use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::io; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone)] pub struct SysProxyConfig { pub enable: bool, pub server: String, pub bypass: String, } impl Default for SysProxyConfig { fn default() -> Self { SysProxyConfig { enable: false, server: String::from(""), bypass: String::from(""), } } } pub static DEFAULT_BYPASS: &str = "localhost;127.*;10.*;172.16.*;172.17.*;172.18.*;172.19.*;172.20.*;172.21.*;172.22.*;172.23.*;172.24.*;172.25.*;172.26.*;172.27.*;172.28.*;172.29.*;172.30.*;172.31.*;192.168.*;"; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] mod win { use super::*; use winreg::enums::*; use winreg::RegKey; /// Get the windows system proxy config pub fn get_proxy_config() -> io::Result { let hkcu = RegKey::predef(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); let cur_var = hkcu.open_subkey_with_flags( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", KEY_READ, )?; Ok(SysProxyConfig { enable: cur_var.get_value::("ProxyEnable")? == 1u32, server: cur_var.get_value("ProxyServer")?, bypass: cur_var.get_value("ProxyOverride")?, }) } /// Set the windows system proxy config pub fn set_proxy_config(config: &SysProxyConfig) -> io::Result<()> { let hkcu = RegKey::predef(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); let cur_var = hkcu.open_subkey_with_flags( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", KEY_SET_VALUE, )?; let enable: u32 = if config.enable { 1u32 } else { 0u32 }; cur_var.set_value("ProxyEnable", &enable)?; cur_var.set_value("ProxyServer", &config.server)?; cur_var.set_value("ProxyOverride", &config.bypass)?; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] mod macos { use super::*; pub fn get_proxy_config() -> io::Result { Ok(SysProxyConfig { enable: false, server: "server".into(), bypass: "bypass".into(), }) } pub fn set_proxy_config(config: &SysProxyConfig) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) } } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub use win::*; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] pub use macos::*;