package xtls

import (
	xtls ""


//go:generate go run

type Conn struct {

func (c *Conn) HandshakeAddress() net.Address {
	if err := c.Handshake(); err != nil {
		return nil
	state := c.ConnectionState()
	if state.ServerName == "" {
		return nil
	return net.ParseAddress(state.ServerName)

// Client initiates a XTLS client handshake on the given connection.
func Client(c net.Conn, config *xtls.Config) net.Conn {
	xtlsConn := xtls.Client(c, config)
	return &Conn{Conn: xtlsConn}

// Server initiates a XTLS server handshake on the given connection.
func Server(c net.Conn, config *xtls.Config) net.Conn {
	xtlsConn := xtls.Server(c, config)
	return &Conn{Conn: xtlsConn}