2022-03-03 01:52:02 +08:00

508 lines
12 KiB

use crate::utils::{config, dirs, help, tmpl};
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_yaml::{Mapping, Value};
use std::{fs, io::Write};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PrfItem {
pub uid: Option<String>,
/// profile item type
/// enum value: remote | local | script | merge
#[serde(rename = "type")]
pub itype: Option<String>,
/// profile name
pub name: Option<String>,
/// profile description
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub desc: Option<String>,
/// profile file
pub file: Option<String>,
/// source url
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub url: Option<String>,
/// selected infomation
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub selected: Option<Vec<PrfSelected>>,
/// user info
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub extra: Option<PrfExtra>,
/// updated time
pub updated: Option<usize>,
/// the file data
pub file_data: Option<String>,
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PrfSelected {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub now: Option<String>,
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct PrfExtra {
pub upload: usize,
pub download: usize,
pub total: usize,
pub expire: usize,
impl Default for PrfItem {
fn default() -> Self {
PrfItem {
uid: None,
itype: None,
name: None,
desc: None,
file: None,
url: None,
selected: None,
extra: None,
updated: None,
file_data: None,
impl PrfItem {
/// ## Local type
/// create a new item from name/desc
pub fn from_local(name: String, desc: String) -> Result<PrfItem> {
let uid = help::get_uid("l");
let file = format!("{uid}.yaml");
Ok(PrfItem {
uid: Some(uid),
itype: Some("local".into()),
name: Some(name),
desc: Some(desc),
file: Some(file),
url: None,
selected: None,
extra: None,
updated: Some(help::get_now()),
file_data: Some(tmpl::ITEM_CONFIG.into()),
/// ## Remote type
/// create a new item from url
pub async fn from_url(url: &str, with_proxy: bool) -> Result<PrfItem> {
let mut builder = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new();
if !with_proxy {
builder = builder.no_proxy();
let resp = builder.build()?.get(url).send().await?;
let header = resp.headers();
// parse the Subscription Userinfo
let extra = match header.get("Subscription-Userinfo") {
Some(value) => {
let sub_info = value.to_str().unwrap_or("");
Some(PrfExtra {
upload: help::parse_str(sub_info, "upload=").unwrap_or(0),
download: help::parse_str(sub_info, "download=").unwrap_or(0),
total: help::parse_str(sub_info, "total=").unwrap_or(0),
expire: help::parse_str(sub_info, "expire=").unwrap_or(0),
None => None,
let uid = help::get_uid("r");
let file = format!("{uid}.yaml");
let name = uid.clone();
let data = resp.text_with_charset("utf-8").await?;
Ok(PrfItem {
uid: Some(uid),
itype: Some("remote".into()),
name: Some(name),
desc: None,
file: Some(file),
url: Some(url.into()),
selected: None,
updated: Some(help::get_now()),
file_data: Some(data),
/// ## Profiles Config
/// Define the `profiles.yaml` schema
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Profiles {
/// same as PrfConfig.current
current: Option<String>,
/// same as PrfConfig.chain
chain: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// profile list
items: Option<Vec<PrfItem>>,
macro_rules! patch {
($lv: expr, $rv: expr, $key: tt) => {
if ($rv.$key).is_some() {
$lv.$key = $rv.$key;
impl Profiles {
/// read the config from the file
pub fn read_file() -> Self {
let mut profiles = config::read_yaml::<Self>(dirs::profiles_path());
if profiles.items.is_none() {
profiles.items = Some(vec![]);
profiles.items.as_mut().map(|items| {
for mut item in items.iter_mut() {
if item.uid.is_none() {
item.uid = Some(help::get_uid("d"));
/// save the config to the file
pub fn save_file(&self) -> Result<()> {
Some("# Profiles Config for Clash Verge\n\n"),
/// sync the config between file and memory
pub fn sync_file(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let data = Self::read_file();
if data.current.is_none() && data.items.is_none() {
bail!("failed to read profiles.yaml");
self.current = data.current;
self.chain = data.chain;
self.items = data.items;
/// get the current uid
pub fn get_current(&self) -> Option<String> {
/// only change the main to the target id
pub fn put_current(&mut self, uid: String) -> Result<()> {
if self.items.is_none() {
self.items = Some(vec![]);
let items = self.items.as_ref().unwrap();
let some_uid = Some(uid.clone());
for each in items.iter() {
if each.uid == some_uid {
self.current = some_uid;
return self.save_file();
bail!("invalid uid \"{uid}\"");
/// find the item by the uid
pub fn get_item(&self, uid: &String) -> Result<&PrfItem> {
if self.items.is_some() {
let items = self.items.as_ref().unwrap();
let some_uid = Some(uid.clone());
for each in items.iter() {
if each.uid == some_uid {
return Ok(each);
bail!("failed to get the item by \"{}\"", uid);
/// append new item
/// if the file_data is some
/// then should save the data to file
pub fn append_item(&mut self, mut item: PrfItem) -> Result<()> {
if item.uid.is_none() {
bail!("the uid should not be null");
// save the file data
// move the field value after save
if let Some(file_data) = item.file_data.take() {
if item.file.is_none() {
bail!("the file should not be null");
let file = item.file.clone().unwrap();
let path = dirs::app_profiles_dir().join(&file);
.context(format!("failed to create file \"{}\"", file))?
.context(format!("failed to write to file \"{}\"", file))?;
if self.items.is_none() {
self.items = Some(vec![]);
self.items.as_mut().map(|items| items.push(item));
/// update the item's value
pub fn patch_item(&mut self, uid: String, item: PrfItem) -> Result<()> {
let mut items = self.items.take().unwrap_or(vec![]);
for mut each in items.iter_mut() {
if each.uid == Some(uid.clone()) {
patch!(each, item, itype);
patch!(each, item, name);
patch!(each, item, desc);
patch!(each, item, file);
patch!(each, item, url);
patch!(each, item, selected);
patch!(each, item, extra);
each.updated = Some(help::get_now());
self.items = Some(items);
return self.save_file();
self.items = Some(items);
bail!("failed to found the uid \"{uid}\"")
/// be used to update the remote item
/// only patch `updated` `extra` `file_data`
pub fn update_item(&mut self, uid: String, mut item: PrfItem) -> Result<()> {
if self.items.is_none() {
self.items = Some(vec![]);
// find the item
let _ = self.get_item(&uid)?;
self.items.as_mut().map(|items| {
let some_uid = Some(uid.clone());
for mut each in items.iter_mut() {
if each.uid == some_uid {
each.extra = item.extra;
each.updated = item.updated;
// save the file data
// move the field value after save
if let Some(file_data) = item.file_data.take() {
let file = each.file.take();
let file = file.unwrap_or(item.file.take().unwrap_or(format!("{}.yaml", &uid)));
// the file must exists
each.file = Some(file.clone());
let path = dirs::app_profiles_dir().join(&file);
/// delete item
/// if delete the current then return true
pub fn delete_item(&mut self, uid: String) -> Result<bool> {
let current = self.current.as_ref().unwrap_or(&uid);
let current = current.clone();
let mut items = self.items.take().unwrap_or(vec![]);
let mut index = None;
// get the index
for i in 0..items.len() {
if items[i].uid == Some(uid.clone()) {
index = Some(i);
if let Some(index) = index {
items.remove(index).file.map(|file| {
let path = dirs::app_profiles_dir().join(file);
if path.exists() {
let _ = fs::remove_file(path);
// delete the original uid
if current == uid {
self.current = match items.len() > 0 {
true => items[0].uid.clone(),
false => None,
self.items = Some(items);
Ok(current == uid)
/// only generate config mapping
pub fn gen_activate(&self) -> Result<Mapping> {
let config = Mapping::new();
if self.current.is_none() || self.items.is_none() {
return Ok(config);
let current = self.current.clone().unwrap();
for item in self.items.as_ref().unwrap().iter() {
if item.uid == Some(current.clone()) {
let file_path = match item.file.clone() {
Some(file) => dirs::app_profiles_dir().join(file),
None => bail!("failed to get the file field"),
if !file_path.exists() {
bail!("failed to read the file \"{}\"", file_path.display());
let mut new_config = Mapping::new();
let def_config = config::read_yaml::<Mapping>(file_path.clone());
// Only the following fields are allowed:
// proxies/proxy-providers/proxy-groups/rule-providers/rules
let valid_keys = vec![
valid_keys.iter().for_each(|key| {
let key = Value::String(key.to_string());
if def_config.contains_key(&key) {
let value = def_config[&key].clone();
new_config.insert(key, value);
return Ok(new_config);
bail!("failed to found the uid \"{current}\"");
/// gen the enhanced profiles
pub fn gen_enhanced(&self) -> PrfEnhanced {
let current = self.gen_activate().unwrap();
let chain = match self.chain.as_ref() {
Some(chain) => chain
.map(|uid| self.get_item(uid))
.filter(|item| item.is_ok())
.map(|item| item.unwrap())
.map(|item| PrfData::from_item(item))
.filter(|o| o.is_some())
.map(|o| o.unwrap())
None => vec![],
PrfEnhanced { current, chain }
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PrfEnhanced {
current: Mapping,
chain: Vec<PrfData>,
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PrfData {
item: PrfItem,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
merge: Option<Mapping>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
script: Option<String>,
impl PrfData {
pub fn from_item(item: &PrfItem) -> Option<PrfData> {
match item.itype.as_ref() {
Some(itype) => {
let file = item.file.clone()?;
let path = dirs::app_profiles_dir().join(file);
if !path.exists() {
return None;
match itype.as_str() {
"script" => Some(PrfData {
item: item.clone(),
script: Some(fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap_or("".into())),
merge: None,
"merge" => Some(PrfData {
item: item.clone(),
merge: Some(config::read_yaml::<Mapping>(path)),
script: None,
_ => None,
None => None,