#!/bin/bash # Secure WireGuard server installer # https://github.com/angristan/wireguard-install RED='\033[0;31m' ORANGE='\033[0;33m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' function isRoot() { if [ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then echo "You need to run this script as root" exit 1 fi } function checkVirt() { function openvzErr() { echo "OpenVZ is not supported" exit 1 } function lxcErr() { echo "LXC is not supported (yet)." echo "WireGuard can technically run in an LXC container," echo "but the kernel module has to be installed on the host," echo "the container has to be run with some specific parameters" echo "and only the tools need to be installed in the container." exit 1 } if command -v virt-what &>/dev/null; then if [ "$(virt-what)" == "openvz" ]; then openvzErr fi if [ "$(virt-what)" == "lxc" ]; then lxcErr fi else if [ "$(systemd-detect-virt)" == "openvz" ]; then openvzErr fi if [ "$(systemd-detect-virt)" == "lxc" ]; then lxcErr fi fi } function checkOS() { source /etc/os-release OS="${ID}" if [[ ${OS} == "debian" || ${OS} == "raspbian" ]]; then if [[ ${VERSION_ID} -lt 10 ]]; then echo "Your version of Debian (${VERSION_ID}) is not supported. Please use Debian 10 Buster or later" exit 1 fi OS=debian # overwrite if raspbian elif [[ ${OS} == "ubuntu" ]]; then RELEASE_YEAR=$(echo "${VERSION_ID}" | cut -d'.' -f1) if [[ ${RELEASE_YEAR} -lt 18 ]]; then echo "Your version of Ubuntu (${VERSION_ID}) is not supported. Please use Ubuntu 18.04 or later" exit 1 fi elif [[ ${OS} == "fedora" ]]; then if [[ ${VERSION_ID} -lt 32 ]]; then echo "Your version of Fedora (${VERSION_ID}) is not supported. Please use Fedora 32 or later" exit 1 fi elif [[ ${OS} == 'centos' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'rocky' ]]; then if [[ ${VERSION_ID} == 7* ]]; then echo "Your version of CentOS (${VERSION_ID}) is not supported. Please use CentOS 8 or later" exit 1 fi elif [[ -e /etc/oracle-release ]]; then source /etc/os-release OS=oracle elif [[ -e /etc/arch-release ]]; then OS=arch elif [[ -e /etc/alpine-release ]]; then OS=alpine if ! command -v virt-what &>/dev/null; then apk update && apk add virt-what fi else echo "Looks like you aren't running this installer on a Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle or Arch Linux system" exit 1 fi } function getHomeDirForClient() { local CLIENT_NAME=$1 if [ -z "${CLIENT_NAME}" ]; then echo "Error: getHomeDirForClient() requires a client name as argument" exit 1 fi # Home directory of the user, where the client configuration will be written if [ -e "/home/${CLIENT_NAME}" ]; then # if $1 is a user name HOME_DIR="/home/${CLIENT_NAME}" elif [ "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then # if not, use SUDO_USER if [ "${SUDO_USER}" == "root" ]; then # If running sudo as root HOME_DIR="/root" else HOME_DIR="/home/${SUDO_USER}" fi else # if not SUDO_USER, use /root HOME_DIR="/root" fi echo "$HOME_DIR" } function initialCheck() { isRoot checkOS checkVirt } function installQuestions() { echo "Welcome to the WireGuard installer!" echo "The git repository is available at: https://github.com/angristan/wireguard-install" echo "" echo "I need to ask you a few questions before starting the setup." echo "You can keep the default options and just press enter if you are ok with them." echo "" # Detect public IPv4 or IPv6 address and pre-fill for the user SERVER_PUB_IP=$(ip -4 addr | sed -ne 's|^.* inet \([^/]*\)/.* scope global.*$|\1|p' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1) if [[ -z ${SERVER_PUB_IP} ]]; then # Detect public IPv6 address SERVER_PUB_IP=$(ip -6 addr | sed -ne 's|^.* inet6 \([^/]*\)/.* scope global.*$|\1|p' | head -1) fi read -rp "IPv4 or IPv6 public address: " -e -i "${SERVER_PUB_IP}" SERVER_PUB_IP # Detect public interface and pre-fill for the user SERVER_NIC="$(ip -4 route ls | grep default | awk '/dev/ {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == "dev") print $(i+1)}' | head -1)" until [[ ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ ]]; do read -rp "Public interface: " -e -i "${SERVER_NIC}" SERVER_PUB_NIC done until [[ ${SERVER_WG_NIC} =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ && ${#SERVER_WG_NIC} -lt 16 ]]; do read -rp "WireGuard interface name: " -e -i wg0 SERVER_WG_NIC done until [[ ${SERVER_WG_IPV4} =~ ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3} ]]; do read -rp "Server WireGuard IPv4: " -e -i SERVER_WG_IPV4 done until [[ ${SERVER_WG_IPV6} =~ ^([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){3,4}: ]]; do read -rp "Server WireGuard IPv6: " -e -i fd42:42:42::1 SERVER_WG_IPV6 done # Generate random number within private ports range RANDOM_PORT=$(shuf -i49152-65535 -n1) until [[ ${SERVER_PORT} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ "${SERVER_PORT}" -ge 1 ] && [ "${SERVER_PORT}" -le 65535 ]; do read -rp "Server WireGuard port [1-65535]: " -e -i "${RANDOM_PORT}" SERVER_PORT done # Adguard DNS by default until [[ ${CLIENT_DNS_1} =~ ^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$ ]]; do read -rp "First DNS resolver to use for the clients: " -e -i CLIENT_DNS_1 done until [[ ${CLIENT_DNS_2} =~ ^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$ ]]; do read -rp "Second DNS resolver to use for the clients (optional): " -e -i CLIENT_DNS_2 if [[ ${CLIENT_DNS_2} == "" ]]; then CLIENT_DNS_2="${CLIENT_DNS_1}" fi done until [[ ${ALLOWED_IPS} =~ ^.+$ ]]; do echo -e "\nWireGuard uses a parameter called AllowedIPs to determine what is routed over the VPN." read -rp "Allowed IPs list for generated clients (leave default to route everything): " -e -i ',::/0' ALLOWED_IPS if [[ ${ALLOWED_IPS} == "" ]]; then ALLOWED_IPS=",::/0" fi done echo "" echo "Okay, that was all I needed. We are ready to setup your WireGuard server now." echo "You will be able to generate a client at the end of the installation." read -n1 -r -p "Press any key to continue..." } function installWireGuard() { # Run setup questions first installQuestions # Install WireGuard tools and module if [[ ${OS} == 'ubuntu' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'debian' && ${VERSION_ID} -gt 10 ]]; then apt-get update apt-get install -y wireguard iptables resolvconf qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'debian' ]]; then if ! grep -rqs "^deb .* buster-backports" /etc/apt/; then echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list apt-get update fi apt update apt-get install -y iptables resolvconf qrencode apt-get install -y -t buster-backports wireguard elif [[ ${OS} == 'fedora' ]]; then if [[ ${VERSION_ID} -lt 32 ]]; then dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core dnf copr enable -y jdoss/wireguard dnf install -y wireguard-dkms fi dnf install -y wireguard-tools iptables qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'centos' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'rocky' ]]; then if [[ ${VERSION_ID} == 8* ]]; then yum install -y epel-release elrepo-release yum install -y kmod-wireguard yum install -y qrencode # not available on release 9 fi yum install -y wireguard-tools iptables elif [[ ${OS} == 'oracle' ]]; then dnf install -y oraclelinux-developer-release-el8 dnf config-manager --disable -y ol8_developer dnf config-manager --enable -y ol8_developer_UEKR6 dnf config-manager --save -y --setopt=ol8_developer_UEKR6.includepkgs='wireguard-tools*' dnf install -y wireguard-tools qrencode iptables elif [[ ${OS} == 'arch' ]]; then pacman -S --needed --noconfirm wireguard-tools qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then apk update apk add wireguard-tools iptables build-base libpng-dev curl -O https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/qrencode-4.1.1.tar.gz tar xf qrencode-4.1.1.tar.gz (cd qrencode-4.1.1 || exit && ./configure && make && make install && ldconfig) fi # Make sure the directory exists (this does not seem the be the case on fedora) mkdir /etc/wireguard >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 600 -R /etc/wireguard/ SERVER_PRIV_KEY=$(wg genkey) SERVER_PUB_KEY=$(echo "${SERVER_PRIV_KEY}" | wg pubkey) # Save WireGuard settings echo "SERVER_PUB_IP=${SERVER_PUB_IP} SERVER_PUB_NIC=${SERVER_PUB_NIC} SERVER_WG_NIC=${SERVER_WG_NIC} SERVER_WG_IPV4=${SERVER_WG_IPV4} SERVER_WG_IPV6=${SERVER_WG_IPV6} SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} SERVER_PRIV_KEY=${SERVER_PRIV_KEY} SERVER_PUB_KEY=${SERVER_PUB_KEY} CLIENT_DNS_1=${CLIENT_DNS_1} CLIENT_DNS_2=${CLIENT_DNS_2} ALLOWED_IPS=${ALLOWED_IPS}" >/etc/wireguard/params # Add server interface echo "[Interface] Address = ${SERVER_WG_IPV4}/24,${SERVER_WG_IPV6}/64 ListenPort = ${SERVER_PORT} PrivateKey = ${SERVER_PRIV_KEY}" >"/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" if pgrep firewalld; then FIREWALLD_IPV4_ADDRESS=$(echo "${SERVER_WG_IPV4}" | cut -d"." -f1-3)".0" FIREWALLD_IPV6_ADDRESS=$(echo "${SERVER_WG_IPV6}" | sed 's/:[^:]*$/:0/') echo "PostUp = firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-interface=${SERVER_WG_NIC} && firewall-cmd --add-port ${SERVER_PORT}/udp && firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 source address=${FIREWALLD_IPV4_ADDRESS}/24 masquerade' && firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv6 source address=${FIREWALLD_IPV6_ADDRESS}/24 masquerade' PostDown = firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-interface=${SERVER_WG_NIC} && firewall-cmd --remove-port ${SERVER_PORT}/udp && firewall-cmd --remove-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 source address=${FIREWALLD_IPV4_ADDRESS}/24 masquerade' && firewall-cmd --remove-rich-rule='rule family=ipv6 source address=${FIREWALLD_IPV6_ADDRESS}/24 masquerade'" >>"/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" else echo "PostUp = iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport ${SERVER_PORT} -j ACCEPT PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} -o ${SERVER_WG_NIC} -j ACCEPT PostUp = iptables -I FORWARD -i ${SERVER_WG_NIC} -j ACCEPT PostUp = iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} -j MASQUERADE PostUp = ip6tables -I FORWARD -i ${SERVER_WG_NIC} -j ACCEPT PostUp = ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport ${SERVER_PORT} -j ACCEPT PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} -o ${SERVER_WG_NIC} -j ACCEPT PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i ${SERVER_WG_NIC} -j ACCEPT PostDown = iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} -j MASQUERADE PostDown = ip6tables -D FORWARD -i ${SERVER_WG_NIC} -j ACCEPT PostDown = ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o ${SERVER_PUB_NIC} -j MASQUERADE" >>"/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" fi # Enable routing on the server echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1" >/etc/sysctl.d/wg.conf if [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/wg.conf rc-update add sysctl ln -s /etc/init.d/wg-quick "/etc/init.d/wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" rc-service "wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" start rc-update add "wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" else sysctl --system systemctl start "wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}" systemctl enable "wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}" fi newClient echo -e "${GREEN}If you want to add more clients, you simply need to run this script another time!${NC}" # Check if WireGuard is running if [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then rc-service --quiet "wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" status else systemctl is-active --quiet "wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}" fi WG_RUNNING=$? # WireGuard might not work if we updated the kernel. Tell the user to reboot if [[ ${WG_RUNNING} -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n${RED}WARNING: WireGuard does not seem to be running.${NC}" if [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then echo -e "${ORANGE}You can check if WireGuard is running with: rc-service wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC} status${NC}" else echo -e "${ORANGE}You can check if WireGuard is running with: systemctl status wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}${NC}" fi echo -e "${ORANGE}If you get something like \"Cannot find device ${SERVER_WG_NIC}\", please reboot!${NC}" else # WireGuard is running echo -e "\n${GREEN}WireGuard is running.${NC}" if [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}You can check the status of WireGuard with: rc-service wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC} status\n\n${NC}" else echo -e "${GREEN}You can check the status of WireGuard with: systemctl status wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}\n\n${NC}" fi echo -e "${ORANGE}If you don't have internet connectivity from your client, try to reboot the server.${NC}" fi } function newClient() { # If SERVER_PUB_IP is IPv6, add brackets if missing if [[ ${SERVER_PUB_IP} =~ .*:.* ]]; then if [[ ${SERVER_PUB_IP} != *"["* ]] || [[ ${SERVER_PUB_IP} != *"]"* ]]; then SERVER_PUB_IP="[${SERVER_PUB_IP}]" fi fi ENDPOINT="${SERVER_PUB_IP}:${SERVER_PORT}" echo "" echo "Client configuration" echo "" echo "The client name must consist of alphanumeric character(s). It may also include underscores or dashes and can't exceed 15 chars." until [[ ${CLIENT_NAME} =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ && ${CLIENT_EXISTS} == '0' && ${#CLIENT_NAME} -lt 16 ]]; do read -rp "Client name: " -e CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_EXISTS=$(grep -c -E "^### Client ${CLIENT_NAME}\$" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf") if [[ ${CLIENT_EXISTS} != 0 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "${ORANGE}A client with the specified name was already created, please choose another name.${NC}" echo "" fi done for DOT_IP in {2..254}; do DOT_EXISTS=$(grep -c "${SERVER_WG_IPV4::-1}${DOT_IP}" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf") if [[ ${DOT_EXISTS} == '0' ]]; then break fi done if [[ ${DOT_EXISTS} == '1' ]]; then echo "" echo "The subnet configured supports only 253 clients." exit 1 fi BASE_IP=$(echo "$SERVER_WG_IPV4" | awk -F '.' '{ print $1"."$2"."$3 }') until [[ ${IPV4_EXISTS} == '0' ]]; do read -rp "Client WireGuard IPv4: ${BASE_IP}." -e -i "${DOT_IP}" DOT_IP CLIENT_WG_IPV4="${BASE_IP}.${DOT_IP}" IPV4_EXISTS=$(grep -c "$CLIENT_WG_IPV4/32" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf") if [[ ${IPV4_EXISTS} != 0 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "${ORANGE}A client with the specified IPv4 was already created, please choose another IPv4.${NC}" echo "" fi done BASE_IP=$(echo "$SERVER_WG_IPV6" | awk -F '::' '{ print $1 }') until [[ ${IPV6_EXISTS} == '0' ]]; do read -rp "Client WireGuard IPv6: ${BASE_IP}::" -e -i "${DOT_IP}" DOT_IP CLIENT_WG_IPV6="${BASE_IP}::${DOT_IP}" IPV6_EXISTS=$(grep -c "${CLIENT_WG_IPV6}/128" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf") if [[ ${IPV6_EXISTS} != 0 ]]; then echo "" echo -e "${ORANGE}A client with the specified IPv6 was already created, please choose another IPv6.${NC}" echo "" fi done # Generate key pair for the client CLIENT_PRIV_KEY=$(wg genkey) CLIENT_PUB_KEY=$(echo "${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}" | wg pubkey) CLIENT_PRE_SHARED_KEY=$(wg genpsk) HOME_DIR=$(getHomeDirForClient "${CLIENT_NAME}") # Create client file and add the server as a peer echo "[Interface] PrivateKey = ${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY} Address = ${CLIENT_WG_IPV4}/32,${CLIENT_WG_IPV6}/128 DNS = ${CLIENT_DNS_1},${CLIENT_DNS_2} [Peer] PublicKey = ${SERVER_PUB_KEY} PresharedKey = ${CLIENT_PRE_SHARED_KEY} Endpoint = ${ENDPOINT} AllowedIPs = ${ALLOWED_IPS}" >"${HOME_DIR}/${SERVER_WG_NIC}-client-${CLIENT_NAME}.conf" # Add the client as a peer to the server echo -e "\n### Client ${CLIENT_NAME} [Peer] PublicKey = ${CLIENT_PUB_KEY} PresharedKey = ${CLIENT_PRE_SHARED_KEY} AllowedIPs = ${CLIENT_WG_IPV4}/32,${CLIENT_WG_IPV6}/128" >>"/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" wg syncconf "${SERVER_WG_NIC}" <(wg-quick strip "${SERVER_WG_NIC}") # Generate QR code if qrencode is installed if command -v qrencode &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}\nHere is your client config file as a QR Code:\n${NC}" qrencode -t ansiutf8 -l L <"${HOME_DIR}/${SERVER_WG_NIC}-client-${CLIENT_NAME}.conf" echo "" fi echo -e "${GREEN}Your client config file is in ${HOME_DIR}/${SERVER_WG_NIC}-client-${CLIENT_NAME}.conf${NC}" } function listClients() { NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS=$(grep -c -E "^### Client" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf") if [[ ${NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "" echo "You have no existing clients!" exit 1 fi grep -E "^### Client" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | nl -s ') ' } function revokeClient() { NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS=$(grep -c -E "^### Client" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf") if [[ ${NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS} == '0' ]]; then echo "" echo "You have no existing clients!" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Select the existing client you want to revoke" grep -E "^### Client" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | nl -s ') ' until [[ ${CLIENT_NUMBER} -ge 1 && ${CLIENT_NUMBER} -le ${NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS} ]]; do if [[ ${CLIENT_NUMBER} == '1' ]]; then read -rp "Select one client [1]: " CLIENT_NUMBER else read -rp "Select one client [1-${NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS}]: " CLIENT_NUMBER fi done # match the selected number to a client name CLIENT_NAME=$(grep -E "^### Client" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sed -n "${CLIENT_NUMBER}"p) # remove [Peer] block matching $CLIENT_NAME sed -i "/^### Client ${CLIENT_NAME}\$/,/^$/d" "/etc/wireguard/${SERVER_WG_NIC}.conf" # remove generated client file HOME_DIR=$(getHomeDirForClient "${CLIENT_NAME}") rm -f "${HOME_DIR}/${SERVER_WG_NIC}-client-${CLIENT_NAME}.conf" # restart wireguard to apply changes wg syncconf "${SERVER_WG_NIC}" <(wg-quick strip "${SERVER_WG_NIC}") } function uninstallWg() { echo "" echo -e "\n${RED}WARNING: This will uninstall WireGuard and remove all the configuration files!${NC}" echo -e "${ORANGE}Please backup the /etc/wireguard directory if you want to keep your configuration files.\n${NC}" read -rp "Do you really want to remove WireGuard? [y/n]: " -e REMOVE REMOVE=${REMOVE:-n} if [[ $REMOVE == 'y' ]]; then checkOS if [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then rc-service "wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" stop rc-update del "wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" unlink "/etc/init.d/wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" rc-update del sysctl else systemctl stop "wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}" systemctl disable "wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}" fi if [[ ${OS} == 'ubuntu' ]]; then apt-get remove -y wireguard wireguard-tools qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'debian' ]]; then apt-get remove -y wireguard wireguard-tools qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'fedora' ]]; then dnf remove -y --noautoremove wireguard-tools qrencode if [[ ${VERSION_ID} -lt 32 ]]; then dnf remove -y --noautoremove wireguard-dkms dnf copr disable -y jdoss/wireguard fi elif [[ ${OS} == 'centos' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ ${OS} == 'rocky' ]]; then yum remove -y --noautoremove wireguard-tools if [[ ${VERSION_ID} == 8* ]]; then yum remove --noautoremove kmod-wireguard qrencode fi elif [[ ${OS} == 'oracle' ]]; then yum remove --noautoremove wireguard-tools qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'arch' ]]; then pacman -Rs --noconfirm wireguard-tools qrencode elif [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then (cd qrencode-4.1.1 || exit && make uninstall) rm -rf qrencode-* || exit apk del wireguard-tools build-base libpng-dev fi rm -rf /etc/wireguard rm -f /etc/sysctl.d/wg.conf if [[ ${OS} == 'alpine' ]]; then rc-service --quiet "wg-quick.${SERVER_WG_NIC}" status &>/dev/null else # Reload sysctl sysctl --system # Check if WireGuard is running systemctl is-active --quiet "wg-quick@${SERVER_WG_NIC}" fi WG_RUNNING=$? if [[ ${WG_RUNNING} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "WireGuard failed to uninstall properly." exit 1 else echo "WireGuard uninstalled successfully." exit 0 fi else echo "" echo "Removal aborted!" fi } function manageMenu() { echo "Welcome to WireGuard-install!" echo "The git repository is available at: https://github.com/angristan/wireguard-install" echo "" echo "It looks like WireGuard is already installed." echo "" echo "What do you want to do?" echo " 1) Add a new user" echo " 2) List all users" echo " 3) Revoke existing user" echo " 4) Uninstall WireGuard" echo " 5) Exit" until [[ ${MENU_OPTION} =~ ^[1-5]$ ]]; do read -rp "Select an option [1-5]: " MENU_OPTION done case "${MENU_OPTION}" in 1) newClient ;; 2) listClients ;; 3) revokeClient ;; 4) uninstallWg ;; 5) exit 0 ;; esac } # Check for root, virt, OS... initialCheck # Check if WireGuard is already installed and load params if [[ -e /etc/wireguard/params ]]; then source /etc/wireguard/params manageMenu else installWireGuard fi