#!/bin/bash # # Script to set up IKEv2 on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS/RHEL and Amazon Linux 2 # # The latest version of this script is available at: # https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn # # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Lin Song # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 # Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ # # Attribution required: please include my name in any derivative and let me # know how you have improved it! export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" SYS_DT=$(date +%F-%T | tr ':' '_') exiterr() { echo "Error: $1" >&2; exit 1; } bigecho() { echo; echo "## $1"; echo; } bigecho2() { echo; echo "## $1"; } check_ip() { IP_REGEX='^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' printf '%s' "$1" | tr -d '\n' | grep -Eq "$IP_REGEX" } check_dns_name() { FQDN_REGEX='^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$' printf '%s' "$1" | tr -d '\n' | grep -Eq "$FQDN_REGEX" } create_mobileconfig() { bigecho2 "Creating .mobileconfig for iOS and macOS..." [ -z "$p12_password" ] && exiterr "Password for .p12 file cannot be empty." if [ -z "$server_addr" ]; then server_addr=$(grep "leftcert=" /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf | cut -f2 -d=) [ -z "$server_addr" ] && server_addr=$(grep "leftcert=" /etc/ipsec.conf | cut -f2 -d=) check_ip "$server_addr" || check_dns_name "$server_addr" || exiterr "Could not get VPN server address." fi if ! command -v base64 >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! command -v uuidgen >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$os_type" = "debian" ] || [ "$os_type" = "raspbian" ]; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yqq update || exiterr "'apt-get update' failed." apt-get -yqq install coreutils uuid-runtime || exiterr "'apt-get install' failed." else yum -yq install coreutils util-linux || exiterr "'yum install' failed." fi fi if [ "$in_container" = "0" ]; then p12_base64=$(base64 -w 52 ~/"$client_name-$SYS_DT.p12") else p12_base64=$(base64 -w 52 "/etc/ipsec.d/$client_name-$SYS_DT.p12") fi [ -z "$p12_base64" ] && exiterr "Could not encode .p12 file." ca_base64=$(certutil -L -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n "IKEv2 VPN CA" -a | grep -v CERTIFICATE) [ -z "$ca_base64" ] && exiterr "Could not encode IKEv2 VPN CA certificate." uuid1=$(uuidgen) [ -z "$uuid1" ] && exiterr "Could not generate UUID value." if [ "$in_container" = "0" ]; then mc_file=~/"$client_name-$SYS_DT.mobileconfig" else mc_file="/etc/ipsec.d/$client_name-$SYS_DT.mobileconfig" fi cat > "$mc_file" < PayloadContent IKEv2 AuthenticationMethod Certificate ChildSecurityAssociationParameters DiffieHellmanGroup 14 EncryptionAlgorithm AES-256-GCM LifeTimeInMinutes 1440 DeadPeerDetectionRate Medium DisableRedirect EnableCertificateRevocationCheck 0 EnablePFS 0 IKESecurityAssociationParameters DiffieHellmanGroup 14 EncryptionAlgorithm AES-256 IntegrityAlgorithm SHA2-256 LifeTimeInMinutes 1440 LocalIdentifier $client_name PayloadCertificateUUID $uuid1 OnDemandEnabled 0 OnDemandRules Action Connect RemoteAddress $server_addr RemoteIdentifier $server_addr UseConfigurationAttributeInternalIPSubnet 0 IPv4 OverridePrimary 1 PayloadDescription Configures VPN settings PayloadDisplayName VPN PayloadIdentifier com.apple.vpn.managed.$(uuidgen) PayloadType com.apple.vpn.managed PayloadUUID $(uuidgen) PayloadVersion 1 Proxies HTTPEnable 0 HTTPSEnable 0 UserDefinedName $server_addr VPNType IKEv2 PayloadCertificateFileName $client_name PayloadContent $p12_base64 PayloadDescription Adds a PKCS#12-formatted certificate PayloadDisplayName $client_name PayloadIdentifier com.apple.security.pkcs12.$(uuidgen) PayloadType com.apple.security.pkcs12 PayloadUUID $uuid1 PayloadVersion 1 PayloadContent $ca_base64 PayloadCertificateFileName ikev2vpnca PayloadDescription Adds a CA root certificate PayloadDisplayName Certificate Authority (CA) PayloadIdentifier com.apple.security.root.$(uuidgen) PayloadType com.apple.security.root PayloadUUID $(uuidgen) PayloadVersion 1 PayloadDisplayName IKEv2 VPN configuration ($server_addr) PayloadIdentifier com.apple.vpn.managed.$(uuidgen) PayloadRemovalDisallowed PayloadType Configuration PayloadUUID $(uuidgen) PayloadVersion 1 EOF } new_client() { bigecho2 "Generating client certificate..." sleep $((RANDOM % 3 + 1)) certutil -z <(head -c 1024 /dev/urandom) \ -S -c "IKEv2 VPN CA" -n "$client_name" \ -s "O=IKEv2 VPN,CN=$client_name" \ -k rsa -g 4096 -v "$client_validity" \ -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -t ",," \ --keyUsage digitalSignature,keyEncipherment \ --extKeyUsage serverAuth,clientAuth -8 "$client_name" >/dev/null || exit 1 bigecho "Exporting .p12 file..." p12_password=$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'A-HJ-NPR-Za-km-z2-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 16) [ -z "$p12_password" ] && exiterr "Could not generate a random password for .p12 file." if [ "$in_container" = "0" ]; then pk12util -W "$p12_password" -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n "$client_name" -o ~/"$client_name-$SYS_DT.p12" || exit 1 else pk12util -W "$p12_password" -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n "$client_name" -o "/etc/ipsec.d/$client_name-$SYS_DT.p12" || exit 1 fi create_mobileconfig } ikev2setup() { if grep -qs -e "release 7" -e "release 8" /etc/redhat-release; then os_type=centos if grep -qs "Red Hat" /etc/redhat-release; then os_type=rhel fi elif grep -qs "Amazon Linux release 2" /etc/system-release; then os_type=amzn else os_type=$(lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$os_type" ] && [ -f /etc/os-release ] && os_type=$(. /etc/os-release && printf '%s' "$ID") case $os_type in [Uu]buntu) os_type=ubuntu ;; [Dd]ebian) os_type=debian ;; [Rr]aspbian) os_type=raspbian ;; *) exiterr "This script only supports Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS/RHEL 7/8 and Amazon Linux 2." exit 1 ;; esac fi if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then exiterr "Script must be run as root. Try 'sudo bash $0'" fi ipsec_ver=$(/usr/local/sbin/ipsec --version 2>/dev/null) swan_ver=$(printf '%s' "$ipsec_ver" | sed -e 's/Linux //' -e 's/Libreswan //' -e 's/ (netkey).*//') if ( ! grep -qs "hwdsl2 VPN script" /etc/sysctl.conf && ! grep -qs "hwdsl2" /opt/src/run.sh ) \ || ! printf '%s' "$ipsec_ver" | grep -q "Libreswan" \ || [ ! -f /etc/ppp/chap-secrets ] || [ ! -f /etc/ipsec.d/passwd ]; then cat 1>&2 <<'EOF' Error: Your must first set up the IPsec VPN server before setting up IKEv2. See: https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn EOF exit 1 fi case $swan_ver in 3.19|3.2[01235679]|3.3[12]|4.*) /bin/true ;; *) cat 1>&2 </dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "'certutil' not found. Abort." command -v pk12util >/dev/null 2>&1 || exiterr "'pk12util' not found. Abort." in_container=0 if grep -qs "hwdsl2" /opt/src/run.sh; then in_container=1 fi if grep -qs "conn ikev2-cp" /etc/ipsec.conf || [ -f /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf ]; then echo "It looks like IKEv2 has already been set up on this server." printf "Do you want to add a new VPN client? [y/N] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo ;; *) echo "Abort. No changes were made." exit 1 ;; esac echo "Provide a name for the IKEv2 VPN client." echo "Use one word only, no special characters except '-' and '_'." read -rp "Client name: " client_name while [ -z "$client_name" ] || [ "${#client_name}" -gt "64" ] \ || printf '%s' "$client_name" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^A-Za-z0-9_-]\+' \ || certutil -L -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n "$client_name" >/dev/null 2>&1; do if [ -z "$client_name" ] || [ "${#client_name}" -gt "64" ] \ || printf '%s' "$client_name" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^A-Za-z0-9_-]\+'; then echo "Invalid client name." else echo "Invalid client name. Client '$client_name' already exists." fi read -rp "Client name: " client_name done echo echo "Specify the validity period (in months) for this VPN client certificate." read -rp "Enter a number between 1 and 120: [120] " client_validity [ -z "$client_validity" ] && client_validity=120 while printf '%s' "$client_validity" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^0-9]\+' \ || [ "$client_validity" -lt "1" ] || [ "$client_validity" -gt "120" ] \ || [ "$client_validity" != "$((10#$client_validity))" ]; do echo "Invalid validity period." read -rp "Enter a number between 1 and 120: [120] " client_validity [ -z "$client_validity" ] && client_validity=120 done # Create client configuration new_client cat </dev/null 2>&1; then exiterr "Certificate 'IKEv2 VPN CA' already exists. Abort." fi clear cat <<'EOF' Welcome! Use this script to set up IKEv2 after setting up your own IPsec VPN server. Alternatively, you may manually set up IKEv2. See: https://git.io/ikev2 I need to ask you a few questions before starting setup. You can use the default options and just press enter if you are OK with them. EOF echo "Do you want IKEv2 VPN clients to connect to this server using a DNS name," printf "e.g. vpn.example.com, instead of its IP address? [y/N] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) use_dns_name=1 echo ;; *) use_dns_name=0 echo ;; esac # Enter VPN server address if [ "$use_dns_name" = "1" ]; then read -rp "Enter the DNS name of this VPN server: " server_addr until check_dns_name "$server_addr"; do echo "Invalid DNS name. You must enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)." read -rp "Enter the DNS name of this VPN server: " server_addr done else echo "Trying to auto discover IP of this server..." echo public_ip=$(dig @resolver1.opendns.com -t A -4 myip.opendns.com +short) check_ip "$public_ip" || public_ip=$(wget -t 3 -T 15 -qO- http://ipv4.icanhazip.com) read -rp "Enter the IPv4 address of this VPN server: [$public_ip] " server_addr [ -z "$server_addr" ] && server_addr="$public_ip" until check_ip "$server_addr"; do echo "Invalid IP address." read -rp "Enter the IPv4 address of this VPN server: [$public_ip] " server_addr [ -z "$server_addr" ] && server_addr="$public_ip" done fi if certutil -L -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n "$server_addr" >/dev/null 2>&1; then exiterr "Certificate '$server_addr' already exists. Abort." fi # Enter client name echo echo "Provide a name for the IKEv2 VPN client." echo "Use one word only, no special characters except '-' and '_'." read -rp "Client name: [vpnclient] " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && client_name=vpnclient while [ "${#client_name}" -gt "64" ] \ || printf '%s' "$client_name" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^A-Za-z0-9_-]\+' \ || certutil -L -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -n "$client_name" >/dev/null 2>&1; do if [ "${#client_name}" -gt "64" ] \ || printf '%s' "$client_name" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^A-Za-z0-9_-]\+'; then echo "Invalid client name." else echo "Invalid client name. Client '$client_name' already exists." fi read -rp "Client name: [vpnclient] " client_name [ -z "$client_name" ] && client_name=vpnclient done # Enter validity period echo echo "Specify the validity period (in months) for this VPN client certificate." read -rp "Enter a number between 1 and 120: [120] " client_validity [ -z "$client_validity" ] && client_validity=120 while printf '%s' "$client_validity" | LC_ALL=C grep -q '[^0-9]\+' \ || [ "$client_validity" -lt "1" ] || [ "$client_validity" -gt "120" ] \ || [ "$client_validity" != "$((10#$client_validity))" ]; do echo "Invalid validity period." read -rp "Enter a number between 1 and 120: [120] " client_validity [ -z "$client_validity" ] && client_validity=120 done # Enter custom DNS servers echo echo "By default, clients are set to use Google Public DNS when the VPN is active." printf "Do you want to specify custom DNS servers for IKEv2? [y/N] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) use_custom_dns=1 ;; *) use_custom_dns=0 dns_server_1= dns_server_2= dns_servers="" ;; esac if [ "$use_custom_dns" = "1" ]; then read -rp "Enter primary DNS server: " dns_server_1 until check_ip "$dns_server_1"; do echo "Invalid DNS server." read -rp "Enter primary DNS server: " dns_server_1 done read -rp "Enter secondary DNS server (Enter to skip): " dns_server_2 until [ -z "$dns_server_2" ] || check_ip "$dns_server_2"; do echo "Invalid DNS server." read -rp "Enter secondary DNS server (Enter to skip): " dns_server_2 done if [ -n "$dns_server_2" ]; then dns_servers="$dns_server_1 $dns_server_2" else dns_servers="$dns_server_1" fi else echo "Using Google Public DNS (," fi # Check for MOBIKE support mobike_support=0 case $swan_ver in 3.2[35679]|3.3[12]|4.*) mobike_support=1 ;; esac if uname -m | grep -qi -e '^arm' -e '^aarch64'; then modprobe -q configs if [ -f /proc/config.gz ]; then if ! zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -q "CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE=y"; then mobike_support=0 fi fi fi kernel_conf="/boot/config-$(uname -r)" if [ -f "$kernel_conf" ]; then if ! grep -qs "CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE=y" "$kernel_conf"; then mobike_support=0 fi fi # Linux kernels on Ubuntu do not support MOBIKE if [ "$in_container" = "0" ]; then if [ "$os_type" = "ubuntu" ] || uname -v | grep -qi ubuntu; then mobike_support=0 fi else if uname -v | grep -qi ubuntu; then mobike_support=0 fi fi echo echo -n "Checking for MOBIKE support... " if [ "$mobike_support" = "1" ]; then echo "available" else echo "not available" fi mobike_enable=0 if [ "$mobike_support" = "1" ]; then echo echo "The MOBIKE IKEv2 extension allows VPN clients to change network attachment points," echo "e.g. switch between mobile data and Wi-Fi and keep the IPsec tunnel up on the new IP." echo printf "Do you want to enable MOBIKE support? [Y/n] " read -r response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]|'') mobike_enable=1 ;; *) mobike_enable=0 ;; esac fi cat </dev/null </dev/null || exit 1 else certutil -z <(head -c 1024 /dev/urandom) \ -S -c "IKEv2 VPN CA" -n "$server_addr" \ -s "O=IKEv2 VPN,CN=$server_addr" \ -k rsa -g 4096 -v 120 \ -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d -t ",," \ --keyUsage digitalSignature,keyEncipherment \ --extKeyUsage serverAuth \ --extSAN "ip:$server_addr,dns:$server_addr" >/dev/null || exit 1 fi # Create client configuration new_client echo bigecho "Adding a new IKEv2 connection..." if ! grep -qs '^include /etc/ipsec\.d/\*\.conf$' /etc/ipsec.conf; then echo >> /etc/ipsec.conf echo 'include /etc/ipsec.d/*.conf' >> /etc/ipsec.conf fi cat > /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf <> /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf <> /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf <> /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf else echo " mobike=no" >> /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf fi ;; 3.19|3.2[012]) if [ -n "$dns_server_2" ]; then cat >> /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf <> /etc/ipsec.d/ikev2.conf <