data()),
static_cast<int>(compressed_data.size()), header.size);
ASSERT_MSG(bytes_uncompressed == static_cast<int>(header.size) &&
bytes_uncompressed == static_cast<int>(uncompressed_data.size()),
"{} != {} != {}", bytes_uncompressed, header.size, uncompressed_data.size());
return uncompressed_data;
static constexpr u32 PageAlignSize(u32 size) {
return (size + Memory::PAGE_MASK) & ~Memory::PAGE_MASK;
std::optional<VAddr> AppLoader_NSO::LoadModule(Kernel::Process& process,
const FileSys::VfsFile& file, VAddr load_base,
bool should_pass_arguments,
std::optional<FileSys::PatchManager> pm) {
if (file.GetSize() < sizeof(NsoHeader))
return {};
NsoHeader nso_header{};
if (sizeof(NsoHeader) != file.ReadObject(&nso_header))
return {};
if (nso_header.magic != Common::MakeMagic('N', 'S', 'O', '0'))
return {};
// Build program image
Kernel::CodeSet codeset;
std::vector<u8> program_image;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nso_header.segments.size(); ++i) {
std::vector<u8> data =
file.ReadBytes(nso_header.segments_compressed_size[i], nso_header.segments[i].offset);
if (nso_header.IsSegmentCompressed(i)) {
data = DecompressSegment(data, nso_header.segments[i]);
program_image.insert(program_image.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
codeset.segments[i].addr = nso_header.segments[i].location;
codeset.segments[i].offset = nso_header.segments[i].location;
codeset.segments[i].size = PageAlignSize(static_cast<u32>(data.size()));
if (should_pass_arguments && !Settings::values.program_args.empty()) {
const auto arg_data = Settings::values.program_args;
codeset.DataSegment().size += NSO_ARGUMENT_DATA_ALLOCATION_SIZE;
NSOArgumentHeader args_header{
NSO_ARGUMENT_DATA_ALLOCATION_SIZE, static_cast<u32_le>(arg_data.size()), {}};
const auto end_offset = program_image.size();
program_image.resize(static_cast<u32>(program_image.size()) +
std::memcpy(program_image.data() + end_offset, &args_header, sizeof(NSOArgumentHeader));
std::memcpy(program_image.data() + end_offset + sizeof(NSOArgumentHeader), arg_data.data(),
// MOD header pointer is at .text offset + 4
u32 module_offset;
std::memcpy(&module_offset, program_image.data() + 4, sizeof(u32));
// Read MOD header
ModHeader mod_header{};
// Default .bss to size in segment header if MOD0 section doesn't exist
u32 bss_size{PageAlignSize(nso_header.segments[2].bss_size)};
std::memcpy(&mod_header, program_image.data() + module_offset, sizeof(ModHeader));
const bool has_mod_header{mod_header.magic == Common::MakeMagic('M', 'O', 'D', '0')};
if (has_mod_header) {
// Resize program image to include .bss section and page align each section
bss_size = PageAlignSize(mod_header.bss_end_offset - mod_header.bss_start_offset);
codeset.DataSegment().size += bss_size;
const u32 image_size{PageAlignSize(static_cast<u32>(program_image.size()) + bss_size)};
// Apply patches if necessary
if (pm && (pm->HasNSOPatch(nso_header.build_id) || Settings::values.dump_nso)) {
std::vector<u8> pi_header(program_image.size() + 0x100);
std::memcpy(pi_header.data(), &nso_header, sizeof(NsoHeader));
std::memcpy(pi_header.data() + 0x100, program_image.data(), program_image.size());
pi_header = pm->PatchNSO(pi_header);
std::memcpy(program_image.data(), pi_header.data() + 0x100, program_image.size());
// Apply cheats if they exist and the program has a valid title ID
if (pm) {
const auto cheats = pm->CreateCheatList(nso_header.build_id);
if (!cheats.empty()) {
cheats, Common::HexArrayToString(nso_header.build_id), load_base,
load_base + program_image.size());
// Load codeset for current process
codeset.memory = std::move(program_image);
process.LoadModule(std::move(codeset), load_base);
// Register module with GDBStub
GDBStub::RegisterModule(file.GetName(), load_base, load_base);
return load_base + image_size;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NSO::Load(Kernel::Process& process) {
if (is_loaded) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorAlreadyLoaded;
// Load module
const VAddr base_address = process.VMManager().GetCodeRegionBaseAddress();
if (!LoadModule(process, *file, base_address, true)) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorLoadingNSO;
LOG_DEBUG(Loader, "loaded module {} @ 0x{:X}", file->GetName(), base_address);
process.Run(base_address, Kernel::THREADPRIO_DEFAULT, Memory::DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
is_loaded = true;
return ResultStatus::Success;
} // namespace Loader