#!/bin/bash # # Script to set up and manage IKEv2 on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS/RHEL, Rocky Linux, # AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux 2 and Alpine Linux # # DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT ON YOUR PC OR MAC! # # The latest version of this script is available at: # https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn # # Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Lin Song # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 # Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ # # Attribution required: please include my name in any derivative and let me # know how you have improved it! export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" exiterr() { echo "Error: $1" >&2; exit 1; } bigecho() { echo "## $1"; } bigecho2() { printf '\e[2K\r%s' "## $1"; } check_ip() { IP_REGEX='^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' printf '%s' "$1" | tr -d '\n' | grep -Eq "$IP_REGEX" } check_dns_name() { FQDN_REGEX='^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$' printf '%s' "$1" | tr -d '\n' | grep -Eq "$FQDN_REGEX" } check_root() { if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then exiterr "Script must be run as root. Try 'sudo bash $0'" fi } check_container() { in_container=0 if grep -qs "hwdsl2" /opt/src/run.sh; then in_container=1 fi } check_os() { rh_file="/etc/redhat-release" if [ -f "$rh_file" ]; then os_type=centos if grep -q "Red Hat" "$rh_file"; then os_type=rhel fi [ -f /etc/oracle-release ] && os_type=ol grep -qi rocky "$rh_file" && os_type=rocky grep -qi alma "$rh_file" && os_type=alma if grep -q "release 7" "$rh_file"; then os_ver=7 elif grep -q "release 8" "$rh_file"; then os_ver=8 grep -qi stream "$rh_file" && os_ver=8s elif grep -q "release 9" "$rh_file"; then os_ver=9 grep -qi stream "$rh_file" && os_ver=9s else exiterr "This script only supports CentOS/RHEL 7-9." fi if [ "$os_type" = "centos" ] \ && { [ "$os_ver" = 7 ] || [ "$os_ver" = 8 ] || [ "$os_ver" = 8s ]; }; then exiterr "CentOS Linux $os_ver is EOL and not supported." fi elif grep -qs "Amazon Linux release 2 " /etc/system-release; then os_type=amzn os_ver=2 else os_type=$(lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$os_type" ] && [ -f /etc/os-release ] && os_type=$(. /etc/os-release && printf '%s' "$ID") case $os_type in [Uu]buntu) os_type=ubuntu ;; [Dd]ebian|[Kk]ali) os_type=debian ;; [Rr]aspbian) os_type=raspbian ;; [Aa]lpine) os_type=alpine ;; *) cat 1>&2 <<'EOF' Error: This script only supports one of the following OS: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS/RHEL, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux 2 or Alpine Linux EOF exit 1 ;; esac if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then os_ver=$(. /etc/os-release && printf '%s' "$VERSION_ID" | cut -d '.' -f 1,2) if [ "$os_ver" != "3.19" ] && [ "$os_ver" != "3.20" ]; then exiterr "This script only supports Alpine Linux 3.19/3.20." fi else os_ver=$(sed 's/\..*//' /etc/debian_version | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9') if [ "$os_ver" = 8 ] || [ "$os_ver" = 9 ] || [ "$os_ver" = "stretchsid" ] \ || [ "$os_ver" = "bustersid" ]; then cat 1>&2 <= 10 or Ubuntu >= 20.04. This version of Ubuntu/Debian is too old and not supported. EOF exit 1 fi if [ "$os_ver" = "trixiesid" ] && [ -f /etc/os-release ] \ && [ "$(. /etc/os-release && printf '%s' "$VERSION_ID")" = "24.10" ]; then cat 1>&2 </dev/null) if ( ! grep -qs "hwdsl2 VPN script" /etc/sysctl.conf && ! grep -qs "hwdsl2" /opt/src/run.sh ) \ || ! printf '%s' "$ipsec_ver" | grep -qi 'libreswan'; then cat 1>&2 <<'EOF' Error: Your must first set up the IPsec VPN server before setting up IKEv2. See: https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn EOF exit 1 fi } check_swan_ver() { swan_ver=$(printf '%s' "$ipsec_ver" | sed -e 's/.*Libreswan U\?//' -e 's/\( (\|\/K\).*//') if ! printf '%s\n%s' "3.23" "$swan_ver" | sort -C -V; then cat 1>&2 </dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "'certutil' not found. Abort." command -v crlutil >/dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "'crlutil' not found. Abort." command -v pk12util >/dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "'pk12util' not found. Abort." } abort_and_exit() { echo "Abort. No changes were made." >&2 exit 1 } confirm_or_abort() { printf '%s' "$1" read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo ;; *) abort_and_exit ;; esac } show_header() { cat <<'EOF' IKEv2 Script Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Lin Song 27 Dec 2024 EOF } show_usage() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "Error: $1" >&2 fi show_header cat 1>&2 </dev/null 2>&1 } check_cert_exists_and_exit() { if certutil -L -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: Certificate '$1' already exists." >&2 abort_and_exit fi } check_cert_status() { cert_status=$(certutil -V -u C -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$1") } check_arguments() { if [ "$use_defaults" = 1 ] && check_ikev2_exists; then echo "Error: Invalid parameter '--auto'. IKEv2 is already set up on this server." >&2 echo " To manage VPN clients, re-run this script without '--auto'." >&2 echo " To change IKEv2 server address, see https://vpnsetup.net/ikev2" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$((add_client + export_client + list_clients + revoke_client + delete_client))" -gt 1 ]; then show_usage "Invalid parameters. Specify only one of '--addclient', '--exportclient', '--listclients', '--revokeclient' or '--deleteclient'." fi if [ "$remove_ikev2" = 1 ]; then if [ "$((add_client + export_client + list_clients + revoke_client + delete_client + use_defaults))" -gt 0 ]; then show_usage "Invalid parameters. '--removeikev2' cannot be specified with other parameters." fi fi if ! check_ikev2_exists; then [ "$add_client" = 1 ] && exiterr "You must first set up IKEv2 before adding a client." [ "$export_client" = 1 ] && exiterr "You must first set up IKEv2 before exporting a client." [ "$list_clients" = 1 ] && exiterr "You must first set up IKEv2 before listing clients." [ "$revoke_client" = 1 ] && exiterr "You must first set up IKEv2 before revoking a client." [ "$delete_client" = 1 ] && exiterr "You must first set up IKEv2 before deleting a client." [ "$remove_ikev2" = 1 ] && exiterr "Cannot remove IKEv2 because it has not been set up on this server." fi if [ "$add_client" = 1 ]; then if [ -z "$client_name" ] || ! check_client_name "$client_name"; then exiterr "Invalid client name. Use one word only, no special characters except '-' and '_'." elif check_cert_exists "$client_name"; then exiterr "Invalid client name. Client '$client_name' already exists." fi fi if [ "$export_client" = 1 ] || [ "$revoke_client" = 1 ] || [ "$delete_client" = 1 ]; then get_server_address if [ -z "$client_name" ] || ! check_client_name "$client_name" \ || [ "$client_name" = "$CA_NAME" ] || [ "$client_name" = "$server_addr" ] \ || ! check_cert_exists "$client_name"; then exiterr "Invalid client name, or client does not exist." fi if [ "$delete_client" = 0 ] && ! check_cert_status "$client_name"; then printf '%s' "Error: Certificate '$client_name' " >&2 if printf '%s' "$cert_status" | grep -q "revoked"; then if [ "$revoke_client" = 1 ]; then echo "has already been revoked." >&2 else echo "has been revoked." >&2 fi elif printf '%s' "$cert_status" | grep -q "expired"; then echo "has expired." >&2 else echo "is invalid." >&2 fi exit 1 fi fi } check_server_dns_name() { if [ -n "$VPN_DNS_NAME" ]; then check_dns_name "$VPN_DNS_NAME" || exiterr "Invalid DNS name. 'VPN_DNS_NAME' must be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)." fi } check_custom_dns() { if { [ -n "$VPN_DNS_SRV1" ] && ! check_ip "$VPN_DNS_SRV1"; } \ || { [ -n "$VPN_DNS_SRV2" ] && ! check_ip "$VPN_DNS_SRV2"; }; then exiterr "Invalid DNS server(s)." fi } check_client_validity() { ! { printf '%s' "$1" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^0-9]\+' || [ "$1" -lt "1" ] \ || [ "$1" -gt "120" ] || [ "$1" != "$((10#$1))" ]; } } check_and_set_client_name() { if [ -n "$VPN_CLIENT_NAME" ]; then client_name="$VPN_CLIENT_NAME" check_client_name "$client_name" \ || exiterr "Invalid client name. Use one word only, no special characters except '-' and '_'." else client_name=vpnclient fi check_cert_exists "$client_name" && exiterr "Client '$client_name' already exists." } check_and_set_client_validity() { if [ -n "$VPN_CLIENT_VALIDITY" ]; then client_validity="$VPN_CLIENT_VALIDITY" if ! check_client_validity "$client_validity"; then cat </dev/null 2>&1; then user_home_dir=$(getent passwd "$SUDO_USER" 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f6) if [ -d "$user_home_dir" ] && [ "$user_home_dir" != "/" ]; then export_dir="$user_home_dir/" export_to_home_dir=1 fi fi fi } get_default_ip() { def_ip=$(ip -4 route get 1 | sed 's/ uid .*//' | awk '{print $NF;exit}' 2>/dev/null) if check_ip "$def_ip" \ && ! printf '%s' "$def_ip" | grep -Eq '^(10|127|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])|192\.168|169\.254)\.'; then public_ip="$def_ip" fi } get_server_ip() { use_default_ip=0 public_ip=${VPN_PUBLIC_IP:-''} check_ip "$public_ip" || get_default_ip check_ip "$public_ip" && { use_default_ip=1; return 0; } bigecho2 "Trying to auto discover IP of this server..." check_ip "$public_ip" || public_ip=$(dig @resolver1.opendns.com -t A -4 myip.opendns.com +short) check_ip "$public_ip" || public_ip=$(wget -t 2 -T 10 -qO- http://ipv4.icanhazip.com) check_ip "$public_ip" || public_ip=$(wget -t 2 -T 10 -qO- http://ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com) } get_server_address() { server_addr=$(grep -s "leftcert=" "$IKEV2_CONF" | cut -f2 -d=) [ -z "$server_addr" ] && server_addr=$(grep -s "leftcert=" "$IPSEC_CONF" | cut -f2 -d=) check_ip "$server_addr" || check_dns_name "$server_addr" || exiterr "Could not get VPN server address." } list_existing_clients() { echo "Checking for existing IKEv2 client(s)..." echo client_names=$(certutil -L -d "$CERT_DB" | grep -v -e '^$' -e "$CA_NAME" -e '\.' | tail -n +3 | cut -f1 -d ' ') max_len=$(printf '%s\n' "$client_names" | wc -L 2>/dev/null) [[ $max_len =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || max_len=64 [ "$max_len" -gt "64" ] && max_len=64 [ "$max_len" -lt "16" ] && max_len=16 printf "%-${max_len}s %s\n" 'Client Name' 'Certificate Status' printf "%-${max_len}s %s\n" '------------' '-------------------' if [ -n "$client_names" ]; then client_list=$(printf '%s\n' "$client_names" | LC_ALL=C sort) while IFS= read -r line; do printf "%-${max_len}s " "$line" client_status=$(certutil -V -u C -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$line" | grep -o -e ' valid' -e expired -e revoked | sed -e 's/^ //') [ -z "$client_status" ] && client_status=unknown printf '%s\n' "$client_status" done <<< "$client_list" fi client_count=$(printf '%s\n' "$client_names" | wc -l 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$client_names" ] && client_count=0 if [ "$client_count" = 1 ]; then printf '\n%s\n' "Total: 1 client" elif [ -n "$client_count" ]; then printf '\n%s\n' "Total: $client_count clients" fi } enter_server_address() { echo "Do you want IKEv2 clients to connect to this server using a DNS name," printf "e.g. vpn.example.com, instead of its IP address? [y/N] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) use_dns_name=1 echo ;; *) use_dns_name=0 echo ;; esac if [ "$use_dns_name" = 1 ]; then read -rp "Enter the DNS name of this VPN server: " server_addr until check_dns_name "$server_addr"; do echo "Invalid DNS name. You must enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)." read -rp "Enter the DNS name of this VPN server: " server_addr done else get_server_ip [ "$use_default_ip" = 0 ] && { echo; echo; } read -rp "Enter the IPv4 address of this VPN server: [$public_ip] " server_addr [ -z "$server_addr" ] && server_addr="$public_ip" until check_ip "$server_addr"; do echo "Invalid IP address." read -rp "Enter the IPv4 address of this VPN server: [$public_ip] " server_addr [ -z "$server_addr" ] && server_addr="$public_ip" done fi } enter_client_name() { echo echo "Provide a name for the IKEv2 client." echo "Use one word only, no special characters except '-' and '_'." if [ "$1" = "with_defaults" ]; then read -rp "Client name: [vpnclient] " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && client_name=vpnclient else read -rp "Client name: " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && abort_and_exit fi while ! check_client_name "$client_name" || check_cert_exists "$client_name"; do if ! check_client_name "$client_name"; then echo "Invalid client name." else echo "Invalid client name. Client '$client_name' already exists." fi if [ "$1" = "with_defaults" ]; then read -rp "Client name: [vpnclient] " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && client_name=vpnclient else read -rp "Client name: " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && abort_and_exit fi done } enter_client_name_for() { echo list_existing_clients if [ "$client_count" = 0 ]; then echo echo "No IKEv2 clients in the IPsec database. Nothing to $1." >&2 exit 1 fi get_server_address echo read -rp "Enter the name of the IKEv2 client to $1: " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && abort_and_exit while ! check_client_name "$client_name" || [ "$client_name" = "$CA_NAME" ] \ || [ "$client_name" = "$server_addr" ] || ! check_cert_exists "$client_name" \ || ! check_cert_status "$client_name"; do if ! check_client_name "$client_name" || [ "$client_name" = "$CA_NAME" ] \ || [ "$client_name" = "$server_addr" ] || ! check_cert_exists "$client_name"; then echo "Invalid client name, or client does not exist." else [ "$1" = "delete" ] && break printf '%s' "Error: Certificate '$client_name' " if printf '%s' "$cert_status" | grep -q "revoked"; then if [ "$1" = "revoke" ]; then echo "has already been revoked." else echo "has been revoked." fi elif printf '%s' "$cert_status" | grep -q "expired"; then echo "has expired." else echo "is invalid." fi fi read -rp "Enter the name of the IKEv2 client to $1: " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && abort_and_exit done } enter_client_validity() { echo echo "Specify the validity period (in months) for this client certificate." read -rp "Enter an integer between 1 and 120: [120] " client_validity [ -z "$client_validity" ] && client_validity=120 while ! check_client_validity "$client_validity"; do echo "Invalid validity period." read -rp "Enter an integer between 1 and 120: [120] " client_validity [ -z "$client_validity" ] && client_validity=120 done } enter_custom_dns() { echo echo "By default, clients are set to use Google Public DNS when the VPN is active." printf "Do you want to specify custom DNS servers for IKEv2? [y/N] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) use_custom_dns=1 ;; *) use_custom_dns=0 dns_server_1= dns_server_2= dns_servers="" ;; esac if [ "$use_custom_dns" = 1 ]; then read -rp "Enter primary DNS server: " dns_server_1 until check_ip "$dns_server_1"; do echo "Invalid DNS server." read -rp "Enter primary DNS server: " dns_server_1 done read -rp "Enter secondary DNS server (Enter to skip): " dns_server_2 until [ -z "$dns_server_2" ] || check_ip "$dns_server_2"; do echo "Invalid DNS server." read -rp "Enter secondary DNS server (Enter to skip): " dns_server_2 done if [ -n "$dns_server_2" ]; then dns_servers="$dns_server_1 $dns_server_2" else dns_servers="$dns_server_1" fi else echo "Using Google Public DNS (," fi echo } check_mobike_support() { mobike_support=1 if uname -m | grep -qi -e '^arm' -e '^aarch64'; then modprobe -q configs if [ -f /proc/config.gz ]; then if ! zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -q "CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE=y"; then mobike_support=0 fi else mobike_support=0 fi fi kernel_conf="/boot/config-$(uname -r)" if [ -f "$kernel_conf" ]; then if ! grep -qs "CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE=y" "$kernel_conf"; then mobike_support=0 fi fi # Linux kernels on Ubuntu do not support MOBIKE if [ "$in_container" = 0 ]; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || uname -v | grep -qi ubuntu; then mobike_support=0 fi else if uname -v | grep -qi ubuntu; then mobike_support=0 fi fi if uname -a | grep -qi qnap; then mobike_support=0 fi if uname -a | grep -qi synology; then mobike_support=0 fi if [ "$mobike_support" = 1 ]; then bigecho2 "Checking for MOBIKE support... available" else bigecho2 "Checking for MOBIKE support... not available" fi } select_mobike() { echo mobike_enable=0 if [ "$mobike_support" = 1 ]; then cat <<'EOF' The MOBIKE IKEv2 extension allows VPN clients to change network attachment points, e.g. switch between mobile data and Wi-Fi and keep the IPsec tunnel up on the new IP. EOF printf "Enable MOBIKE support? [Y/n] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]|'') mobike_enable=1 ;; *) mobike_enable=0 ;; esac fi } check_config_password() { use_config_password=0 case $VPN_PROTECT_CONFIG in [yY][eE][sS]) use_config_password=1 ;; *) if grep -qs '^IKEV2_CONFIG_PASSWORD=.\+' "$CONF_FILE"; then use_config_password=1 fi ;; esac } select_config_password() { if [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ]; then cat <<'EOF' IKEv2 client config files contain the client certificate, private key and CA certificate. This script can optionally generate a random password to protect these files. EOF printf "Protect client config files using a password? [y/N] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) use_config_password=1 ;; *) use_config_password=0 ;; esac fi } select_menu_option() { cat <<'EOF' IKEv2 is already set up on this server. Select an option: 1) Add a new client 2) Export config for an existing client 3) List existing clients 4) Revoke an existing client 5) Delete an existing client 6) Remove IKEv2 7) Exit EOF read -rp "Option: " selected_option until [[ "$selected_option" =~ ^[1-7]$ ]]; do printf '%s\n' "$selected_option: invalid selection." read -rp "Option: " selected_option done } print_server_info() { cat </dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "Failed to create client certificate." } create_p12_password() { p12_password=$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'A-HJ-NPR-Za-km-z2-9' /dev/null | head -c 18) [ -z "$p12_password" ] && exiterr "Could not generate a random password for .p12 file." } get_p12_password() { if [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ]; then create_p12_password else p12_password=$(grep -s '^IKEV2_CONFIG_PASSWORD=.\+' "$CONF_FILE" | tail -n 1 | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e "s/^'//" -e "s/'$//") if [ -z "$p12_password" ]; then create_p12_password if [ -n "$CONF_FILE" ] && [ -n "$CONF_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$CONF_DIR" printf '%s\n' "IKEV2_CONFIG_PASSWORD='$p12_password'" >> "$CONF_FILE" chmod 600 "$CONF_FILE" fi fi fi } export_p12_file() { bigecho2 "Creating client configuration..." get_p12_password p12_file="$export_dir$client_name.p12" p12_file_enc="$export_dir$client_name.enc.p12" pk12util -W "$p12_password" -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$client_name" -o "$p12_file_enc" >/dev/null || exit 1 if [ "$os_ver" = "bookwormsid" ] || openssl version 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^OpenSSL 3"; then ca_crt="$export_dir$client_name.ca.crt" client_crt="$export_dir$client_name.client.crt" client_key="$export_dir$client_name.client.key" pem_file="$export_dir$client_name.temp.pem" openssl pkcs12 -in "$p12_file_enc" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -cacerts -nokeys -out "$ca_crt" || exit 1 openssl pkcs12 -in "$p12_file_enc" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -clcerts -nokeys -out "$client_crt" || exit 1 openssl pkcs12 -in "$p12_file_enc" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -passout "pass:$p12_password" \ -nocerts -out "$client_key" || exit 1 cat "$client_key" "$client_crt" "$ca_crt" > "$pem_file" /bin/rm -f "$client_key" "$client_crt" "$ca_crt" openssl pkcs12 -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -export -in "$pem_file" -out "$p12_file_enc" \ -legacy -name "$client_name" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -passout "pass:$p12_password" || exit 1 if [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ]; then openssl pkcs12 -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -export -in "$pem_file" -out "$p12_file" \ -legacy -name "$client_name" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -passout pass: || exit 1 fi /bin/rm -f "$pem_file" elif [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ] || [ "$os_ver" = "kalirolling" ] || [ "$os_ver" = "bullseyesid" ]; then pem_file="$export_dir$client_name.temp.pem" openssl pkcs12 -in "$p12_file_enc" -out "$pem_file" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -passout "pass:$p12_password" || exit 1 openssl pkcs12 -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -export -in "$pem_file" -out "$p12_file_enc" \ -name "$client_name" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -passout "pass:$p12_password" || exit 1 if [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ]; then openssl pkcs12 -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -export -in "$pem_file" -out "$p12_file" \ -name "$client_name" -passin "pass:$p12_password" -passout pass: || exit 1 fi /bin/rm -f "$pem_file" elif [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ]; then pk12util -W "" -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$client_name" -o "$p12_file" >/dev/null || exit 1 fi if [ "$use_config_password" = 1 ]; then /bin/cp -f "$p12_file_enc" "$p12_file" fi if [ "$export_to_home_dir" = 1 ]; then chown "$SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER" "$p12_file" fi chmod 600 "$p12_file" } install_base64_uuidgen() { if ! command -v base64 >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! command -v uuidgen >/dev/null 2>&1; then bigecho2 "Installing required packages..." if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yqq update || apt-get -yqq update || exiterr "'apt-get update' failed." fi fi if ! command -v base64 >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then apt-get -yqq install coreutils >/dev/null || exiterr "'apt-get install' failed." else yum -y -q install coreutils >/dev/null || exiterr "'yum install' failed." fi fi if ! command -v uuidgen >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then apt-get -yqq install uuid-runtime >/dev/null || exiterr "'apt-get install' failed." else yum -y -q install util-linux >/dev/null || exiterr "'yum install' failed." fi fi } install_uuidgen() { if ! command -v uuidgen >/dev/null 2>&1; then bigecho2 "Installing required packages..." apk add -U -q uuidgen || exiterr "'apk add' failed." fi } update_ikev2_conf() { if grep -qs 'ike=aes256-sha2,aes128-sha2,aes256-sha1,aes128-sha1$' "$IKEV2_CONF"; then bigecho2 "Updating IKEv2 configuration..." sed -i \ "/ike=aes256-sha2,aes128-sha2,aes256-sha1,aes128-sha1$/s/ike=/ike=aes_gcm_c_256-hmac_sha2_256-ecp_256,/" \ "$IKEV2_CONF" if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then ipsec auto --add ikev2-cp >/dev/null else restart_ipsec_service >/dev/null fi fi } create_mobileconfig() { [ -z "$server_addr" ] && get_server_address p12_file_enc="$export_dir$client_name.enc.p12" p12_base64=$(base64 -w 52 "$p12_file_enc") /bin/rm -f "$p12_file_enc" [ -z "$p12_base64" ] && exiterr "Could not encode .p12 file." ca_base64=$(certutil -L -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" -a | grep -v CERTIFICATE) [ -z "$ca_base64" ] && exiterr "Could not encode $CA_NAME certificate." uuid1=$(uuidgen) [ -z "$uuid1" ] && exiterr "Could not generate UUID value." mc_file="$export_dir$client_name.mobileconfig" cat > "$mc_file" < PayloadContent IKEv2 AuthenticationMethod Certificate ChildSecurityAssociationParameters DiffieHellmanGroup 19 EncryptionAlgorithm AES-256-GCM LifeTimeInMinutes 1410 DeadPeerDetectionRate Medium DisableRedirect EnableCertificateRevocationCheck 0 EnablePFS 0 IKESecurityAssociationParameters DiffieHellmanGroup 19 EncryptionAlgorithm AES-256-GCM IntegrityAlgorithm SHA2-256 LifeTimeInMinutes 1410 LocalIdentifier $client_name PayloadCertificateUUID $uuid1 OnDemandEnabled 0 OnDemandRules InterfaceTypeMatch WiFi URLStringProbe http://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html Action Connect InterfaceTypeMatch Cellular Action Disconnect Action Ignore RemoteAddress $server_addr RemoteIdentifier $server_addr UseConfigurationAttributeInternalIPSubnet 0 IPv4 OverridePrimary 1 PayloadDescription Configures VPN settings PayloadDisplayName VPN PayloadOrganization IKEv2 VPN PayloadIdentifier com.apple.vpn.managed.$(uuidgen) PayloadType com.apple.vpn.managed PayloadUUID $(uuidgen) PayloadVersion 1 Proxies HTTPEnable 0 HTTPSEnable 0 UserDefinedName $server_addr VPNType IKEv2 EOF if [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ]; then cat >> "$mc_file" <Password $p12_password EOF fi cat >> "$mc_file" <PayloadCertificateFileName $client_name PayloadContent $p12_base64 PayloadDescription Adds a PKCS#12-formatted certificate PayloadDisplayName $client_name PayloadIdentifier com.apple.security.pkcs12.$(uuidgen) PayloadType com.apple.security.pkcs12 PayloadUUID $uuid1 PayloadVersion 1 PayloadContent $ca_base64 PayloadCertificateFileName ikev2vpnca PayloadDescription Adds a CA root certificate PayloadDisplayName Certificate Authority (CA) PayloadIdentifier com.apple.security.root.$(uuidgen) PayloadType com.apple.security.root PayloadUUID $(uuidgen) PayloadVersion 1 PayloadDisplayName IKEv2 VPN $server_addr PayloadIdentifier com.apple.vpn.managed.$(uuidgen) PayloadRemovalDisallowed PayloadType Configuration PayloadUUID $(uuidgen) PayloadVersion 1 EOF if [ "$export_to_home_dir" = 1 ]; then chown "$SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER" "$mc_file" fi chmod 600 "$mc_file" } create_android_profile() { [ -z "$server_addr" ] && get_server_address p12_base64_oneline=$(base64 -w 52 "$export_dir$client_name.p12" | sed 's/$/\\n/' | tr -d '\n') [ -z "$p12_base64_oneline" ] && exiterr "Could not encode .p12 file." uuid2=$(uuidgen) [ -z "$uuid2" ] && exiterr "Could not generate UUID value." sswan_file="$export_dir$client_name.sswan" cat > "$sswan_file" </dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "Failed to create server certificate." else certutil -z <(head -c 1024 /dev/urandom) \ -S -c "$CA_NAME" -n "$server_addr" \ -s "O=IKEv2 VPN,CN=$server_addr" \ -k rsa -g 3072 -v 120 \ -d "$CERT_DB" -t ",," \ --keyUsage digitalSignature,keyEncipherment \ --extKeyUsage serverAuth \ --extSAN "ip:$server_addr,dns:$server_addr" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "Failed to create server certificate." fi } create_config_readme() { readme_file="$export_dir$client_name-README.txt" if [ "$in_container" = 0 ] && [ "$use_config_password" = 0 ] \ && [ "$use_defaults" = 1 ] && [ ! -t 1 ] && [ ! -f "$readme_file" ]; then cat > "$readme_file" <<'EOF' These IKEv2 client config files were created during IPsec VPN setup. To configure IKEv2 clients, see: https://vpnsetup.net/clients EOF if [ "$export_to_home_dir" = 1 ]; then chown "$SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER" "$readme_file" fi chmod 600 "$readme_file" fi } add_ikev2_connection() { bigecho2 "Adding a new IKEv2 connection..." XAUTH_POOL=${VPN_XAUTH_POOL:-''} if ! grep -qs '^include /etc/ipsec\.d/\*\.conf$' "$IPSEC_CONF"; then echo >> "$IPSEC_CONF" echo 'include /etc/ipsec.d/*.conf' >> "$IPSEC_CONF" fi cat > "$IKEV2_CONF" <> "$IKEV2_CONF" <> "$IKEV2_CONF" <> "$IKEV2_CONF" <> "$IKEV2_CONF" <> "$IKEV2_CONF" else echo " mobike=no" >> "$IKEV2_CONF" fi } restart_ipsec_service() { if [ "$in_container" = 0 ] || { [ "$in_container" = 1 ] && service ipsec status >/dev/null 2>&1; }; then bigecho2 "Restarting IPsec service..." mkdir -p /run/pluto service ipsec restart 2>/dev/null fi } check_ikev2_connection() { if grep -qs 'mobike=yes' "$IKEV2_CONF"; then (sleep 3 if ! ipsec status | grep -q ikev2-cp; then sed -i '/mobike=yes/s/yes/no/' "$IKEV2_CONF" if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then ipsec auto --add ikev2-cp >/dev/null else restart_ipsec_service >/dev/null fi fi) >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi } create_crl() { bigecho "Revoking client certificate..." if ! crlutil -L -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" >/dev/null 2>&1; then crlutil -G -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" -c /dev/null >/dev/null fi sleep 2 } add_client_cert_to_crl() { sn_txt=$(certutil -L -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$client_name" | grep -A 1 'Serial Number' | tail -n 1) sn_hex=$(printf '%s' "$sn_txt" | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/://g') sn_dec=$((16#$sn_hex)) [ -z "$sn_dec" ] && exiterr "Could not find serial number of client certificate." crlutil -M -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" >/dev/null </dev/null } remove_client_config() { p12_file="$export_dir$client_name.p12" mc_file="$export_dir$client_name.mobileconfig" sswan_file="$export_dir$client_name.sswan" if [ -f "$p12_file" ] || [ -f "$mc_file" ] || [ -f "$sswan_file" ]; then bigecho "Removing client config files..." if [ -f "$p12_file" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$p12_file" /bin/rm -f "$p12_file" fi if [ -f "$mc_file" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$mc_file" /bin/rm -f "$mc_file" fi if [ -f "$sswan_file" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$sswan_file" /bin/rm -f "$sswan_file" fi fi } print_client_added() { cat <&2 <&2 </dev/null done <<< "$cert_list" crlutil -D -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" 2>/dev/null certutil -F -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" certutil -D -d "$CERT_DB" -n "$CA_NAME" 2>/dev/null if grep -qs '^IKEV2_CONFIG_PASSWORD=.\+' "$CONF_FILE"; then sed -i '/IKEV2_CONFIG_PASSWORD=/d' "$CONF_FILE" fi } print_ikev2_removed() { echo echo "IKEv2 removed!" } ikev2setup() { check_root check_container check_os check_libreswan check_swan_ver check_utils_exist use_defaults=0 assume_yes=0 add_client=0 export_client=0 list_clients=0 revoke_client=0 delete_client=0 remove_ikev2=0 while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in --auto) use_defaults=1 shift ;; --addclient) add_client=1 client_name="$2" shift shift ;; --exportclient) export_client=1 client_name="$2" shift shift ;; --listclients) list_clients=1 shift ;; --revokeclient) revoke_client=1 client_name="$2" shift shift ;; --deleteclient) delete_client=1 client_name="$2" shift shift ;; --removeikev2) remove_ikev2=1 shift ;; -y|--yes) assume_yes=1 shift ;; -h|--help) show_usage ;; *) show_usage "Unknown parameter: $1" ;; esac done CA_NAME="IKEv2 VPN CA" CERT_DB="sql:/etc/ipsec.d" CONF_DIR="/etc/ipsec.d" CONF_FILE="/etc/ipsec.d/.vpnconfig" IKEV2_CONF="/etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf" IPSEC_CONF="/etc/ipsec.conf" check_arguments check_config_password get_export_dir if [ "$add_client" = 1 ]; then check_and_set_client_validity show_header show_add_client create_client_cert export_client_config print_client_added print_client_info exit 0 fi if [ "$export_client" = 1 ]; then show_header show_export_client export_client_config print_client_exported print_client_info exit 0 fi if [ "$list_clients" = 1 ]; then show_header list_existing_clients echo exit 0 fi if [ "$revoke_client" = 1 ]; then show_header confirm_revoke_cert create_crl add_client_cert_to_crl reload_crls remove_client_config print_client_revoked exit 0 fi if [ "$delete_client" = 1 ]; then show_header confirm_delete_cert delete_client_cert remove_client_config print_client_deleted exit 0 fi if [ "$remove_ikev2" = 1 ]; then check_ipsec_conf show_header confirm_remove_ikev2 delete_ikev2_conf if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then ipsec auto --delete ikev2-cp else restart_ipsec_service fi delete_certificates print_ikev2_removed exit 0 fi if check_ikev2_exists; then show_header select_menu_option case $selected_option in 1) enter_client_name enter_client_validity echo create_client_cert export_client_config print_client_added print_client_info exit 0 ;; 2) enter_client_name_for export echo export_client_config print_client_exported print_client_info exit 0 ;; 3) echo list_existing_clients echo exit 0 ;; 4) enter_client_name_for revoke echo confirm_revoke_cert create_crl add_client_cert_to_crl reload_crls remove_client_config print_client_revoked exit 0 ;; 5) enter_client_name_for delete echo confirm_delete_cert delete_client_cert remove_client_config print_client_deleted exit 0 ;; 6) check_ipsec_conf echo confirm_remove_ikev2 delete_ikev2_conf if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then ipsec auto --delete ikev2-cp else restart_ipsec_service fi delete_certificates print_ikev2_removed exit 0 ;; *) exit 0 ;; esac fi check_cert_exists_and_exit "$CA_NAME" if [ "$use_defaults" = 0 ]; then show_header show_welcome enter_server_address check_cert_exists_and_exit "$server_addr" enter_client_name with_defaults enter_client_validity enter_custom_dns check_mobike_support select_mobike select_config_password confirm_setup_options else check_server_dns_name check_custom_dns check_and_set_client_name check_and_set_client_validity show_header show_start_setup set_server_address set_dns_servers check_mobike_support mobike_enable="$mobike_support" fi create_ca_server_certs create_client_cert export_client_config create_config_readme add_ikev2_connection if [ "$os_type" = "alpine" ]; then ipsec auto --add ikev2-cp >/dev/null else restart_ipsec_service fi check_ikev2_connection print_setup_complete print_client_info if [ "$in_container" = 0 ]; then check_swan_update fi } ## Defer setup until we have the complete script ikev2setup "$@" exit 0