# Development Standards ## Basic ### Version Control Project X's code is hosted on GitHub: - Xray Core [xray-core](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core) - Installation script [Xray-install](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-install) - Configuration template [Xray-examples](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-examples) - Xray documentation [Xray-docs-next](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-docs-next) You can use [Git](https://git-scm.com/) to get the code. ### Branch - The main branch is the backbone of this project. - The main branch is also the release branch of this project. - It is necessary to ensure that main can be compiled and used normally at any time. - If you need to develop new features, please create a new branch for development. After development and sufficient testing, merge it back to the main branch. - Please delete branches that have been merged into the main branch and are no longer necessary. ### Release <Badge text="WIP" type="warning"/> (Note: this is not translatable as it is a technical tag) - Create two release channels: one for the beta version and another for the stable version. - The beta version, also known as the daily build, is mainly used for specific testing, experimentation, and instant feedback and improvement. - The stable version, updated regularly (e.g. monthly), merges stable modifications and releases them. ### Citing other projects - Golang - It is recommended to use the Golang standard library and libraries under [golang.org/x/](https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=golang.org%2Fx) for product code; - If you need to reference other projects, please create an issue for discussion beforehand; - Other - Tools that do not violate the agreement of both parties and are helpful to the project can be used. ## Development Process ### Before Writing Code If you encounter any issues or have any ideas for the project, please create an [issue](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/issues) for discussion to reduce redundant work and save time spent on coding. ### Modify the code - Golang - Please refer to [Effective Go](https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html); - Run `go generate core/format.go` before each push; - If you need to modify protobuf, such as adding new configuration items, please run: `go generate core/proto.go`; - It is recommended to pass the test before submitting a pull request: `go test ./...`; - It is recommended to have more than 70% code coverage for newly added code before submitting pull requests. - Other - Please pay attention to the readability of the code. ### Pull Request - Before submitting a PR, please run `git pull https://github.com/xray/xray-core.git` to ensure that the merge can proceed smoothly; - One PR only does one thing. If there are fixes for multiple bugs, please submit a PR for each bug; - Due to Golang's special requirements (Package path), the PR process for Go projects is different from other projects. The recommended process is as follows: 1. Fork this project first and create your own `github.com/<your_name>/Xray-core.git` repository; 2. Clone your own Xray repository to your local machine: `git clone https://github.com/<your_name>/Xray-core.git`; 3. Create a new branch based on the `main` branch, for example `git branch issue24 main`; 4. Make changes on the new branch and commit the changes; 5. Before pushing the modified branch to your own repository, switch to the `main` branch, and run `git pull https://github.com/xray/xray-core.git` to pull the latest remote code; 6. If new remote code is obtained in the previous step, switch to the branch you created earlier and run `git rebase main` to perform branch merging. If there is a file conflict, you need to resolve the conflict; 7. After the previous step is completed, you can push the branch you created to your own repository: `git push -u origin your-branch` 8. Finally, send a PR from your new pushed branch in your own repository to the `main` branch of `xtls/Xray-core`; 9. Please fully describe the purpose of this PR, including the problem solved, the new feature added, or the modifications made in the title and body of the PR; 10. Please be patient and wait for the developer's response. ### Modifying Code #### Functional issue Please submit at least one test case to verify changes to existing functionality. #### Performance Related Please provide the necessary test data to demonstrate performance issues in existing code or performance improvements in new code. #### New Feature - If the new feature does not affect the existing functionality, please provide a toggle (such as a flag) that can be turned on/off, and keep the new feature disabled by default. - For major new features (such as adding a new protocol), please submit an issue for discussion before development. #### Other It depends on the specific situation. ## Xray Coding Guidelines The following content is applicable to Golang code in Xray. ### Code Structure ``` Xray-core ├── app // Application module │ ├── router // Router ├── common // Common code ├── proxy // Communication protocol │ ├── blackhole │ ├── dokodemo-door │ ├── freedom │ ├── socks │ ├── vmess ├── transport // Transport module ``` ### Coding Standards Basic practices are consistent with the recommendations of the official Golang, with a few exceptions. Written here to help everyone familiarize themselves with Golang. #### Naming - Use a single English word for file and directory names, such as hello.go; - If not possible, use a hyphen for directories / underscore for files to connect two (or more) words, such as hello-world/hello_again.go; - Use \_test.go to name test code files; - Use PascalCase for types, such as ConnectionHandler; - Do not force lowercase for abbreviations, i.e. HTML does not need to be written as Html; - Use PascalCase for public member variables; - Use camelCase for private member variables, such as `privateAttribute`; - For easy refactoring, it is recommended to use PascalCase for all methods; - Place completely private types in `internal`. #### Content Organization - A file contains a main type and its related private functions; - Testing-related files, such as Mock tools, should be placed in the testing subdirectory.