From 46bccd3fdb241817b1617991fe5ae8c525b20460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kevin Amiri [@DuckSoft]( 的提案!
+Thank you to [@DuckSoft]( for the proposal!
-详情请见 [VMessAEAD / VLESS 分享链接标准提案](
+Please see [VMessAEAD/VLESS Sharing Link Standard Proposal]( for more details.
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-# VMess 协议
+# VMess Protocol
-VMess 是一个加密传输协议,可以作为 Xray 客户端和服务器之间的桥梁。
+VMess is an encrypted transmission protocol that can serve as a bridge between the Xray client and server.
-## 版本
+## Version
-当前版本号为 1。
+The current version number is 1.
-## 依赖
+## Dependencies
-### 底层协议
+### Underlying Protocol
-VMess 是一个基于 TCP 的协议,所有数据使用 TCP 传输。
+VMess is a TCP-based protocol where all data is transmitted over TCP.
-### 用户 ID
+### User ID
-ID 等价于 [UUID](,是一个 16 字节长的随机数,它的作用相当于一个令牌(Token)。
-一个 ID 形如:de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014,几乎完全随机,可以使用任何的 UUID 生成器来生成,比如[这个](。
+An ID is equivalent to a [UUID](, which is a 16-byte long random number. Its function is similar to a token. An ID looks like: `de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014`, it is almost entirely random and can be generated using any UUID generator, such as [this one](
-用户 ID 可在[配置文件](../../config)中指定。
+User ID can be specified in the [configuration file](../../config).
-### 函数
+### Functions
-- MD5: [MD5 函数](
- - 输入参数为任意长度的 byte 数组
- - 输出为一个 16 byte 的数组
-- HMAC: [HMAC 函数](
- - 输入参数为:
- - H:散列函数
- - K:密钥,任意长度的 byte 数组
- - M:消息,任意长度的 byte 数组
-- Shake: [SHA3-Shake128 函数](
- - 输入参数为任意长度的字符串
- - 输出为任意长度的字符串
+- MD5: [MD5 Function](
+ - Input parameter is any length byte array
+ - Output is a 16-byte array
+- HMAC: [HMAC Function](
+ - Input parameters are:
+ - H: Hash function
+ - K: Key, any length byte array
+ - M: Message, any length byte array
+- Shake: [SHA3-Shake128 Function](
+ - Input parameter is any length string
+ - Output is any length string
-## 通讯过程
+## Communication Process
-VMess 是一个无状态协议,即客户端和服务器之间不需要握手即可直接传输数据,每一次数据传输对之前和之后的其它数据传输没有影响。
+VMess is a stateless protocol, which means that data can be transmitted directly between the client and the server without the need for a handshake. Each data transmission has no impact on other data transmissions before or after it.
-VMess 的客户端发起一次请求,服务器判断该请求是否来自一个合法的客户端。如验证通过,则转发该请求,并把获得的响应发回给客户端。
+When a VMess client initiates a request, the server checks whether the request comes from a legitimate client. If the validation passes, the server forwards the request and sends the obtained response back to the client.
-VMess 使用非对称格式,即客户端发出的请求和服务器端的响应使用了不同的格式。
+VMess uses an asymmetric format, meaning that the requests sent by the client and the responses from the server use different formats.
-## 客户端请求
+## Client Request
-| 16 字节 | X 字节 | 余下部分 |
-| -------- | -------- | -------- |
-| 认证信息 | 指令部分 | 数据部分 |
+| 16 Bytes | X Bytes | Remaining |
+| -------------------------- | ---------------- | --------- |
+| Authentication Information | Instruction Part | Data Part |
-### 认证信息
+### Authentication Information
-认证信息是一个 16 字节的哈希(hash)值,它的计算方式如下:
+The authentication information is a 16-byte hash (hash) value, which is calculated as follows:
- H = MD5
-- K = 用户 ID (16 字节)
-- M = UTC 时间,精确到秒,取值为当前时间的前后 30 秒随机值(8 字节, Big Endian)
+- K = User ID (16 bytes)
+- M = UTC time accurate to seconds, with a random value of ±30 seconds from the current time (8 bytes, Big Endian)
- Hash = HMAC(H, K, M)
-### 指令部分
+### Command Section
-指令部分经过 AES-128-CFB 加密:
+The instruction part is encrypted using AES-128-CFB.
-- Key:MD5(用户 ID + []byte('c48619fe-8f02-49e0-b9e9-edf763e17e21'))
-- IV:MD5(X + X + X + X),X = []byte(认证信息生成的时间) (8 字节, Big Endian)
+- Key: MD5(user ID + []byte('c48619fe-8f02-49e0-b9e9-edf763e17e21'))
+- IV: MD5(X + X + X + X), X = []byte(time generated by authentication information) (8 bytes, Big Endian)
-| 1 字节 | 16 字节 | 16 字节 | 1 字节 | 1 字节 | 4 位 | 4 位 | 1 字节 | 1 字节 | 2 字节 | 1 字节 | N 字节 | P 字节 | 4 字节 |
-| :--------: | :---------: | :----------: | :--------: | :------: | :----: | :----------: | :----: | :------: | :-------: | :--------: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
-| 版本号 Ver | 数据加密 IV | 数据加密 Key | 响应认证 V | 选项 Opt | 余量 P | 加密方式 Sec | 保留 | 指令 Cmd | 端口 Port | 地址类型 T | 地址 A | 随机值 | 校验 F |
+| 1 Byte | 16 Bytes | 16 Bytes | 1 Byte | 1 Byte | 4 bits | 4 bits | 1 Byte | 1 Byte | 2 Bytes | 1 Byte | N Bytes | P Bytes | 4 Bytes |
+| :-----: | :----------------: | :-----------------: | :---------------------------: | :-----: | :------: | :---------------: | :------: | :-----: | :-----: | :----------: | :-----: | :----------: | :------: |
+| Version | Data Encryption IV | Data Encryption Key | Response Authentication Value | Options | Reserved | Encryption Method | Reserved | Command | Port | Address Type | Address | Random Value | Checksum |
-选项 Opt 细节:(当某一位为 1 时,表示该选项启用)
+Options Opt Details: (When a bit is 1, it means the option is enabled)
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| X | X | X | X | X | M | R | S |
+of which:
-- 版本号 Ver:始终为 1;
-- 数据加密 IV:随机值;
-- 数据加密 Key:随机值;
-- 响应认证 V:随机值;
-- 选项 Opt:
- - S (0x01):标准格式的数据流(建议开启);
- - R (0x02):客户端期待重用 TCP 连接(Xray 2.23+ 弃用);
- - 只有当 S 开启时,这一项才有效;
- - M (0x04):开启元数据混淆(建议开启);
- - 只有当 S 开启时,这一项才有效;
- - 当其项开启时,客户端和服务器端需要分别构造两个 Shake 实例,分别为 RequestMask = Shake(请求数据 IV), ResponseMask = Shake(响应数据 IV)。
- - X:保留
-- 余量 P:在校验值之前加入 P 字节的随机值;
-- 加密方式:指定数据部分的加密方式,可选的值有:
- - 0x00:AES-128-CFB;
- - 0x01:不加密;
- - 0x02:AES-128-GCM;
- - 0x03:ChaCha20-Poly1305;
-- 指令 Cmd:
- - 0x01:TCP 数据;
- - 0x02:UDP 数据;
-- 端口 Port:Big Endian 格式的整型端口号;
-- 地址类型 T:
- - 0x01:IPv4
- - 0x02:域名
- - 0x03:IPv6
-- 地址 A:
- - 当 T = 0x01 时,A 为 4 字节 IPv4 地址;
- - 当 T = 0x02 时,A 为 1 字节长度(L) + L 字节域名;
- - 当 T = 0x03 时,A 为 16 字节 IPv6 地址;
-- 校验 F:指令部分除 F 外所有内容的 FNV1a hash;
+- Version Number Ver: Always 1;
+- Data Encryption IV: Random value;
+- Data Encryption Key: Random value;
+- Response Authentication V: Random value;
+- Option Opt:
+ - S (0x01): Standard format data stream (recommended);
+ - R (0x02): Client expects to reuse TCP connection (deprecated in Xray 2.23+);
+ - This item only takes effect when S is enabled;
+ - M (0x04): Enable metadata obfuscation (recommended);
+ - This item only takes effect when S is enabled;
+ - When this item is enabled, the client and server need to construct two Shake instances respectively, RequestMask = Shake (request data IV), ResponseMask = Shake (response data IV).
+ - X: Reserved
+- Redundancy P: Random value added before checksum value;
+- Encryption Method: Specify the encryption method for the data part, and the optional values are:
+ - 0x00: AES-128-CFB;
+ - 0x01: No encryption;
+ - 0x02: AES-128-GCM;
+ - 0x03: ChaCha20-Poly1305;
+- Instruction Cmd:
+ - 0x01: TCP data;
+ - 0x02: UDP data;
+- Port Port: Integer port number in Big Endian format;
+- Address Type T:
+ - 0x01: IPv4
+ - 0x02: Domain name
+ - 0x03: IPv6
+- Address A:
+ - When T = 0x01, A is a 4-byte IPv4 address;
+ - When T = 0x02, A is a 1-byte length (L) + L-byte domain name;
+ - When T = 0x03, A is a 16-byte IPv6 address;
+- Check F: FNV1a hash of all content in the instruction except F.
-### 数据部分
+### Data Section
-当 Opt(S) 开启时,数据部分使用此格式。实际的请求数据被分割为若干个小块,每个小块的格式如下。服务器校验完所有的小块之后,再按基本格式的方式进行转发。
+When Opt(S) is enabled, this format is used for the data section. The actual request data is divided into several small chunks, and each chunk has the following format. After the server verifies all the small chunks, it will be forwarded in the basic format.
-| 2 字节 | L 字节 |
-| :----: | :----: |
-| 长度 L | 数据包 |
+| 2 Bytes | L Bytes |
+| :------: | :---------: |
+| Length L | Data Packet |
+in which:
+- Length L: A big-endian integer with a maximum value of 2^14.
+ - When Opt(M) is enabled, the value of L is equal to the true value xor Mask. Mask = (RequestMask.NextByte() << 8) + RequestMask.NextByte();
+- Packet: A data packet encrypted by the specified encryption method.
+Before the transmission is completed, the data packet must contain actual data, in addition to the length and authentication data. When the transmission is complete, the client must send an empty data packet, that is, L = 0 (unencrypted) or the length of the authentication data (encrypted), to indicate the end of the transmission.
+The packets are formatted as follows, depending on the encryption method:
+- Unencrypted:
+ - L bytes: actual data;
+- AES-128-CFB: The entire data section is encrypted using AES-128-CFB.
+ - 4 bytes: FNV1a hash of actual data;
+ - L - 4 bytes: actual data;
+- AES-128-GCM: Key is the Key of the instruction section, IV = count (2 bytes) + IV (10 bytes). count starts at 0 and increases by 1 for each packet; IV is the 3rd to 12th byte of the instruction section IV.
+ - L - 16 bytes: actual data;
+ - 16 bytes: GCM authentication information
+- ChaCha20-Poly1305: Key = MD5 (instruction part Key) + MD5 (MD5 (instruction part Key)), IV = count (2 bytes) + IV (10 bytes). count starts at 0 and increases by 1 for each packet; IV is the 3rd to 12th byte of the instruction section IV.
+ - L - 16 bytes: actual data;
+ - 16 bytes: Poly1305 authentication information
+## Server Response
+The header data is encrypted using AES-128-CFB encryption. The IV is MD5 of the data encryption IV, and the Key is MD5 of the data encryption Key. The actual response data varies depending on the encryption settings.
+| 1 Byte | 1 Byte | 1 Byte | 1 Byte | M Bytes | Remaining Part |
+| ------------------------- | ---------- | ----------- | ---------------- | --------------- | -------------------- |
+| Response Authentication V | Option Opt | Command Cmd | Command Length M | Command Content | Actual Response Data |
-- 长度 L:Big Endian 格式的整型,最大值为 2^14;
- - 当 Opt(M) 开启时,L 的值 = 真实值 xor Mask。Mask = (RequestMask.NextByte() << 8) + RequestMask.NextByte();
-- 数据包:由指定的加密方式加密过的数据包;
+- Response Authentication V: must match the response authentication V in the client request.
+- Option Opt:
+ - 0x01: server prepares to reuse TCP connections (deprecated in Xray 2.23+).
+- Command Cmd:
+ - 0x01: dynamic port command.
+- Actual response data:
+ - If Opt(S) in the request is enabled, the standard format is used. Otherwise, the basic format is used.
+ - Both formats are identical to the request data.
+ - When Opt(M) is enabled, the value of length L is equal to the true value XOR Mask. Mask = (ResponseMask.NextByte() << 8) + ResponseMask.NextByte().
-在传输结束之前,数据包中必须有实际数据,即除了长度和认证数据之外的数据。当传输结束时,客户端必须发送一个空的数据包,即 L = 0(不加密) 或认证数据长度(有加密),来表示传输结束。
+### Dynamic Port Instructions
+| 1 Byte | 2 Bytes | 16 Bytes | 2 Bytes | 1 Byte | 1 Byte |
+| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------- | ---------- | ----------------- |
+| Reserved | Port | User ID | AlterID | User level | Validity period T |
-- 不加密:
- - L 字节:实际数据;
-- AES-128-CFB:整个数据部分使用 AES-128-CFB 加密
- - 4 字节:实际数据的 FNV1a hash;
- - L - 4 字节:实际数据;
-- AES-128-GCM:Key 为指令部分的 Key,IV = count (2 字节) + IV (10 字节)。count 从 0 开始递增,每个数据包加 1;IV 为 指令部分 IV 的第 3 至第 12 字节。
- - L - 16 字节:实际数据;
- - 16 字节:GCM 认证信息
-- ChaCha20-Poly1305:Key = MD5(指令部分 Key) + MD5(MD5(指令部分 Key)),IV = count (2 字节) + IV (10 字节)。count 从 0 开始递增,每个数据包加 1;IV 为 指令部分 IV 的第 3 至第 12 字节。
- - L - 16 字节:实际数据;
- - 16 字节:Poly1305 认证信息
+in which:
-## 服务器应答
+- Port: Integer port number in Big Endian format
+- T: Number of minutes as integer value.
-应答头部数据使用 AES-128-CFB 加密,IV 为 MD5(数据加密 IV),Key 为 MD5(数据加密 Key)。实际应答数据视加密设置不同而不同。
+When the client receives a dynamic port command, the server opens a new port for communication. The client can then send data to the new port. After T minutes, the port will expire, and the client must use the main port to communicate again.
-| 1 字节 | 1 字节 | 1 字节 | 1 字节 | M 字节 | 余下部分 |
-| ---------- | -------- | -------- | ---------- | -------- | ------------ |
-| 响应认证 V | 选项 Opt | 指令 Cmd | 指令长度 M | 指令内容 | 实际应答数据 |
+## Comment
-- 响应认证 V:必须和客户端请求中的响应认证 V 一致;
-- 选项 Opt:
- - 0x01:服务器端准备重用 TCP 连接(Xray 2.23+ 弃用);
-- 指令 Cmd:
- - 0x01:动态端口指令
-- 实际应答数据:
- - 如果请求中的 Opt(S) 开启,则使用标准格式,否则使用基本格式。
- - 格式均和请求数据相同。
- - 当 Opt(M) 开启时,长度 L 的值 = 真实值 xor Mask。Mask = (ResponseMask.NextByte() << 8) + ResponseMask.NextByte();
-### 动态端口指令
-| 1 字节 | 2 字节 | 16 字节 | 2 字节 | 1 字节 | 1 字节 |
-| ------ | --------- | ------- | ------- | -------- | ---------- |
-| 保留 | 端口 Port | 用户 ID | AlterID | 用户等级 | 有效时间 T |
-- 端口 Port:Big Endian 格式的整型端口号;
-- 有效时间 T:分钟数;
-客户端在收到动态端口指令时,服务器已开放新的端口用于通信,这时客户端可以将数据发往新的端口。在 T 分钟之后,这个端口将失效,客户端必须重新使用主端口进行通信。
-## 注释
-- 为确保向前兼容性,所有保留字段的值必须为 0。
+- To ensure forward compatibility, the values of all reserved fields must be 0.
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# Configure and Run
-After [downloading and installing Xray](./install/), you need to configure it,
+After [downloading and installing Xray](./install/), you need to configure it.
-For demonstration, only a simple configuration method is introduced here. More templates: [Xray-examples](
+For demonstration purposes, only a simple configuration method is introduced here. For more templates, please refer to [Xray-examples](
-If you need to configure more complex functions, please refer to the relevant instructions in the more detailed [configuration file](../config/).
+If you need to set up more advanced features, please refer to the relevant instructions in the more detailed [configuration file](../config/).
## Server Configuration
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ You need a server outside the firewall to run server-side Xray. The configuratio
"inbounds": [
- "port": 10086, // server listening port
+ "port": 10086, // The port on which the server is listening
"protocol": "vmess",
"settings": {
"clients": [
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ You need a server outside the firewall to run server-side Xray. The configuratio
-In the configuration of the server, you need to ensure `id` that the and port are consistent with the client, and then you can connect normally.
+In server configuration, it is necessary to ensure that the `id` and port are consistent with the client in order to establish a normal connection.
## Client Configuration
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ On your PC (or phone), you need to run Xray with the following configuration:
"inbounds": [
- "port": 1080, // SOCKS proxy port, the proxy needs to be configured in the browser and point to this port
+ "port": 1080, // SOCKS代理端口,需要在浏览器中配置代理并指向该端口
"listen": "",
"protocol": "socks",
"settings": {
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ On your PC (or phone), you need to run Xray with the following configuration:
"settings": {
"vnext": [
- "address": "server", // Server address, please change it to your own server IP or domain name
- "port": 10086, // server port
+ "address": "server", // 服务器地址,请将其更改为您自己的服务器IP或域名
+ "port": 10086, // 服务器端口
"users": [
"id": "b831381d-6324-4d53-ad4f-8cda48b30811"
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ On your PC (or phone), you need to run Xray with the following configuration:
-The only thing to change in the above configuration is your server IP, which is noted in the configuration. The above configuration will forward all traffic to your server except on the LAN (such as the access router).
+The only thing you need to modify in the above configuration is your server's IP address, which is indicated in the configuration. This configuration will redirect all traffic to your server, except for traffic on the local area network (such as the access router).
## Run
-- On Windows and macOS, configuration files are usually `config.json`
- - Just run `Xray` or `Xray.exe`
-- On Linux, configuration files are usually located in `/etc/xray/` or `/usr/local/etc/xray/`.
- - Run `xray run -c /etc/xray/config.json`
- - Or use something like systemd to run Xray as a service in the background.
+- On Windows and macOS, the configuration files are usually named `config.json`.
+ - To start Xray, simply run `Xray` or `Xray.exe`.
+- On Linux, the configuration files are usually located in `/etc/xray/` or `/usr/local/etc/xray/`.
+ - To start Xray, run the command `xray run -c /etc/xray/config.json`.
+ - Alternatively, you can use a tool like systemd to run Xray as a background service.
-For more detailed instructions, please refer to [Configuration](../config/) Document and [小小白话文](./level-0/).
+For more detailed instructions, please refer to the [Configuration](../config/) Document and [Layman's Terms](./level-0/).
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-# 小小白白话文
+# Plain and Simple Language
+**This chapter is a basic lesson of [Starting from Scratch]. New students, please watch and learn carefully.**
::: tip
Made with ❤️ by [@ricuhkaen](
-[【第 1 章】 前言罗嗦篇](./ - 机场还是自建?这是个问题
+[【Chapter 1】 Preface: Rambling](./ - Airport or Self-built? That is the question.
-[【第 2 章】 原料准备篇](./ - 工欲善其事,必先利其器
+[Chapter 2: Preparation of Raw Materials](./ - Tools must be sharpened before they can be used proficiently.
-[【第 3 章】 远程登录篇](./ - 一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途
+[Chapter 3: Remote Login](./ - A bridge connecting the north and south, turning a natural obstacle into a thoroughfare.
-[【第 4 章】 安全防护篇](./ - 安全不注意,亲人两行泪
+[【Chapter 4】Security Protection](./ - If you don't pay attention to security, you will shed tears for your loved ones.
-[【第 5 章】 网站建设篇](./ - 秀出你的美
+[【Chapter 5】Website Construction] - Show Your Beauty (Link to file)
-[【第 6 章】 证书管理篇](./ - 领证的才是合法的
+[Chapter 6: Certificate Management](./ - Only those who obtain certificates are considered legitimate.
-[【第 7 章】 Xray 服务器篇](./ - 终于等到你
+[Chapter 7: Xray Server](./ - Finally, waited for you.
-[【第 8 章】 Xray 客户端篇](./ - 新的开始
+[Chapter 8: Xray Client](./ - A New Beginning.
-[【第 9 章】 附录](./ - 考点都在这里
+[Chapter 9] Appendix - All the exam points are here.
\ No newline at end of file
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-# 【第 1 章】 小小白白话文
+# [Chapter 1] Simple and Plain Language
-## 1.1 这篇文档是写给谁的?
+## 1.1 Who is this document written for?
-一句话:写给 **① 零基础** **② 希望学习自建 VPS** 的新人。
+One sentence: Written for newbies who are **(1) absolute beginners** and **(2) interested in learning how to build their own VPS**.
-## 1.2 这篇文档不是写给谁的?
+## 1.2 Who is this document not written for?
-包括但不限于:各路大神大能、懒得自己折腾的小白、已经会折腾的高手、确定要用机场的土豪、确定要用一键脚本的逍遥派...... 总之只要有技术基础、或不愿不想自建的同学,您直接关闭本文即可,因为这篇文章大概是入不了您的法眼的,更可能会让您生一肚子闲气,那多划不来。
+Including but not limited to: experts and professionals, beginners who are too lazy to tinker on their own, advanced users who already know how to tinker, wealthy users who insist on using airport services, and those who prefer using one-click scripts. In short, if you have a technical background or don't want to build it yourself, you can close this article directly, because this article may not be suitable for you and may even make you upset.
-## 1.3 郑重声明及其他声明
+## 1.3 Declaration and Other Statements
+My technical skills are extremely limited, so this article is inevitably full of errors and flaws. If you find any problems, please kindly point them out and don't be too harsh on me.
-本文内容请您自行判断是否可信可靠可用,若您根据本文内容建立和使用 VPS 服务器时出了任何问题和不良结果,鄙人概不负责。
+Please judge the reliability and usability of the content of this article by yourself. If you encounter any problems or negative results when establishing and using a VPS server based on the content of this article, I am not responsible for it.
+Verbose statement:
+Considering the target audience of this article, which is "users with zero experience", many details will be explained in great detail, so the language may be verbose. Please be mentally prepared for this.
-## 1.4 为什么自建是个难题?
+## 1.4 Why is self-hosting a challenge?
+To answer this question, we need to provide a little more background information.
+1. On the matter of accessing the internet through scientific means
-科学上网这件事情,说来已经发展了近二十年(震惊!!!.jpg)。最初,自己稍微动动手即可(改改 host、连一下 ssh)、后来需要找一个网页代理,再后来需要写一个私有协议(比如 Shadowsocks)等等。
+The act of accessing the internet using scientific methods has been around for almost 20 years (shocking!!!.jpg). Initially, one could do it with a little effort (changing the host file, using SSH), then one had to find a web proxy, and later, one had to develop a private protocol (such as Shadowsocks) and so on.
-随着 GFW 技术这十几年来不断的迭代升级,若要完成【自己动手科学上网】这个目标,需要做的事情已经包括但不限于:
+With the continuous iteration and upgrade of GFW technology over the past decade, to achieve the goal of [building your own scientific Internet access], the things that need to be done include but are not limited to:
-- 了解 Linux 系统基本命令
-- 了解网络传输协议
-- 有技术和经济能力完成 VPS 购买及管理
-- 有技术和经济能力完成域名购买及管理
-- 有技术能力完成 TLS 证书申请 等等。
+- Understand basic Linux commands
+- Understand network transmission protocols
+- Have the technical and financial ability to purchase and manage a VPS
+- Have the technical and financial ability to purchase and manage a domain name
+- Have the technical ability to apply for a TLS certificate, and so on.
-这就让【自建 VPS 科学上网】这个曾经简单的行为逐渐变成了令新人望而生畏的挑战。
+This has turned the once simple act of [setting up a self-built VPS for accessing the internet in a secure and unrestricted manner] into a daunting challenge that intimidates newcomers.
+2. Helplessness of Zero-based Users
-零基础的非技术用户,如果完成上面这一连串的操作,势必要学习大量的知识,但稍微搜索之后,新人只怕会更加迷茫:大量的信息散布在互联网的各个角落:博客、问答网站、群组、论坛、GitHub、Telegram、YouTube 等等等等)。这些信息纷乱复杂、水平良莠不齐、甚至可能互相矛盾。基本上就是不把新人彻底弄晕誓不罢休。
+For non-technical users with zero foundation, if they complete the above series of operations, they will inevitably need to learn a lot of knowledge. However, after a little searching, newbies are likely to become even more confused: a large amount of information is scattered in various corners of the Internet: blogs, Q&A sites, groups, forums, GitHub, Telegram, YouTube, and so on. These pieces of information are chaotic and complex, with varying levels of quality, and may even contradict each other. Basically, they won't stop until they completely confuse the newcomer.
-面对这些杂乱无章的信息,新人突然就从【信息匮乏】变成了【信息过剩】。若是几番连蒙带猜的折腾以失败告终(大概率如此)的话,他的积极性势必大受挫折。在这个过程中,若他又恰好去了一些不太友好的地方去求助,恐怕还要雪上加霜的被嘲讽一番:“这么菜,用机场不就行了,瞎折腾什么啊!”、“先去学会 Linux 再回来问吧”。
+Faced with such chaotic information, newcomers suddenly shift from [information scarcity] to [information overload]. If they fail after several attempts of groping and guessing (which is highly probable), their enthusiasm is bound to be greatly frustrated. In this process, if they happen to seek help in some unfriendly places, they may be ridiculed even more: "You're so inexperienced, just use the airport, why bother messing around!" "Go learn Linux first before coming back to ask."
+At this moment, probably only an "hehe" can express the mood.
-## 1.5 “用机场不就行了?”
+## 1.5 "Why not just use the airport?"
+First of all, I would like to respond to those who ridicule and criticize by asking a question: Is using the airport really a panacea?
+Secondly, I believe that there is a fundamental difference between "not understanding" and "not wanting to understand". The bad attitude of some people who just want handouts is naturally annoying, but those who sincerely want to learn but don't know how should not be subject to unjustified contempt and discrimination. It is precisely this kind of bad community atmosphere that does not distinguish between newcomers that prompted me to write this article. So without further ado, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the airport:
+1. 稳定性高:机场节点数量多,分布广泛,避免了单点故障的风险,保证了整个网络的稳定性。
+2. 速度快:机场的节点通常采用高速服务器和优化的网络架构,网络速度较快,能够满足用户的高速上网需求。
+3. 安全性高:机场通常会采用严格的安全措施,如流量加密、防火墙等,保护用户数据的安全性。
+4. 稳定性高:机场通常采用专业的运维团队进行管理和维护,保证了服务的稳定性和可靠性。
+5. 服务质量高:机场通常会提供完善的客户服务,及时解决用户的问题和反馈,提升用户的满意度。
-所谓“机场”,就是“线路提供商”。他负责完成 1.4 提到的那一串技术操作和管理,用户则付费获得使用权。所以,它的优点至少有:
+The so-called "airport" refers to the "line provider". They are responsible for completing the technical operations and management mentioned in section 1.4, while users pay for the right to use the service. Therefore, its advantages include at least:
-1. **用户操作简单**:扫码操作、一键添加规则等
-2. **线路选择多**:可解锁不同国家、地区的网络服务;比如 iplc 等专线服务、游戏加速服务等
-3. **接入节点多**:所以抵抗节点封锁的能力强一些,封了一个就换下一个
+1. **Simple User Operation**: Scan code operation, one-click rule addition, etc.
+2. **Multiple Line Options**: Can unlock network services in different countries and regions, such as iplc dedicated line services, game acceleration services, etc.
+3. **Multiple Access Nodes**: Therefore, it has a stronger ability to resist node blocking, if one is blocked, just switch to another one.
+2. Risks of "Airport"
+"The other side of the coin of 'convenience' is 'risk'. Based on the technical characteristics and market conditions of the 'airport', its risks include at least:"
-1. **“机场”可完全获得用户信息**:用户在网上的所有痕迹,都【必然】经过且【非常可能】长期存储在其服务器上,这些记录无法受到任何具备法律效力的用户隐私协议的约束(**窥视、记录你的一举一动**)
-2. **“机场”缺乏市场管理**:不可避免存在着以欺诈为目标的恶意商家(**主动跑路**)
-3. **“机场”面临监管压力**:大机场相对有保障的同时,也无法避免树大招风。2020 年间,已经有几个大机场停运、跑路的事件发生,用户的正常使用受到严重干扰(**被动跑路**)
-4. **“机场”技术水平难以确定**:线路质量良莠不齐,挂羊头卖狗肉的现象屡见不鲜(**速度慢、掉线多、连不上**)
+1. "Airport" can fully obtain user information: All the traces left by users online will inevitably and very likely be stored on their servers for a long time. These records cannot be restricted by any legally binding user privacy agreement. ("Snooping and recording your every move")
+2. "Airport" lacks market management: There are inevitably malicious merchants who target fraud. ("Actively run away")
+3. "Airport" faces regulatory pressure: While large airports are relatively secure, they cannot avoid attracting attention. In 2020, several large airports experienced shutdowns and runaways, seriously disrupting users' normal usage. ("Passively run away")
+4. "Airport" technical level is difficult to determine: The quality of the line varies greatly, and the phenomenon of falsely advertising quality services is common. ("Slow speed, frequent disconnections, unable to connect")
-## 1.6 那么你到底要不要自建呢?
+## 1.6 So should you build your own website?
+Now that you have seen the advantages and risks of the airport, please think carefully and make your own decision on what to use. After all, the best plan is the one that suits you best.

-1. 如果决定使用机场的话,现在,你可以关闭本文了。
+1. If you decide to use the airport, you can close this article now.
-2. 如果你决定自建,那就请继续阅读后面的章节吧!!
+2. If you decide to build it yourself, please continue reading the following chapters!
-总之,本文的目标就是成为零基础用户的知识起点,提供对每一步充分的讲解和演示,清清楚楚(甚至**婆婆妈妈、絮絮叨叨、啰啰嗦嗦**)的协助新人完成【**从输入第一条命令开始,完成 VPS 服务器部署,并成功在客户端完成科学上网**】的全程。并在这个过程中帮助新人逐步接触和熟悉 Linux 的基础操作,为之后的进一步自学打下基础。
+In short, the goal of this article is to serve as a starting point for users with zero experience, providing thorough explanations and demonstrations for each step, even if it may seem overly detailed or repetitive. The aim is to assist beginners in completing the entire process of deploying a VPS server from the first command input to successfully accessing the internet via the client, and gradually introducing them to basic Linux operations, laying a foundation for further self-learning.
-## 1.7 题外啰嗦几句
+## 1.7 Some digressions
-1. 墙外的信息泥沙俱下,请务必学会理性、独立的思辨,不要随意站队,不要轻信猎奇的信息。
+1. There is a wealth of information outside of the wall, so please learn to think rationally and independently. Don't take sides easily and don't believe in sensational information.
-2. 衷心希望大家获得更顺畅的网络后,可以获取更新鲜的知识、更丰富的娱乐、接触更美好的世界、结交更多志同道合的朋友,但不要成为任何有不可告人目的之人的替罪羊。
+2. We sincerely hope that with a smoother internet, everyone can access fresher knowledge, richer entertainment, experience a better world, and make more like-minded friends, but do not become a scapegoat for anyone with ulterior motives.
-3. 你的互联网身份依然是你的身份,绝对的匿名化是极为困难的,所以请务必遵守你个人所在地区和 IP 所在地区的相关法律法规。无论何时,自我保护都是最基本的底线。
+3. Your internet identity is still your identity, and achieving absolute anonymity is extremely difficult. Therefore, please be sure to comply with the relevant laws and regulations in your personal location and the location of your IP address. Self-protection is always the most basic bottom line.
-## 1.8 你的进度
+## 1.8 Your Progress
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+> ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 12.5%
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-# 【第 2 章】原料准备篇
+# [Chapter 2] Preparation of Raw Materials
+This chapter is rather special because it involves monetary transactions. This article takes a neutral stance on the project and does not make specific recommendations. What I can do is to tell you what you need to prepare.
-## 2.1 获取一台 VPS
+## 2.1 Acquiring a VPS
-你需要获取一台健康的、IP 没有被墙的 VPS,并在管理后台做下面这些基础准备:
+You need to obtain a healthy VPS with an unblocked IP, and perform the following basic preparations in the management console:
-1. 在 VPS 的后台安装 Debian 10 64bit 系统
-2. 小本本记下 VPS 的 IP 地址(本文会用 `"100.200.300.400"` 来表示)
- ::: tip
- 这是一个故意写错的非法 IP,请替换成你的真实 IP)
- :::
-3. 小本本记下 VPS 的 SSH 远程登陆端口(Port)
-4. 小本本记下 SSH 远程登录的用户名和密码
+1. Install Debian 10 64-bit system in the backend of VPS.
+2. Write down the IP address of VPS in a notebook (this article will use `"100.200.300.400"` as an example, which is an intentionally incorrect and illegal IP address. Please replace it with your real IP address).
+3. Write down the SSH remote login port of VPS in a notebook.
+4. Write down the username and password for SSH remote login in a notebook.
-购买 VPS 是一个比较复杂的事情,建议先去学习一下相关知识,选择适合自己的经济能力和线路需求的即可。另外可以选择薅一些国际大厂的羊毛(比如甲骨文和谷歌提供的永久免费或限时免费的套餐)。总之,务必量力而行。
+Buying a VPS is a relatively complex matter. It is recommended to first learn the relevant knowledge and choose one that suits your own economic ability and line requirements. In addition, you can choose to take advantage of some benefits offered by international giants (such as permanent free or limited-time free packages offered by Oracle and Google). In any case, you must act within your means.
-::: tip 说明
-关于选择 Debian 10 作为操作系统,这里稍微多说一句:不管你在网上听说了什么,不管哪个大神告诉你 XXX 版的 Linux 更好、XXX 版的 Linux 更牛,这些 Linux 的派系之争**跟现在的你半毛钱关系也没有**!使用 Debian 10 足以让你的 VPS 服务器在安全、稳健运行的同时得到足够的优化(如 cloud 专用内核、及时的 bbr 支持等)。等你对 Linux 熟悉之后,再回头去尝试其他的 Linux 发行版也不迟。
+:::tip Explanation
+Regarding the choice of Debian 10 as the operating system, let me elaborate a bit: No matter what you have heard online, no matter which guru has told you that XXX version of Linux is better or XXX version of Linux is more powerful, these sectarian disputes have **nothing to do with you right now**! Using Debian 10 is enough to optimize your VPS server for security, stability, and performance (such as using cloud-optimized kernel, timely support of BBR, etc.). After you become familiar with Linux, you can try other Linux distributions.
-## 2.2 获取一个心仪的域名
+## 2.2 Obtaining a Desired Domain Name
-你需要获取一个域名、并在 DNS 设置中添加一条 A 记录,指向你 VPS 的 IP 地址
+You need to obtain a domain name and add an A record in the DNS settings, pointing to the IP address of your VPS.
-1. 请选择靠谱的国际域名服务商。选择一些常见的域名后缀就行,注意不要用 `.cn` 后缀。
-2. 在 DNS 设置中,添加一条指向你 VPS 的 IP 地址的 A 记录(A 记录的名字可以随便起,本文会用 `"a-name"` 来表示。完整的域名则会用 `"二级域名.你的域名.com"` 或者 `""` 来表示)。效果如下图:
+1. Please choose a reliable international domain name service provider. Choose some common domain name suffixes, and make sure not to use the `.cn` suffix.
+2. In the DNS settings, add an A record pointing to the IP address of your VPS (the name of the A record can be anything, and in this article, it will be represented by `"a-name"`). The complete domain name will be represented by `""` or `""`. The effect is as shown in the picture below:
::: tip
+This is **not** a real usable website. Please replace it with your real website URL.
-## 2.3 你本地电脑上需要安装的软件
+## 2.3 Software you need to install on your local computer
-1. SSH 远程登录工具
+1. SSH remote login tool
- - Windows: [PuTTY](
+- Windows: [PuTTY](
- macOS/Linux: Terminal
-2. 远程文件拷贝工具
+2. Remote file copying tool
- - Windows: [WinSCP](
+- Windows: [WinSCP](
- macOS/Linux: Terminal
-3. 靠谱的文本编辑器
+3. Reliable text editor
- Windows/macOS/Linux: [VSCode](
-## 2.4 你的进度
+## 2.4 Your Progress
+If you have all the raw materials ready as mentioned above, you have already obtained the key to unlocking the door to a new world. So, what are you waiting for? Let's quickly move on to the next chapter and step through this door!
-> ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 25%
+> ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 25%
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-# 【第 3 章】远程登录篇
+# [Chapter 3] Remote Login
-## 3.1 远程登录 VPS (PuTTY)
+## 3.1 Remote Login to VPS (PuTTY)
-首先,鉴于零基础人群中 Windows 的用户基数最大,所以本文以 Windows 为例进行展示。
+First of all, considering that the user base of Windows is the largest among the zero-based population, this article uses Windows as an example for demonstration.
-其次,虽然 Windows 10 之后的 PowerShell 和 WSL 也可以达到很好的 SSH 操作体验。但是因为并非所有版本的 Windows 都有最新的组件,故本文还是以老牌的 PuTTY 为例,进行 SSH 远程登录的操作详解。(使用其他工具的话、在 SSH 登陆之后的操作都是一样的)
+Secondly, although PowerShell and WSL after Windows 10 can also achieve a good SSH operation experience, not all versions of Windows have the latest components. Therefore, this article uses the classic PuTTY as an example to provide a detailed explanation of SSH remote login operation. (If you use other tools, the operations after the SSH login are the same.)
+Follow me step by step and let's start the operation.
-1. 进入 PuTTY 的[官网](,选择适合你操作系统的版本下载。(本文以 64 位版本为例)
+1. Go to the [official website]( of PuTTY and download the version that suits your operating system (this article uses the 64-bit version as an example).
-2. 安装运行后,将会看到 PuTTY 的主界面。现在请拿出你上一章记东西的[小本本](./,在下图的对应位置填入你 VPS 的**IP 地址(VPS IP)**和**端口(VPS PORT)**。为了方便以后使用时不用重复输入,我们可以保存会话 (Saved Sessions),未来使用时只要按 Load 即可一键载入设置。
+2. After installation and running, you will see the main interface of PuTTY. Now please take out your notebook from the previous chapter where you wrote down the **IP address (VPS IP)** and **port (VPS PORT)** of your VPS in the corresponding positions of the following figure. In order to save time and avoid repeatedly entering these details in the future, we can save the session (Saved Sessions), and simply load it in the future with one click.
-3. 我建议将 `Connection` 中的 `keepalive` 设置为 `60` 秒,防止你一段时间没有操作之后 SSH 自动断线。另外务必再次保存设置。
+3. I suggest setting `keepalive` to `60` seconds in the `Connection` to prevent SSH from automatically disconnecting after a period of inactivity. Be sure to save the settings again.
-::: warning 注意
-对 PuTTY 的任何设置更新都要再次手动保存 Session,不然关闭后就会丢失
+::: warning Attention
+Any update to the PuTTY configuration needs to be manually saved to the session again. Otherwise, it will be lost after closing.
-4. 点击 Open 就会进入 SSH 连接窗口,对应下图输入用户名与密码,与你的 VPS 远程主机建立连接。(本文假设默认用户名是 `root`,另外,在 Linux 系统输入密码的时候,是不会出现 `******` 这种提示符的,这样可以避免密码长度泄漏,不是你的键盘坏掉了哦!)
+4. Click on Open to enter the SSH connection window, then enter the username and password corresponding to the following figure to establish a connection with your VPS remote host. (This article assumes that the default username is `root`. Also, when entering a password in the Linux system, there will be no prompt like `******`, which can avoid password length leakage. It's not that your keyboard is broken!)
-## 3.2 成功登录 SSH!初识命令行界面!
+## 3.2 Successfully Logging in SSH! Introduction to Command Line Interface!
-1. 如果你的信息都填写正确,你将会看到类似下图的界面,说明已登录成功:
+1. If you have filled in your information correctly, you will see a similar interface as the picture below, indicating that you have successfully logged in:
- 这个界面,就等于远程服务器的【桌面】,但它没有你熟悉的图标和鼠标,没有绚丽的色彩,有的只是简单文字,这就是【**命令行界面**】- `Command Line Interface`,或者缩写为 `CLI`。
+This interface is equivalent to the "desktop" of a remote server, but it does not have familiar icons and a mouse, nor does it have colorful graphics. Instead, all you see is simple text. This is the "**Command Line Interface**" - shortened as `CLI`.
- 接下来的所有操作,都需要你像电影里的黑客一样,在这个命令行界面中完成。也许你会觉得陌生,但请相信我,使用命令行既不可怕,也不神秘。说到底,它只不过是把你习惯的鼠标操作变成了文字指令而已,**你说一句,它做一句**。
+All the following operations require you to act like a hacker in a movie and complete them in this command-line interface. Maybe you will feel unfamiliar, but please believe me, using the command-line interface is neither scary nor mysterious. In the end, it just turns your familiar mouse operations into textual commands, **you say it, it does it**.
-2. 现在,你可以稍微观察并熟悉一下命令行环境,这个界面其实已经告诉了你一些有用的信息了,比如系统内核版本(比如图内是 `4.19.37-5`)、上次登录时间及 IP 等。当然根据 VPS 的不同,你看到的界面可能会略有不同。
+2. Now, you can observe and familiarize yourself with the command line environment a little bit. This interface has actually provided you with some useful information, such as the system kernel version (e.g. `4.19.37-5` in the picture), last login time and IP address. Of course, depending on the VPS, the interface you see may be slightly different.
-3. 请注意命令行最下面一行,闪动的光标左边,有一串字符。图中显示的是`root@vps-server:~#`,这一串要怎么理解呢?很简单:
+3. Please pay attention to the line at the bottom of the command line, to the left of the flashing cursor, there is a string of characters. The one shown in the figure is `root@vps-server:~#`. How to understand this string? It's very simple:
- - 现在的用户是 `root`
- - `root` 所在的服务器是 `vps-server`
- - `root` 现在所在的文件夹是 `~`
- - `#` 之后是你可以输入命令的地方
+- The current user is `root`
+- The server where `root` is located is `vps-server`
+- The current directory where `root` is located is `~`
+- After `#` is the place where you can input commands.
- 前两个很直观,无需多说。第三个是关于 Linux 的文件夹系统,现在也不需要过于深入,你只需要知道,"`~`"就是【当前用户的大本营】。第四个,提示符`#`,你也不用管,只需要知道,未来文章中会写一些需要你输入的命令,都会以 "`#`" 或者 "`$`" 开头,提示你**后面**是你输入命令的地方。(所以你复制命令的时候,**只需要复制后面的内容**,不要复制提示符)
+The first two are pretty straightforward, no need to explain further. The third one is about the folder system in Linux. You don't need to go too deep into it for now. Just know that "`~`" represents **the home directory of the current user**. As for the fourth one, the prompt symbol "`#`", you don't need to worry about it either. Just know that in future articles, there will be some commands that you need to input, and they will be preceded by "`#`" or "`$`" to indicate **where you should input the command**. (So when you copy the command, **just copy the content after the prompt symbol** and don't copy the prompt symbol itself.)
-## 3.3 第一次更新 Linux 的软件!
+## 3.3 Updating software on Linux for the first time!
-1. 正如你的手机,无论安卓还是 iPhone,为了 APP 及时更新(获取安全补丁和新功能),都会时不时从应用商店获得更新信息,并且提示你有多少个 APP 可更新。Linux 系统也有逻辑十分类似的更新机制。所以只要你会更新手机 APP,就能学会更新 Linux 软件!
+1. Just like your phone, whether it's Android or iPhone, in order to keep your apps up-to-date (to get security patches and new features), you will occasionally receive update notifications from the app store, telling you how many apps need to be updated. Linux systems also have a similar update mechanism that works logically. So as long as you know how to update phone apps, you can learn how to update Linux software!
-2. Linux 下,每个 APP 都叫做一个“包” (package)。管理 APP 的程序自然就叫做“包管理器”(Package Manager)。你可以通过它安装、更新、卸载各种软件、甚至更新 Linux 系统本身。Linux 下的包管理器非常强大,此处按下不表,现在你只需要知道 Debian 系统的包管理器叫做 `apt` 即可。接下来,我们就先使用 `apt` 做一次软件的全面更新,让你熟悉它的基本操作。
+2. In Linux, each application is called a "package". The program that manages the applications is naturally called a "package manager". You can use it to install, update, and uninstall various software, and even update the Linux system itself. Package managers in Linux are very powerful, but we won't go into details here. For now, you only need to know that the package manager for the Debian system is called `apt`. Next, we will first use `apt` to do a comprehensive update of the software to familiarize you with its basic operations.
-3. 小小白白 Linux 基础命令:
+3. Tiny White Linux Basic Commands:
- | 编号 | 命令名称 | 命令说明 |
- | :------: | :-----------: | :----------: |
- | `cmd-01` | `apt update` | 查询软件更新 |
- | `cmd-02` | `apt upgrade` | 执行软件更新 |
+| Number | Command Name | Command Description |
+| :------: | :-----------: | :----------------------: |
+| `cmd-01` | `apt update` | Query software updates |
+| `cmd-02` | `apt upgrade` | Perform software updates |
-4. 现在请输入第一条命令,获取更新信息
+4. Now, please enter the first command to get update information.
- ```shell
- apt update
- ```
+apt update
-5. 然后请输入第二条命令,并在询问是否继续安装 `(Y/n)` 时输入 `y` 并回车确认,开始安装
+This is a command used in a Linux terminal to update the package list from the repositories configured on the system.
- ```shell
- apt upgrade
- ```
+5. Then enter the second command, and when asked if you want to continue installing `(Y/n)`, type `y` and press enter to confirm and start the installation.
-6. 完整流程演示如下:
+apt upgrade
+This is a command in the shell terminal to upgrade the installed packages on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux system.
-## 3.4 你的进度
+6. The complete demonstration of the process is as follows:
-**恭喜你又迈出了坚实的一步!** 现在,你已经可以通过 SSH 来登录你的远程服务器了!那登录进去之后,除了升级软件之外,应该再做点什么呢?敬请进入下一章一探究竟吧!
-> ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 37.5%
+## 3.4 Your Progress
+**Congratulations on taking another solid step!** Now, you can log in to your remote server via SSH! After logging in, besides upgrading the software, what else should you do? Please enter the next chapter to find out!
+> ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 37.5%
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-# 【第 4 章】安全防护篇
+# [Chapter 4] Security and Protection
-## 4.1 为什么要做安全防护
+## 4.1 Why Do We Need Security Protection?
-Linux 服务器的安全防护是一个纷繁复杂的巨大课题。无数的网站、APP、服务、甚至线下基础设施都建立在 Linux 的基石之上,这背后牵涉到巨大的经济利益和商业价值,当然也就就意味着黑灰产有巨大的攻击动力。但是这些服务是如此重要、根本不允许出现重大的安全漏洞。于是无数的运维专业人员都在安全攻防的战场上拼搏努力,这才让大家能享受到基本稳定的现代化数字生活。
+Security protection for Linux servers is a complex and huge subject. Countless websites, apps, services, and even offline infrastructure are built on the foundation of Linux, which involves huge economic benefits and commercial value. This also means that there is a huge motivation for black and gray industries to launch attacks. However, these services are so important that major security vulnerabilities are not allowed. Therefore, countless operation and maintenance professionals are working hard on the battlefield of security attacks and defense, which enables us to enjoy a basic stable modern digital life.
-现在,你拥有了一台 VPS,并且将会敞开他的数据访问渠道来达到流量转发的目标,那就相当于你已经置身于安全攻防战场的第一线、直面所有风险。但与此同时,新人由于知识和信息的不足,看待安全问题是总是难免两极分化:要么觉得轻如鸿毛和自己没有半点关系,要么觉得重于泰山甚至惶惶不可终日。
+Now, you have a VPS and will open its data access channel to achieve the goal of traffic forwarding, which means you are now on the front line of the security battle and face all risks. However, at the same time, newcomers tend to have a polarized view of security issues due to lack of knowledge and information: either they feel it is as light as a feather and has nothing to do with them, or they feel it is as heavy as Mount Tai and feel anxious all day long.
-- 对于前者,我的建议是:安全无小事,尽量多查一些安全方面的信息,免得自己真的受了损失才后悔莫及
+- For the former, my suggestion is: safety is of utmost importance. Try to gather more information on safety issues to avoid regretting after experiencing losses.
-- 对于后者,我的建议是:不用紧张,我们的服务器仍不具有太高的价值、一般不会吸引到高水平的攻击,需要面对的基本都是一些自动化脚本的恶意扫描和登录尝试,跟着本文做一些基础的防护即可
+- For the latter, my suggestion is: don't worry too much, our servers still don't have too much value and generally won't attract high-level attacks. The basic threats we need to face are mostly malicious scans and login attempts from some automated scripts. Just follow this article to do some basic protection.
-## 4.2 具体的风险到底是什么
+## 4.2 What are the specific risks
-就像我们在《远程登录篇》配置的一样,任何人只需要知道【IP 地址】+【端口】+【用户名】+【密码】这四个要素,就能登录你的 VPS 服务器。那很显然,这四要素的安全就是我们要防护的底线。我们来逐一分析:
+Just like the configuration we did in the "Remote Login" section, anyone who knows the four elements of [IP address] + [port] + [username] + [password] can log in to your VPS server. So obviously, the security of these four elements is the bottom line that we need to protect. Let's analyze them one by one:
-1. 【IP 地址】:恶意脚本会随机尝试和扫描 IP 段,可以简单认为是公开信息、无法隐藏
+1. [IP Address]: Malicious scripts randomly attempt to scan IP ranges, which can be regarded as public information and cannot be hidden.
-2. 【端口】:如果使用默认端口,那么【端口 = `22`】
+2. [Port]: If you are using the default port, then [Port = `22`].
-3. 【用户名】:如果使用默认用户,那么【用户名 = `root`】
+3. [Username]: If using the default user, then [Username = `root`]
-4. 【密码】:密码不存在默认值,一定是由 VPS 后台随机生成或由你自行设置的。也就是说,如果你的服务器都是默认设置,则四要素中的三个已经是已知的,那么你整个服务器的安全,就全部寄托在一串小小的密码上了。这时有几种情况:
+4. [Password]: There is no default value for the password. It must be randomly generated by the VPS backend or set by you. In other words, if all the settings of your server are default, then three of the four elements are already known. Therefore, the security of your entire server relies on a small password. In this case, there are several situations:
- - 如果你用了 VPS 管理后台随机生成密码,它一般包含随机的十几个大小写混杂的字母和符号,相对比较安全
+- If you use a VPS management background to generate passwords randomly, it usually contains random uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and is relatively secure.
- - 如果你为了好记、把密码改成了类似`123456`这种超弱的密码,破解你的 VPS 服务器可谓不费吹灰之力
+- If you changed your password to something super weak like `123456` just for the sake of easy memorization, hacking into your VPS server would be a piece of cake.
- - 如果你为了好记、把密码改成了比较复杂、但在别的地方用过的密码,其实也并不安全。你要明白黑客手里有作弊器,比如说`密码表`,包含数万、数十万、数百万甚至更多曾经泄漏的真实密码)
+- If you change your password to a more complex one that you have used elsewhere just for the sake of easy memory, it is not really safe. You should understand that hackers have cheats in their hands, such as `password tables`, which contain tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, or even more real leaked passwords.
-5. 但你要明白,没有哪个黑客真的要坐在电脑前一次一次的尝试你的密码,全部的攻击尝试都是恶意脚本自动进行的,它会 24 小时不眠不休的工作。也许每天你酣睡之时,你的服务器都在经受着一轮又一轮的冲击。
+5. But you should understand that no hacker really sits in front of a computer and tries your password repeatedly. All attack attempts are carried out automatically by malicious scripts, which work tirelessly for 24 hours. Perhaps while you are sleeping soundly every night, your server is enduring round after round of attacks.
- 一旦密码被成功撞破,意味着你的四要素全部被攻击者掌握,恶意脚本就会快速登录服务器、获取服务器的最高 `root` 控制权、安装部署它的恶意服务,然后就可以用你的服务器来 24 小时做各种坏事(比如挖矿、传播病毒、发送垃圾邮件、欺诈邮件、做 BT 中继、甚至暗网公众节点等等等等)。如果恶意脚本比较克制,其实可以做到相当的隐蔽性。而新人一般也不会去观察留意 VPS 的登录记录、进程变化、CPU 占用变化、流量变化等指标,你其实就很难发现自己被黑了。直到你的 VPS 服务商封禁你的账号、或者收到律师函为止。
+Once the password is successfully cracked, it means that all four of your elements have been mastered by the attacker. The malicious script will quickly log in to the server, obtain the highest `root` control of the server, install and deploy its malicious services, and then use your server to do all kinds of bad things 24 hours a day (such as mining, spreading viruses, sending spam emails, fraudulent emails, acting as a BT relay, and even dark web public nodes, and so on). If the malicious script is relatively restrained, it can actually achieve considerable concealment. Generally, newcomers will not observe and pay attention to indicators such as login records, process changes, CPU usage changes, and traffic changes of the VPS, so it is difficult for you to discover that you have been hacked. Until your VPS service provider blocks your account or you receive a lawyer's letter.
-6. 别忘了,你获得 VPS 时大概率需要使用真实的支付信息,你登录各种网站、社交平台时也会留下你的 IP 地址,这些都与你的身份有直接或者间接的关系。于是,**一旦这些坏事发生,它们就不可避免的与你产生了关联。**
+6. Don't forget that when you obtain a VPS, you probably need to use your real payment information, and when you log in to various websites and social platforms, your IP address will also be recorded, which has a direct or indirect relationship with your identity. Therefore, once these bad things happen, they will inevitably be associated with you.
-## 4.3 我们要做的安全防护有哪些
+## 4.3 What security measures do we need to take
+Based on the above analysis, what we need to do is to strengthen the three elements of [port], [username], and [password] to reduce the risk of being hacked.
-1. 【端口】:将 SSH 远程登录端口修改为【非 22 端口】 (4.4)
-2. 【用户名】:建立【非 root】的新用户、并禁用 root 用户 SSH 远程登录 (4.5、4.6)
-3. 【密码】:SSH 启用 RSA 密钥验证登录、同时禁用密码验证登录 (4.7)
+1. [Port]: Modify the SSH remote login port to a [non-22 port] (4.4).
+2. [Username]: Create a [non-root] new user and disable root user SSH remote login (4.5, 4.6).
+3. [Password]: Enable RSA key verification for SSH login and disable password verification login (4.7).
+Remember to follow the order and don't lock yourself out.
-## 4.4 将 SSH 远程登录端口修改为非 22 端口
+## 4.4 Change the SSH Remote Login Port to a Non-22 Port
-现在,我们来解决【端口 = `22`】的问题。(注意:有些 VPS 服务商,默认的端口已经是非 22 端口,那么你可以忽略这一步,当然也可以跟着本文改成别的端口)
+Now, let's solve the problem of "port = `22`". (Note: some VPS service providers have non-22 ports set as default, so you can ignore this step if that's the case. Of course, you can also follow this article to change it to another port.)
-1. 小小白白 Linux 基础命令:
+1. Basic commands of Little White Linux:
- | 编号 | 命令名称 | 命令说明 |
- | :------: | :-----------------: | :----------: |
- | `cmd-03` | `nano` | 文本编辑器 |
- | `cmd-04` | `systemctl restart` | 重启某个服务 |
+| ID | Command Name | Description |
+| :------: | :-----------------: | :---------------: |
+| `cmd-03` | `nano` | Text editor |
+| `cmd-04` | `systemctl restart` | Restart a service |
-2. 小小白白 Linux 基础配置文件
+2. Basic Configuration Files of Little White Linux
- | 编号 | 配置文件位置 | 文件说明 |
- | :-------: | :--------------------: | :------------------: |
- | `conf-01` | `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` | SSH 远程登录程序设置 |
+| Number | Configuration File Location | File Description |
+| :-------: | :-------------------------: | :-------------------------------: |
+| `conf-01` | `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` | SSH Remote Login Program Settings |
-3. 我们要做的第一件事,当然就是【用`nano`这个文本编辑器打开`SSH远程登录程序设置`】,在 Windows 下,你会【找到文件并双击】,在 Linux 下该怎么办呢?仔细看看上面的命令说明,是不是就很简单了?没错,就是:
+3. The first thing we need to do, of course, is to [open the SSH remote login program settings with the text editor `nano`]. In Windows, you will [find the file and double-click] it. What should you do in Linux? Take a close look at the command instructions above, isn't it simple? Yes, it is:
- ```shell
- nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- ```
+nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-4. 文件打开后,你就进入了`nano`的界面,稍微观察一下,你会发现,它把重要的快捷键都显示在屏幕下方了(下图红框内),直接开卷考试、不用死记硬背,是不是很贴心呢?
+This is a command in the shell terminal to open the `sshd_config` file located in the `/etc/ssh/` directory using the `nano` text editor.
+4. Once the file is opened, you will enter the interface of `nano`. After observing for a while, you will find that it displays important shortcut keys at the bottom of the screen (enclosed in a red box in the figure below). You can take the exam directly without memorizing them, which is very user-friendly, isn't it?
-5) 我们要做的第二件事,是【在打开的文件中找到`Port`这一项,并修改它的端口】。Port 后面的数字就是 SSH 的端口,一般建议把它改成一个大于`1024`小于`65535`的整数(本文以`9753`为例)。请结合`nano`的快捷键,想一下该怎么操作呢?果然,你又说对了!就是:
- - 使用 `ctrl+w` 进入搜索模式,然后输入 `Port 22` 并回车
- - 删除 `22` 并改成 `9753`
- - 说明:如果这一行开头有个`#`,证明这一行【不生效】(被注释掉了),你可像我一样在文件最后写一个不带`#`的,或者把`#`删掉就好。
+5) The second thing we need to do is to **find the `Port` item in the opened file and modify its port**. The number after `Port` is the SSH port. It is generally recommended to change it to an integer greater than `1024` and less than `65535` (this article takes `9753` as an example). Please think about how to operate it with the shortcut keys of `nano`. You are right again! It is:
- ::: warning
- 本文以`9753`为例,就意味着随着本文的发布,这个端口会变成一个不大不小的特征,也许会被攻击者优先尝试、也许被 GFW 干扰、阻断。所以我强烈建议你用一个自己想到的其他端口,毕竟,你有 6 万多个端口可以自由选择。
- :::
-6. 我们要做的第三件事,是【保存文件并退出】
- - 如果第 3 步你有仔细观察,就会发现保存并不是常见的 `ctrl+s`。
- - 正确的快捷键:保存是 `ctrl+o` + `回车`,退出是 `ctrl+x`
-7. 我们最后要做的事,是【重启 ssh 服务,使变更生效】
- ```shell
- systemctl restart ssh
- ```
-8. 完整流程演示如下:
-9. 修改 PuTTY 配置
- 现在新的端口已经生效,下次使用 PuTTY 登录时就要用`9753`了。所以现在请到 PuTTY 的设置中修改端口号码,然后保存 Session。嗯,你应该知道去哪里改了吧?(如果不知道的话,要重读前面的内容了哦!)
-## 4.5 建立非 root 的新用户
-第二步,我们来解决【用户名 = `root`】的问题。
-首先你要理解, Linux 系统中的`root`,不仅仅是一个管理员账号那么简单。它是整个系统的【根基】、是系统的主宰、至高无上的神。一旦`root`账号出现安全问题,整个系统都只能任人鱼肉、无处可逃。那么就跟随我进行操作吧:
-1. 小小白白 Linux 基础命令:
- | 编号 | 命令名称 | 命令说明 |
- | :------: | :-----------: | :--------------------------: |
- | `cmd-05` | `adduser` | 给系统新增用户 |
- | `cmd-06` | `apt install` | 安装某个软件 |
- | `cmd-07` | `visudo` | 修改 sudo 权限设置专用编辑器 |
-2. 我们要做的第一件事,是【新增一个用户并设定登录密码】,名字你可以随便起,我这里以`vpsadmin`为例:
- ```shell
- adduser vpsadmin
- ```
- 执行命令后,根据提示操作即可。请务必设置一个用户密码(别忘记设置密码时你时看不到 `******` 的)。之后系统会询问你一些用户的附加信息,这些就可以无视,一路回车即可。
- ::: warning
- 本文以`vpsadmin`为例,就意味着随着本文的发布,这个用户名也会变成一个不大不小的特征,也许会被攻击者优先尝试。所以和端口一样,我强烈建议你用一个自己想到的其他用户名。
- :::
-3. 完整流程演示如下:
-4. 我们要做的第二件事,是【安装`sudo`功能】(`sudo` 就是在关键时刻,让普通账户临时获得 `root` 的神力,战力全开拯救世界)
- ```shell
- apt update && apt install sudo
- ```
- 聪明的你大概已经发现,这一行命令其实是两个命令。前一半 `apt update` 你之前已经见过并且用过了,是去服务器刷新软件版本信息。后面的 `apt install`
- 就是这一次要用到的【安装命令】。两条连接在一起,就是让系统去【刷新可用的最新软件,然后安装最新版的`sudo`程序】。 `&&` 则是把两个命令连起来执行的意思。
-5. 我们要做的第三件事,是【把`vpsadmin`用户加入`sudo`名单里,让他有资格借用`root`的神力】
- ```shell
- visudo
- ```
- 在 `User Privilege Specification` 下加入一行 `vpsadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL` 即可。
- ::: warning
- 我要特别说明的是`NOPASSWD`这个设置,它的意思是`vpsadmin`用户临时使用`root`权限时,不用额外输入密码。**这与一般的安全建议相反**。我之所以如此推荐,是因为很多新人不顾危险坚持使用`root`账号就是因为用`root`时不用重复输入密码、觉得轻松。“两害相权取其轻”,我认为【直接用`root`用户的风险】大于【使用`sudo`
- 时不用输密码的风险】,所以做了以上的建议。
- 如果你希望遵守传统习惯、每次使用`sudo`时需要输入密码,那么这一行改成 `vpsadmin ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL` 即可。
- :::
-6. 完整流程演示如下:
-## 4.6 禁用 root 用户 SSH 远程登录
-1. 现在你已经逐渐熟悉 Linux 了,所以这次换你思考,我们要做的第一件事是什么呢?没错,还是【用`nano`编辑器打开`SSH远程登录程序设置`】,什么,你想不起来怎么操作了?那去复习一下上面的内容再回来吧!............ 正确答案:
- ```shell
- nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- ```
-2. 找到`PermitRootLogin Yes`这一项,然后把它后面的设定值改为`no`即可。还记得怎么操作吗?............ 正确答案:
- - 使用 `ctrl+w` 进入搜索模式,然后输入 `PermitRootLogin` 并回车
- - 删除 `yes` 并改成 `no`
-3. 保存文件并退出。还记得怎么操作吗?............ 正确答案:
- - 保存是 `ctrl+o`,然后 `回车` 确认
- - 退出是 `ctrl+x`
-4. 重启 ssh 服务,让变更生效。还记得............ 算了直接公布正确答案:
- ```shell
- systemctl restart ssh
- ```
-5. 完整流程演示如下:
-6. 下次通过 PuTTY 远程 SSH 登录的时候,`root`用户已无法连接,用户名就要换成`vpsadmin`了!方便起见,我们可以在 PuTTY 中把`vpsadmin`设置成默认登录用户名。(啰嗦君:别忘了保存 Session)
-## 4.7 使用 RSA 密钥登录并禁用密码登录
-前面我说过,黑客并不是很蠢的用穷举法破解你的密码,而是会用一些比如“密码表”的作弊手段。除非你用的是随机生成的超长密码(比如借助 1Password,或者 macOS 的 keychain 等密码管理工具),否则很容易中招。
-所谓的【密钥验证】,就是生成【一对】相关联的密钥文件(公钥和私钥),然后把【公钥】上传到 VPS 备用。每次登录时,SSH 会将【公钥】和【私钥】进行匹配,若验证是正确的【密钥对】,则验证通过。(换言之,你无需记忆和输入复杂的密码,只要保护好【私钥】这个文件不外泄即可)
+- Use `ctrl+w` to enter search mode, then type `Port 22` and press Enter
+- Delete `22` and replace it with `9753`
+- Note: If this line starts with `#`, it means that this line is [commented out] and [does not take effect]. You can write a new line at the end of the file without `#`, or delete the `#` to enable this line.
::: warning
-本文以 `RSA` 密钥举例,是因为 `RSA` 密钥在各种设备、各种 `SSH` 客户端中有广泛悠久的支持历史,且目前依然能提供够用的安全性。但它绝非唯一选择。
-- `DSA` - 已经从数学层面被证明不安全,所以永远不要用它
-- `ECDSA` - 密钥小安全性高,但其算法被指留有 NSA 的后门,如果你的 VPS 上有值得 NSA 关注的东西就不要用它
-- `Ed25519` - 这是一个与 `ECDSA` 十分类似的算法,故具有相似的性能优势。同时其文档全部公开,所以普遍认为无后门
-所以,如果你的设备和软件都支持的话,我建议优先选择 `Ed25519` 密钥。
+This article uses `9753` as an example, which means that with the release of this article, this port will become a feature that may be prioritized or blocked by attackers or the Great Firewall of China. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you use another port that you come up with yourself, after all, you have over 60,000 ports to choose from freely.
+6. The third thing we need to do is to [save the file and exit].
-1. 运行`PuTTYgen` (PuTTY 密钥生成器)。位置是 `开始菜单` --> `所有程序` --> `PuTTY (64-bit)` --> `PuTTYgen`
+- If you observed carefully in step 3, you would have noticed that saving is not done by the common `ctrl+s`.
+- The correct shortcut keys: save is `ctrl+o` + `enter`, and exit is `ctrl+x`.
- 1. 点击`Generate`开始生成(在界面空白处乱晃鼠标增加随机数)
+7. The last thing we need to do is to [restart the SSH service to make the changes take effect].
+systemctl restart ssh
- ::: warning
- 本图中是以 `2048` 位的 `RSA` 密钥为例的。但实际上,如果要获得与 `EDCSA/Ed25519` 的 `256` 位密钥相同的安全性,你需要使用 `3072` 位的 `RSA` 密钥。(即右下角的数字改成 `3072`)
- :::
+This is a shell command to restart the SSH service.
- 2. 你可以给私钥设置密码,增加一层安全性
- 3. 点击 `Save public key` 保存公钥,文件名为 ``
- 4. 点击 `Save private key` 保存私钥,文件名为 `id_rsa` (PuTTY 私钥自带`.ppk`后缀)
- 5. 最重要的,将上方红框内的内容,向下滚动全部复制出来并保存,文件名为 `authorized_keys`。(用 vscode 保存,默认会变成带`txt`后缀的文本文件,这没关系,之后上传 VPS 时我们会把后缀名去掉)
+8. The complete process demonstration is as follows:
-2. 将公钥上传至 VPS 的`vpsadmin`用户下
+9. Modify PuTTY Configuration
- 1. 这一步就需要用到之前准备的`WinSCP`了。
- 2. 去[官网](下载并安装,会提示你导入 PuTTY 的设置,当然一键导入啦!
+"Now that the new port is in effect, you will need to use `9753` the next time you log in with PuTTY. So please go to the PuTTY settings to change the port number and save the session. Well, you should know where to change it, right? (If you don't know, you need to reread the previous content!)"
+## 4.5 Creating a New User Without Root Access
- 3. 如果没有提示导入或者你已经提前安装好了,那按照下图进行配置即可
+In the second step, let's solve the issue of the username being `root`.
+Firstly, you need to understand that `root` in Linux system is not just a simple administrator account. It is the foundation of the entire system, the ruler and the supreme god of the system. Once the `root` account has security issues, the entire system will be vulnerable and there will be nowhere to hide. So, let's follow me to carry out the operations:
- 4. WinSCP 左边的目录就是本地电脑上的文件夹和文件,请定位到密钥所在的文件夹
+1. Little White Linux Basic Commands:
- 5. WinSCP 右边的目录则是 VPS 服务器上的文件夹和文件,默认就在 `/home/vpsadmin/` 文件夹,此时在请点击右下角 `X hidden` 来显示隐藏文件
+| Number | Command Name | Command Description |
+| :------: | :-----------: | :-----------------------------------------------: |
+| `cmd-05` | `adduser` | Add new user to the system |
+| `cmd-06` | `apt install` | Install a software package |
+| `cmd-07` | `visudo` | Special editor to modify sudo permission settings |
+2. The first thing we need to do is to [add a new user and set a login password]. You can choose any name you want, here I will use `vpsadmin` as an example:
- 6. 在右边(VPS 中)点击右键并新建文件夹,起名`.ssh` (注意有一个`.`)
+adduser vpsadmin
+This is a command in the shell terminal to add a new user named "vpsadmin".
- 7. 将【公钥】`authorized_keys`上传到`.ssh`文件夹内
+After executing the command, follow the prompts to operate. Be sure to set a user password (remember that you won't see `******` when setting the password). Afterwards, the system will ask you for some additional user information, which can be ignored by pressing Enter all the way.
- 8. 在上传时,将【公钥】从 `authorized_keys.txt` 改名为 `authorized_keys`(去掉`.txt`这个后缀名)
- 9. 完整流程演示如下:
-3. 在 VPS 端设置 SSH 启用 RSA 密钥验证登录、同时禁用密码验证登录
- 1. 小小白白 Linux 基础命令:
- | 编号 | 命令名称 | 命令说明 |
- |:--:|:--:|:--:|
- | `cmd-08` | `sudo` | 用`root`权限运行某个命令 |
- | `cmd-09` | `chmod` | 修改目标文件/文件夹的权限 |
- 2. SSH 远程连接到 VPS 上(PuTTY)
- 3. 修改 `authorized_keys` 文件权限为 `600` (仅所有者可读可写)
- ```shell
- chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- ```
- 4. 修改 SSH 配置。这个我们已经用了很多次,但现在我们已经从无所不能的`root`变成了普通用户`vpsadmin`,此时的我们是没有权限直接编辑 SSH 配置的。这时候就需要使用`sudo`命令了:
- ```shell
- sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- ```
- 5. 找到(`ctrl+w`) `PasswordAuthentication` 改成 `no`
- 6. 找到(`ctrl+w`) `PubkeyAuthentication` 改成 `yes`,然后保存(`ctrl+o`)退出(`ctrl+x`)
- 7. 重启 SSH 服务。(啰嗦君:别忘了现在需要使用`sudo`来获得权限)
- ```shell
- sudo systemctl restart ssh
- ```
- 8. 完整流程如下:
-4. VPS 端已经设置好了公钥,现在要给 PuTTY 指定私钥位置供登录时使用(啰嗦君:别忘了保存 Session)
-5. 至此,【密钥登录】已成功开启、【密码验证】已成功关闭、并且还给 PuTTY 保存了默认的登录用户名和私钥。未来使用 PuTTY 登录时,载入`VPS-SERVER`配置后,点击`Open`就可以一键登录了。
- 如果你给私钥设置了密码保护,登录时当然还需要输入这个密码才能使用密钥,如下图:
-6. 别忘了给`WinSCP`也做对应的密钥设置,否则之后想要传输文件时就无法登录了:
::: warning
-任何需要借助 SSH 进行登录的软件都需要密钥验证了,软件过多,无法逐一展示,请根据你的需要自行设置好哦
+ This article takes "vpsadmin" as an example, which means that with the release of this article, this username will also become a significant feature, and may be the first choice for attackers to try. Therefore, just like ports, I strongly recommend that you use another username that you come up with yourself.
+ :::
+3. The complete process demonstration is as follows:
+4. The second thing we need to do is to install the `sudo` function (which allows ordinary accounts to temporarily obtain the power of `root` at critical moments and unleash their full power to save the world).
+apt update && apt install sudo
+This is a shell command to update the package list and install the "sudo" package.
+You may have noticed that this command actually consists of two commands. The first half, `apt update`, you have seen and used before, is to refresh the software version information on the server. The latter half, `apt install`, is the installation command that will be used this time. The two commands are connected together to instruct the system to refresh the latest available software and then install the latest version of the `sudo` program. `&&` is used to link the two commands together for execution.
+5. The third thing we need to do is to add the `vpsadmin` user to the `sudo` list, so that they have the privilege to borrow the power of `root`.
+(Note: `visudo` is a command used in Linux/Unix systems to edit the sudoers file, which specifies which users or groups are allowed to run certain commands with administrative privileges.)
+Simply add the following line under `User Privilege Specification`: `vpsadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL`.
+::: warning
+I want to specifically explain the setting of `NOPASSWD`. It means that when the `vpsadmin` user temporarily uses the `root` permission, no additional password needs to be entered. This is contrary to general security recommendations. The reason why I recommend this is that many newcomers insist on using the `root` account because they feel relaxed when using `root` without repeatedly entering passwords. "Choosing the lesser of two evils," I believe that the risk of [directly using the `root` user] is greater than the risk of [not entering a password when using `sudo`], so I made the above suggestion.
+If you want to follow the traditional practice and enter a password every time you use `sudo`, then you can change this line to `vpsadmin ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL`.
+6. The complete process demonstration is as follows:
+## 4.6 Disabling SSH Remote Login for Root User
+1. Now that you're gradually getting familiar with Linux, it's time for you to think. What's the first thing we need to do? That's right, it's still to use the `nano` editor to open the `SSH remote login program settings`. What? You can't remember how to do it? Then go back and review the content above and come back! ............ Correct answer:
+nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+This is a command line instruction to open and edit the `sshd_config` file located at `/etc/ssh/` using the `nano` text editor.
+2. Find the line `PermitRootLogin Yes`, and change the value after it to `no`. Do you remember how to do it? ............ Correct answer:
+- Use `ctrl+w` to enter search mode, then enter `PermitRootLogin` and press enter.
+- Delete `yes` and change it to `no`.
+3. Save the file and exit. Do you remember how to do it? ............ Correct answer: N/A (The correct answer is not provided in the given text.)
+- Save is `ctrl+o`, then press `Enter` to confirm.
+- Exit is `ctrl+x`.
+4. Restart the ssh service to make the changes take effect. Do you remember...? Never mind, let's just reveal the correct answer:
+systemctl restart ssh
+(This is a Linux shell command to restart the SSH service.)
+5. The complete process is demonstrated as follows:
+6. Next time you log in remotely via SSH using PuTTY, you will no longer be able to connect as the `root` user. You will need to use the username `vpsadmin` instead. For convenience, you can set `vpsadmin` as the default login username in PuTTY. (Tip: Don't forget to save the session.)
+## 4.7 Login with RSA Key and Disable Password Login
+In the third step, we will solve the problem of the password being cracked.
+As mentioned earlier, hackers are not foolish enough to crack your password by brute force, but rather they use cheating methods such as "password tables". Unless you use a randomly generated super long password (such as with 1Password, or macOS keychain and other password management tools), it's easy to fall victim to this.
+Although a very long random password can improve security, it is usually difficult to remember and manually enter, which can also lead to mistakes. To solve this problem, we can simply abandon the "password verification" method and switch to a more secure "key verification" method.
+The so-called "key authentication" refers to generating a pair of related key files (public key and private key), uploading the "public key" to the VPS for backup. Each time you log in, SSH will match the "public key" and "private key". If the verification is correct, the "key pair" will be verified and the authentication will pass. (In other words, you don't need to remember and enter complex passwords, just protect the "private key" file from being leaked.)
+::: warning
+This article uses `RSA` keys as an example because `RSA` keys have a long history of support in various devices and `SSH` clients and can still provide sufficient security. However, it is not the only choice available.
+Other common keys include:
+- `DSA` - It has been mathematically proven to be insecure, so never use it.
+- `ECDSA` - It has high security with small keys, but its algorithm is suspected to have a backdoor by the NSA. If there is something on your VPS that is worth the attention of the NSA, do not use it.
+- `Ed25519` - This is an algorithm that is very similar to `ECDSA`, and it has similar performance advantages. At the same time, all of its documentation is public, so it is generally considered to be free of backdoors.
+So, if your device and software both support it, I recommend choosing `Ed25519` keys as a priority.
-## 4.8 你的进度
+Now let's configure the [Key Authentication]!
-到这里为止,你的 VPS 已经完成了【端口】、【用户名】、【密码】这三要素的基本安全保障,虽然远称不上固若金汤,但一般的恶意脚本应该已经无法对你造成伤害了!
+1. Run `PuTTYgen` (PuTTY Key Generator). The location is `Start Menu` --> `All Programs` --> `PuTTY (64-bit)` --> `PuTTYgen`.
-现在我们终于有了一个安全的系统基础,下一章,我们就可以开始逐步安装配置 Xray 需要的基础设施了!(什么基础设施呢?一个网页,一张证书)
+1. Click on `Generate` to start the generation process (move the mouse randomly in the blank area of the interface to add random numbers).
-> ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜ 50%
+::: warning
+ The example in this image is based on a `2048`-bit `RSA` key. However, in reality, if you want to achieve the same level of security as a `256`-bit key for `EDCSA/Ed25519`, you need to use a `3072`-bit `RSA` key. (i.e., change the number in the bottom right corner to `3072`)
+ :::
+2. You can add a password to your private key to increase security.
+3. Click on `Save public key` to save the public key with the file name ``.
+4. Click on `Save private key` to save the private key with the file name `id_rsa` (PuTTY private keys come with the `.ppk` extension).
+5. Most importantly, copy and save all the content inside the red box below by scrolling down, with the file name `authorized_keys`. (If you save it using vscode, it will be saved as a text file with a `.txt` extension, which is fine. We will remove the extension when uploading it to VPS later.)
+2. Upload the public key to the "vpsadmin" user on the VPS.
+1. This step requires the use of the previously prepared `WinSCP`.
+2. Go to the [official website]( to download and install. It will prompt you to import PuTTY settings, and of course, you can import them with one click!
+3. If there is no prompt for import or you have already installed it in advance, configure it according to the following figure.
+4. The directory on the left side of WinSCP is the folder and files on your local computer. Please locate the folder where the key is stored.
+5. The directory on the right side of WinSCP is the folder and files on the VPS server, which are located in the `/home/vpsadmin/` folder by default. To display hidden files, please click on `X hidden` in the lower right corner.
+6. Right-click on the right side (in VPS) and create a new folder named `.ssh` (note the period at the beginning).
+7. Upload the [public key] `authorized_keys` to the `.ssh` folder.
+8. When uploading, rename the [public key] from `authorized_keys.txt` to `authorized_keys` (remove the `.txt` extension).
+9. The complete process demonstration is as follows:
+3. Enable RSA key authentication for SSH login and disable password authentication login on the VPS side.
+1. Basic Linux Commands:
+ | Number | Command | Description |
+ | :------: | :-----: | :-----------------------------------------------: |
+ | `cmd-08` | `sudo` | Run a command with `root` privileges |
+ | `cmd-09` | `chmod` | Change the permissions of a target file/directory |
+2. SSH remote connection to VPS (PuTTY)
+3. Change the permission of the `authorized_keys` file to `600` (only the owner can read and write).
+chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+This is a command in shell script to change the permissions of the `authorized_keys` file to `600` for the current user's SSH directory (`~/.ssh/`).
+4. Modify SSH configuration. We have used this many times, but now that we have changed from the almighty `root` to the ordinary user `vpsadmin`, we do not have the permission to edit SSH configuration directly. At this time, we need to use the `sudo` command:
+sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+(This is a command in the shell/terminal to open the sshd_config file located in the /etc/ssh/ directory with the sudo privilege using the nano text editor.)
+5. Find (`ctrl+w`) `PasswordAuthentication` and change it to `no`.
+6. Find (`ctrl+w`) `PubkeyAuthentication`, change it to `yes`, then save (`ctrl+o`) and exit (`ctrl+x`).
+7. Restart the SSH service. (Note: Don't forget to use `sudo` to gain permission.)
+sudo systemctl restart ssh
+This is a command in the shell terminal to restart the SSH service with root privileges using the `systemctl` command.
+8. The complete process is as follows:
+4. The public key has been set up on the VPS end. Now we need to specify the private key location for PuTTY to use when logging in. (Reminder: Don't forget to save the session.)
+5. Now, the [Key-based login] has been successfully enabled, [Password authentication] has been successfully disabled, and the default login username and private key have been saved for PuTTY. In the future, when using PuTTY to log in, simply load the `VPS-SERVER` configuration, click `Open`, and you can log in with just one click.
+If you have set a password for your private key, you need to enter this password to use the key when logging in, as shown in the following figure:
+6. Don't forget to set the corresponding key for `WinSCP`, otherwise you won't be able to log in when you want to transfer files later.
+::: warning
+Any software that requires SSH login needs key verification. As there are too many software, it is impossible to show them one by one. Please set it up according to your needs.
+## 4.8 Your Progress
+Up to this point, your VPS has completed the basic security measures of [port], [username], and [password]. Although it is not completely impregnable, most malicious scripts should no longer be able to harm you.
+Now that we finally have a secure system foundation, in the next chapter, we can start step by step to install and configure the infrastructure that Xray needs! (What infrastructure? A web page, a certificate)
+> ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜ 50%
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-# 【第 5 章】网站建设篇
+# Chapter 5: Website Building
-## 5.1 为什么要做一个网站?
+## 5.1 Why should you create a website?
+Some newcomers may be confused: why do I need to build a website for securing an open digital environment? I don't know how to code! Isn't it very complicated?
+First, let's answer the first question. The reasons for building a website are:
-1. 申请合法的 TLS 证书(非常重要)
-2. 提供合理的回落,防止主动探测攻击,提高安全性
-3. 建设一个伪装站(如博客、私人网盘、多媒体网站、游戏网站等),直接访问时有合理的前台,使流量使用看上去更合理。
+1. Apply for a legitimate TLS certificate (very important)
+2. Provide reasonable fallback to prevent active probing attacks and improve security
+3. Set up a camouflage site (such as a blog, private cloud storage, multimedia site, game site, etc.) with a reasonable frontend when directly accessed, making traffic usage look more legitimate.
+Now let's answer the second question:
-1. 本文作为演示,仅仅使用了一个最简单的【单文件 html 页面 + Nginx】来搭建,以此完成上面的目标,所以【非常简单】
-2. 这个网站完全可以不仅仅是伪装,而是真的做大做强,这个复杂性就完全取决于你了
-3. 对于“伪装”和“网站运营”这个目标,需要的就是各不相同、秀出真我,需要的同学可以自行搜索学习。这个内容已经完全偏离了科学上网,本文就不深入解析了。
+1. As a demonstration, this article uses only the simplest "single-file HTML page + Nginx" setup to achieve the above objectives, so it is **very easy**.
+2. This website can not only be used for camouflage but also for real development and growth. The complexity depends entirely on you.
+3. For the goals of "camouflage" and "website operation", uniqueness and personalization are needed. Students who need this can search and learn by themselves. This content has completely deviated from scientific online access, so this article will not go into depth.
-## 5.2 登录 VPS、安装运行 Nginx
+## 5.2 Log in to VPS, install and run Nginx
-1. 这里用到的,都是之前已经详解过的命令,所以就不重复讲解了。看不懂的同学可以看看前面的章节哦。
+1. Here we use commands that have been explained in detail before, so they won't be repeated. If you don't understand, please refer to the previous chapters.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install nginx
-2. 完成后,Nginx 已经自动运行。此时打开 Windows 上的浏览器并输入 `http://100.200.300.400:80`,若看到下图的界面就说明 Nginx 已经正常在运行了。
+2. After completion, Nginx will automatically run. Open the browser on Windows and enter `http://100.200.300.400:80`. If you see the interface shown below, it means Nginx is running normally.
-## 5.3 创建一个最简单的网页
+## 5.3 Create the simplest web page
-1. 小小白白 Linux 基础命令:
- | 编号 | 命令名称 | 命令说明 |
- |:--:|:--:|:--:|
- | `cmd-10` | `mkdir` | 新建文件夹 |
- | `cmd-11` | `systemctl reload` | 重新加载某个服务 |
+1. Basic Linux commands for beginners:
+ | No. | Command Name | Command Description |
+ | :------: | :----------------: | :-----------------------: |
+ | `cmd-10` | `mkdir` | Create a new folder |
+ | `cmd-11` | `systemctl reload` | Reload a specific service |
-2. 小小白白 Linux 基础配置文件:
- | 编号 | 配置文件位置 | 文件说明 |
- |:--:|:--:|:--:|
- | `conf-02` | `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` | Nginx 程序设置 |
+2. Basic Linux configuration files for beginners:
+ | No. | Configuration File Location | File Description |
+ | :-------: | :-------------------------: | :--------------------: |
+ | `conf-02` | `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` | Nginx program settings |
-3. 创建一个网站专用的文件夹`/home/vpsadmin/www/webpage/`并建立网页文件`index.html`
+3. Create a dedicated folder `/home/vpsadmin/www/webpage/` for the website and create the web page file `index.html`
mkdir -p ~/www/webpage/ && nano ~/www/webpage/index.html
::: warning
-如果你用的不是 `vpsadmin` 这个用户名,请务必理解这条命令中 `“~”` 符号的意义(这关系到【第 5 步】你要写的内容):
+If you are not using the username `vpsadmin`, please be sure to understand the meaning of the "~" symbol in this command (this is related to Step 5 content):
-- 如果是 【非 `root` 用户】,`“~”` 就等价于 `/home/用户名`
-- 如果是 【 `root` 用户】,`“~”` 就等价于 `/root`
+- If it is a **non-root user**, "~" is equivalent to `/home/username`
+- If it is a **root user**, "~" is equivalent to `/root`
-4. 把下面的内容完整的复制进去,然后保存(`ctrl+o`)退出(`ctrl+x`)
+4. Copy the entire content below, save (`ctrl+o`) and exit (`ctrl+x`).
@@ -89,74 +89,74 @@
© Wiley Publishing, 2011
+© Wiley Publishing, 2011