refactor: rm dead code
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,23 +256,9 @@ pub mod service {
use super::*;
use super::*;
use crate::core::win_service;
use crate::core::win_service;
pub async fn start_service() -> CmdResult {
pub async fn stop_service() -> CmdResult {
pub async fn check_service() -> CmdResult<win_service::JsonResponse> {
pub async fn check_service() -> CmdResult<win_service::JsonResponse> {
// no log
match win_service::check_service().await {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(err) => Err(err.to_string()),
@ -290,14 +276,6 @@ pub mod service {
pub mod service {
pub mod service {
use super::*;
use super::*;
pub async fn start_service() -> CmdResult {
pub async fn stop_service() -> CmdResult {
pub async fn check_service() -> CmdResult {
pub async fn check_service() -> CmdResult {
@ -1,347 +1,11 @@
// use self::handle::Handle;
// use self::hotkey::Hotkey;
// use self::sysopt::Sysopt;
// use self::timer::Timer;
// // use crate::data::*;
// // use crate::enhance::enhance_config;
// use crate::log_if_err;
// use anyhow::{bail, Result};
// use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
// use parking_lot::Mutex;
// use serde_yaml::{Mapping, Value};
// use std::sync::Arc;
pub mod clash_api;
pub mod clash_api;
mod core;
mod core;
pub mod handle;
pub mod handle;
pub mod hotkey;
pub mod hotkey;
pub mod logger;
pub mod logger;
// pub mod service;
pub mod sysopt;
pub mod sysopt;
pub mod timer;
pub mod timer;
pub mod tray;
pub mod tray;
pub mod win_service;
pub mod win_service;
pub use self::core::*;
pub use self::core::*;
// pub use self::service::*;
pub struct Core {}
impl Core {
// pub fn global() -> &'static Core {
// static CORE: OnceCell<Core> = OnceCell::new();
// CORE.get_or_init(|| Core {
// service: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Service::new())),
// sysopt: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Sysopt::new())),
// timer: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Timer::new())),
// hotkey: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Hotkey::new())),
// runtime: Arc::new(Mutex::new(RuntimeResult::default())),
// handle: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Handle::default())),
// })
// }
// /// initialize the core state
// pub fn init(&self, app_handle: tauri::AppHandle) {
// kill old clash process
// Service::kill_old_clash();
// let mut handle = self.handle.lock();
// handle.set_inner(app_handle.clone());
// drop(handle);
// let mut service = self.service.lock();
// log_if_err!(service.start());
// drop(service);
// log_if_err!(self.activate());
// let mut sysopt = self.sysopt.lock();
// log_if_err!(sysopt.init_launch());
// log_if_err!(sysopt.init_sysproxy());
// drop(sysopt);
// let handle = self.handle.lock();
// log_if_err!(handle.update_systray_part());
// drop(handle);
// let mut hotkey = self.hotkey.lock();
// log_if_err!(hotkey.init(app_handle));
// drop(hotkey);
// // timer initialize
// let mut timer = self.timer.lock();
// log_if_err!(timer.restore());
// }
// /// restart the clash sidecar
// pub fn restart_clash(&self) -> Result<()> {
// let mut service = self.service.lock();
// service.restart()?;
// drop(service);
// self.activate()
// }
// /// change the clash core
// pub fn change_core(&self, clash_core: Option<String>) -> Result<()> {
// let clash_core = clash_core.unwrap_or("clash".into());
// if &clash_core != "clash" && &clash_core != "clash-meta" {
// bail!("invalid clash core name \"{clash_core}\"");
// }
// let global = Data::global();
// let mut verge = global.verge.lock();
// verge.patch_config(Verge {
// clash_core: Some(clash_core.clone()),
// ..Verge::default()
// })?;
// drop(verge);
// let mut service = self.service.lock();
// service.clear_logs();
// service.restart()?;
// drop(service);
// self.activate()
// }
// /// Patch Clash
// /// handle the clash config changed
// pub fn patch_clash(&self, patch: Mapping) -> Result<()> {
// let patch_cloned = patch.clone();
// let clash_mode = patch.get("mode");
// let mixed_port = patch.get("mixed-port");
// let external = patch.get("external-controller");
// let secret = patch.get("secret");
// let valid_port = {
// let global = Data::global();
// let mut clash = global.clash.lock();
// clash.patch_config(patch_cloned)?;
// };
// // todo: port check
// if (mixed_port.is_some() && valid_port) || external.is_some() || secret.is_some() {
// let mut service = self.service.lock();
// service.restart()?;
// drop(service);
// self.activate()?;
// let mut sysopt = self.sysopt.lock();
// sysopt.init_sysproxy()?;
// }
// if clash_mode.is_some() {
// let handle = self.handle.lock();
// handle.update_systray_part()?;
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// /// Patch Verge
// pub fn patch_verge(&self, patch: Verge) -> Result<()> {
// // save the patch
// let global = Data::global();
// let mut verge = global.verge.lock();
// verge.patch_config(patch.clone())?;
// drop(verge);
// let tun_mode = patch.enable_tun_mode;
// let auto_launch = patch.enable_auto_launch;
// let system_proxy = patch.enable_system_proxy;
// let proxy_bypass = patch.system_proxy_bypass;
// let proxy_guard = patch.enable_proxy_guard;
// let language = patch.language;
// #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
// {
// let service_mode = patch.enable_service_mode;
// // 重启服务
// if service_mode.is_some() {
// let mut service = self.service.lock();
// service.restart()?;
// drop(service);
// }
// if tun_mode.is_some() && *tun_mode.as_ref().unwrap_or(&false) {
// let wintun_dll = crate::utils::dirs::app_home_dir().join("wintun.dll");
// if !wintun_dll.exists() {
// bail!("failed to enable TUN for missing `wintun.dll`");
// }
// }
// if service_mode.is_some() || tun_mode.is_some() {
// self.activate()?;
// }
// }
// #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
// if tun_mode.is_some() {
// self.activate()?;
// }
// let mut sysopt = self.sysopt.lock();
// if auto_launch.is_some() {
// sysopt.update_launch()?;
// }
// if system_proxy.is_some() || proxy_bypass.is_some() {
// sysopt.update_sysproxy()?;
// sysopt.guard_proxy();
// }
// if proxy_guard.unwrap_or(false) {
// sysopt.guard_proxy();
// }
// // 更新tray
// if language.is_some() {
// let handle = self.handle.lock();
// handle.update_systray()?;
// } else if system_proxy.is_some() || tun_mode.is_some() {
// let handle = self.handle.lock();
// handle.update_systray_part()?;
// }
// if patch.hotkeys.is_some() {
// let mut hotkey = self.hotkey.lock();
// hotkey.update(patch.hotkeys.unwrap())?;
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// /// update rule/global/direct/script mode
// pub fn update_mode(&self, mode: &str) -> Result<()> {
// // save config to file
// let info = {
// let global = Data::global();
// let mut clash = global.clash.lock();
// clash.config.insert(Value::from("mode"), Value::from(mode));
// clash.save_config()?;
// };
// let mut mapping = Mapping::new();
// mapping.insert(Value::from("mode"), Value::from(mode));
// let handle = self.handle.clone();
// tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move {
// log_if_err!(Service::patch_config(info, mapping.to_owned()).await);
// // update tray
// let handle = handle.lock();
// handle.refresh_clash();
// log_if_err!(handle.update_systray_part());
// });
// Ok(())
// }
// /// activate the profile
// /// auto activate enhanced profile
// /// 触发clash配置更新
// pub fn activate(&self) -> Result<()> {
// let global = Data::global();
// let verge = global.verge.lock();
// let clash = global.clash.lock();
// let profiles = global.profiles.lock();
// let tun_mode = verge.enable_tun_mode.clone().unwrap_or(false);
// let profile_activate = profiles.gen_activate()?;
// let clash_config = clash.config.clone();
// let clash_info =;
// drop(clash);
// drop(verge);
// drop(profiles);
// let (config, exists_keys, logs) = enhance_config(
// clash_config,
// profile_activate.current,
// profile_activate.chain,
// profile_activate.valid,
// tun_mode,
// );
// let mut runtime = self.runtime.lock();
// *runtime = RuntimeResult {
// config: Some(config.clone()),
// config_yaml: Some(serde_yaml::to_string(&config).unwrap_or("".into())),
// exists_keys,
// chain_logs: logs,
// };
// drop(runtime);
// let mut service = self.service.lock();
// service.check_start()?;
// drop(service);
// let handle = self.handle.clone();
// tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move {
// match Service::set_config(clash_info, config).await {
// Ok(_) => {
// let handle = handle.lock();
// handle.refresh_clash();
// handle.notice_message("set_config::ok".into(), "ok".into());
// }
// Err(err) => {
// let handle = handle.lock();
// handle.notice_message("set_config::error".into(), format!("{err}"));
// log::error!(target: "app", "{err}")
// }
// }
// });
// Ok(())
// }
// /// Static function
// /// update profile item
// pub async fn update_profile_item(&self, uid: String, option: Option<PrfOption>) -> Result<()> {
// let global = Data::global();
// let (url, opt) = {
// let profiles = global.profiles.lock();
// let item = profiles.get_item(&uid)?;
// if let Some(typ) = item.itype.as_ref() {
// // maybe only valid for `local` profile
// if *typ != "remote" {
// // reactivate the config
// if Some(uid) == profiles.get_current() {
// drop(profiles);
// self.activate()?;
// }
// return Ok(());
// }
// }
// if item.url.is_none() {
// bail!("failed to get the profile item url");
// }
// (item.url.clone().unwrap(), item.option.clone())
// };
// let merged_opt = PrfOption::merge(opt, option);
// let item = PrfItem::from_url(&url, None, None, merged_opt).await?;
// let mut profiles = global.profiles.lock();
// profiles.update_item(uid.clone(), item)?;
// // reactivate the profile
// if Some(uid) == profiles.get_current() {
// drop(profiles);
// self.activate()?;
// }
// Ok(())
// }
@ -91,49 +91,6 @@ pub async fn uninstall_service() -> Result<()> {
/// start service
/// 该函数应该在协程或者线程中执行,避免UAC弹窗阻塞主线程
pub async fn start_service() -> Result<()> {
let token = Token::with_current_process()?;
let level = token.privilege_level()?;
let args = ["start", SERVICE_NAME];
let status = match level {
PrivilegeLevel::NotPrivileged => RunasCommand::new("sc").args(&args).status()?,
_ => StdCommand::new("sc").args(&args).status()?,
match status.success() {
true => Ok(()),
false => bail!(
"failed to start service with status {}",
/// stop service
pub async fn stop_service() -> Result<()> {
let url = format!("{SERVICE_URL}/stop_service");
let res = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new()
.context("failed to connect to the Clash Verge Service")?;
if res.code != 0 {
/// check the windows service status
/// check the windows service status
pub async fn check_service() -> Result<JsonResponse> {
pub async fn check_service() -> Result<JsonResponse> {
let url = format!("{SERVICE_URL}/get_clash");
let url = format!("{SERVICE_URL}/get_clash");
@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// service mode
// service mode
@ -158,14 +158,6 @@ export async function openWebUrl(url: string) {
/// service mode
/// service mode
export async function startService() {
return invoke<void>("start_service");
export async function stopService() {
return invoke<void>("stop_service");
export async function checkService() {
export async function checkService() {
try {
try {
const result = await invoke<any>("check_service");
const result = await invoke<any>("check_service");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user