import fs from "fs-extra"; import zlib from "zlib"; import path from "path"; import AdmZip from "adm-zip"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import proxyAgent from "https-proxy-agent"; import { execSync } from "child_process"; const cwd = process.cwd(); const TEMP_DIR = path.join(cwd, "node_modules/.verge"); const FORCE = process.argv.includes("--force"); const NO_META = process.argv.includes("--no-meta") || false; /** * get the correct clash release infomation */ function resolveClash() { const { platform, arch } = process; const CLASH_URL_PREFIX = ""; const CLASH_LATEST_DATE = "2022.05.18"; // todo const map = { "win32-x64": "clash-windows-amd64", "darwin-x64": "clash-darwin-amd64", "darwin-arm64": "clash-darwin-arm64", "linux-x64": "clash-linux-amd64", }; const name = map[`${platform}-${arch}`]; if (!name) { throw new Error(`unsupport platform "${platform}-${arch}"`); } const isWin = platform === "win32"; const zip = isWin ? "zip" : "gz"; const url = `${CLASH_URL_PREFIX}${name}-${CLASH_LATEST_DATE}.${zip}`; const exefile = `${name}${isWin ? ".exe" : ""}`; const zipfile = `${name}.${zip}`; return { url, zip, exefile, zipfile }; } /** * get the correct Clash.Meta release infomation */ async function resolveClashMeta() { const { platform, arch } = process; const urlPrefix = ``; const latestVersion = "v1.11.1"; const map = { "win32-x64": "Clash.Meta-windows-amd64v3", "darwin-x64": "Clash.Meta-darwin-amd64v3", "darwin-arm64": "Clash.Meta-darwin-arm64", "linux-x64": "Clash.Meta-linux-amd64v3", }; const name = map[`${platform}-${arch}`]; if (!name) { throw new Error(`unsupport platform "${platform}-${arch}"`); } const isWin = platform === "win32"; const ext = isWin ? "zip" : "gz"; const url = `${urlPrefix}${latestVersion}/${name}-${latestVersion}.${ext}`; const exefile = `${name}${isWin ? ".exe" : ""}`; const zipfile = `${name}-${latestVersion}.${ext}`; return { url, zip: ext, exefile, zipfile }; } /** * get the sidecar bin * clash and Clash Meta */ async function resolveSidecar() { const sidecarDir = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri", "sidecar"); const host = execSync("rustc -vV") .toString() .match(/(?<=host: ).+(?=\s*)/g)[0]; const ext = process.platform === "win32" ? ".exe" : ""; await clash(); if (!NO_META) await clashMeta(); async function clash() { const sidecarFile = `clash-${host}${ext}`; const sidecarPath = path.join(sidecarDir, sidecarFile); await fs.mkdirp(sidecarDir); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(sidecarPath))) return; // download sidecar const binInfo = resolveClash(); const tempDir = path.join(TEMP_DIR, "clash"); const tempZip = path.join(tempDir, binInfo.zipfile); const tempExe = path.join(tempDir, binInfo.exefile); await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); if (!(await fs.pathExists(tempZip))) await downloadFile(binInfo.url, tempZip); if ( === "zip") { const zip = new AdmZip(tempZip); zip.getEntries().forEach((entry) => { console.log("[INFO]: entry name", entry.entryName); }); zip.extractAllTo(tempDir, true); // save as sidecar await fs.rename(tempExe, sidecarPath); console.log(`[INFO]: unzip finished`); } else { // gz const readStream = fs.createReadStream(tempZip); const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(sidecarPath); readStream .pipe(zlib.createGunzip()) .pipe(writeStream) .on("finish", () => { console.log(`[INFO]: gunzip finished`); execSync(`chmod 755 ${sidecarPath}`); console.log(`[INFO]: chmod binary finished`); }) .on("error", (error) => console.error(error)); } // delete temp dir await fs.remove(tempDir); } async function clashMeta() { const sidecarFile = `clash-meta-${host}${ext}`; const sidecarPath = path.join(sidecarDir, sidecarFile); await fs.mkdirp(sidecarDir); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(sidecarPath))) return; // download sidecar const binInfo = await resolveClashMeta(); const tempDir = path.join(TEMP_DIR, "clash-meta"); const tempZip = path.join(tempDir, binInfo.zipfile); const tempExe = path.join(tempDir, binInfo.exefile); await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); if (!(await fs.pathExists(tempZip))) await downloadFile(binInfo.url, tempZip); if ( === "zip") { const zip = new AdmZip(tempZip); zip.getEntries().forEach((entry) => { console.log("[INFO]: entry name", entry.entryName); }); zip.extractAllTo(tempDir, true); // save as sidecar await fs.rename(tempExe, sidecarPath); console.log(`[INFO]: unzip finished`); } else { // gz const readStream = fs.createReadStream(tempZip); const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(sidecarPath); readStream .pipe(zlib.createGunzip()) .pipe(writeStream) .on("finish", () => { console.log(`[INFO]: gunzip finished`); execSync(`chmod 755 ${sidecarPath}`); console.log(`[INFO]: chmod binary finished`); }) .on("error", (error) => console.error(error)); } // delete temp dir await fs.remove(tempDir); } } /** * only Windows * get the wintun.dll (not required) */ async function resolveWintun() { const { platform } = process; if (platform !== "win32") return; const url = ""; const tempDir = path.join(TEMP_DIR, "wintun"); const tempZip = path.join(tempDir, ""); const wintunPath = path.join(tempDir, "wintun/bin/amd64/wintun.dll"); const targetPath = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri/resources", "wintun.dll"); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(targetPath))) return; await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); if (!(await fs.pathExists(tempZip))) { await downloadFile(url, tempZip); } // unzip const zip = new AdmZip(tempZip); zip.extractAllTo(tempDir, true); if (!(await fs.pathExists(wintunPath))) { throw new Error(`path not found "${wintunPath}"`); } await fs.rename(wintunPath, targetPath); await fs.remove(tempDir); console.log(`[INFO]: resolve wintun.dll finished`); } /** * only Windows * get the clash-verge-service.exe */ async function resolveService() { const { platform } = process; if (platform !== "win32") return; const resDir = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri/resources"); const repo = ""; async function help(bin) { const targetPath = path.join(resDir, bin); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(targetPath))) return; const url = `${repo}/${bin}`; await downloadFile(url, targetPath); } await fs.mkdirp(resDir); await help("clash-verge-service.exe"); await help("install-service.exe"); await help("uninstall-service.exe"); console.log(`[INFO]: resolve Service finished`); } /** * get the Country.mmdb (not required) */ async function resolveMmdb() { const url = ""; const resDir = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri", "resources"); const resPath = path.join(resDir, "Country.mmdb"); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(resPath))) return; await fs.mkdirp(resDir); await downloadFile(url, resPath); } /** * download file and save to `path` */ async function downloadFile(url, path) { console.log(`[INFO]: downloading from "${url}"`); const options = {}; const httpProxy = process.env.HTTP_PROXY || process.env.http_proxy || process.env.HTTPS_PROXY || process.env.https_proxy; if (httpProxy) { options.agent = proxyAgent(httpProxy); } const response = await fetch(url, { ...options, method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" }, }); const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); await fs.writeFile(path, new Uint8Array(buffer)); console.log(`[INFO]: download finished "${url}"`); } /// main resolveSidecar().catch(console.error); resolveWintun().catch(console.error); resolveMmdb().catch(console.error); resolveService().catch(console.error);