mirror of https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-docs-next.git synced 2025-02-17 23:13:15 +03:00

fix: fix mermaid error

This commit is contained in:
Aoleou 2024-01-26 05:07:42 +08:00 committed by yuhan6665
parent 78f58a5141
commit e7dfaafec3
23 changed files with 1486 additions and 1814 deletions

.prettierrc.json Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"singleQuote": true,
"semi": false

.vscode/settings.json vendored Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"editor.tabSize": 2

@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
import { viteBundler } from "@vuepress/bundler-vite";
import { webpackBundler } from "@vuepress/bundler-webpack";
import { UserConfig, defineUserConfig } from "@vuepress/cli";
// import { UserConfig, defineUserConfig } from "@vuepress/cli";
import { UserConfig, defineUserConfig } from "vuepress/cli";
import { searchPlugin } from "@vuepress/plugin-search";
import markdownItFootnote from "markdown-it-footnote";
import { defaultTheme } from "vuepress";
import * as navbar from "./config/navbar";
import { MermaidPlugin } from "./config/plugins/mermaidPlugin";
import * as sidebar from "./config/sidebar";
import { docsPlugin } from "./theme/index";
import theme from './theme.js'
import { registerComponentsPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-register-components'
import process from 'node:process'
// import { getDirname, path } from '@vuepress/utils'
import { getDirname, path } from 'vuepress/utils'
import { MermaidPlugin } from './plugins/mermaid/node/mermaid'
const __dirname = getDirname(import.meta.url)
console.log('>>> __dirname -> ', __dirname)
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
const forMainRepo = process.env.XRAY_DOCS_MAIN_REPO === "true";
const useVite = process.env.XRAY_DOCS_USE_VITE === "true";
@ -28,6 +32,9 @@ export default defineUserConfig(<UserConfig>{
componentsDir: path.resolve(__dirname, './theme/components'),
base: forMainRepo ? "/" : "/Xray-docs-next/",
locales: {
@ -42,103 +49,7 @@ export default defineUserConfig(<UserConfig>{
description: "Official document of Xray",
theme: defaultTheme({
smoothScroll: true,
repo: "xtls/xray-core",
docsRepo: "xtls/Xray-docs-next",
docsDir: "docs",
docsBranch: "main",
editLinks: true,
enableToggle: true,
themePlugins: {
git: isProduction,
locales: {
"/": {
navbar: navbar.hans,
repoLabel: "查看源码",
editLinkText: "帮助我们改善此页面!",
tip: "提示",
warning: "注意",
danger: "警告",
lastUpdatedText: "最近更改",
selectLanguageName: "简体中文",
selectLanguageText: "多语言",
selectLanguageAriaLabel: "多语言",
sidebar: {
"/config/": sidebar.getConfigSidebar(
"/document/": sidebar.getDocumentSidebar(
"/document/level-0/": sidebar.getDocumentLv0Sidebar(
"/document/level-1/": sidebar.getDocumentLv1Sidebar(
"/document/level-2/": sidebar.getDocumentLv2Sidebar(
"/development/": sidebar.getDevelopmentSidebar(
"/en/": {
repoLabel: "Source",
editLinkText: "Help us improve this page on GitHub",
tip: "Tip",
warning: "Warning",
danger: "Danger",
lastUpdatedText: "Last Updated",
selectLanguageName: "English (WIP)",
// TODO: translation
sidebar: {
"/en/config/": sidebar.getConfigSidebar(
"Xray Features",
"Config Reference",
"Inbound Protocol",
"Outbound Protocol",
"Stream Transport Protocol",
"/en/document/level-0/": sidebar.getDocumentLv0Sidebar(
"Beginner Tutorial",
"/en/document/level-1/": sidebar.getDocumentLv1Sidebar(
"Getting Started Tips",
"/en/document/level-2/": sidebar.getDocumentLv2Sidebar(
"Advanced Documentation",
"/en/development/": sidebar.getDevelopmentSidebar(
"Developer Guide",
"Protocol Details",
navbar: navbar.en,
head: [["link", { rel: "icon", href: `/logo.png` }]],
markdown: {
toc: {

docs/.vuepress/config/index.ts Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
// export * from './head'
export * from './navbar/index.js'
export * from './sidebar/index.js'

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
import { NavbarConfig } from "@vuepress/theme-default";
export const hans: NavbarConfig = [
{ text: "首页", link: "/" },
{ text: "大史记", link: "/about/news.md" },
{ text: "配置指南", link: "/config/" },
{ text: "开发指南", link: "/development/" },
{ text: "使用指南", link: "/document/" },
// TODO: translation
export const en: NavbarConfig = [
{ text: "Homepage", link: "/en" },
{ text: "Website History", link: "/en/about/news.md" },
{ text: "Config Reference", link: "/en/config/" },
{ text: "Developer Guide", link: "/en/development/" },
{ text: "Quick Start", link: "/en/document/" },

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import { NavbarConfig } from '@vuepress/theme-default'
// TODO: translation
export const navbarEn: NavbarConfig = [
{ text: 'Homepage', link: '/en' },
{ text: 'Website History', link: '/en/about/news.md' },
{ text: 'Config Reference', link: '/en/config/' },
{ text: 'Developer Guide', link: '/en/development/' },
{ text: 'Quick Start', link: '/en/document/' },

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export * from './en.js'
export * from './zh.js'

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { NavbarConfig } from '@vuepress/theme-default'
export const navbarZh: NavbarConfig = [
{ text: '首页', link: '/' },
{ text: '大史记', link: '/about/news.md' },
{ text: '配置指南', link: '/config/' },
{ text: '开发指南', link: '/development/' },
{ text: '使用指南', link: '/document/' },

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// Reference: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid
import { hash } from "@vuepress/utils";
const MermaidPlugin = function (md) {
const fence = md.renderer.rules.fence;
md.renderer.rules.fence = (...args) => {
const [tokens, idx] = args;
const { info } = tokens[idx];
if (info.trim() === "mermaid") {
const token = tokens[idx];
const key = `mermaid_${hash(idx)}`;
let { content } = token;
return `<Mermaid identifier="${key}" graph="${encodeURI(
const rawCode = fence(...args);
return `${rawCode}`;
export { MermaidPlugin };

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
import { SidebarConfigArray } from "@vuepress/theme-default";
export function getConfigSidebar(
feature: string,
config: string,
inbound: string,
outbound: string,
transport: string,
path: string
): SidebarConfigArray {
return [
text: feature,
children: [
path + "features/xtls.md",
path + "features/fallback.md",
path + "features/browser_dialer.md",
path + "features/env.md",
path + "features/multiple.md",
text: config,
children: [
path + "",
path + "log.md",
path + "api.md",
path + "dns.md",
path + "fakedns.md",
path + "inbound.md",
path + "outbound.md",
path + "policy.md",
path + "reverse.md",
path + "routing.md",
path + "stats.md",
path + "transport.md",
text: inbound,
children: [
path + "inbounds/dokodemo.md",
path + "inbounds/http.md",
path + "inbounds/shadowsocks.md",
path + "inbounds/socks.md",
path + "inbounds/trojan.md",
path + "inbounds/vless.md",
path + "inbounds/vmess.md",
text: outbound,
children: [
path + "outbounds/blackhole.md",
path + "outbounds/dns.md",
path + "outbounds/freedom.md",
path + "outbounds/http.md",
path + "outbounds/shadowsocks.md",
path + "outbounds/socks.md",
path + "outbounds/trojan.md",
path + "outbounds/vless.md",
path + "outbounds/vmess.md",
path + "outbounds/wireguard.md",
text: transport,
children: [
path + "transports/grpc.md",
path + "transports/h2.md",
path + "transports/mkcp.md",
path + "transports/quic.md",
path + "transports/tcp.md",
path + "transports/websocket.md",
export function getDocumentSidebar(
title: string,
path: string
): SidebarConfigArray {
return [
text: title,
children: [
path + "install.md",
path + "config.md",
path + "command.md",
path + "document.md",
path + "level-0",
path + "level-1",
path + "level-2",
export function getDocumentLv0Sidebar(
title: string,
path: string
): SidebarConfigArray {
return [
text: title,
children: [
path + "ch01-preface.md",
path + "ch02-preparation.md",
path + "ch03-ssh.md",
path + "ch04-security.md",
path + "ch05-webpage.md",
path + "ch06-certificates.md",
path + "ch07-xray-server.md",
path + "ch08-xray-clients.md",
path + "ch09-appendix.md",
export function getDocumentLv1Sidebar(
title: string,
path: string
): SidebarConfigArray {
return [
text: title,
children: [
path + "fallbacks-lv1.md",
path + "routing-lv1-part1.md",
path + "routing-lv1-part2.md",
path + "work.md",
path + "fallbacks-with-sni.md",
export function getDocumentLv2Sidebar(
title: string,
path: string
): SidebarConfigArray {
return [
text: title,
children: [
path + "transparent_proxy/transparent_proxy.md",
path + "tproxy.md",
path + "tproxy_ipv4_and_ipv6.md",
path + "nginx_or_haproxy_tls_tunnel.md",
path + "iptables_gid.md",
path + "redirect.md",
path + "warp.md",
path + "traffic_stats.md",
export function getDevelopmentSidebar(
title: string,
protocols: string,
path: string
): SidebarConfigArray {
return [
text: title,
children: [
path + "intro/compile.md",
path + "intro/design.md",
path + "intro/guide.md",
text: protocols,
children: [
path + "protocols/vless.md",
path + "protocols/vmess.md",
path + "protocols/muxcool.md",
path + "protocols/mkcp.md",

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
import type { SidebarConfig } from '@vuepress/theme-default'
export const sidebarEn: SidebarConfig = {
'/en/config/': [
text: 'feature',
children: [
text: 'config',
children: [
text: 'inbound',
children: [
text: 'outbound',
children: [
text: 'transport',
children: [
'/en/document/': [
text: 'Quick Start',
children: [
text: 'Beginner Tutorial',
children: [
text: 'Getting Started Tips',
children: [
text: 'Advanced Documentation',
children: [
'/en/development/': [
text: 'Developer Guide',
children: [
text: 'Protocol Details',
children: [

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export * from './en.js'
export * from './zh.js'

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
import type { SidebarConfig } from '@vuepress/theme-default'
export const sidebarZh: SidebarConfig = {
'/config/': [
text: '特性详解',
children: [
text: '基础配置',
children: [
text: '入站代理',
children: [
text: '出站代理',
children: [
text: '底层传输',
children: [
'/document/': [
text: '快速入门文档',
children: [
text: '小小白白话文',
children: [
text: '入门技巧',
children: [
text: '进阶技巧',
children: [
'/development/': [
text: '开发指南',
children: [
text: '协议详解',
children: [

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// FIXME: Should correct handle dark selector
export const getDarkmodeStatus = (): boolean => {
const html = document.documentElement;
return (
html.classList.contains("dark") ||
html.getAttribute("data-theme") === "dark"

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import type { PluginSimple } from "markdown-it";
import type Renderer from "markdown-it/lib/renderer.js";
const mermaidRenderer: Renderer.RenderRule = (tokens: any, index: any) =>
`<Mermaid id="mermaid-${index}" code="${encodeURI(
interface MermaidOptions {
content: string;
diagram?: string;
title?: string;
export const getMermaidContent = ({
diagram = "mermaid",
title = "",
}: MermaidOptions): string => `\
? `\
title: ${title}
: ""
${diagram === "mermaid"
? ""
: `\
${diagram === "mermaid" || diagram === "sankey-beta"
? content
: content
.map((line) => (line ? ` ${line}` : ""))
const getMermaid = (options: MermaidOptions, index: number): string =>
`<Mermaid id="mermaid-${index}" code="${encodeURI(getMermaidContent(options))}"${options.title ? ` title="${encodeURI(options.title)}"` : ""}></Mermaid>`;
export const MermaidPlugin: PluginSimple = (md) => {
// Handle ```mermaid blocks
const fence = md.renderer.rules.fence;
md.renderer.rules.fence = (...args): string => {
const [tokens, index] = args;
const { content, info } = tokens[index];
const fenceInfo = info.trim();
if (fenceInfo === "mermaid") return getMermaid({ content }, index);
const [name, ...rest] = fenceInfo.split(" ");
return fence!(...args);
md.renderer.rules["mermaid"] = mermaidRenderer;

docs/.vuepress/theme.ts Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import { defaultTheme } from '@vuepress/theme-default'
// import { path, getDirname } from '@vuepress/utils'
import { path, getDirname } from 'vuepress/utils'
import process from 'node:process'
import { navbarEn, navbarZh, sidebarEn, sidebarZh } from './config/index.js'
let __dirname = getDirname(import.meta.url)
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
export default defaultTheme({
name: 'vuepress-theme-xray',
smoothScroll: true,
repo: 'xtls/xray-core',
docsDir: 'docs',
locales: {
'/': {
navbar: navbarZh,
sidebar: sidebarZh,
repoLabel: '查看源码',
editLinkText: '帮助我们改善此页面!',
tip: '提示',
warning: '注意',
danger: '警告',
lastUpdatedText: '最近更改',
selectLanguageName: '简体中文',
selectLanguageText: '多语言',
selectLanguageAriaLabel: '多语言',
docsDir: 'docs',
backToHome: 'back to home',
openInNewWindow: 'open in new tag',
toggleColorMode: 'toggle color mode',
toggleSidebar: 'toggle side bar',
'/en/': {
// TODO: translation
sidebar: sidebarEn,
navbar: navbarEn,
selectLanguageName: 'English (WIP)',
selectLanguageText: 'Multiple language',
selectLanguageAriaLabel: 'Multiple language',
editLinkText: 'Help us improve this page on GitHub',
lastUpdatedText: 'Last Updated',
contributorsText: 'contributors',
// repoLabel: 'Source',
tip: 'Tip',
warning: 'Warning',
danger: 'Danger',
// 404 page
notFound: [
'这是一个 404 页面',
backToHome: 'back to home',
openInNewWindow: 'open in new tag',
toggleColorMode: 'toggle color mode',
toggleSidebar: 'toggle side bar',
docsRepo: 'xtls/Xray-docs-next',
docsBranch: 'main',
editLinks: true,
enableToggle: true,
smoothScroll: true,
// logo: '/logo.png',
// sidebar: 'auto',
themePlugins: {
git: isProduction,

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { defineClientAppEnhance } from "@vuepress/client";
// import { defineClientAppEnhance } from "@vuepress/client";
import { defineClientAppEnhance } from "vuepress/client";
import Tab from "./components/Tab.vue";
import Tabs from "./components/Tabs.vue";
import Mermaid from "./components/Mermaid.vue";

@ -3,60 +3,81 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { useMutationObserver } from "@vueuse/core";
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import { useDarkMode } from "@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client";
import { getDarkmodeStatus } from "../../plugins/mermaid/helpers/darkmode.js";
export default defineComponent({
name: "Mermaid",
props: {
identifier: String,
graph: String,
id: { type: String, required: true },
code: { type: String, required: true },
setup(props) {
const dark = useDarkMode();
const chartID = toRef(props, "identifier");
const rawGraph = toRef(props, "graph");
const html = reactive({ innerHtml: "" });
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(async function () {
const chartID = toRef(props, "id");
const rawGraph = toRef(props, "code");
const isDarkmode = ref(false);
const renderMermaid = async (): Promise<void> => {
const mermaid = await import("mermaid");
theme: isDarkmode.value ? "dark" : "default",
startOnLoad: false,
theme: dark.value ? "dark" : "default",
.render(chartID.value!, decodeURI(rawGraph.value!))
.then(({ svg, bindFunctions }) => {
html.innerHtml = svg;
watch(dark, async () => {
const mermaid = await import("mermaid");
startOnLoad: false,
theme: dark.value ? "dark" : "default",
.render(chartID.value!, decodeURI(rawGraph.value!))
.then(({ svg, bindFunctions }) => {
mermaid.default.render(chartID.value!, decodeURI(rawGraph.value!)).then(({ svg, bindFunctions }) => {
html.innerHtml = svg;
onMounted(() => {
isDarkmode.value = getDarkmodeStatus()
// watch darkmode change
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
() => {
isDarkmode.value = getDarkmodeStatus();
attributeFilter: ["class", "data-theme"],
attributes: true,
watch(isDarkmode, () => renderMermaid());
return {
tag: chartID,
payload: html,
payload: html
<style scoped></style>

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import { Theme } from "@vuepress/core";
import { path } from "@vuepress/utils";
// import { Theme } from "@vuepress/core";
import { Theme } from "vuepress/core";
// import { path } from "@vuepress/utils";
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import { defaultTheme } from "vuepress";
export const docsPlugin: Theme = (options, app) => {

@ -8,44 +8,39 @@
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pnpm-lock.yaml generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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vite.config.js Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import { splitVendorChunkPlugin } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [splitVendorChunkPlugin()],