mirror of synced 2025-03-11 15:26:10 +03:00

Minor corrections to docs

This commit is contained in:
hwdsl2 2016-05-13 01:46:26 -05:00
parent 49aa56d0c4
commit 1502ad67c2
3 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Read this in other languages: [English](clients.md), [简体中文](clients-zh.md).*
注: 本说明是在 <a href="https://github.com/jlund/streisand" target="_blank">Streisand</a> 项目文档的基础上修改。该项目由 <a href="https://github.com/jlund" target="_blank">Joshua Lund</a> 和其他志愿者维护。 授权协议: [GPLv3](#授权协议)。
注: 本文档是在 <a href="https://github.com/jlund/streisand" target="_blank">Streisand</a> 项目文档基础上翻译和修改。该项目由 Joshua Lund 和其他开发者维护。 授权协议: [GPLv3](#授权协议)。
在成功<a href="https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn" target="_blank">搭建自己的VPN服务器</a>之后你可以按照下面的步骤来配置你的设备。IPsec/L2TP 在 Android, iOS, OS X 和 Windows 上均受支持,无需安装额外的软件。设置过程通常只需要几分钟。如果无法连接,请首先检查是否输入了正确的用户名和密码。
@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
1. 返回到控制面板中的 **网络和Internet** 部分,然后单击 **连接到网络** 选项。
1. 右键单击新的VPN连接并选择 **属性**
1. 单击 **选项** 选项卡,取消选中 **包含Windows登录域** 复选框。
1. 单击 <a href="https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn/issues/7#issuecomment-210084875" target="_blank">**安全** 选项卡</a>,从 **VPN 类型** 下拉菜单中选择 **使用 IPsec 的第 2 层隧道协议 (L2TP/IPSec)**。在 **允许使用这些协议** 下,选中 `CHAP` 复选框,并且取消选中 `MS-CHAP v2`
1. 单击 **安全** 选项卡,从 **VPN 类型** 下拉菜单中选择 **使用 IPsec 的第 2 层隧道协议 (L2TP/IPSec)**。在 **允许使用这些协议** 下,选中 `CHAP` 复选框,并且取消选中 `MS-CHAP v2`
1. 单击 **高级设置** 按钮。
1. 单击 **使用预共享密钥作身份验证** 并在 **密钥** 字段中输入`你的 IPsec PSK`
1. 单击 **确定** 关闭 **高级设置**
1. 单击 **确定** 保存 VPN 连接的详细信息。
1. 在首次连接之前需要<a href="https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Windows_Error_809" target="_blank">修改一次注册表</a>,以解决 VPN 服务器和客户端与 NAT (比如家用路由器)的兼容问题。请按照链接文章中的说明进行操作,并在完成后重新启动计算机。
注: 在首次连接之前需要<a href="https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Windows_Error_809" target="_blank">修改一次注册表</a>,以解决 VPN 服务器和客户端与 NAT (比如家用路由器)的兼容问题。请按照链接文章中的说明进行操作,并在完成后重新启动计算机。
要连接到 VPN只需在系统托盘中的无线/网络图标上单击右键,选择新的 VPN 连接,然后单击 **连接**。最后你可以到<a href="https://www.whatismyip.com" target="_blank">这里</a>检测你的 IP 地址,应该显示为`你的 VPN 服务器 IP`
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
1. 单击 **好**
1. 选中 **在菜单栏中显示 VPN 状态** 复选框。
1. 单击 **高级** 按钮,并选中 **通过VPN连接发送所有通信** 复选框。
1. 单击 **TCP/IP** 选项卡,并确保**配置IPv6** 部分中选择 **仅本地**。
1. 单击 **TCP/IP** 选项卡,并在 **配置IPv6** 部分中选择 **仅本地链接**。
1. 单击 **好** 关闭高级设置,然后单击 **应用** 保存VPN连接信息。
要连接到 VPN你可以使用菜单栏中的 VPN 图标,或者在系统偏好设置的网络部分选择 VPN并单击 **连接**。最后你可以到<a href="https://www.whatismyip.com" target="_blank">这里</a>检测你的 IP 地址,应该显示为`你的 VPN 服务器 IP`
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@
1. 启动 **设置** 应用程序。
1. 在 **无线和网络** 部分单击 **更多...**
1. 单击 **VPN**
1. 单击 **添加VPN配置文件**
1. 单击 **添加VPN配置文件** 或窗口右上角的 **+**
1. 在 **名称** 字段中输入任意内容。
1. 在 **类型** 下拉菜单选择 **L2TP/IPSec PSK**
1. 在 **服务器地址** 字段中输入`你的 VPN 服务器 IP`
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
1. 选中 **保存帐户信息** 复选框。
1. 单击 **连接**
Android 6 (Marshmallow) 用户需要编辑 VPN 服务器上的 `/etc/ipsec.conf` 并在 `ike=``phase2alg=` 两行结尾添加 `,aes256-sha2_256` 。另外<a href="https://libreswan.org/wiki/FAQ#Android_6.0_connection_comes_up_but_no_packet_flow" target="_blank">增加一行</a> `sha2-truncbug=yes` 。每行开头必须空两格。保存修改并运行 `service ipsec restart`
注: Android 6 (Marshmallow) 用户需要编辑 VPN 服务器上的 `/etc/ipsec.conf` 并在 `ike=``phase2alg=` 两行结尾添加 `,aes256-sha2_256` 。另外<a href="https://libreswan.org/wiki/FAQ#Android_6.0_connection_comes_up_but_no_packet_flow" target="_blank">增加一行</a> `sha2-truncbug=yes` 。每行开头必须空两格。保存修改并运行 `service ipsec restart`
VPN 连接成功后,会在通知栏显示图标。最后你可以到<a href="https://www.whatismyip.com" target="_blank">这里</a>检测你的 IP 地址,应该显示为`你的 VPN 服务器 IP`
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ VPN 连接成功后,会在通知栏显示图标。最后你可以到<a href="h
### Chromebook ###
1. 如果你尚未登录 Chromebook请先登录。
1. 单击状态区(其中显示帐户头像)。
1. 单击状态区(其中显示你的帐户头像)。
1. 单击 **设置**
1. 在 **互联网连接** 部分,单击 **添加连接**
1. 单击 **添加 OpenVPN / L2TP**
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ VPN 连接成功后,会在通知栏显示图标。最后你可以到<a href="h
1. 在 **密码** 字段中输入`你的 VPN 密码`
1. 单击 **连接**
VPN 连接成功后,你会看到网络状态图标被 VPN 图标覆盖。最后你可以到<a href="https://www.whatismyip.com" target="_blank">这里</a>检测你的 IP 地址,应该显示为`你的 VPN 服务器 IP`
VPN 连接成功后,网络状态图标上会出现 VPN 指示。最后你可以到<a href="https://www.whatismyip.com" target="_blank">这里</a>检测你的 IP 地址,应该显示为`你的 VPN 服务器 IP`
## 授权协议

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Read this in other languages: [English](clients.md), [简体中文](clients-zh.md).*
Note: These instructions were adapted from the <a href="https://github.com/jlund/streisand" target="_blank">Streisand</a> project by <a href="https://github.com/jlund" target="_blank">Joshua Lund</a> and contributors. License: [GPLv3](#license).
Note: This document was adapted from the <a href="https://github.com/jlund/streisand" target="_blank">Streisand</a> project by Joshua Lund and contributors. License: [GPLv3](#license).
After <a href="https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn" target="_blank">setting up your own VPN server</a>, follow these steps to configure your devices. IPsec/L2TP is natively supported by Android, iOS, OS X, and Windows. There is no additional software to install. Setup should only take a few minutes. In case you are unable to connect, first check to make sure the VPN credentials were entered correctly.
@ -32,12 +32,13 @@ After <a href="https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn" target="_blank">settin
1. Return to the Control Panel's **Network and Internet** section and click on the **Connect to a network** option.
1. Right-click on the new VPN connection and choose **Properties**.
1. Click the **Options** tab and uncheck **Include Windows logon domain**.
1. Click the <a href="https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn/issues/7#issuecomment-210084875" target="_blank">**Security** tab</a> and select **Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)** from the **Type of VPN** drop-down menu. Under "Allow these protocols", check the `CHAP` checkbox, and un-check `MS-CHAP v2`.
1. Click the **Security** tab and select **Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)** from the **Type of VPN** drop-down menu. Under "Allow these protocols", select the `CHAP` checkbox, and de-select `MS-CHAP v2`.
1. Click the **Advanced settings** button.
1. Select **Use preshared key for authentication** and enter `Your IPsec PSK` for the **Key**.
1. Click **OK** to close the **Advanced settings**.
1. Click **OK** to save the VPN connection details.
1. This <a href="https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Windows_Error_809" target="_blank">one-time registry change</a> is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router). Please follow instructions in the linked article, and reboot your computer when done.
Note: A <a href="https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Windows_Error_809" target="_blank">one-time registry change</a> is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router). Please follow instructions in the linked article, and reboot your computer when done.
To connect to the VPN, simply right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN connection, and click **Connect**. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by <a href="https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=my+ip" target="_blank">looking up your IP address on Google</a>. It should say "Your public IP address is `Your VPN Server IP`".
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ You can connect to the VPN using the VPN icon in the menu bar, or by selecting t
1. Launch the **Settings** application.
1. Tap **More...** in the **Wireless & Networks** section.
1. Tap **VPN**.
1. Tap the **+** icon in the top-right of the screen.
1. Tap **Add VPN Profile** or the **+** icon at top-right of screen.
1. Enter anything you like in the **Name** field.
1. Select **L2TP/IPSec PSK** in the **Type** drop-down menu.
1. Enter `Your VPN Server IP` in the **Server address** field.
@ -84,15 +85,15 @@ Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the notification bar. You can verify
### iOS ###
1. Go to Settings -> General -> VPN.
1. Tap **Add VPN Configuration...**.
1. Tap **Type**.
1. Select **L2TP** and go back.
1. Tap **Type**. Select **L2TP** and go back.
1. Tap **Description** and enter anything you like.
1. Tap **Server** and enter `Your VPN Server IP`.
1. Tap **Account** and enter `Your VPN Username`.
1. Tap **Password** and enter `Your VPN Password`.
1. Tap **Secret** and enter `Your IPsec PSK`.
1. Make sure the **Send All Traffic** switch is ON.
1. Tap **Done**.
1. Slide the **VPN** switch on.
1. Slide the **VPN** switch ON.
Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the status bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by <a href="https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=my+ip" target="_blank">looking up your IP address on Google</a>. It should say "Your public IP address is `Your VPN Server IP`".

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
To enable multiple VPN users with different credentials, find and replace these lines in the script:
To enable multiple VPN users with different credentials,
find and replace these lines in the script:
cat > /etc/ppp/chap-secrets <<EOF
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
@ -17,5 +18,7 @@ EOF
1. Make sure there is NO SPACE after both EOF above!
2. This example shows user1 with password1, and user2 with password2. You can add more users, use one line for each user.
3. The characters \ and " within your username/password MUST be escaped as \\ and \", respectively.
2. This example shows user1 with password1, and user2 with password2.
You can add more users, use one line for each user.
3. The characters \ and " within your username/password (if present)
MUST be escaped as \\ and \", respectively.