2022-10-28 01:02:47 +08:00

106 lines
2.9 KiB

use crate::utils::{dirs, tmpl};
use anyhow::Result;
use chrono::Local;
use log::LevelFilter;
use log4rs::append::console::ConsoleAppender;
use log4rs::append::file::FileAppender;
use log4rs::config::{Appender, Config, Logger, Root};
use log4rs::encode::pattern::PatternEncoder;
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use tauri::PackageInfo;
/// initialize this instance's log file
fn init_log() -> Result<()> {
let log_dir = dirs::app_logs_dir();
if !log_dir.exists() {
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&log_dir);
let local_time = Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S").to_string();
let log_file = format!("{}.log", local_time);
let log_file = log_dir.join(log_file);
let time_format = "{d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} - {m}{n}";
let stdout = ConsoleAppender::builder()
let tofile = FileAppender::builder()
let config = Config::builder()
.appender(Appender::builder().build("stdout", Box::new(stdout)))
.appender(Appender::builder().build("file", Box::new(tofile)))
.appenders(["file", "stdout"])
.build("app", LevelFilter::Info),
/// Initialize all the files from resources
pub fn init_config() -> Result<()> {
let _ = init_log();
let app_dir = dirs::app_home_dir();
let profiles_dir = dirs::app_profiles_dir();
if !app_dir.exists() {
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&app_dir);
if !profiles_dir.exists() {
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&profiles_dir);
// target path
let clash_path = app_dir.join("config.yaml");
let verge_path = app_dir.join("verge.yaml");
let profile_path = app_dir.join("profiles.yaml");
if !clash_path.exists() {
if !verge_path.exists() {
if !profile_path.exists() {
/// initialize app
pub fn init_resources(package_info: &PackageInfo) {
// create app dir
let app_dir = dirs::app_home_dir();
let res_dir = dirs::app_resources_dir(package_info);
if !app_dir.exists() {
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&app_dir);
// copy the resource file
let mmdb_path = app_dir.join("Country.mmdb");
let mmdb_tmpl = res_dir.join("Country.mmdb");
if !mmdb_path.exists() && mmdb_tmpl.exists() {
let _ = fs::copy(mmdb_tmpl, mmdb_path);
// copy the wintun.dll
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
let wintun_path = app_dir.join("wintun.dll");
let wintun_tmpl = res_dir.join("wintun.dll");
if !wintun_path.exists() && wintun_tmpl.exists() {
let _ = fs::copy(wintun_tmpl, wintun_path);