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synced 2025-03-24 17:13:51 +03:00
Translate news.md to english (#576)
This is all ChatGPT, but I proofread the entire thing by comparing it with the Google Translate of Chinese (which hallucinates less but makes many grammar mistakes). So there should not be any misleading information in it. Some phrasing is still awkward but I don't care.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,181 +2,180 @@
sidebar: auto
# 大史记
# The Great Chronicles
## 2024.9.12
The Great Chronicles Return to the Scene?!
## 2024.9.7 <Badge>[v24.9.7](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v24.9.7)</Badge>
First release after changing the version number.
- 这次移除了 QUIC 以及 DomainSocket 传输,移除了两处远古配置遗留代码。
- 二进制大小比 v1.8.24 减小了 1MB。
- 依然有每次必备的 bug 修复。
- This time, QUIC and DomainSocket transports were removed, along with two pieces of legacy code.
- The binary size is 1MB smaller than v1.8.24.
- As always, there are essential bug fixes.
## 2024.8.30 <Badge>[v1.8.24](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.24)</Badge>
在等待 SplitHTTP multiplex controller 期间,main 分支已经积累了大量重要更新,所以我们决定先发一个版本。
While waiting for the SplitHTTP multiplex controller, the main branch had accumulated many important updates, so we decided to release a version first.
- Socks 入站现在默认兼容 HTTP 代理请求。
- The Socks inbound now supports HTTP proxy requests by default.
- UDP noise (preview)
- 还有一些改进。
- And some other improvements.
由于传统版本号的存在,为每个版本规划功能、进行排期已经严重阻碍了新功能的开发、合并、发布。所以我们决定从下个版本开始弃用传统的版本号,改用发版日期作为版本号,如 v24.8.30,并取消版本规划,全面采用流式更新,写好的功能直接合并,不再等待,预计每月月底发一个版本。
我们相信有了各位的捐款以及对发版形式的革新,Xray-core 这个项目会发展得更好。
Due to the existence of traditional version numbers, planning features and scheduling for each release have severely hindered the development, merging, and release of new features. Therefore, we decided to abandon traditional version numbers starting with the next release and use the release date as the version number, such as v24.8.30, and cancel version planning, fully adopting continuous updates. Features will be merged and released as soon as they are ready, with a version released at the end of each month.
After all, for anti-censorship software, the timeliness of new features and monthly updates are more important than a feature-defined version with long-term maintenance.
The next version will remove some historical code, and future versions will accumulate new code regularly, with migration reminders. Annual new versions will delete outdated code and introduce breaking changes.
We believe that with your donations and the reform of the release format, the Xray-core project will develop even better.
## 2024.8.26
Project VLESS 群组创立。
The Project VLESS group was established.
We have created [Project VLESS](https://t.me/projectVless) for non-Chinese users (Russian mainly).
We have created [Project VLESS](https://t.me/projectVless) for non-Chinese users (mainly Russian).
## 2024.8.3
第一个 [Project X NFT](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/discussions/3633#discussioncomment-10240940) 正式发行!
就像 Xray 开创过很多历史一样,发行 NFT 也是这个领域前无古人的操作。这些 NFT 非常有纪念意义,甚至可以说是有历史意义,远大于现在的初始价格,假以时日它们必将价值连城。最后再次感谢大家对 Project X 的支持。
The first [Project X NFT](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/discussions/3633#discussioncomment-10240940) is officially released! Just as Xray has made history, releasing an NFT is also an unprecedented move in this field. These NFTs are highly commemorative and even historically significant, far beyond their current initial price. In time, they will undoubtedly become priceless. Once again, thank you for your support of Project X.
## 2024.7.29 <Badge>[v1.8.23](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.23)</Badge>
- 恭喜 [@mmmray](https://github.com/mmmray) 贡献了 Xray-core 的第 1000 个 commit!
- 优化了 SplitHTTP 上行的稳定性,服务端必须升级到该版本以支持新版客户端。
- 更多 SplitHTTP 上的变化。
- Congratulations to [@mmmray](https://github.com/mmmray) for contributing the 1000th commit to Xray-core!
- Optimized the stability of SplitHTTP upstream, and the server must be upgraded to this version to support the new client.
- More changes on SplitHTTP.
## 2024.7.22 <Badge>[v1.8.21](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.21)</Badge>
It seems to have returned to the original state of rapid-fire releases...
正如 v1.8.16 所预告的,SplitHTTP 现已初步支持 HTTP/3(QUIC)。毫无疑问,SplitHTTP H3 已经开启了一个崭新的时代。
As foreshadowed in v1.8.16, SplitHTTP now preliminarily supports HTTP/3 (QUIC). Undoubtedly, SplitHTTP H3 has ushered in a new era.
- SplitHTTP H3 是第一个完全基于标准 H3、支持套 CDN 的 QUIC 类代理,亦可用反代、Browser Dialer 来隐蔽自身。
- SplitHTTP H3 is the first QUIC-based proxy fully compliant with standard H3, supporting CDN passthrough, and can be concealed using reverse proxy or Browser Dialer.
## 2024.7.16
Project X 文档迎来了俄语版!感谢 [@iambabyninja](https://github.com/iambabyninja) 的翻译!
Project X documentation now has a Russian version! Thanks to [@iambabyninja](https://github.com/iambabyninja) for the translation!
> Привет, друзья из России!
## 2024.7.15
通过已知信息以及努力,Xray-core 现在重新支持 Windows 7!在后续的发版中,Windows 7 用户下载名为 Xray-win7-32.zip 或 Xray-win7-64.zip 的压缩包解压即可享受,感谢大家的支持!
Through known information and efforts, Xray-core now supports Windows 7 again! In subsequent releases, Windows 7 users can enjoy it by downloading and extracting the Xray-win7-32.zip or Xray-win7-64.zip packages. Thank you for your support! For specific usage, please click [here](../document/install.html)
虽然日后随着各方面升级 Windows 7 最终会离开,但是现在还是可以让这个时间来得稍微晚一些。
Although Windows 7 will eventually be phased out with future upgrades, we can now delay that time a little.
## 2024.6.18 <Badge>[v1.8.16](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.16)</Badge>
新传输来了,它目前叫 SplitHTTP。
A new transport has arrived, currently called SplitHTTP.
- 实现进一步的流量混淆有两种刚好相反的方式:多路复用与拆分连接。
- 可以通过不支持 WebSocket、gRPC 的 CDN,实现与 Meek 相同的目标,且 SplitHTTP 比 Meek 更简单、效率更高。
- SplitHTTP 没有 WebSocket 的 ALPN 问题,这是一大优势,未来还会支持 HTTP/3(QUIC)。
- 另外 SplitHTTP 也已经加入分享链接套餐~
- There are two completely opposite ways to achieve further traffic obfuscation: multiplexing and splitting connections.
- It can achieve the same goals as Meek through CDNs that do not support WebSocket or gRPC, and SplitHTTP is simpler and more efficient than Meek.
- SplitHTTP does not have WebSocket's ALPN issues, which is a major advantage, and it will support HTTP/3 (QUIC) in the future.
- SplitHTTP has also been added to the sharing link package.
## 2024.6.2
A new transport method is being developed...
## 2024.4.26 <Badge>[v1.8.11](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.11)</Badge>
- 现在有了生成 ECH 密钥的工具。
- 增强、修复,并移除了一点不再使用的代码。
- Now there is a tool to generate ECH keys.
- Enhancements, fixes, and some obsolete code removal.
## 2024.4.20
我们现在有了 issues 模板,感谢 [@Fangliding](https://github.com/Fangliding) !
We now have issue templates, thanks to [@Fangliding](https://github.com/Fangliding)!
## 2024.4.13
VLESS Seed 整备完毕,待势而发。
VLESS Seed is ready, waiting for the right moment.
## 2024.3.18 <Badge>[v1.8.10](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.10)</Badge>
和 WebSocket 一样,HTTPUpgrade 也有 0-RTT 了。
Like WebSocket, HTTPUpgrade now also has 0-RTT.
## 2024.3.11 <Badge>[v1.8.9](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.9)</Badge>
新增 HTTPUpgrade 传输,听说比 WebSocket 要轻。
- 已加入分享链接套餐~
Added HTTPUpgrade transport, said to be lighter than WebSocket.
- Already added to the sharing link package.
## 2024.2.29
gRPC 传输现在也有 Host 一样的配置字段了!它叫 `authority`。这下 gRPC 也能“域前置”了,没有 ALPN 问题。
gRPC transport now also has a Host-like configuration field! It's called `authority`. Now gRPC can also "domain front," without ALPN issues.
## 2024.1.9
惊闻 Win7 无法运行新版 Xray-core?探索之下竟发现 Go 放弃了对 Win7 的支持。
Shocked to hear that Win7 cannot run the new version of Xray-core? Upon exploration, it was discovered that Go has dropped support for Win7. Is there a way to continue supporting this somewhat ancient but still elegant operating system?
## 2024.2.25 <Badge>[v1.8.8](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.8)</Badge>
- 现在 XUDP 流量统一使用 Vision 填充了,速来体验。
- 新增了 leastLoad balancer。
- 修复错误、优化性能……
- Now XUDP traffic is uniformly padded with Vision, come and experience it.
- Added leastLoad balancer.
- Fixed errors, optimized performance...
## 2023.11.21
发表在 USENIX 顶会的[论文](https://t.me/projectXtls/212)证实,XTLS Vision 已经达到它的设计目标。
而 XTLS 也不会止步于此,如 X 射线一般穿破高耸的围墙。
The [paper](https://t.me/projectXtls/212) published at the USENIX top conference confirms that XTLS Vision has achieved its design goals. And XTLS will not stop there, breaking through towering walls like X-rays.
## 2023.11.18 <Badge>[v1.8.6](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.6)</Badge>
- WireGuard 现在也有了对应的入站。Freedom 出站也终于有了 splice。
- 现在出站的 domainStrategy 也得到了统一。
- 更多的美味小点心。
- 因为 ~~不可抗力~~ 功能变更,Dragonfly BSD 支持黯然离场。
- ~~我们真的要对一代经典 Windows 7 说再见了吗?~~
- WireGuard now also has a corresponding inbound. Freedom outbound finally has splice.
- The domainStrategy for outbound has also been unified.
- More delicious little treats.
- Due to ~~force majeure~~ feature changes, Dragonfly BSD support has quietly left the stage.
- ~~Are we really saying goodbye to the classic Windows 7?~~
## 2023.9.30
为 v2rayNG 设计了全新的配色,安装最新的 Pre-release 版本即可体验。
Designed a brand new color scheme for v2rayNG, install the latest Pre-release version to experience it.
## 2023.8.29 <Badge>[v1.8.4](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.4)</Badge>
1.8.x 在经过半年的打磨后终于来到了第一个认可的正式版了。
After half a year of polishing, 1.8.x has finally reached its first recognized official version.
Likewise, there are many integrated improvements this time, come and taste it!
## 2023.7.22
又修好了一个 HTTP/2 传输的历史遗留断流问题。
Another historical HTTP/2 transport issue has been fixed.
## 2023.7.7
即将给 Vision 添加 Seed 支持。
Vision will soon have Seed support.
## 2023.6.30
下一个 XTLS 流控:xtls-rprx-switch 🍪
The next XTLS flow control: xtls-rprx-switch 🍪
- XTLS 的 0-RTT 已经预告几个月了,本来也是想保留神秘感。
- 对比现有的 XTLS Vision 和 Mux 有着更加不错的优势。
- XTLS's 0-RTT has been teased for months, originally to maintain some mystery.
- Compared to the existing XTLS Vision and Mux, it has even better advantages.
## 2023.6.27
[如何选取 REALITY 目标域名?来看这里助你事半功倍!](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/discussions/2256#discussioncomment-6295296)
[How to choose a REALITY target domain? Check here to help you achieve twice the result with half the effort!](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/discussions/2256#discussioncomment-6295296)
## 2023.6.19 <Badge>[v1.8.3](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.3)</Badge>
- 精简代码计划后的第一个版本,VMess (MD5)、MTProto 以及 Starlark 相关代码已被卸下。轻装上阵。
- 对代码进重构也是轻装上阵的一部分。
- 同时我们也没有忘记增添一些增强功能,还有修复漏洞。
- ~~v1.8.3 为今年的最后一个版本。~~
- The first version after the code streamlining plan, VMess (MD5), MTProto, and Starlark-related code have been removed. Going light.
- Code refactoring is also part of going light.
- We have also not forgotten to add some enhancements and fix vulnerabilities.
- ~~v2rayNG has not yet supported Xray, and the new sharing link format cannot be used yet.~~
## 2023.6.6
好消息:下一个 XTLS 流控不叫 Vision。 🍪
Good News: The next XTLS flow control will not be called Vision. 🍪
## 2023.4.21
也许我们可以借助一下 [RealiTLScanner](https://github.com/XTLS/RealiTLScanner)……
Maybe we can leverage [RealiTLScanner](https://github.com/XTLS/RealiTLScanner)……
## 2023.4.20
After years of development and countless lines of code...
The code simplification plan has been proposed!
## 2023.4.19
@ -184,16 +183,16 @@ gRPC 传输现在也有 Host 一样的配置字段了!它叫 `authority`。这
## 2023.4.18 <Badge>[v1.8.1](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.1)</Badge>
升级后的 XUDP 也来了!
The upgraded XUDP is here!
- 现在 XUDP 也带有连接迁移、端口复用的特性,并且带有全局 Session ID ~~,麻麻再也不用担心意外断线的时候怎么办了~~ 。
- 同时我们也添加了 XUDP 的控制配置,让你能更好掌控它~
- 新的 XUDP 配合 XTLS Vision 食用风味更好喔~
- 惯例还有小甜点,欢迎品尝~
- Now XUDP features connection migration and port reuse, with a global Session ID ~~, so mom doesn't have to worry about what to do when there is an unexpected disconnection anymore~~.
- We’ve also added control settings for XUDP, giving you better control~
- The new XUDP paired with XTLS Vision offers an even better experience~
- As usual, there’s a little treat, enjoy~
## 2023.4.6
XUDP 也在悄然升级……
XUDP is also quietly upgrading...
## 2023.3.29
@ -201,18 +200,18 @@ XUDP 也在悄然升级……
## 2023.3.19
对 REALITY 的分享链接标准也已经出现了。
The sharing link standard for REALITY has also emerged.
## 2023.3.9 <Badge>[v1.8.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.8.0)</Badge>
> THE NEXT FUTURE, REALITY is NOW release on Xray-core
REALITY 已经实装发版!欢迎体验!
XTLS Vision 也已经完善,请两端升级至最新版食用。
REALITY has been implemented and released! Welcome to try it out!
XTLS Vision has also been improved, please upgrade both ends to the latest version for the best experience.
- 因为这次 Vision 填充算法改变,XTLS Vision 旧版和新版之间会存在兼容性问题。
- HTTP/2 传输也已经做了改善,现在使用新版即可纵享丝滑~
- 还有大量小改进欢迎体验~
- Due to changes in the Vision padding algorithm, there may be compatibility issues between old and new versions of XTLS Vision.
- HTTP/2 transport has also been improved, enjoy the smooth experience with the new version~
- There are many other small improvements, feel free to explore~
## 2023.3.4
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ XTLS Vision 也已经完善,请两端升级至最新版食用。
## 2023.3.2
HTTP/2 传输的一些遗留问题已经被改善,欢迎搭配 REALITY 测试纵享丝滑~
Some lingering issues with HTTP/2 transport have been improved. Enjoy the smooth experience when testing with REALITY~
## 2023.2.16
@ -235,12 +234,12 @@ REALITY is reality now!
Keep riding and never look back.
- 恭喜 [@yuhan6665](https://github.com/yuhan6665) 贡献了 Xray-core 的第 500 个 commit!
- XTLS Vision 流控已经接近完善,即将实用。
- 现在对 uTLS 指纹模拟添加了更多可选项,有哪一款适合你?
- 分享链接也支持同时分享 uTLS 指纹配置了。
- 还有更多的功能增强和修复。
- 这一版也是能最后一次看到 XTLS Origin、Direct 和 Splice 流控的一版了。 ~~有点伤感不是吗?~~
- Congratulations to [@yuhan6665](https://github.com/yuhan6665) for contributing the 500th commit to Xray-core!
- XTLS Vision flow control is nearly complete and will soon be practical.
- Now there are more options for uTLS fingerprint simulation, which one suits you?
- Sharing links now also support sharing uTLS fingerprint configurations.
- There are more feature enhancements and fixes.
- This version will also be the last time to see XTLS Origin, Direct, and Splice flow control. ~~A bit nostalgic, isn’t it?~~
## 2023.1.29
@ -248,150 +247,150 @@ Winter cannot cover the NEXT FUTURE...
## 2022.12.26 <Badge>[v1.7.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.7.0)</Badge>
Due to a slip of the hand, this version number jumped directly up, thanks for everyone's support!
- 以后将会严格执行 Semantic Versioning。
- From now on, Semantic Versioning will be strictly followed.
## 2022.11.28 <Badge>[v1.6.5](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.6.5)</Badge>
这次我们有了 WireGuard 出站。
This time we have WireGuard outbound.
- 使用 WireGuard 搭配 CF WARP 使用可以解锁有趣的新玩法呢。
- 同样安全更新和修复也不会少。
- Using WireGuard with CF WARP can unlock some fun new ways to play.
- Of course, there are also security updates and fixes.
## 2022.11.7 <Badge>[v1.6.3](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.6.3)</Badge>
现在 Vision 流控也能使用 uTLS 指纹模拟了,这就是使用 `tlsSettings` 带来的好处吗!
Now Vision flow control can also use uTLS fingerprint simulation, is this the benefit brought by `tlsSettings`!
## 2022.10.29 <Badge>[v1.6.2](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.6.2)</Badge>
第一个包含 Vision 流控的发行版已经放出!欢迎试用并提交反馈!
The first release with Vision flow control is out! Welcome to try it and give feedback!
## 2022.10.22 <Badge>[v1.6.1](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.6.1)</Badge>
- 为 WebSocket、HTTP/2 以及 gRPC 传输带来了 uTLS 指纹支持!
- 之前只有普通 TLS 下 TCP 传输能用的选项现在更好用了。
- Linux 下可以单独为出入口设置 TCP 拥塞控制了。
- Brought uTLS fingerprint support for WebSocket, HTTP/2, and gRPC transport!
- The option that was previously only available under regular TLS for TCP transport is now better.
- On Linux, TCP congestion control can be set independently for ingress and egress.
## 2022.10.3
The weather is getting cooler, but the pace of development hasn’t slowed down. Blocks fall from the sky, but progress can’t be stopped...
- 新的 XTLS 流控酝酿中……
- 解决之前流控已有的问题;
- 对 TLS 1.3 直接启用 splice;
- 增加 TLS 握手长度混淆;
- 简化代码,使用 `tlsSettings` 而不是 `xtlsSettings`……
- A new XTLS flow control is brewing...
- Addressing existing flow control issues;
- Direct splice activation for TLS 1.3;
- Added TLS handshake length obfuscation;
- Simplified code, using `tlsSettings` instead of `xtlsSettings`...
## 2022.8.28 <Badge>[v1.5.10](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.10)</Badge>
底层传输支持更合理的 TCP Keepalive 配置了。
Underlying transport now supports more reasonable TCP Keepalive settings.
## 2022.6.20 <Badge>[v1.5.8](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.8)</Badge>
现在 Shadowsocks-2022 的 relay 中转也受支持了。
Now Shadowsocks-2022 relay is also supported.
## 2022.5.29 <Badge>[v1.5.6](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.6)</Badge>
Shadowsocks-2022 协议来到了 Xray-core!
Shadowsocks-2022 protocol has come to Xray-core!
- 感谢 [@nekohasekai](https://github.com/nekohasekai) 开发全新 go 实现 https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-shadowsocks 并引入 Xray。
- 感谢 [@database64128](https://github.com/database64128) 推动 Shadowsocks 社区提出完整设计方案。
- 感谢 [@RPRX](https://github.com/RPRX) 提交原始漏洞。
- Thanks to [@nekohasekai](https://github.com/nekohasekai) for developing the brand new go implementation https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-shadowsocks and bringing it to Xray.
- Thanks to [@database64128](https://github.com/database64128) for driving the Shadowsocks community to propose a complete design.
- Thanks to [@RPRX](https://github.com/RPRX) for submitting the original vulnerability.
Shadowsocks-2022 是重新设计的全新协议:
Shadowsocks-2022 is a newly designed protocol:
- 在保留 Shadowsocks 原生 udp 的基础上解决了重放攻击等安全问题(与 vmess 一样使用时间戳,因此客户端与服务端需要时间一致)。
- 支持单端口多用户,并且参考 quic、wireguard 等协议设计与实现使用了 session 机制,减低加密负担,保证网络变动时的无缝迁移。
- It addresses security issues like replay attacks while retaining native udp support from Shadowsocks (using timestamps similar to vmess, so client and server need synchronized time).
- Supports multi-user on a single port, and implements session mechanisms similar to quic and wireguard to reduce encryption overhead and ensure seamless migration during network changes.
## 2022.4.24 <Badge>[v1.5.5](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.5)</Badge>
This time we brought a convenient visual data detection interface! Come and experience it!
- 顺便修复了一些影响使用体验的问题。
- We also fixed some issues affecting user experience.
## 2022.3.13 <Badge>[v1.5.4](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.4)</Badge>
给 Windows 平台加上了没有黑窗冒出的 wxray.exe 文件,并带来了对 UDS 监听的增强。
Added a wxray.exe file for Windows platform with no black windows popping up, and brought enhancements for UDS listening.
## 2022.1.29 <Badge>[v1.5.3](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.3)</Badge>
Farewell to the year of the Ox, and leap into the new year of the Tiger. 🧨
- 这次带来了对 QUIC 传输的流分配改进,使用 QUIC 传输现在更丝滑了。
- This time we brought improvements to stream allocation for QUIC transport, making QUIC transport smoother.
## 2021.12.24 <Badge>[v1.5.2](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.2)</Badge>
为 gRPC 添加了一个新的选项,在通过 CDN 时变得更好用了。
Added a new option for gRPC, making it even better when used through a CDN.
## 2021.12.15 <Badge>[v1.5.1](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.1)</Badge>
> “过渡时期的阶段性的维护版本”
> “A transitional, phased maintenance version”
- 新功能、增强还有大量修复陆续有来。
- 记得将 VMess 配置中的 `alterID` 去掉!
- New features, enhancements, and a lot of fixes are coming in.
- Remember to remove `alterID` from your VMess configuration!
## 2021.10.20 <Badge>[v1.5.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.0)</Badge>
A really big change!
- 重构了 DNS 组件,支持的协议和细化配置更多了。
- 增强了 gRPC 传输以及 FakeDNS。
- 现在终于支持 Windows ARM64 了。
- 更多新功能和改进等待体验。
- Refactored the DNS component, with more supported protocols and detailed configurations.
- Enhanced gRPC transport and FakeDNS.
- Finally supports Windows ARM64.
- More new features and improvements await you.
## 2021.9.23 <Badge>[v1.4.5](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.4.5)</Badge>
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, wishing you a joyful reunion.
- ~~修正了版本号过低,版本号不吉利的 bug。~~
- 这次移除了 Shadowsocks 里面已经不安全的加密方式。要尽快迁移到 AEAD 加密上面喔。
- 这次修复了远古时期开始就存在的历史问题:开启流量统计功能可能会使性能下降。简单来说,不论什么配置现在打开统计都不会对性能有任何影响了。
- 还有对 XTLS 的安全性更新以及大量修复。
- 对了,因为 TLS 库的更新,`cipherSuites` 不能再指定加密套件顺序了,而 `preferServerCipherSuites` 已经被彻底弃用。事实上这些变化在 Xray-core v1.4.3 中已经产生了。
- ~~Fixed a bug where the version number was too low and unlucky.~~
- This update removed the insecure encryption methods from Shadowsocks. Please migrate to AEAD encryption as soon as possible.
- This update fixed a longstanding issue from ancient times: enabling traffic statistics could cause a performance drop. Simply put, enabling statistics now will not impact performance regardless of the configuration.
- Also included are security updates for XTLS and numerous other fixes.
- By the way, due to the TLS library update, `cipherSuites` can no longer specify the order of cipher suites, and `preferServerCipherSuites` has been completely deprecated. In fact, these changes were already present in Xray-core v1.4.3.
## 2021.9.16
- 文档站已经完全切换到 docs-next,丝般顺滑,体验更好!地址仍为 [https://xtls.github.io/](https://xtls.github.io/)
- The documentation site has fully transitioned to docs-next, providing a smoother and better experience! The address remains [https://xtls.github.io/](https://xtls.github.io/).
## 2021.9.8 <Badge>[v1.4.3](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.4.3)</Badge>
This is a maintenance release. Development continues…
- 在此期间累积了大量改进和新功能。
- 加入新的 DomainMatcher,现在域名规则匹配性能更好了。
- 加入对 HTTP/2 和 gRPC 传输的健康检查、对未知 SNI 的处理改进,以及修复了一大堆 bug。
- A large number of improvements and new features have accumulated during this period.
- Added a new DomainMatcher, improving domain rule matching performance.
- Added health checks for HTTP/2 and gRPC transports, improved handling of unknown SNI, and fixed a bunch of bugs.
> ~~Helden sterben nicht!~~
## 2021.7.14
- AnXray ~~重金设计~~ 的新图标已经上线!
- 现在图标的辨识度更高了。
- 过去三个星期,AnXray 共积累了 600 stars、2K+ 频道订阅数和 11K+ GitHub 下载量,感谢大家的支持。
- AX 为 AnXray 的缩写,推荐用 AX 指代 AnXray,简短方便
- AnXray's ~~expensively designed~~ new icon is now live!
- The new icon is now more recognizable.
- Over the past three weeks, AnXray has accumulated 600 stars, 2K+ channel subscriptions, and 11K+ GitHub downloads. Thank you for your support.
- AX is short for AnXray. We recommend using AX to refer to AnXray—it's short and convenient.
## 2021.6.21
现在一个以 Xray-core 为核心的开源、自由的 Android 客户端已经出现——[AnXray](https://github.com/XTLS/AnXray)!由 [@nekohasekai](https://github.com/nekohasekai) 维护。
Now, an open-source, free Android client based on Xray-core is available—[AnXray](https://github.com/XTLS/AnXray)! Maintained by [@nekohasekai](https://github.com/nekohasekai).
- 支持众多协议、插件.
- 首席视觉设计师 [@RPRX](https://github.com/RPRX) 设计了 X-style 的 logo、slogan,以及独一无二的 material 黑白主题。
- APP 内还有个小彩蛋等你去发现。
- Supports numerous protocols and plugins.
- Chief visual designer [@RPRX](https://github.com/RPRX) designed an X-style logo, slogan, and a unique black-and-white material theme.
- There's also a small Easter egg waiting to be discovered in the app.
前两天从早到晚反复打磨细节,希望大家多多 Star、关注。
Spent the last few days refining details from morning till night. We hope you'll star and follow the project.
## 2021.5.1
对 tun2socks 的改进出现在 v2rayNG 上面了。
Improvements to tun2socks have appeared in v2rayNG.
## 2021.4.26
给 tun2socks 带来了一个改进。后续有可能能吃到它~
Brought an improvement to tun2socks. You might get to enjoy it in the future~
## 2021.4.12
现在带来了 X-flutter 前瞻,可以期待一下会是什么样子呢~ ~~🍪~~
Introducing X-flutter preview; looking forward to what it might be like~ ~~🍪~~
## 2021.4.6
@ -400,230 +399,230 @@ Shadowsocks-2022 是重新设计的全新协议:
## 2021.4.4
- 本文档迎来的新的首页。
- 本文档迎来了暗黑模式。
- ~~当然,暗黑模式还有各种各样的问题。具体的内容还需要慢慢调整。~~
- 另:Telegram 群聊突破了 5000 人!还加入了 Anti-Spam 机器人!
- This document has a new homepage.
- This document now has a dark mode.
- ~~Of course, dark mode still has various issues. Specific content will need to be gradually adjusted.~~
- Additionally, the Telegram group chat has surpassed 5,000 members! An Anti-Spam bot has also been added!
- 🎉🎉🎉
## 2021.4.1 <Badge>[v1.4.2](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.4.2)</Badge>
- 不是愚人节玩笑,今天更新。
- 加入 Browser Dialer,用与改变 TLS 指纹与行为。
- 加入 uTLS,用与改变 TLS Client Hello 的指纹。
- 顺便修复了一大堆奇妙的问题,具体的内容见更新日志。
- Not an April Fool's joke, updated today.
- Added Browser Dialer to modify TLS fingerprints and behavior.
- Added uTLS to modify the TLS Client Hello fingerprint.
- Also fixed a bunch of strange issues; see the changelog for details.
## 2021.3.25
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
没错还在变。 -_-
Yes, it’s still changing. -_-
## 2021.3.15
The documentation site is quietly undergoing some mysterious changes..., 🙊🙊🙊
## 2021.3.14 <Badge>[v1.4.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.4.0)</Badge>
- Happy Pi-Day!
- 这次是个大更新:
- 为链式代理引入了传输层支持。
- 为 Dialer 引入了 Domain Strategy,解决奇妙的 DNS 问题。
- 添加了 gRPC 传输方式,与更快一点的 Multi Mode。
- 添加了 WebSocket Early-Data 功能,减少了 WebSocket 的延迟。
- 添加了 FakeDNS。
- 还修复了系列的问题,添加了各类功能,详情请见更新日志。
- 还是 VuePress 比较爽啊(
- This is a major update:
- Introduced transport layer support for chained proxies.
- Introduced Domain Strategy for the Dialer, solving strange DNS issues.
- Added gRPC transport method and a slightly faster Multi Mode.
- Added WebSocket Early-Data feature, reducing WebSocket latency.
- Added FakeDNS.
- Also fixed a series of issues and added various features. For details, see the changelog.
- VuePress is still more enjoyable~
## 2021.3.3 <Badge>[1.3.1](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.3.1)</Badge>
- 这个版本使用了 Golang 1.16,正式原生支持 Apple Silicon。
- 同时修复了一个会导致 Panic 的 bug。~~Holmium\_认为这是在骗、在偷袭。~~
- 修复了几个遗留问题。
- This version uses Golang 1.16, officially supporting Apple Silicon natively.
- Also fixed a bug that could cause a panic. ~~Holmium\_ thinks this is deceit, a sneak attack.~~
- Fixed several legacy issues.
## 2021.2.14 <Badge>[1.3.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.3.0)</Badge>
- Happy 🐮 Year 🎉!
- v1.3.0 通过非常巧妙的机制实现了 V 系协议全部 FullCone,同时保证了一定的兼容性。
- Happy 🐮 Year 🎉!
- v1.3.0 implemented FullCone for all V protocols using a very clever mechanism, while ensuring some compatibility.
## 2021.01.31 <Badge>[1.2.4](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.4)</Badge>
- 解决两个“连接至标准 Socks 服务端时可能出错”的历史遗留问题。
- 似乎这个版本没有什么改变,但这只是暴风雨前的宁静。
- (没错我就是先知)
> 你个傻子,你拿的是 UNO 牌。
- Resolved two longstanding issues where “connecting to a standard Socks server might result in errors.”
- It seems there’s not much change in this version, but it’s just the calm before the storm.
- (Yes, I’m a prophet)
> You fool, you’re holding a UNO card.
## 2021.01.25
- 全互联网最好最详细的秘籍入门篇同学们练熟了吗? 🍉 老师开始连载[秘籍第一层](../document/level-1/)咯...
- [英文版文档网站](../en)逐渐增加内容 ing, 感谢各位大佬的辛苦付出~!
- Have you mastered the most detailed beginner's guide on the entire internet? 🍉 The teacher has started serializing [Level One of the Guide](../document/level-1/)...
- The [English version of the documentation site](../en) is gradually being updated, thanks to the hard work of everyone involved!
## 2021.01.22 <Badge>[1.2.3](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.3)</Badge>
- 对 SS 协议的支持**又**变强了, 支持单端口多用户!
- 对 trojan 协议的支持也**又**变强了, trojan 的回落也解锁 SNI 分流的新姿势啦~!
- _(VLESS: 嘤嘤嘤)_
- UDP 奇奇怪怪的 BUG 被干掉了, 一个字, "稳定".
- 嗅探可以排除你不想嗅探的域名, 可以开启一些新玩法.
- 向发现问题->开 issue->自行测试->自行分析->自行找到问题->自行解决->然后给上下游提交 PR 的大佬 [@Bohan Yang](https://github.com/bohanyang) 致敬!
- 其他美味小樱桃, 惯例更新品尝就对啦.
- **Yet again**, support for the SS protocol has been strengthened, now supporting multi-user on a single port!
- **Yet again**, support for the trojan protocol has been strengthened, with new SNI-based routing for trojan fallback!
- _(VLESS: sobbing)_
- The weird UDP bugs have been fixed, making it “stable” in one word.
- Sniffing can now exclude domains you don't want to sniff, opening up some new possibilities.
- Salute to the big shot [@Bohan Yang](https://github.com/bohanyang) who discovers issues -> opens an issue -> tests on their own -> analyzes on their own -> finds the issue on their own -> fixes it on their own -> and then submits a PR upstream and downstream!
- Other tasty cherries—just update and taste them.
## 2021.01.19
- 一些数字
- 版本发布了 10 个 tag
- 解决掉了 100 个 issue
- 复刻了 300 个 fork
- 点了 2000 个 star
- 群 3000 个 人
- Some numbers:
- 10 tags released
- 100 issues resolved
- 300 forks created
- 2000 stars given
- 3000 members in the group
## 2021.01.17
- 辛苦的翻译工作开始了, 感谢 [@玖柒 Max](https://github.com/jiuqi9997)和其他所有的翻译大佬们.
- The hard work of translation has begun, thanks to [@玖柒 Max](https://github.com/jiuqi9997) and all the other translation contributors.
- [English version](https://xtls.github.io/en/)
## 2021.01.15 <Badge>[1.2.2](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.2)</Badge>
- 回落分流又解锁了奇怪的新姿势! 回落中可以根据 SNI 分流啦~!
- 之前预告的 UUID 修改正式上线.([往下看往下看](#2021.01.12))
- 日志现在看起来比上一次顺眼又更顺眼了一丢丢.
- 远程 DOH 和其他的 DNS 模式一样学会了走路由分流.
- 当然还有其他各种小糖果.(更新品尝就对了)
- 啊, 还有, 世界上第一個 M1 上跑起 Xray 的男人是 Anthony TSE
- Fallback routing has unlocked a new strange trick! You can now route based on SNI in the fallback!
- The previously announced UUID modification is officially live. ([Scroll down, scroll down](#2021.01.12))
- The logs now look a bit more pleasing to the eye than last time.
- Remote DOH has learned to use routing just like other DNS modes.
- And of course, various other little candies. (Just update and taste them)
- Oh, and, the first person to run Xray on an M1 Mac is Anthony TSE.
## 2021.01.12
- 将要到来的 UUID 修改, 支持自定义字符串和 UUID 之间的映射. 这意味着你将可以这样在配置文件中写 id 来对应用户.
- 客户端写 "id": "我爱 🍉 老师 1314",
- 服务端写 "id": "5783a3e7-e373-51cd-8642-c83782b807c5" (此 UUID 是 `我爱🍉老师1314` 的 UUID 映射)
- 🍉 老师的[小小白白话文](../document/level-0/)大结局, 撒花.
- Upcoming UUID modification supports mapping between custom strings and UUIDs. This means you can write the id like this in the configuration file to correspond to users.
- Client writes `"id": "I love 🍉 teacher 1314"`,
- Server writes `"id": "5783a3e7-e373-51cd-8642-c83782b807c5"` (This UUID is the UUID mapping of `I love 🍉 teacher 1314`)
- The [Simple White Language](../document/level-0/) by 🍉 teacher concludes with a grand finale, throwing flowers.
## 2021.01.10 <Badge>[1.2.1](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.1)</Badge>
- [小小白白话文](../document/level-0/)连载上线啦,🍉 老师呕心沥血之作, 手把手教你从什么都不会到熟练配置 Xray!
- (可能是整个互联网上, 最详细最有耐心的教你从 0 开始配置的教程)
- [透明代理](../document/level-2/)也增加了更多文章.
- 还有很多细节修改, 文档将会越来越规范!
- 感谢 [@ricuhkaen](https://github.com/ricuhkaen) , [@BioniCosmos](https://github.com/BioniCosmos), [@kirin](https://github.com/kirin10000)
- The [Simple White Language](../document/level-0/) series has been launched! 🍉 Teacher's painstaking work teaches you how to configure Xray from scratch!
- (Possibly the most detailed and patient guide on the entire internet for configuring from zero)
- [Transparent Proxy](../document/level-2/) has also been updated with more articles.
- Many other details have been modified, and the documentation will become more standardized!
- Thanks to [@ricuhkaen](https://github.com/ricuhkaen), [@BioniCosmos](https://github.com/BioniCosmos), [@kirin](https://github.com/kirin10000).
* 大量的 UDP 相关修复, 甚至可以在育碧的土豆服务器上玩彩虹六号!
* Google Voice 应该也可以正常使用 v2rayNG 拨打了.
* 日志现在看起来更顺眼.
* A lot of UDP-related fixes, now you can even play Rainbow Six Siege on Ubisoft's potato servers!
* Google Voice should now work properly when making calls with v2rayNG.
* Logs now look more pleasing to the eye.
## 2021.01.07
- 礼貌和尊重本应是社区不需要明说的准则之一。
- Courtesy and respect should be fundamental principles that don’t need to be explicitly stated in the community.
## 2021.01.05
- 文档网站正在悄悄的进行着某些神秘的变化。。。,🙊🙊🙊
- The documentation website is quietly undergoing some mysterious changes..., 🙊🙊🙊
## 2021.01.03
- 文档仓库第一个 PR。🎉
[透明代理(TProxy)配置教程 ](../document/level-2/tproxy.md) ,感谢 [@BioniCosmos](https://github.com/BioniCosmos)
- tg 群突破 2500。
- The first PR in the documentation repository. 🎉
[Transparent Proxy (TProxy) Configuration Tutorial](../document/level-2/tproxy.md), thanks to [@BioniCosmos](https://github.com/BioniCosmos).
- The TG group has surpassed 2500 members.
## 2021.01.01
【祝大家新年快乐,嗨皮牛耶!】🎆🎇🎆 <Badge>[1.2.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.0)</Badge>
[Happy New Year, Happy “Cow” Year!] 🎆🎇🎆 <Badge>[1.2.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.0)</Badge>
🎁 在元旦的最后几分钟,v1.2.0 它来了,带着周五必更的惯例,带着各位贡献大佬的心血以及 @rprxx 的黑眼圈,不负众望的来了!
🎁 In the last few minutes of New Year's Day, v1.2.0 arrived, continuing the tradition of Friday updates, bringing the hard work of all contributors and the dark circles of @rprxx—living up to expectations!
- 圣诞礼物[v1.1.5](#20201225)后的元旦礼物 🎁,游戏玩家大福利,全面 FullCone。
- (UDP 还会继续增强!)
- 如果你已经拆过圣诞礼物,这次还有比圣诞礼物更精美的包装和小糖果哦。(同样不用问,更新品尝就对了)
- (不,下面不是广告,是里程碑。)
- Xray 是有史以来第一个不受限制的多协议平台:只需 Xray 即可解决问题,无需借力其它实现。
- 一人扛起了所有!支持各大主流协议!
- 一骑绝尘的性能!
- 日趋完善的功能!
- 可怕的生命力与社区亲和力!
- Xray 将继续保持前行! 因此 [Xray 需要更多的英雄!!](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/discussions/56)!
- PS:请品,请细品[release notes](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.0)每一句。似乎有一个小秘密小彩蛋 ~~(啊,有人敲门...我一会和你们说)~~
- The New Year's gift 🎁 following the Christmas gift [v1.1.5](#20201225), a great benefit for gamers, full FullCone support.
- (UDP will continue to be enhanced!)
- If you’ve already opened your Christmas gift, this time there’s an even more beautifully wrapped package and little candies. (As always, no need to ask, just update and taste it)
- (No, what's below is not an ad, but a milestone.)
- Xray is the first unrestricted multi-protocol platform: Xray alone solves the problem, without relying on other implementations.
- One person handles everything! Supports all major mainstream protocols!
- Unparalleled performance!
- Continuously improving features!
- Incredible vitality and community affinity!
- Xray will continue to move forward! Therefore, [Xray needs more heroes!!](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/discussions/56)!
- PS: Please taste, taste every line of the [release notes](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.2.0) carefully. It seems there's a small secret Easter egg. ~~(Ah, someone’s knocking at the door... I’ll tell you later)~~
## 2020.12.29
透明代理的游戏玩家利好! Xray-core tproxy 入站, socks 出站 UDP FullCone 测试版, [TG 群](https://t.me/projectXray)火热测试中
Good news for gamers using transparent proxy! Xray-core TProxy inbound, SOCKS outbound UDP FullCone beta, [TG group](https://t.me/projectXray) is hotly testing.
## 2020.12.25 <Badge>[1.1.5](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.1.5)</Badge>
Merry Christmas!
- 游戏玩家的圣诞礼物!你可以用 xray 爽快的打游戏啦!因为有了 SS/trojan UDP fullcone
- 你可以用你喜欢的格式写配置文件了,比如 yaml,比如 toml...
- (VLESS 的 UDP fullcone 和更多增强很快就到!)
- 无须再担心证书验证被墙,OCSP stapling 已经上线!
- kirin 带来了一大波 脚本更新.[脚本在此](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-install)
- 还有更多美味小樱桃!(不用问,更新品尝就对了)
- A Christmas gift for gamers! You can now enjoy gaming with Xray! Thanks to SS/trojan UDP FullCone.
- You can now write configuration files in your preferred format, such as YAML or TOML...
- (VLESS’s UDP FullCone and more enhancements are coming soon!)
- No need to worry about certificate validation being blocked anymore, OCSP stapling is now online!
- Kirin brought a wave of script updates. [Scripts here](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-install).
- And more delicious little cherries! (No need to ask, just update and taste it)
## 2020.12.24
因为某些不可描述的原因,Xray 的文档网站已在发布日前偷跑上线。
For some unspeakable reasons, Xray’s documentation website was sneakily launched before the release date.
The URL is: [Yes, what you’re looking at](https://xtls.github.io).
大家可以查阅各种内容也欢迎纠错/提出建议(可发往文档 github 仓库的 issue 区)
Everyone is welcome to check various contents and correct any errors/suggestions (can be submitted to the issue area of the documentation GitHub repository).
The documentation website needs continuous improvement and content addition, as well as design refinement.
Therefore, everyone is welcome to contribute to the construction of the documentation together.
[Documentation Repository](https://github.com/XTLS/XTLS.github.io).
仓库的 readme 中有简略教程说明如何帮助 xray 改进文档网站.
There’s a brief tutorial in the repository's README explaining how to help Xray improve the documentation website.
Everyone is welcome to check it out, correct errors, modify, and add experiences.
## 2020.12.23
Xray-core Shadowsocks UDP FullCone 测试版, [TG 群](https://t.me/projectXray)火热测试中
Xray-core Shadowsocks UDP FullCone beta, [TG group](https://t.me/projectXray) is hotly testing.
## 2020.12.21
- Project X 群人数 2000+
- 群消息(含游戏群) 日均破万
- Project X group member count exceeds 2000.
- The group messages (including game groups) surpass 10,000 daily.
## 2020.12.18 <Badge>[1.1.4](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.1.4)</Badge>
- 更低的启动内占用和内存使用优化
- 随意定制的 TLS 提高你的 SSL 评级
- 支持 XTLS 入站的 Splice 以及支持 trojan 的 XTLS
- 还有在您路由器上使用的 Splice 最佳使用模式建议
- Lower startup memory usage and memory usage optimization.
- Customize TLS at will to improve your SSL rating.
- Added Splice support for XTLS inbound and support for trojan XTLS.
- Also, best usage mode suggestions for Splice on your router.
## 2020.12.17
鉴于日益增长群人数和游戏需求, 开启了[TG 游戏群](https://t.me/joinchat/UO4NixbB_XDQJOUjS6mHEQ)
Given the growing number of group members and gaming needs, the [TG game group](https://t.me/joinchat/UO4NixbB_XDQJOUjS6mHEQ) has been launched.
## 2020.12.15
[安装脚本 dev 分支](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-install/tree/dev)开启, 持续更新功能中.
[Installation script dev branch](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-install/tree/dev) is now open and features are being continuously updated.
## 2020.12.11 <Badge>[1.1.3](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.1.3)</Badge>
- 完整版本的 REDIRECT 透明代理模式.
- 软路由 splice 流控模式的优化建议.
- Full version of REDIRECT transparent proxy mode.
- Optimization suggestions for Splice flow control mode on soft routers.
## 2020.12.06 <Badge>[1.1.2](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.1.2)</Badge>
- 流控增加 splice 模式, Linux 限定, 性能一骑绝尘.
- 增强了 API 兼容
- Added splice mode for flow control, Linux exclusive, with unparalleled performance.
- Enhanced API compatibility.
## 2020.12.04
增加 splice 模式
Added splice mode.
## 2020.11.27
- Project X 的 GitHub 主仓库 Xray-core 已获 500+ stars
- 登上了 GitHub Trending
- Project X 群人数破千,频道订阅数 500+
- Project X's GitHub main repository Xray-core has now received 500+ stars.
- Featured on GitHub Trending.
- Project X group members exceeded 1000, and channel subscribers reached 500+.
## 2020.11.25 <Badge>[1.0.0](https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.0.0)</Badge>
Xray 的第一个版本.
Xray’s first version.
- 基于 v2ray-core 修改而来,改动较大
- 全面增强, 性能卓越, 完全兼容
- Based on v2ray-core with significant modifications.
- Comprehensive enhancements, excellent performance, fully compatible.
## 2020.11.23
project X start
> ~~梦开始的时候~~
> ~~When the dream begins~~
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