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synced 2025-03-23 16:43:49 +03:00
#1385 In some cases, the outbound configuration for wireguard requires the addition of the 'address' field in order to establish a proper connection. It should be noted that the absence of the 'address' field configuration results in the inability to establish connections via domain names, only IP addresses can be used for connections.
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XTLS ? Xray ? V2Ray ?
XTLS are brilliant ideas for TLS we study, while Xray is the best practice we maintain.
- Xray-core 是 v2ray-core 的超集,含更好的整体性能和 XTLS 等一系列增强,且
完全兼容 v2ray-core 的功能及配置。- 只有一个可执行文件,含 ctl 的功能,run 为默认指令
- 配置上
完全兼容,环境变量和 API 对应要改为以 XRAY_ 开头 - 全平台开放了裸协议的 ReadV
- 提供完整的 VLESS & Trojan XTLS 支持,均有 ReadV
- 提供了 XTLS 多种流控模式, 性能一骑绝尘!
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that we will keep riding and never look back.
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