Replaces every way of handling config for each frontend with SimpleIni. frontend_common's Config class is at the center where it saves and loads all of the cross-platform settings and provides a set of pure virtual functions for platform specific settings. As a result of making config handling platform specific, several parts had to be moved to each platform's own config class or to other parts. Default keys were put in platform specific config classes and translatable strings for Qt were moved to shared_translation. Default hotkeys, default_theme, window geometry, and qt metatypes were moved to uisettings. Additionally, to reduce dependence on Qt, QStrings were converted to std::strings where applicable.
316 lines
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316 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <version>
#include "common/settings_enums.h"
#if __cpp_lib_chrono >= 201907L
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <compare>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem>
#include <functional>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/fs/fs_util.h"
#include "common/fs/path_util.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/settings.h"
#include "common/time_zone.h"
namespace Settings {
// Clang 14 and earlier have errors when explicitly instantiating these classes
#define SETTING(TYPE, RANGED) template class Setting<TYPE, RANGED>
#define SWITCHABLE(TYPE, RANGED) template class SwitchableSetting<TYPE, RANGED>
SETTING(AudioEngine, false);
SETTING(bool, false);
SETTING(int, false);
SETTING(std::string, false);
SETTING(u16, false);
SWITCHABLE(AnisotropyMode, true);
SWITCHABLE(AntiAliasing, false);
SWITCHABLE(AspectRatio, true);
SWITCHABLE(AstcDecodeMode, true);
SWITCHABLE(AstcRecompression, true);
SWITCHABLE(AudioMode, true);
SWITCHABLE(CpuAccuracy, true);
SWITCHABLE(FullscreenMode, true);
SWITCHABLE(GpuAccuracy, true);
SWITCHABLE(Language, true);
SWITCHABLE(MemoryLayout, true);
SWITCHABLE(NvdecEmulation, false);
SWITCHABLE(Region, true);
SWITCHABLE(RendererBackend, true);
SWITCHABLE(ScalingFilter, false);
SWITCHABLE(ShaderBackend, true);
SWITCHABLE(TimeZone, true);
SETTING(VSyncMode, true);
SWITCHABLE(bool, false);
SWITCHABLE(int, false);
SWITCHABLE(int, true);
SWITCHABLE(s64, false);
SWITCHABLE(u16, true);
SWITCHABLE(u32, false);
SWITCHABLE(u8, false);
SWITCHABLE(u8, true);
// Used in UISettings
// TODO see if we can move this to uisettings.cpp
SWITCHABLE(ConfirmStop, true);
#undef SETTING
Values values;
std::string GetTimeZoneString(TimeZone time_zone) {
const auto time_zone_index = static_cast<std::size_t>(time_zone);
ASSERT(time_zone_index < Common::TimeZone::GetTimeZoneStrings().size());
std::string location_name;
if (time_zone_index == 0) { // Auto
#if __cpp_lib_chrono >= 201907L && !defined(MINGW)
// Disabled for MinGW -- tzdb always returns Etc/UTC
try {
const struct std::chrono::tzdb& time_zone_data = std::chrono::get_tzdb();
const std::chrono::time_zone* current_zone = time_zone_data.current_zone();
std::string_view current_zone_name = current_zone->name();
location_name = current_zone_name;
} catch (std::runtime_error& runtime_error) {
// VCRUNTIME will throw a runtime_error if the operating system's selected time zone
// cannot be found
location_name = Common::TimeZone::FindSystemTimeZone();
"Error occurred when trying to determine system time zone:\n{}\nFalling "
"back to hour offset \"{}\"",
runtime_error.what(), location_name);
location_name = Common::TimeZone::FindSystemTimeZone();
} else {
location_name = Common::TimeZone::GetTimeZoneStrings()[time_zone_index];
return location_name;
void LogSettings() {
const auto log_setting = [](std::string_view name, const auto& value) {
LOG_INFO(Config, "{}: {}", name, value);
const auto log_path = [](std::string_view name, const std::filesystem::path& path) {
LOG_INFO(Config, "{}: {}", name, Common::FS::PathToUTF8String(path));
LOG_INFO(Config, "yuzu Configuration:");
for (auto& [category, settings] : values.linkage.by_category) {
for (const auto& setting : settings) {
if (setting->Id() == values.yuzu_token.Id()) {
// Hide the token secret, for security reasons.
const auto name = fmt::format(
"{:c}{:c} {}.{}", setting->ToString() == setting->DefaultToString() ? '-' : 'M',
setting->UsingGlobal() ? '-' : 'C', TranslateCategory(category),
log_setting(name, setting->Canonicalize());
log_path("DataStorage_CacheDir", Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::CacheDir));
log_path("DataStorage_ConfigDir", Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::ConfigDir));
log_path("DataStorage_LoadDir", Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::LoadDir));
log_path("DataStorage_NANDDir", Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::NANDDir));
log_path("DataStorage_SDMCDir", Common::FS::GetYuzuPath(Common::FS::YuzuPath::SDMCDir));
void UpdateGPUAccuracy() {
values.current_gpu_accuracy = values.gpu_accuracy.GetValue();
bool IsGPULevelExtreme() {
return values.current_gpu_accuracy == GpuAccuracy::Extreme;
bool IsGPULevelHigh() {
return values.current_gpu_accuracy == GpuAccuracy::Extreme ||
values.current_gpu_accuracy == GpuAccuracy::High;
bool IsFastmemEnabled() {
if (values.cpu_debug_mode) {
return static_cast<bool>(values.cpuopt_fastmem);
return true;
bool IsDockedMode() {
return values.use_docked_mode.GetValue() == Settings::ConsoleMode::Docked;
float Volume() {
if (values.audio_muted) {
return 0.0f;
return values.volume.GetValue() / static_cast<f32>(values.volume.GetDefault());
const char* TranslateCategory(Category category) {
switch (category) {
case Category::Android:
return "Android";
case Category::Audio:
return "Audio";
case Category::Core:
return "Core";
case Category::Cpu:
case Category::CpuDebug:
case Category::CpuUnsafe:
return "Cpu";
case Category::Renderer:
case Category::RendererAdvanced:
case Category::RendererDebug:
return "Renderer";
case Category::System:
case Category::SystemAudio:
return "System";
case Category::DataStorage:
return "Data Storage";
case Category::Debugging:
case Category::DebuggingGraphics:
return "Debugging";
case Category::Miscellaneous:
return "Miscellaneous";
case Category::Network:
return "Network";
case Category::WebService:
return "WebService";
case Category::AddOns:
return "DisabledAddOns";
case Category::Controls:
return "Controls";
case Category::Ui:
case Category::UiGeneral:
return "UI";
case Category::UiAudio:
return "UiAudio";
case Category::UiLayout:
return "UILayout";
case Category::UiGameList:
return "UIGameList";
case Category::Screenshots:
return "Screenshots";
case Category::Shortcuts:
return "Shortcuts";
case Category::Multiplayer:
return "Multiplayer";
case Category::Services:
return "Services";
case Category::Paths:
return "Paths";
case Category::MaxEnum:
return "Miscellaneous";
void TranslateResolutionInfo(ResolutionSetup setup, ResolutionScalingInfo& info) {
info.downscale = false;
switch (setup) {
case ResolutionSetup::Res1_2X:
info.up_scale = 1;
info.down_shift = 1;
info.downscale = true;
case ResolutionSetup::Res3_4X:
info.up_scale = 3;
info.down_shift = 2;
info.downscale = true;
case ResolutionSetup::Res1X:
info.up_scale = 1;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res3_2X:
info.up_scale = 3;
info.down_shift = 1;
case ResolutionSetup::Res2X:
info.up_scale = 2;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res3X:
info.up_scale = 3;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res4X:
info.up_scale = 4;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res5X:
info.up_scale = 5;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res6X:
info.up_scale = 6;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res7X:
info.up_scale = 7;
info.down_shift = 0;
case ResolutionSetup::Res8X:
info.up_scale = 8;
info.down_shift = 0;
info.up_scale = 1;
info.down_shift = 0;
info.up_factor = static_cast<f32>(info.up_scale) / (1U << info.down_shift);
info.down_factor = static_cast<f32>(1U << info.down_shift) / info.up_scale;
info.active = info.up_scale != 1 || info.down_shift != 0;
void UpdateRescalingInfo() {
const auto setup = values.resolution_setup.GetValue();
auto& info = values.resolution_info;
TranslateResolutionInfo(setup, info);
void RestoreGlobalState(bool is_powered_on) {
// If a game is running, DO NOT restore the global settings state
if (is_powered_on) {
for (const auto& reset : values.linkage.restore_functions) {
static bool configuring_global = true;
bool IsConfiguringGlobal() {
return configuring_global;
void SetConfiguringGlobal(bool is_global) {
configuring_global = is_global;
} // namespace Settings