Andrew Armbruster be4d5ad7f7 Update grunt-contrib-qunit and extend FullScreen test
Update the package responsible for running tests, grunt-contrib-qunit.

The package change includes a significant bump to the puppeteer version used to run the tests (from v9 -> v19:

Running the tests with the newer puppeteer version leads to issues running the FullScreen test when run in the 'old'/current default headless mode (the test fails with a timeout).

Updating to the 'new' headless mode (eventually to be the default anyway), seems to allow the fullscreen request to succeed.

Thus, go ahead and extend the FullScreen test to verify the correct values for a successful request, as well as an additional step to exit fullscreen mode.
2023-07-16 13:10:56 +02:00

354 lines
11 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
/* global module */
module.exports = function(grunt) {
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
var dateFormat = require('dateformat');
// ----------
// ----------
var packageJson = grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
distribution = "build/openseadragon/openseadragon.js",
minified = "build/openseadragon/openseadragon.min.js",
packageDirName = "openseadragon-bin-" + packageJson.version,
packageDir = "build/" + packageDirName + "/",
releaseRoot = "../site-build/built-openseadragon/",
coverageDir = 'coverage/' + dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyymmdd-HHMMss'),
sources = [
var banner = "//! <%= %> <%= pkg.version %>\n" +
"//! Built on <%='yyyy-mm-dd') %>\n" +
"//! Git commit: <%= gitInfo %>\n" +
"//!\n" +
"//! License:\n\n";
// ----------
grunt.event.once('git-describe', function (rev) {
grunt.config.set('gitInfo', rev);
// ----------
// Project configuration.
pkg: packageJson,
osdVersion: {
versionStr: packageJson.version,
major: parseInt(packageJson.version.split('.')[0], 10),
minor: parseInt(packageJson.version.split('.')[1], 10),
revision: parseInt(packageJson.version.split('.')[2], 10)
clean: {
build: ["build"],
package: [packageDir],
coverage: ["instrumented"],
release: {
src: [releaseRoot],
options: {
force: true
concat: {
options: {
banner: banner,
process: true,
sourceMap: true
dist: {
src: [ "<banner>" ].concat(sources),
dest: distribution
replace: {
cleanPaths: {
src: ['build/openseadragon/*.map'],
overwrite: true,
replacements: [
from: /build\/openseadragon\//g,
to: ''
uglify: {
options: {
preserveComments: false,
banner: banner,
compress: {
sequences: false,
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
join_vars: false
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapName: 'build/openseadragon/',
sourceMapIn: 'build/openseadragon/'
openseadragon: {
src: distribution,
dest: minified
compress: {
zip: {
options: {
archive: "build/releases/" + packageDirName + ".zip",
level: 9
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: "build/", src: [ packageDirName + "/**" ] }
tar: {
options: {
archive: "build/releases/" + packageDirName + ".tar.gz",
level: 9
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: "build/", src: [ packageDirName + "/**" ] }
qunit: {
normal: {
options: {
urls: [ "http://localhost:8000/test/test.html" ],
timeout: 10000,
puppeteer: {
headless: 'new'
coverage: {
options: {
urls: [ "http://localhost:8000/test/coverage.html" ],
coverage: {
src: ['src/*.js'],
htmlReport: coverageDir + '/html/',
instrumentedFiles: 'instrumented/src/',
baseUrl: '.',
disposeCollector: true
timeout: 10000
all: {
options: {
timeout: 10000
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 8000,
base: "."
watch: {
files: [ "Gruntfile.js", "src/*.js", "images/*" ],
tasks: "watchTask"
eslint: {
options: {
overrideConfigFile: '.eslintrc.json'
target: sources
"git-describe": {
options: {
failOnError: false
build: {}
gitInfo: "unknown",
instrument: {
files: sources,
options: {
lazy: false,
basePath: 'instrumented/'
reloadTasks: {
rootPath: "instrumented/src/"
storeCoverage: {
options: {
dir: coverageDir,
'include-all-sources': true
makeReport: {
src: "coverage/**/*.json",
options: {
type: [ "lcov", "html" ],
dir: coverageDir,
print: "detail"
grunt.event.on("qunit.coverage", function(coverage) {
var reportPath = coverageDir + "/coverage.json";
// Create the coverage file
grunt.file.write(reportPath, JSON.stringify(coverage));
// ----------
// Copy:build task.
// Copies the image files into the appropriate location in the build folder.
grunt.registerTask("copy:build", function() {
grunt.file.recurse("images", function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
grunt.file.copy(abspath, "build/openseadragon/images/" + (subdir || "") + filename);
// ----------
// Copy:package task.
// Creates a directory tree to be compressed into a package.
grunt.registerTask("copy:package", function() {
grunt.file.recurse("build/openseadragon", function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
var dest = packageDir +
(subdir ? subdir + "/" : '/') +
grunt.file.copy(abspath, dest);
grunt.file.copy("changelog.txt", packageDir + "changelog.txt");
grunt.file.copy("LICENSE.txt", packageDir + "LICENSE.txt");
// ----------
// Copy:release task.
// Copies the contents of the build folder into the release folder.
grunt.registerTask("copy:release", function() {
grunt.file.recurse("build", function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
if (subdir === 'releases') {
var dest = releaseRoot +
(subdir ? subdir + "/" : '/') +
grunt.file.copy(abspath, dest);
// ----------
// Bower task.
// Generates the Bower file for site-build.
grunt.registerTask("bower", function() {
var path = "../site-build/bower.json";
var data = grunt.file.readJSON(path);
data.version = packageJson.version;
grunt.file.write(path, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + "\n");
// ----------
// Watch task.
// Called from the watch feature; does a full build or a minbuild, depending on
// whether you used --min on the command line.
grunt.registerTask("watchTask", function() {
if (grunt.option('min')) {"minbuild");
} else {"build");
// ----------
// Build task.
// Cleans out the build folder and builds the code and images into it, checking lint.
grunt.registerTask("build", [
"clean:build", "git-describe", "eslint", "concat", "uglify",
"replace:cleanPaths", "copy:build"
// ----------
// Minimal build task.
// For use during development as desired. Creates only the unminified version.
grunt.registerTask("minbuild", [
"git-describe", "concat", "copy:build"
// ----------
// Test task.
// Builds and runs unit tests.
grunt.registerTask("test", ["build", "connect", "qunit:normal"]);
// ----------
// Coverage task.
// Outputs unit test code coverage report.
grunt.registerTask("coverage", ["clean:coverage", "instrument", "connect", "qunit:coverage", "makeReport"]);
// ----------
// Package task.
// Builds and creates the .zip and .tar.gz files.
grunt.registerTask("package", ["build", "copy:package", "compress", "clean:package"]);
// ----------
// Publish task.
// Cleans the built files out of the release folder and copies newly built ones over.
grunt.registerTask("publish", ["package", "clean:release", "copy:release", "bower"]);
// ----------
// Dev task.
// Builds, fires up a server and watches for changes.
grunt.registerTask("dev", ["build", "connect", "watch"]);
// ----------
// Default task.
// Does a normal build.
grunt.registerTask("default", ["build"]);