2020-11-25 19:01:53 +08:00
package main
import (
2020-12-04 09:36:16 +08:00
2020-11-25 19:01:53 +08:00
func main ( ) {
pwd , wdErr := os . Getwd ( )
if wdErr != nil {
fmt . Println ( "Can not get current working directory." )
os . Exit ( 1 )
GOBIN := common . GetGOBIN ( )
binPath := os . Getenv ( "PATH" )
pathSlice := [ ] string { binPath , GOBIN , pwd }
binPath = strings . Join ( pathSlice , string ( os . PathListSeparator ) )
os . Setenv ( "PATH" , binPath )
EXE := ""
if runtime . GOOS == "windows" {
EXE = ".exe"
protoc := "protoc" + EXE
if path , err := exec . LookPath ( protoc ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Println ( "Make sure that you have `" + protoc + "` in your system path or current path. To download it, please visit https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
} else {
protoc = path
protoFilesMap := make ( map [ string ] [ ] string )
walkErr := filepath . Walk ( "./" , func ( path string , info os . FileInfo , err error ) error {
if err != nil {
fmt . Println ( err )
return err
if info . IsDir ( ) {
return nil
dir := filepath . Dir ( path )
filename := filepath . Base ( path )
if strings . HasSuffix ( filename , ".proto" ) {
protoFilesMap [ dir ] = append ( protoFilesMap [ dir ] , path )
return nil
} )
if walkErr != nil {
fmt . Println ( walkErr )
os . Exit ( 1 )
for _ , files := range protoFilesMap {
for _ , relProtoFile := range files {
var args [ ] string
if core . ProtoFilesUsingProtocGenGoFast [ relProtoFile ] {
args = [ ] string { "--gofast_out" , pwd , "--gofast_opt" , "paths=source_relative" , "--plugin" , "protoc-gen-gofast=" + GOBIN + "/protoc-gen-gofast" + EXE }
} else {
args = [ ] string { "--go_out" , pwd , "--go_opt" , "paths=source_relative" , "--go-grpc_out" , pwd , "--go-grpc_opt" , "paths=source_relative" , "--plugin" , "protoc-gen-go=" + GOBIN + "/protoc-gen-go" + EXE , "--plugin" , "protoc-gen-go-grpc=" + GOBIN + "/protoc-gen-go-grpc" + EXE }
args = append ( args , relProtoFile )
cmd := exec . Command ( protoc , args ... )
cmd . Env = append ( cmd . Env , os . Environ ( ) ... )
output , cmdErr := cmd . CombinedOutput ( )
if len ( output ) > 0 {
fmt . Println ( string ( output ) )
if cmdErr != nil {
fmt . Println ( cmdErr )
os . Exit ( 1 )