use crate::{ core::{ClashInfo, PrfItem, PrfOption, Profiles, VergeConfig}, states::{ClashState, ProfilesState, VergeState}, utils::{dirs, sysopt::SysProxyConfig}, }; use crate::{ret_err, wrap_err}; use anyhow::Result; use serde_yaml::Mapping; use std::{path::PathBuf, process::Command}; use tauri::{api, Manager, State}; /// get all profiles from `profiles.yaml` #[tauri::command] pub fn get_profiles<'a>(profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>) -> Result { let profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); Ok(profiles.clone()) } /// synchronize data irregularly #[tauri::command] pub fn sync_profiles(profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>) -> Result<(), String> { let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(profiles.sync_file()) } /// import the profile from url /// and save to `profiles.yaml` #[tauri::command] pub async fn import_profile( url: String, option: Option, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let item = wrap_err!(PrfItem::from_url(&url, None, None, option).await)?; let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(profiles.append_item(item)) } /// new a profile /// append a temp profile item file to the `profiles` dir /// view the temp profile file by using vscode or other editor #[tauri::command] pub async fn create_profile( item: PrfItem, // partial profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let item = wrap_err!(PrfItem::from(item).await)?; let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(profiles.append_item(item)) } /// Update the profile #[tauri::command] pub async fn update_profile( index: String, option: Option, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let (url, opt) = { // must release the lock here let profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let item = wrap_err!(profiles.get_item(&index))?; // check the profile type if let Some(typ) = item.itype.as_ref() { if *typ != "remote" { ret_err!(format!("could not update the `{typ}` profile")); } } if item.url.is_none() { ret_err!("failed to get the item url"); } (item.url.clone().unwrap(), item.option.clone()) }; let fetch_opt = PrfOption::merge(opt, option); let item = wrap_err!(PrfItem::from_url(&url, None, None, fetch_opt).await)?; let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(profiles.update_item(index.clone(), item))?; // reactivate the profile if Some(index) == profiles.get_current() { let clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(clash.activate(&profiles, false))?; } Ok(()) } /// change the current profile #[tauri::command] pub fn select_profile( index: String, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(profiles.put_current(index))?; let clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(clash.activate(&profiles, false)) } /// change the profile chain #[tauri::command] pub fn change_profile_chain( chain: Option>, app_handle: tauri::AppHandle, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); profiles.put_chain(chain); clash.set_window(app_handle.get_window("main")); wrap_err!(clash.activate_enhanced(&profiles, false)) } /// manually exec enhanced profile #[tauri::command] pub fn enhance_profiles( app_handle: tauri::AppHandle, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); clash.set_window(app_handle.get_window("main")); wrap_err!(clash.activate_enhanced(&profiles, false)) } /// delete profile item #[tauri::command] pub fn delete_profile( index: String, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); if wrap_err!(profiles.delete_item(index))? { let clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(clash.activate(&profiles, false))?; } Ok(()) } /// patch the profile config #[tauri::command] pub fn patch_profile( index: String, profile: PrfItem, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(profiles.patch_item(index, profile)) } /// run vscode command to edit the profile #[tauri::command] pub fn view_profile(index: String, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>) -> Result<(), String> { let profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let item = wrap_err!(profiles.get_item(&index))?; let file = item.file.clone(); if file.is_none() { ret_err!("the file is null"); } let path = dirs::app_profiles_dir().join(file.unwrap()); if !path.exists() { ret_err!("the file not found"); } // use vscode first if let Ok(code) = which::which("code") { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt; if let Err(err) = Command::new(code) .creation_flags(0x08000000) .arg(path) .spawn() { log::error!("{err}"); return Err("failed to open file by VScode".into()); } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] if let Err(err) = Command::new(code).arg(path).spawn() { log::error!("{err}"); return Err("failed to open file by VScode".into()); } return Ok(()); } open_path_cmd(path, "failed to open file by `open`") } /// restart the sidecar #[tauri::command] pub fn restart_sidecar( clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(clash.restart_sidecar(&mut profiles)) } /// get the clash core info from the state /// the caller can also get the infomation by clash's api #[tauri::command] pub fn get_clash_info(clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>) -> Result { let clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); Ok( } /// update the clash core config /// after putting the change to the clash core /// then we should save the latest config #[tauri::command] pub fn patch_clash_config( payload: Mapping, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, verge_state: State<'_, VergeState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let mut clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let mut verge = verge_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let mut profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(clash.patch_config(payload, &mut verge, &mut profiles)) } /// get the system proxy #[tauri::command] pub fn get_sys_proxy() -> Result { wrap_err!(SysProxyConfig::get_sys()) } /// get the current proxy config /// which may not the same as system proxy #[tauri::command] pub fn get_cur_proxy(verge_state: State<'_, VergeState>) -> Result, String> { let verge = verge_state.0.lock().unwrap(); Ok(verge.cur_sysproxy.clone()) } /// get the verge config #[tauri::command] pub fn get_verge_config(verge_state: State<'_, VergeState>) -> Result { let verge = verge_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let mut config = verge.config.clone(); if config.system_proxy_bypass.is_none() && verge.cur_sysproxy.is_some() { config.system_proxy_bypass = Some(verge.cur_sysproxy.clone().unwrap().bypass) } Ok(config) } /// patch the verge config /// this command only save the config and not responsible for other things #[tauri::command] pub fn patch_verge_config( payload: VergeConfig, clash_state: State<'_, ClashState>, verge_state: State<'_, VergeState>, profiles_state: State<'_, ProfilesState>, ) -> Result<(), String> { let tun_mode = payload.enable_tun_mode.clone(); let mut verge = verge_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(verge.patch_config(payload))?; // change tun mode if tun_mode.is_some() { let mut clash = clash_state.0.lock().unwrap(); let profiles = profiles_state.0.lock().unwrap(); wrap_err!(clash.tun_mode(tun_mode.unwrap()))?; clash.update_config(); wrap_err!(clash.activate(&profiles, false))?; } Ok(()) } /// kill all sidecars when update app #[tauri::command] pub fn kill_sidecars() { api::process::kill_children(); } /// open app config dir #[tauri::command] pub fn open_app_dir() -> Result<(), String> { let app_dir = dirs::app_home_dir(); open_path_cmd(app_dir, "failed to open app dir") } /// open logs dir #[tauri::command] pub fn open_logs_dir() -> Result<(), String> { let log_dir = dirs::app_logs_dir(); open_path_cmd(log_dir, "failed to open logs dir") } /// use the os default open command to open file or dir fn open_path_cmd(path: PathBuf, err_str: &str) -> Result<(), String> { let result; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt; result = Command::new("explorer") .creation_flags(0x08000000) .arg(&path) .spawn(); } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { result = Command::new("open").arg(&path).spawn(); } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { result = Command::new("xdg-open").arg(&path).spawn(); } match result { Ok(child) => match child.wait_with_output() { Ok(out) => { // 退出码不为0 不一定没有调用成功 // 因此仅做warn log且不返回错误 if let Some(code) = out.status.code() { if code != 0 { log::warn!("failed to open {:?} (code {})", &path, code); log::warn!( "open cmd stdout: {}, stderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stderr), ); } } } Err(err) => { log::error!("failed to open {:?} for {err}", &path); return Err(err_str.into()); } }, Err(err) => { log::error!("failed to open {:?} for {err}", &path); return Err(err_str.into()); } } return Ok(()); }