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(function($) {
* Shader sharing point
* @class OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator
$.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator = class {
* Register shader
* @param {function} LayerRendererClass class extends OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
static registerLayer(LayerRendererClass) {
//todo why not hasOwnProperty check allowed by syntax checker
// if (this._layers.hasOwnProperty(LayerRendererClass.type())) {
// console.warn("Registering an already existing layer renderer:", LayerRendererClass.type());
// }
// if (!$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.isPrototypeOf(LayerRendererClass)) {
// throw `${LayerRendererClass} does not inherit from ShaderLayer!`;
// }
this._layers[LayerRendererClass.type()] = LayerRendererClass;
* Get the shader class by type id
* @param {string} id
* @return {function} class extends OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
static getClass(id) {
return this._layers[id];
* Get all available shaders
* @return {function[]} classes that extend OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer
static availableShaders() {
return Object.values(this._layers);
//todo why cannot be inside object :/
$.WebGLModule.ShaderMediator._layers = {};
* Abstract interface to any Shader.
* @abstract
$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer = class {
* Override **static** type definition
* The class must be registered using the type
* @returns {string} unique id under which is the shader registered
static type() {
throw "ShaderLayer::type() Type must be specified!";
* Override **static** name definition
* @returns {string} name of the shader (user-friendly)
static name() {
throw "ShaderLayer::name() Name must be specified!";
* Provide description
* @returns {string} optional description
static description() {
return "ShaderLayer::description() WebGL shader must provide description.";
* Declare the number of data sources it reads from (how many dataSources indexes should the shader contain)
* @return {Array.<Object>} array of source specifications:
* acceptsChannelCount: predicate that evaluates whether given number of channels (argument) is acceptable
* [optional] description: the description of the source - what it is being used for
static sources() {
throw "ShaderLayer::sources() Shader must specify channel acceptance predicates for each source it uses!";
* Global supported options
* @param {string} id unique ID among all webgl instances and shaders
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayerParams} options
* options.channel: "r", "g" or "b" channel to sample, default "r"
* options.use_mode: blending mode - default alpha ("show"), custom blending ("mask") and clipping mask blend ("mask_clip")
* options.use_[*]: filtering, gamma/exposure/logscale with a float filter parameter (e.g. "use_gamma" : 1.5)
* @param {object} privateOptions options that should not be touched, necessary for linking the layer to the core
constructor(id, options, privateOptions) {
this.uid = id;
this.webglContext = privateOptions.webgl;
this.invalidate = privateOptions.invalidate;
//use with care...
this._rebuild = privateOptions.rebuild;
* Code placed outside fragment shader's main(...).
* By default, it includes all definitions of
* controls you defined in defaultControls
* DO NOT SAMPLE TEXTURE MANUALLY: use this.sampleChannel(...) to generate the code
* @return {string}
getFragmentShaderDefinition() {
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls,
html = [];
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
const controlObject = this[control];
if (controlObject) {
let code = controlObject.define();
if (code) {
code = code.trim();
return html.join("\n");
* Code executed to create the output color. The code
* must always return a vec4 value, otherwise the visualization
* will fail to compile (this code actually runs inside a vec4 function).
* DO NOT SAMPLE TEXTURE MANUALLY: use this.sampleChannel(...) to generate the code
* @return {string}
getFragmentShaderExecution() {
throw "ShaderLayer::getFragmentShaderExecution must be implemented!";
* Called when an image is rendered
* @param {WebGLProgram} program WebglProgram instance
* @param {WebGLRenderingContextBase} gl
glDrawing(program, gl) {
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls;
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
const controlObject = this[control];
if (controlObject) {
controlObject.glDrawing(program, gl);
* Called when associated webgl program is switched to
* @param {WebGLProgram} program WebglProgram instance
* @param {WebGLRenderingContextBase} gl WebGL Context
glLoaded(program, gl) {
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls;
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
const controlObject = this[control];
if (controlObject) {
controlObject.glLoaded(program, gl);
* This function is called once at
* the beginning of the layer use
* (might be multiple times), after htmlControls()
init() {
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls;
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
const controlObject = this[control];
if (controlObject) {
* Get the shader UI controls
* @return {string} HTML controls for the particular shader
htmlControls() {
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls,
html = [];
for (let control in controls) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
const controlObject = this[control];
if (controlObject) {
return html.join("");
* Include GLSL shader code on global scope
* (e.g. define function that is repeatedly used)
* does not have to use unique ID extended names as this code is included only once
* @param {string} key a key under which is the code stored, so that the same key is not loaded twice
* @param {string} code GLSL code to add to the shader
includeGlobalCode(key, code) {
let container = this.constructor.__globalIncludes;
if (!container[key]) {
container[key] = code;
* Parses value to a float string representation with given precision (length after decimal)
* @param {number} value value to convert
* @param {number} defaultValue default value on failure
* @param {number} precisionLen number of decimals
* @return {string}
toShaderFloatString(value, defaultValue, precisionLen = 5) {
return this.constructor.toShaderFloatString(value, defaultValue, precisionLen);
* Parses value to a float string representation with given precision (length after decimal)
* @param {number} value value to convert
* @param {number} defaultValue default value on failure
* @param {number} precisionLen number of decimals
* @return {string}
static toShaderFloatString(value, defaultValue, precisionLen = 5) {
if (!Number.isInteger(precisionLen) || precisionLen < 0 || precisionLen > 9) {
precisionLen = 5;
try {
return value.toFixed(precisionLen);
} catch (e) {
return defaultValue.toFixed(precisionLen);
* Sample only one channel (which is defined in options)
* @param {string} textureCoords valid GLSL vec2 object as string
* @param {number} otherDataIndex index of the data in self.dataReference JSON array
* @param {boolean} raw whether to output raw value from the texture (do not apply filters)
* @return {string} code for appropriate texture sampling within the shader,
* where only one channel is extracted or float with zero value if
* the reference is not valid
sampleChannel(textureCoords, otherDataIndex = 0, raw = false) {
let refs = this.__visualisationLayer.dataReferences;
const chan = this.__channels[otherDataIndex];
if (otherDataIndex >= refs.length) {
switch (chan.length) {
case 1: return ".0";
case 2: return "vec2(.0)";
case 3: return "vec3(.0)";
return 'vec4(0.0)';
let sampled = `${this.webglContext.texture.sample(refs[otherDataIndex], textureCoords)}.${chan}`;
// if (raw) return sampled;
// return this.filter(sampled);
return sampled;
* For error detection, how many textures are available
* @return {number} number of textures available
dataSourcesCount() {
return this.__visualisationLayer.dataReferences.length;
* Load value, useful for controls value caching
* @param {string} name value name
* @param {string} defaultValue default value if no stored value available
* @return {string} stored value or default value
loadProperty(name, defaultValue) {
let selfType = this.constructor.type();
if (!this.__visualisationLayer) {
return defaultValue;
const value = this.__visualisationLayer.cache[selfType][name];
return value === undefined ? defaultValue : value;
* Store value, useful for controls value caching
* @param {string} name value name
* @param {*} value value
storeProperty(name, value) {
this.__visualisationLayer.cache[this.constructor.type()][name] = value;
* Evaluates option flag, e.g. any value that indicates boolean 'true'
* @param {*} value value to interpret
* @return {boolean} true if the value is considered boolean 'true'
isFlag(value) {
return value === "1" || value === true || value === "true";
isFlagOrMissing(value) {
return value === undefined || this.isFlag(value);
* Get the mode we operate in
* @return {string} mode
get mode() {
return this._mode;
* Returns number of textures available to this shader
* @return {number} number of textures available
get texturesCount() {
return this.__visualisationLayer.dataReferences.length;
* Set sampling channel
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.use_channel[X] chanel swizzling definition to sample
resetChannel(options) {
const parseChannel = (name, def, sourceDef) => {
const predefined = this.constructor.defaultControls[name];
if (options[name] || predefined) {
let channel = predefined ? (predefined.required ? predefined.required : predefined.default) : undefined;
if (!channel) {
channel = this.loadProperty(name, options[name]);
if (!channel || typeof channel !== "string" || this.constructor.__chanPattern.exec(channel) === null) {
console.warn(`Invalid channel '${name}'. Will use channel '${def}'.`, channel, options);
this.storeProperty(name, "r");
channel = def;
if (!sourceDef.acceptsChannelCount(channel.length)) {
throw `${this.constructor.name()} does not support channel length for channel: ${channel}`;
if (channel !== options[name]) {
this.storeProperty(name, channel);
return channel;
return def;
this.__channels = this.constructor.sources().map((source, i) => parseChannel(`use_channel${i}`, "r", source));
* Set blending mode
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.use_mode blending mode to use: "show" or "mask"
resetMode(options) {
const predefined = this.constructor.defaultControls.use_mode;
if (options["use_mode"]) {
this._mode = predefined && predefined.required;
if (!this._mode) {
this._mode = this.loadProperty("use_mode", options.use_mode);
if (this._mode !== options.use_mode) {
this.storeProperty("use_mode", this._mode);
} else {
this._mode = predefined ? (predefined.default || "show") : "show";
this.__mode = this.constructor.modes[this._mode] || "show";
////////// PRIVATE /////////////////
_buildControls(options) {
let controls = this.constructor.defaultControls;
if (controls.opacity === undefined || (typeof controls.opacity === "object" && !controls.opacity.accepts("float"))) {
controls.opacity = {
default: {type: "range", default: 1, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.1, title: "Opacity: "},
accepts: (type, instance) => type === "float"
for (let control in controls) {
let buildContext = controls[control];
if (buildContext) {
if (control.startsWith("use_")) {
this[control] = $.WebGLModule.UIControls.build(this, control, options[control],
buildContext.default, buildContext.accepts, buildContext.required);
_setContextShaderLayer(visualisationLayer) {
this.__visualisationLayer = visualisationLayer;
if (!this.__visualisationLayer.cache) {
this.__visualisationLayer.cache = {};
if (!this.__visualisationLayer.cache[this.constructor.type()]) {
this.__visualisationLayer.cache[this.constructor.type()] = {};
* Declare supported controls by a particular shader
* each controls is automatically created for the shader
* and this[controlId] instance set
* structure:
* {
* controlId: {
default: {type: <>, title: <>, interactive: true|false...},
accepts: (type, instance) => <>,
required: {type: <> ...} [OPTIONAL]
* }, ...
* }
* use: controlId: false to disable a specific control (e.g. all shaders
* support opacity by default - use to remove this feature)
* Additionally, use_[...] value can be specified, such controls enable shader
* to specify default or required values for built-in use_[...] params. example:
* {
* use_channel0: {
* default: "bg"
* },
* use_channel1: {
* required: "rg"
* },
* use_gamma: {
* default: 0.5
* }
* }
* reads by default for texture 1 channels 'bg', second texture is always forced to read 'rg',
* textures apply gamma filter with 0.5 by default if not overridden
* todo: allow to use_[filter][X] to distinguish between textures
* @member {object}
$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.defaultControls = {};
* todo make blending more 'nice'
* Available use_mode modes
* @type {{show: string, mask: string}}
$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.modes = {
show: "show",
mask: "blend"
$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.modes["mask_clip"] = "blend_clip"; //todo parser error not camel case
$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.__globalIncludes = {};
$.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer.__chanPattern = new RegExp('[rgba]{1,4}');
* Factory Manager for predefined UIControls
* - you can manage all your UI control logic within your shader implementation
* and not to touch this class at all, but here you will find some most common
* or some advanced controls ready to use, simple and powerful
* - registering an IComponent implementation (or an UiElement) in the factory results in its support
* among all the shaders (given the GLSL type, result of sample(...) matches).
* - UiElements are objects to create simple controls quickly and get rid of code duplicity,
* for more info @see OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.UIControls.register()
* @class OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.UIControls
$.WebGLModule.UIControls = class {
* Get all available control types
* @return {string[]} array of available control types
static types() {
return Object.keys(this._items).concat(Object.keys(this._impls));
* Get an element used to create simple controls, if you want
* an implementation of the controls themselves (IControl), use build(...) to instantiate
* @param {string} id type of the control
* @return {*}
static getUiElement(id) {
let ctrl = this._items[id];
if (!ctrl) {
console.error("Invalid control: " + id);
ctrl = this._items["number"];
return ctrl;
* Get an element used to create advanced controls, if you want
* an implementation of simple controls, use build(...) to instantiate
* @param {string} id type of the control
* @return {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl}
static getUiClass(id) {
let ctrl = this._impls[id];
if (!ctrl) {
console.error("Invalid control: " + id);
ctrl = this._impls["colormap"];
return ctrl;
* Build UI control object based on given parameters
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.ShaderLayer} context owner of the control
* @param {string} name name used for the layer, should be unique among different context types
* @param {object|*} params parameters passed to the control (defined by the control) or set as default value if not object
* @param {object} defaultParams default parameters that the shader might leverage above defaults of the control itself
* @param {function} accepts required GLSL type of the control predicate, for compatibility typechecking
* @param {object} requiredParams parameters that override anything sent by user or present by defaultParams
* @return {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl}
static build(context, name, params, defaultParams = {}, accepts = () => true, requiredParams = {}) {
//if not an object, but a value: make it the default one
if (!(typeof params === 'object')) {
params = {default: params};
let originalType = defaultParams.type;
defaultParams = $.extend(true, {}, defaultParams, params, requiredParams);
if (!this._items[defaultParams.type]) {
if (!this._impls[defaultParams.type]) {
return this._buildFallback(defaultParams.type, originalType, context,
name, params, defaultParams, accepts, requiredParams);
let cls = new this._impls[defaultParams.type](
context, name, `${name}_${context.uid}`, defaultParams
if (accepts(cls.type, cls)) {
return cls;
return this._buildFallback(defaultParams.type, originalType, context,
name, params, defaultParams, accepts, requiredParams);
} else {
let contextComponent = this.getUiElement(defaultParams.type);
let comp = new $.WebGLModule.UIControls.SimpleUIControl(
context, name, `${name}_${context.uid}`, defaultParams, contextComponent
if (accepts(comp.type, comp)) {
return comp;
return this._buildFallback(contextComponent.glType, originalType, context,
name, params, defaultParams, accepts, requiredParams);
* Register simple UI element by providing necessary object
* implementation:
* { defaults: function() {...}, // object with all default values for all supported parameters
html: function(uniqueId, params, css="") {...}, //how the HTML UI controls look like
glUniformFunName: function() {...}, //what function webGL uses to pass this attribute to GPU
decode: function(fromValue) {...}, //parse value obtained from HTML controls into something
gl[glUniformFunName()](...) can pass to GPU
glType: //what's the type of this parameter wrt. GLSL: int? vec3?
* @param type the identifier under which is this control used: lookup made against params.type
* @param uiElement the object to register, fulfilling the above-described contract
static register(type, uiElement) {
function check(el, prop, desc) {
if (!el[prop]) {
console.warn(`Skipping UI control '${type}' due to '${prop}': missing ${desc}.`);
return false;
return true;
if (check(uiElement, "defaults", "defaults():object") &&
check(uiElement, "html", "html(uniqueId, params, css):htmlString") &&
check(uiElement, "glUniformFunName", "glUniformFunName():string") &&
check(uiElement, "decode", "decode(encodedValue):<compatible with glType>") &&
check(uiElement, "normalize", "normalize(value, params):<typeof value>") &&
check(uiElement, "sample", "sample(value, valueGlType):glslString") &&
check(uiElement, "glType", "glType:string")
) {
uiElement.prototype.getName = () => type;
if (this._items[type]) {
console.warn("Registering an already existing control component: ", type);
uiElement["uiType"] = type;
this._items[type] = uiElement;
* Register class as a UI control
* @param {string} type unique control name / identifier
* @param {OpenSeadragon.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl} cls to register, implementation class of the controls
static registerClass(type, cls) {
//todo not really possible with syntax checker :/
// if ($.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl.isPrototypeOf(cls)) {
cls.prototype.getName = () => type;
if (this._items[type]) {
console.warn("Registering an already existing control component: ", type);
cls._uiType = type;
this._impls[type] = cls;
// } else {
// console.warn(`Skipping UI control '${type}': does not inherit from $.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl.`);
// }
/////// PRIVATE /////////
static _buildFallback(newType, originalType, context, name, params, defaultParams, requiredType, requiredParams) {
//repeated check when building object from type
params.interactive = false;
if (originalType === newType) { //if default and new equal, fail - recursion will not help
console.error(`Invalid parameter in shader '${params.type}': the parameter could not be built.`);
return undefined;
} else { //otherwise try to build with originalType (default)
params.type = originalType;
console.warn("Incompatible UI control type '" + newType + "': making the input non-interactive.");
return this.build(context, name, params, defaultParams, requiredType, requiredParams);
//implementation of UI control classes
//more complex functionality
$.WebGLModule.UIControls._impls = {
//colormap: $.WebGLModule.UIControls.ColorMap
//implementation of UI control objects
//simple functionality
$.WebGLModule.UIControls._items = {
number: {
defaults: function() {
return {title: "Number", interactive: true, default: 0, min: 0, max: 100, step: 1};
html: function(uniqueId, params, css = "") {
let title = params.title ? `<span> ${params.title}</span>` : "";
return `${title}<input class="form-control input-sm" style="${css}" min="${params.min}" max="${params.max}"
step="${params.step}" type="number" id="${uniqueId}">`;
glUniformFunName: function() {
return "uniform1f";
decode: function(fromValue) {
return Number.parseFloat(fromValue);
normalize: function(value, params) {
return (value - params.min) / (params.max - params.min);
sample: function(name, ratio) {
return name;
glType: "float",
uiType: "number"
range: {
defaults: function() {
return {title: "Range", interactive: true, default: 0, min: 0, max: 100, step: 1};
html: function(uniqueId, params, css = "") {
let title = params.title ? `<span> ${params.title}</span>` : "";
return `${title}<input type="range" style="${css}"
class="with-direct-input" min="${params.min}" max="${params.max}" step="${params.step}" id="${uniqueId}">`;
glUniformFunName: function() {
return "uniform1f";
decode: function(fromValue) {
return Number.parseFloat(fromValue);
normalize: function(value, params) {
return (value - params.min) / (params.max - params.min);
sample: function(name, ratio) {
return name;
glType: "float",
uiType: "range"
color: {
defaults: function() {
return { title: "Color", interactive: true, default: "#fff900" };
html: function(uniqueId, params, css = "") {
let title = params.title ? `<span> ${params.title}</span>` : "";
return `${title}<input type="color" id="${uniqueId}" style="${css}" class="form-control input-sm">`;
glUniformFunName: function() {
return "uniform3fv";
decode: function(fromValue) {
try {
let index = fromValue.startsWith("#") ? 1 : 0;
return [
parseInt(fromValue.slice(index, index + 2), 16) / 255,
parseInt(fromValue.slice(index + 2, index + 4), 16) / 255,
parseInt(fromValue.slice(index + 4, index + 6), 16) / 255
} catch (e) {
return [0, 0, 0];
normalize: function(value, params) {
return value;
sample: function(name, ratio) {
return name;
glType: "vec3",
uiType: "color"
bool: {
defaults: function() {
return { title: "Checkbox", interactive: true, default: true };
html: function(uniqueId, params, css = "") {
let title = params.title ? `<span> ${params.title}</span>` : "";
let value = this.decode(params.default) ? "checked" : "";
//note a bit dirty, but works :) - we want uniform access to 'value' property of all inputs
return `${title}<input type="checkbox" style="${css}" id="${uniqueId}" ${value}
class="form-control input-sm" onchange="this.value=this.checked; return true;">`;
glUniformFunName: function() {
return "uniform1i";
decode: function(fromValue) {
return fromValue && fromValue !== "false" ? 1 : 0;
normalize: function(value, params) {
return value;
sample: function(name, ratio) {
return name;
glType: "bool",
uiType: "bool"
* @interface
$.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl = class {
* Sets common properties needed to create the controls:
* this.context @extends WebGLModule.ShaderLayer - owner context
* this.name - name of the parameter for this.context.[load/store]Property(...) call
* this.id - unique ID for HTML id attribute, to be able to locate controls in DOM,
* created as ${uniq}${name}-${context.uid}
* this.webGLVariableName - unique webgl uniform variable name, to not to cause conflicts
* If extended (class-based definition, see registerCass) children should define constructor as
* @example
* constructor(context, name, webGLVariableName, params) {
* super(context, name, webGLVariableName);
* ...
* //possibly make use of params:
* this.params = this.getParams(params);
* //now access params:
* this.params...
* }
* @param {WebGLModule.ShaderLayer} context shader context owning this control
* @param {string} name name of the control (key to the params in the shader configuration)
* @param {string} webGLVariableName configuration parameters,
* depending on the params.type field (the only one required)
* @param {string} uniq another element to construct the DOM id from, mostly for compound controls
constructor(context, name, webGLVariableName, uniq = "") {
this.context = context;
this.id = `${uniq}${name}-${context.uid}`;
this.name = name;
this.webGLVariableName = webGLVariableName;
this._params = {};
this.__onchange = {};
* Safely sets outer params with extension from 'supports'
* - overrides 'supports' values with the correct type (derived from supports or supportsAll)
* - sets 'supports' as defaults if not set
* @param params
getParams(params) {
const t = this.constructor.getVarType;
function mergeSafeType(mask, from, possibleTypes) {
const to = Object.assign({}, mask);
Object.keys(from).forEach(key => {
const tVal = to[key],
fVal = from[key],
tType = t(tVal),
fType = t(fVal);
const typeList = possibleTypes ? possibleTypes[key] : undefined,
pTypeList = typeList ? typeList.map(x => t(x)) : [];
//our type detector distinguishes arrays and objects
if (tVal && fVal && tType === "object" && fType === "object") {
to[key] = mergeSafeType(tVal, fVal, typeList);
} else if (tVal === undefined || tType === fType || pTypeList.includes(fType)) {
to[key] = fVal;
} else if (fType === "string") {
//try parsing NOTE: parsing from supportsAll is ignored!
if (tType === "number") {
const parsed = Number.parseFloat(fVal);
if (!Number.isNaN(parsed)) {
to[key] = parsed;
} else if (tType === "boolean") {
const value = fVal.toLowerCase();
if (value === "false") {
to[key] = false;
if (value === "true") {
to[key] = true;
return to;
return mergeSafeType(this.supports, params, this.supportsAll);
* Safely check certain param value
* @param value value to check
* @param defaultValue default value to return if check fails
* @param paramName name of the param to check value type against
* @return {boolean|number|*}
getSafeParam(value, defaultValue, paramName) {
const t = this.constructor.getVarType;
function nest(suppNode, suppAllNode) {
if (t(suppNode) !== "object") {
return [suppNode, suppAllNode];
if (!suppNode[paramName]) {
return [undefined, undefined];
return nest(suppNode[paramName], suppAllNode ? suppAllNode[paramName] : undefined);
const param = nest(this.supports, this.supportsAll),
tParam = t(param[0]);
if (tParam === "object") {
console.warn("Parameters should not be stored at object level. No type inspection is done.");
return true; //no supported inspection
const tValue = t(value);
//supported type OR supports all types includes the type
if (tValue === tParam || (param[1] && param[1].map(t).includes(tValue))) {
return value;
if (tValue === "string") {
//try parsing NOTE: parsing from supportsAll is ignored!
if (tParam === "number") {
const parsed = Number.parseFloat(value);
if (!Number.isNaN(parsed)) {
return parsed;
} else if (tParam === "boolean") {
const val = value.toLowerCase();
if (val === "false") {
return false;
if (val === "true") {
return true;
//todo test
console.debug("Failed to load safe param -> new feature, debugging! ", value, defaultValue, paramName);
return defaultValue;
* Uniform behaviour wrt type checking in shaders
* @param x
* @return {string}
static getVarType(x) {
if (x === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if (x === null) {
return "null";
return Array.isArray(x) ? "array" : typeof x;
* JavaScript initialization
* - read/store default properties here using this.context.[load/store]Property(...)
* - work with own HTML elements already attached to the DOM
* - set change listeners, input values!
init() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::init() must be implemented.";
* TODO: improve overall setter API
* Allows to set the control value programatically.
* Does not trigger canvas re-rednreing, must be done manually (e.g. control.context.invalidate())
* @param encodedValue any value the given control can support, encoded
* (e.g. as the control acts on the GUI - for input number of
* values between 5 and 42, the value can be '6' or 6 or 6.15
set(encodedValue) {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::set() must be implemented.";
* Called when an image is rendered
* @param program WebglProgram instance
* @param {WebGLRenderingContextBase} gl
glDrawing(program, gl) {
//the control should send something to GPU
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::glDrawing() must be implemented.";
* Called when associated webgl program is switched to
* @param program WebglProgram instance
* @param gl WebGL Context
glLoaded(program, gl) {
//the control should send something to GPU
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::glLoaded() must be implemented.";
* Get the UI HTML controls
* - these can be referenced in this.init(...)
* - should respect this.params.interactive attribute and return non-interactive output if interactive=false
* - don't forget to no to work with DOM elements in init(...) in this case
toHtml(breakLine = true, controlCss = "") {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::toHtml() must be implemented.";
* Handles how the variable is being defined in GLSL
* - should use variable names derived from this.webGLVariableName
define() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::define() must be implemented.";
* Sample the parameter using ratio as interpolation, must be one-liner expression so that GLSL code can write
* `vec3 mySampledValue = ${this.color.sample("0.2")};`
* NOTE: you can define your own global-scope functions to keep one-lined sampling,
* see this.context.includeGlobalCode(...)
* @param {(string|undefined)} value openGL value/variable, used in a way that depends on the UI control currently active
* (do not pass arguments, i.e. 'undefined' just get that value, note that some inputs might require you do it..)
* @param {string} valueGlType GLSL type of the value
* @return {string} valid GLSL oneliner (wihtout ';') for sampling the value, or invalid code (e.g. error message) to signal error
sample(value = undefined, valueGlType = 'void') {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::sample() must be implemented.";
* Parameters supported by this UI component, must contain at least
* - 'interactive' - type bool, enables and disables the control interactivity
* (by changing the content available when rendering html)
* - 'title' - type string, the control title
* Additionally, for compatibility reasons, you should, if possible, define
* - 'default' - type any; the default value for the particular control
* @return {{}} name: default value mapping
get supports() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::supports must be implemented.";
* Type definitions for supports. Can return empty object. In case of missing
* type definitions, the type is derived from the 'supports()' default value type.
* Each key must be an array of default values for the given key if applicable.
* This is an _extension_ to the supports() and can be used only for keys that have more
* than one default type applicable
* @return {{}}
get supportsAll() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::typeDefs must be implemented.";
* GLSL type of this control: what type is returned from this.sample(...) ?
* @return {string}
get type() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::type must be implemented.";
* Raw value sent to the GPU, note that not necessarily typeof raw() === type()
* some controls might send whole arrays of data (raw) and do smart sampling such that type is only a number
* @return {any}
get raw() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::raw must be implemented.";
* Encoded value as used in the UI, e.g. a name of particular colormap, or array of string values of breaks...
* @return {any}
get encoded() {
throw "WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl::encoded must be implemented.";
//////// COMMON API //////////////////
* The control type component was registered with. Handled internally.
* @return {*}
get uiControlType() {
return this.constructor._uiType;
* Get current control parameters
* the control should set the value as this._params = this.getParams(incomingParams);
* @return {{}}
get params() {
return this._params;
* Automatically overridden to return the name of the control it was registered with
* @return {string}
getName() {
return "IControl";
* Load a value from cache to support its caching - should be used on all values
* that are available for the user to play around with and change using UI controls
* @param defaultValue value to return in case of no cached value
* @param paramName name of the parameter, must be equal to the name from 'supports' definition
* - default value can be empty string
* @return {*} cached or default value
load(defaultValue, paramName = "") {
if (paramName === "default") {
paramName = "";
const value = this.context.loadProperty(this.name + paramName, defaultValue);
//check param in case of input cache collision between shader types
return this.getSafeParam(value, defaultValue, paramName === "" ? "default" : paramName);
* Store a value from cache to support its caching - should be used on all values
* that are available for the user to play around with and change using UI controls
* @param value to store
* @param paramName name of the parameter, must be equal to the name from 'supports' definition
* - default value can be empty string
store(value, paramName = "") {
if (paramName === "default") {
paramName = "";
return this.context.storeProperty(this.name + paramName, value);
* On parameter change register self
* @param {string} event which event to fire on
* - events are with inputs the names of supported parameters (this.supports), separated by dot if nested
* - most controls support "default" event - change of default value
* - see specific control implementation to see what events are fired (Advanced Slider fires "breaks" and "mask" for instance)
* @param {function} clbck(rawValue, encodedValue, context) call once change occurs, context is the control instance
on(event, clbck) {
this.__onchange[event] = clbck; //only one possible event -> rewrite?
* Clear events of the event type
* @param {string} event type
off(event) {
delete this.__onchange[event];
* Clear ALL events
clearEvents() {
this.__onchange = {};
* Invoke changed value event
* -- should invoke every time a value changes !driven by USER!, and use unique or compatible
* event name (event 'value') so that shader knows what changed
* @param event event to call
* @param value decoded value of encodedValue
* @param encodedValue value that was received from the UI input
* @param context self reference to bind to the callback
changed(event, value, encodedValue, context) {
if (typeof this.__onchange[event] === "function") {
this.__onchange[event](value, encodedValue, context);
* Generic UI control implementations
* used if:
* {
* type: "CONTROL TYPE",
* ...
* }
* The subclass constructor should get the context reference, the name
* of the input and the parametrization.
* Further parameters passed are dependent on the control type, see
* @ WebGLModule.UIControls
* @class WebGLModule.UIControls.SimpleUIControl
$.WebGLModule.UIControls.SimpleUIControl = class extends $.WebGLModule.UIControls.IControl {
//uses intristicComponent that holds all specifications needed to work with the component uniformly
constructor(context, name, webGLVariableName, params, intristicComponent, uniq = "") {
super(context, name, webGLVariableName, uniq);
this.component = intristicComponent;
this._params = this.getParams(params);
this.encodedValue = this.load(this.params.default);
//this unfortunatelly makes cache erasing and rebuilding vis impossible, the shader part has to be fully re-instantiated
this.params.default = this.encodedValue;
init() {
this.value = this.component.normalize(this.component.decode(this.encodedValue), this.params);
if (this.params.interactive) {
const _this = this;
let node = document.getElementById(this.id);
if (node) {
let updater = function(e) {
node.value = this.encodedValue;
node.addEventListener('change', updater);
set(encodedValue) {
this.encodedValue = encodedValue;
this.value = this.component.normalize(this.component.decode(this.encodedValue), this.params);
this.changed("default", this.value, this.encodedValue, this);
glDrawing(program, gl) {
gl[this.component.glUniformFunName()](this.glLocation, this.value);
glLoaded(program, gl) {
this.glLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, this.webGLVariableName);
toHtml(breakLine = true, controlCss = "") {
if (!this.params.interactive) {
return "";
const result = this.component.html(this.id, this.params, controlCss);
return breakLine ? `<div>${result}</div>` : result;
define() {
return `uniform ${this.component.glType} ${this.webGLVariableName};`;
sample(value = undefined, valueGlType = 'void') {
if (!value || valueGlType !== 'float') {
return this.webGLVariableName;
return this.component.sample(this.webGLVariableName, value);
get uiControlType() {
return this.component["uiType"];
get supports() {
return this.component.defaults();
get supportsAll() {
return {};
get raw() {
return this.value;
get encoded() {
return this.encodedValue;
get type() {
return this.component.glType;