Aside from the regular Markdown [[TestPage]] that demonstrates the full capabilities of the Markdown support for [zs][zs], there are a number of additional extensions enabled by default:
### Anchors
With the [anchors][anchors] extension so you can link to any section(s) on the page like [Quick Start](#quick-start).
### D2 Diagrams
With the [d2][d2] extension you can draw and diagrams such as:
x -> y
### Embed
With the [embed][embed] extension you can embed [Youtube][youtube] videos like:
### Fences
With the [fences][fences] extension you can
## Life Inside Fences
We are now inside a div with the css-class "blue". This can be used to style this block
:::{#insideme .red data="important"}
fences can be nested and given ids as well as classes
### Highlighting
With the [highlighting][highlighting] extension you can syntax highlight code samples: