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Clash Meta for Android

A Graphical user interface of Clash.Meta for Android


Feature of Clash.Meta

Get it on F-Droid


  • Android 5.0+ (minimum)
  • Android 7.0+ (recommend)
  • armeabi-v7a , arm64-v8a, x86 or x86_64 Architecture


  1. Update submodules

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install OpenJDK 11, Android SDK, CMake and Golang

  3. Create local.properties in project root with

  4. Create signing.properties in project root with

    keystore.password=<key store password>
    key.alias=<key alias>
    key.password=<key password>
  5. Build

    ./gradlew app:assembleMeta-AlphaRelease


APP package name is com.github.metacubex.clash.meta

  • Toggle Clash.Meta service status
    • Send intent to activity com.github.kr328.clash.ExternalControlActivity with action com.github.metacubex.clash.meta.action.TOGGLE_CLASH
  • Start Clash.Meta service
    • Send intent to activity com.github.kr328.clash.ExternalControlActivity with action com.github.metacubex.clash.meta.action.START_CLASH
  • Stop Clash.Meta service
    • Send intent to activity com.github.kr328.clash.ExternalControlActivity with action com.github.metacubex.clash.meta.action.STOP_CLASH
  • Import a profile
    • URL Scheme clash://install-config?url=<encoded URI> or clashmeta://install-config?url=<encoded URI>

Kernel Contribution

  • CMFA uses the kernel from android-real branch under MetaCubeX/Clash.Meta, which is a merge of the main Alpha branch and android-open.
    • If you want to contribute to the kernel, make PRs to Alpha branch of the Meta kernel repository.
    • If you want to contribute Android-specific patches to the kernel, make PRs to android-open branch of the Meta kernel repository.

Project Maintainance

  • When MetaCubeX/Clash.Meta kernel is updated to a new version, the Update Dependencies actions in this repo will be triggered automatically.
    • It will pull the new version of the meta kernel, update all the golang dependencies, and create a PR without manual intervention.
    • If there is any compile error in PR, you need to fix it before merging. Alternatively, you may merge the PR directly.
  • Manually triggering Build Pre-Release actions will automatically compile and publish a PreRelease version.
  • Manually triggering Build Release actions will automatically compile, tag and publish a Release version.
    • There is an option Auto bump project version in trigger widget. If this option is checked and triggered, the versionName and versionCode in build.gradle.kts will be bumped first, then do the common build release process.
    • This option is intended for quickly update and release a new version online, without pulling the repository locally and work around by manual.
Kotlin 86.8%
Go 8.4%
C 4.7%
CMake 0.1%