package session

import (
	_ "unsafe"


//go:linkname IndependentCancelCtx context.newCancelCtx
func IndependentCancelCtx(parent context.Context) context.Context

type sessionKey int

const (
	idSessionKey sessionKey = iota

// ContextWithID returns a new context with the given ID.
func ContextWithID(ctx context.Context, id ID) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, idSessionKey, id)

// IDFromContext returns ID in this context, or 0 if not contained.
func IDFromContext(ctx context.Context) ID {
	if id, ok := ctx.Value(idSessionKey).(ID); ok {
		return id
	return 0

func ContextWithInbound(ctx context.Context, inbound *Inbound) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, inboundSessionKey, inbound)

func InboundFromContext(ctx context.Context) *Inbound {
	if inbound, ok := ctx.Value(inboundSessionKey).(*Inbound); ok {
		return inbound
	return nil

func ContextWithOutbounds(ctx context.Context, outbounds []*Outbound) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, outboundSessionKey, outbounds)

func OutboundsFromContext(ctx context.Context) []*Outbound {
	if outbounds, ok := ctx.Value(outboundSessionKey).([]*Outbound); ok {
		return outbounds
	return nil

func ContextWithContent(ctx context.Context, content *Content) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, contentSessionKey, content)

func ContentFromContext(ctx context.Context) *Content {
	if content, ok := ctx.Value(contentSessionKey).(*Content); ok {
		return content
	return nil

// ContextWithMuxPrefered returns a new context with the given bool
func ContextWithMuxPrefered(ctx context.Context, forced bool) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, muxPreferedSessionKey, forced)

// MuxPreferedFromContext returns value in this context, or false if not contained.
func MuxPreferedFromContext(ctx context.Context) bool {
	if val, ok := ctx.Value(muxPreferedSessionKey).(bool); ok {
		return val
	return false

// ContextWithSockopt returns a new context with Socket configs included
func ContextWithSockopt(ctx context.Context, s *Sockopt) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, sockoptSessionKey, s)

// SockoptFromContext returns Socket configs in this context, or nil if not contained.
func SockoptFromContext(ctx context.Context) *Sockopt {
	if sockopt, ok := ctx.Value(sockoptSessionKey).(*Sockopt); ok {
		return sockopt
	return nil

func GetForcedOutboundTagFromContext(ctx context.Context) string {
	if ContentFromContext(ctx) == nil {
		return ""
	return ContentFromContext(ctx).Attribute("forcedOutboundTag")

func SetForcedOutboundTagToContext(ctx context.Context, tag string) context.Context {
	if contentFromContext := ContentFromContext(ctx); contentFromContext == nil {
		ctx = ContextWithContent(ctx, &Content{})
	ContentFromContext(ctx).SetAttribute("forcedOutboundTag", tag)
	return ctx

type TrackedRequestErrorFeedback interface {
	SubmitError(err error)

func SubmitOutboundErrorToOriginator(ctx context.Context, err error) {
	if errorTracker := ctx.Value(trackedConnectionErrorKey); errorTracker != nil {
		errorTracker := errorTracker.(TrackedRequestErrorFeedback)

func TrackedConnectionError(ctx context.Context, tracker TrackedRequestErrorFeedback) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, trackedConnectionErrorKey, tracker)

func ContextWithDispatcher(ctx context.Context, dispatcher routing.Dispatcher) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, dispatcherKey, dispatcher)

func DispatcherFromContext(ctx context.Context) routing.Dispatcher {
	if dispatcher, ok := ctx.Value(dispatcherKey).(routing.Dispatcher); ok {
		return dispatcher
	return nil

func ContextWithTimeoutOnly(ctx context.Context, only bool) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, timeoutOnlyKey, only)

func TimeoutOnlyFromContext(ctx context.Context) bool {
	if val, ok := ctx.Value(timeoutOnlyKey).(bool); ok {
		return val
	return false

func ContextWithAllowedNetwork(ctx context.Context, network net.Network) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, allowedNetworkKey, network)

func AllowedNetworkFromContext(ctx context.Context) net.Network {
	if val, ok := ctx.Value(allowedNetworkKey).(net.Network); ok {
		return val
	return net.Network_Unknown