**The Wireguard protocol is not specifically designed for circumvention purposes. If used as the outer layer for circumvention, its characteristics may lead to server blocking.**
When connecting to warp via wireguard, due to cloudflare limitations, some IPs in Hong Kong and Los Angeles need to have a `reserved` value in order to connect successfully.<br>
The value of `reserved` can be obtained using third-party tools such as [warp-reg](https://github.com/badafans/warp-reg), [warp-reg.sh](https://github.com/chise0713/warp-reg.sh).。
If you do not write this parameter, or leave it blank, the default value is `"ForceIP"`.<br>
When the destination address is a domain name, use the Xray-core [built-in DNS server](./dns.md) to get an IP (if no `"dns"` configuration is written, system DNS is used), and send a connection to this IP via wireguard.<br>
**1:** Tip `You already have an IPv6 address, but your browser is less inclined to use it, which is more worrying. `<br>
**2:** The chances of prompting `You already have an IPv6 address, but your browser is less inclined to use it, which is more worrisome. `
**Note 1**:
- Conflicts with `"queryStrategy"` may cause the site to fail to open.
- For example when `domainStrategy: "ForceIPv4"` is used, geosite:openai's site with `"queryStrategy": "UseIPv6"` will fail to open.
"dns": {
"servers": [
"address": "",
"domains": [
"skipFallback": true,
"queryStrategy": "UseIPv6" // Query only AAAA records.
"queryStrategy": "UseIP" // If this parameter is not written, the default value is UseIP, i.e. both A and AAAA records are queried, optional values are UseIPv4 and UseIPv6, other record types are queried by the system DNS.
**Note 2**:
- Xray-core v1.8.0 - v1.8.4 without `"domainStrategy"`.
- When the destination address is a domain name, use the Xray-core built-in DNS server query to obtain the IP, using the value of `"queryStrategy"` in the `"dns"` configuration to control the IPv4 or IPv6 priority.
- If the `"dns"` configuration is not written, the system DNS query is used to obtain IP, and the IPv4 or IPv6 priority is controlled by the system.