syntax = "proto3";

package xray.transport.internet;
option csharp_namespace = "Xray.Transport.Internet";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "com.xray.transport.internet";
option java_multiple_files = true;

import "common/serial/typed_message.proto";

enum TransportProtocol {
  TCP = 0;
  UDP = 1;
  MKCP = 2;
  WebSocket = 3;
  HTTP = 4;
  DomainSocket = 5;

enum DomainStrategy {
  AS_IS = 0;
  USE_IP = 1;
  USE_IP4 = 2;
  USE_IP6 = 3;
  USE_IP46 = 4;
  USE_IP64 = 5;
  FORCE_IP = 6;
  FORCE_IP4 = 7;
  FORCE_IP6 = 8;
  FORCE_IP46 = 9;
  FORCE_IP64 = 10;

message TransportConfig {
  // Type of network that this settings supports.
  // Deprecated. Use the string form below.
  TransportProtocol protocol = 1 [ deprecated = true ];

  // Type of network that this settings supports.
  string protocol_name = 3;

  // Specific settings. Must be of the transports.
  xray.common.serial.TypedMessage settings = 2;

message StreamConfig {
  // Effective network. Deprecated. Use the string form below.
  TransportProtocol protocol = 1 [ deprecated = true ];

  // Effective network.
  string protocol_name = 5;

  repeated TransportConfig transport_settings = 2;

  // Type of security. Must be a message name of the settings proto.
  string security_type = 3;

  // Settings for transport security. For now the only choice is TLS.
  repeated xray.common.serial.TypedMessage security_settings = 4;

  SocketConfig socket_settings = 6;

message ProxyConfig {
  string tag = 1;
  bool transportLayerProxy = 2;

// SocketConfig is options to be applied on network sockets.
message SocketConfig {
  // Mark of the connection. If non-zero, the value will be set to SO_MARK.
  int32 mark = 1;

  // TFO is the state of TFO settings.
  int32 tfo = 2;

  enum TProxyMode {
    // TProxy is off.
    Off = 0;
    // TProxy mode.
    TProxy = 1;
    // Redirect mode.
    Redirect = 2;

  // TProxy is for enabling TProxy socket option.
  TProxyMode tproxy = 3;

  // ReceiveOriginalDestAddress is for enabling IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR socket
  // option. This option is for UDP only.
  bool receive_original_dest_address = 4;

  bytes bind_address = 5;

  uint32 bind_port = 6;

  bool accept_proxy_protocol = 7;

  DomainStrategy domain_strategy = 8;

  string dialer_proxy = 9;

  int32 tcp_keep_alive_interval = 10;

  int32 tcp_keep_alive_idle = 11;
  string tcp_congestion = 12;
  string interface = 13;

  bool   v6only = 14;

  int32 tcp_window_clamp = 15;

  int32 tcp_user_timeout = 16;

  int32 tcp_max_seg = 17;

  bool tcp_no_delay = 18;

  bool tcp_mptcp = 19;