#!/bin/sh # guestbook - display the current guestbook entries, append a # simple form for visitors to add their own comments, and # accept and process new guest entries. Works with a separate # data file that actually contains the guest data. data="/Users/prologic/Projects/zs-starter-template" guestbook="$data/guestbook.txt" tempfile="/tmp/guestbook.$$" sedtemp="/tmp/guestbook.sed.$$" trap '/bin/rm -f $tempfile $sedtemp' 0 echo "Content-type: text/html" echo "" echo "Guestbook for $(hostname)" echo "

Guestbook for $(hostname)

" if [ "$REQUEST_METHOD" = "POST" ]; then cat - | tr '&+' '\n ' >$tempfile # save the input stream name="$(grep 'yourname=' $tempfile | cut -d= -f2)" email="$(grep 'email=' $tempfile | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/%40/@/')" # Now, given a URL encoded string, decode some of the most important # punctuation (but not all punctuation!) cat <<"EOF" >$sedtemp s/%2C/,/g;s/%21/!/g;s/%3F/?/g;s/%40/@/g;s/%23/#/g;s/%24/$/g s/%25/%/g;s/%26/\&/g;s/%28/(/g;s/%29/)/g;s/%2B/+/g;s/%3A/:/g s/%3B/;/g;s/%2F/\//g;s/%27/'/g;s/%22/"/g EOF comment="$(grep 'comment=' $tempfile | cut -d= -f2 | sed -f $sedtemp)" # sequences to look out for: %3C = < %3E = > %60 = ` if echo $name $email $comment | grep '%'; then echo "

Failed: illegal character or characters in input:" echo "Not saved.
Please also note that no HTML is allowed.

" elif [ ! -w $guestbook ]; then echo "

Sorry, can't write to the guestbook at this time.

" else # all is well. Save it to the datafile! echo "$(date)|$name|$email|$comment" >>$guestbook chmod 777 $guestbook # ensure it's not locked out to webmaster fi fi # do we have a guestbook to work with? if [ -f $guestbook ]; then echo "" while read line; do date="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f1)" name="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f2)" email="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f3)" comment="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f4)" echo "" echo "" echo "" done <$guestbook echo "
$name signed thusly:
Added $date" echo "
" fi # input form... echo "
" echo "Please feel free to sign our guestbook too:
" echo "Your name:
" echo "Your email address:
" echo "And your comment:
" echo "" echo "
" echo "
" echo "" exit 0