2025-01-14 12:26:28 +01:00

870 lines
35 KiB

/* global QUnit, testLog */
(function() {
const Convertor = OpenSeadragon.convertor,
T_A = "__TEST__typeA", T_B = "__TEST__typeB", T_C = "__TEST__typeC", T_D = "__TEST__typeD", T_E = "__TEST__typeE";
let viewer;
//we override jobs: remember original function
const originalJob = OpenSeadragon.ImageLoader.prototype.addJob;
//event awaiting
function waitFor(predicate) {
const time = setInterval(() => {
if (predicate()) {
}, 20);
const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// Replace conversion with our own system and test: __TEST__ prefix must be used, otherwise
// other tests will interfere
let typeAtoB = 0, typeBtoC = 0, typeCtoA = 0, typeDtoA = 0, typeCtoE = 0;
//set all same costs to get easy testing, know which path will be taken
Convertor.learn(T_A, T_B, (tile, x) => {
return x+1;
// Costly conversion to C simulation
Convertor.learn(T_B, T_C, async (tile, x) => {
await sleep(5);
return x+1;
Convertor.learn(T_C, T_A, (tile, x) => {
return x+1;
Convertor.learn(T_D, T_A, (tile, x) => {
return x+1;
Convertor.learn(T_C, T_E, (tile, x) => {
return x+1;
//'Copy constructors'
let copyA = 0, copyB = 0, copyC = 0, copyD = 0, copyE = 0;
//also learn destructors
Convertor.learn(T_A, T_A,(tile, x) => {
return x+1;
Convertor.learn(T_B, T_B,(tile, x) => {
return x+1;
Convertor.learn(T_C, T_C,(tile, x) => {
return x-1;
Convertor.learn(T_D, T_D,(tile, x) => {
return x+1;
Convertor.learn(T_E, T_E,(tile, x) => {
return x+1;
let destroyA = 0, destroyB = 0, destroyC = 0, destroyD = 0, destroyE = 0;
//also learn destructors
Convertor.learnDestroy(T_A, () => {
Convertor.learnDestroy(T_B, () => {
Convertor.learnDestroy(T_C, () => {
Convertor.learnDestroy(T_D, () => {
Convertor.learnDestroy(T_E, () => {
// ----------
QUnit.module('TileCache', {
beforeEach: function () {
$('<div id="example"></div>').appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
OpenSeadragon.ImageLoader.prototype.addJob = originalJob;
// Reset counters
typeAtoB = 0, typeBtoC = 0, typeCtoA = 0, typeDtoA = 0, typeCtoE = 0;
copyA = 0, copyB = 0, copyC = 0, copyD = 0, copyE = 0;
destroyA = 0, destroyB = 0, destroyC = 0, destroyD = 0, destroyE = 0;
OpenSeadragon.TestCacheDrawer = class extends OpenSeadragon.DrawerBase {
constructor(opts) {
this.testEvents = new OpenSeadragon.EventSource();
static isSupported() {
return true;
_createDrawingElement() {
return document.createElement("div");
draw(tiledImages) {
for (let image of tiledImages) {
const tilesDoDraw = image.getTilesToDraw().map(info => info.tile);
for (let tile of tilesDoDraw) {
const data = this.getDataToDraw(tile);
this.testEvents.raiseEvent('test-tile', {
tile: tile,
dataToDraw: data,
internalCacheFree(data) {
canRotate() {
return true;
destroy() {
drawDebuggingRect(rect) {
OpenSeadragon.SyncInternalCacheDrawer = class extends OpenSeadragon.TestCacheDrawer {
getType() {
return "test-cache-drawer-sync";
getSupportedDataFormats() {
return [T_C, T_E];
// Make test use private cache
get defaultOptions() {
return {
usePrivateCache: true,
preloadCache: false,
internalCacheCreate(cache, tile) {
OpenSeadragon.AsnycInternalCacheDrawer = class extends OpenSeadragon.TestCacheDrawer {
getType() {
return "test-cache-drawer-async";
getSupportedDataFormats() {
return [T_A];
// Make test use private cache
get defaultOptions() {
return {
usePrivateCache: true,
preloadCache: true,
internalCacheCreate(cache, tile) {
return cache.getDataAs(T_C, true);
internalCacheFree(data) {
// Be nice and truly destroy the data copy
OpenSeadragon.convertor.destroy(data, T_C);
OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource = class extends OpenSeadragon.TileSource {
supports( data, url ){
return data && data.isTestSource;
configure( data, url, postData ){
return {
width: 512, /* width *required */
height: 512, /* height *required */
tileSize: 128, /* tileSize *required */
tileOverlap: 0, /* tileOverlap *required */
minLevel: 0, /* minLevel */
maxLevel: 3, /* maxLevel */
tilesUrl: "", /* tilesUrl */
fileFormat: "", /* fileFormat */
displayRects: null /* displayRects */
getTileUrl(level, x, y) {
return String(level); //treat each tile on level same to introduce cache overlaps
downloadTileStart(context) {
context.finish(0, null, T_A);
afterEach: function () {
if (viewer && viewer.close) {
// Some tests test all drawers - remove test drawers to avoid collision with other tests
OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource = null;
OpenSeadragon.AsnycInternalCacheDrawer = null;
OpenSeadragon.SyncInternalCacheDrawer = null;
OpenSeadragon.TestCacheDrawer = null;
viewer = null;
// ----------
QUnit.test('basics', function(assert) {
const done = assert.async();
const fakeViewer = MockSeadragon.getViewer(
// tile in safe mode inspects the supported formats upon cache set
getSupportedDataFormats() {
return [T_A, T_B, T_C, T_D, T_E];
const fakeTiledImage0 = MockSeadragon.getTiledImage(fakeViewer);
const fakeTiledImage1 = MockSeadragon.getTiledImage(fakeViewer);
const tile0 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo.jpg', fakeTiledImage0);
const tile1 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo.jpg', fakeTiledImage1);
const cache = new OpenSeadragon.TileCache();
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 0, 'no tiles to begin with');
tile0._caches[tile0.cacheKey] = cache.cacheTile({
tile: tile0,
tiledImage: fakeTiledImage0,
data: 3,
dataType: T_A
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 1, 'tile count after cache');
tile1._caches[tile1.cacheKey] = cache.cacheTile({
tile: tile1,
tiledImage: fakeTiledImage1,
data: 55,
dataType: T_B
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 2, 'tile count after second cache');
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 1, 'tile count after first clear');
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 0, 'tile count after second clear');
// ----------
QUnit.test('maxImageCacheCount', function(assert) {
const done = assert.async();
const fakeViewer = MockSeadragon.getViewer(
// tile in safe mode inspects the supported formats upon cache set
getSupportedDataFormats() {
return [T_A, T_B, T_C, T_D, T_E];
const fakeTiledImage0 = MockSeadragon.getTiledImage(fakeViewer);
const tile0 = MockSeadragon.getTile('different.jpg', fakeTiledImage0);
const tile1 = MockSeadragon.getTile('same.jpg', fakeTiledImage0);
const tile2 = MockSeadragon.getTile('same.jpg', fakeTiledImage0);
const cache = new OpenSeadragon.TileCache({
maxImageCacheCount: 1
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 0, 'no tiles to begin with');
tile0._caches[tile0.cacheKey] = cache.cacheTile({
tile: tile0,
tiledImage: fakeTiledImage0,
data: 55,
dataType: T_B
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 1, 'tile count after add');
tile1._caches[tile1.cacheKey] = cache.cacheTile({
tile: tile1,
tiledImage: fakeTiledImage0,
data: 55,
dataType: T_B
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 1, 'tile count after add of second image');
tile2._caches[tile2.cacheKey] = cache.cacheTile({
tile: tile2,
tiledImage: fakeTiledImage0,
data: 55,
dataType: T_B
assert.equal(cache.numTilesLoaded(), 2, 'tile count after additional same image');
// Tile API and cache interaction
QUnit.test('Tile: basic rendering & test setup (sync drawer)', function(test) {
const done = test.async();
viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: 'example',
prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/',
maxImageCacheCount: 200, //should be enough to fit test inside the cache
springStiffness: 100, // Faster animation = faster tests
drawer: 'test-cache-drawer-sync',
const tileCache = viewer.tileCache;
const drawer = viewer.drawer;
let testTileCalled = false;
let countFreeCalled = 0;
let countCreateCalled = 0;
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('test-tile', e => {
testTileCalled = true;
test.ok(e.dataToDraw, "Tile data is ready to be drawn");
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('create-data', e => {
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('free-data', e => {
viewer.addHandler('open', async () => {
await viewer.waitForFinishedJobsForTest();
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
test.ok( instanceof OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource, "Tests are done with empty test source type T_A.");
test.ok( instanceof OpenSeadragon.EmptyTestT_ATileSource, "Tests are done with empty test source type T_A.");
test.ok(testTileCalled, "Drawer tested at least one tile.");
test.ok(typeAtoB > 1, "At least one conversion was triggered.");
test.equal(typeAtoB, typeBtoC, "A->B = B->C, since we need to move all data to T_C for the drawer.");
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const cache = tile.getCache();
test.equal(cache.type, T_C, "Cache data was affected, the drawer supports only T_C since there is no way to get to T_E.");
const internalCache = cache.getDataForRendering(drawer, tile);
test.equal(internalCache.type, viewer.drawer.getId(), "Sync conversion routine means T_C is also internal since dataCreate only creates data. However, internal cache keeps type of the drawer ID.");
test.ok(internalCache.loaded, "Internal cache ready.");
test.ok(countCreateCalled > 0, "Internal cache creation called.");
test.equal(countCreateCalled, countFreeCalled, "Free called as many times as create.");
{isTestSource: true},
{isTestSource: true},
QUnit.test('Tile & Invalidation API: basic conversion & preprocessing', function(test) {
const done = test.async();
viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: 'example',
prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/',
maxImageCacheCount: 200, //should be enough to fit test inside the cache
springStiffness: 100, // Faster animation = faster tests
drawer: 'test-cache-drawer-async',
const tileCache = viewer.tileCache;
const drawer = viewer.drawer;
let testTileCalled = false;
let _currentTestVal = undefined;
let previousTestValue = undefined;
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('test-tile', e => {
test.ok(e.dataToDraw, "Tile data is ready to be drawn");
if (_currentTestVal !== undefined) {
testTileCalled = true;
test.equal(e.dataToDraw, _currentTestVal, "Value is correct on the drawn data.");
function testDrawingRoutine(value) {
_currentTestVal = value;;;
_currentTestVal = undefined;
viewer.addHandler('open', async () => {
await viewer.waitForFinishedJobsForTest();
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
// Test simple data set -> creates main cache
let testHandler = async e => {
// data comes in as T_A
test.equal(typeDtoA, 0, "No conversion needed to get type A.");
test.equal(typeCtoA, 0, "No conversion needed to get type A.");
const data = await e.getData(T_A);
test.equal(data, 1, "Copy: creation of a working cache.");
e.tile.__TEST_PROCESSED = true;
// Test value 2 since we set T_C no need to convert
await e.setData(2, T_C);
test.notOk(e.outdated(), "Event is still valid.");
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
//test for each level only single cache was processed
const processedLevels = {};
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const level = tile.level;
if (tile.__TEST_PROCESSED) {
test.ok(!processedLevels[level], "Only single tile processed per level.");
processedLevels[level] = true;
delete tile.__TEST_PROCESSED;
const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
test.equal(origCache.type, T_A, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
test.equal(, 0, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses internal cache.");
const cache = tile.getCache();
test.equal(cache.type, T_A, "Main Cache Converted T_C -> T_A (drawer supports type A) (suite 1)");
test.equal(, 3, "Conversion step increases plugin-stored value 2 to 3");
const internalCache = cache.getDataForRendering(drawer, tile);
test.equal(internalCache.type, viewer.drawer.getId(), "Internal cache has type of the drawer ID.");
test.ok(internalCache.loaded, "Internal cache ready.");
// Internal cache will have value 5: main cache is 3, type is T_A,
testDrawingRoutine(5); // internal cache transforms to T_C: two steps, TA->TB->TC 3+2
// Test that basic scenario with reset data false starts from the main cache data of previous round
const modificationConstant = 50;
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
const data = await e.getData(T_B);
test.equal(data, 4, "A -> B conversion happened, we started from value 3 in the main cache.");
await e.setData(data + modificationConstant, T_B);
test.notOk(e.outdated(), "Event is still valid.");
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// We set data as TB - there is required T_A: T_B -> T_C -> T_A conversion round on the main cache
let newValue = modificationConstant + 4 + 2;
// and there is still requirement of T_C on internal data, +2 steps
testDrawingRoutine(newValue + 2);
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const cache = tile.getCache();
test.equal(cache.type, T_A, "Main Cache Updated (suite 2).");
test.equal(, newValue, "Main Cache Updated (suite 2).");
// Now test whether data reset works, value 1 -> copy perfomed due to internal cache cration
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
const data = await e.getData(T_B);
test.equal(data, 1, "Copy: creation of a working cache.");
await e.setData(-8, T_E);
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
await sleep(1); // necessary to make space for a draw call
testDrawingRoutine(2); // Value +2 rendering from original data
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
test.ok(tile.getCache() === origCache, "Main cache is now original cache.");
// Now force main cache creation that differs
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
await e.setData(41, T_B);
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// Now test whether data reset works, even with non-original data
viewer.removeHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
testHandler = async e => {
const data = await e.getData(T_B);
test.equal(data, 44, "Copy: 41 +2 (previous request invalidate ends at T_A) + 1 (we request type B).");
await e.setData(data, T_E); // there is no way to convert T_E -> T_A, this would throw an error
e.resetData(); // reset data will revert to original cache
viewer.addHandler('tile-invalidated', testHandler);
// The data will be 45 since no change has been made:
// last main cache set was 41 T_B, supported T_A = +2
// and internal requirement T_C = +2
const checkNotCalled = e => {
test.ok(false, "Create data must not be called when there is no change!");
drawer.testEvents.addHandler('create-data', checkNotCalled);
for (let tile of tileCache._tilesLoaded) {
const origCache = tile.getCache(tile.originalCacheKey);
test.equal(origCache.type, T_A, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses main cache even after refresh.");
test.equal(, 0, "Original cache data was not affected, the drawer uses main cache even after refresh.");
test.ok(testTileCalled, "Drawer tested at least one tile.");
{isTestSource: true},
{isTestSource: true},
//Tile API and cache interaction
QUnit.test('Tile API Cache Interaction', function(test) {
const done = test.async();
const fakeViewer = MockSeadragon.getViewer(
// tile in safe mode inspects the supported formats upon cache set
getSupportedDataFormats() {
return [T_A, T_B, T_C, T_D, T_E];
const tileCache = fakeViewer.tileCache;
const fakeTiledImage0 = MockSeadragon.getTiledImage(fakeViewer);
const fakeTiledImage1 = MockSeadragon.getTiledImage(fakeViewer);
//load data
const tile00 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo.jpg', fakeTiledImage0);
tile00.addCache(tile00.cacheKey, 0, T_A, false, false);
const tile01 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo2.jpg', fakeTiledImage0);
tile01.addCache(tile01.cacheKey, 0, T_B, false, false);
const tile10 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo3.jpg', fakeTiledImage1);
tile10.addCache(tile10.cacheKey, 0, T_C, false, false);
const tile11 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo3.jpg', fakeTiledImage1);
tile11.addCache(tile11.cacheKey, 0, T_C, false, false);
const tile12 = MockSeadragon.getTile('foo.jpg', fakeTiledImage1);
tile12.addCache(tile12.cacheKey, 0, T_A, false, false);
//test set/get data in async env
(async function() {
test.equal(tileCache.numTilesLoaded(), 5, "We loaded 5 tiles");
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 3, "We loaded 3 cache objects - three different urls");
const c00 = tile00.getCache(tile00.cacheKey);
const c12 = tile12.getCache(tile12.cacheKey);
//now test multi-cache within tile
const theTileKey = tile00.cacheKey;
tile00.addCache(tile00.buildDistinctMainCacheKey(), 42, T_E, true, false);
test.notEqual(tile00.cacheKey, tile00.originalCacheKey, "New cache rendered.");
//now add artifically another record
tile00.addCache("my_custom_cache", 128, T_C);
test.equal(tileCache.numTilesLoaded(), 5, "We still loaded only 5 tiles.");
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 5, "The cache has now 5 items (two new added already).");
test.equal(c00.getTileCount(), 2, "The cache still has only two tiles attached.");
test.equal(tile00.getCacheSize(), 3, "The tile has three cache objects (original data, main cache & custom.");
//related tile not affected
test.equal(tile12.cacheKey, tile12.originalCacheKey, "Original cache change not reflected on shared caches.");
test.equal(tile12.originalCacheKey, theTileKey, "Original cache key also preserved.");
test.equal(c12.getTileCount(), 2, "The original data cache still has only two tiles attached.");
//add and delete cache nothing changes (+1 destroy T_C)
tile00.addCache("my_custom_cache2", 128, T_C);
test.equal(tileCache.numTilesLoaded(), 5, "We still loaded only 5 tiles.");
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 5, "The cache has now 5 items.");
test.equal(tile00.getCacheSize(), 3, "The tile has three cache objects.");
//delete cache as a zombie (+0 destroy)
tile00.addCache("my_custom_cache2", 17, T_D);
//direct access shoes correct value although we set key!
const myCustomCache2Data = tile00.getCache("my_custom_cache2").data;
test.equal(myCustomCache2Data, 17, "Previously defined cache does not intervene.");
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 6, "The cache size is 6.");
//keep zombie
tile00.removeCache("my_custom_cache2", false);
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 6, "The cache is 5 + 1 zombie, no change.");
test.equal(tile00.getCacheSize(), 3, "The tile has three cache objects.");
test.equal(tileCache._zombiesLoadedCount, 1, "One zombie.");
//revive zombie
tile01.addCache("my_custom_cache2", 18, T_D);
const myCustomCache2OtherData = tile01.getCache("my_custom_cache2").data;
test.equal(myCustomCache2OtherData, myCustomCache2Data, "Caches are equal because revived.");
test.equal(tileCache._cachesLoadedCount, 6, "Zombie revived, original state restored.");
test.equal(tileCache._zombiesLoadedCount, 0, "No zombies.");
//again, keep zombie
tile01.removeCache("my_custom_cache2", false);
//first create additional cache so zombie is not the youngest
tile01.addCache("some weird cache", 11, T_A);
test.ok(tile01.cacheKey === tile01.originalCacheKey, "Custom cache does not touch tile cache keys.");
//insertion aadditional cache clears the zombie first although it is not the youngest one
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 7, "The cache has now 7 items.");
test.equal(tileCache._cachesLoadedCount, 6, "New cache created -> 5+1.");
test.equal(tileCache._zombiesLoadedCount, 1, "One zombie remains.");
//Test CAP
tileCache._maxCacheItemCount = 7;
// Zombie destroyed before other caches (+1 destroy T_D)
tile12.addCache("someKey", 43, T_B);
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 7, "The cache has now 7 items.");
test.equal(tileCache._zombiesLoadedCount, 0, "One zombie sacrificed, preferred over living cache.");
test.notOk([tile00, tile01, tile10, tile11, tile12].find(x => !x.loaded), "All tiles sill loaded since zombie was sacrificed.");
// test destructors called as expected
test.equal(destroyA, 0, "No destructors for A called.");
test.equal(destroyB, 0, "No destructors for B called.");
test.equal(destroyC, 1, "One destruction for C called.");
test.equal(destroyD, 1, "One destruction for D called.");
test.equal(destroyE, 0, "No destructors for E called.");
//try to revive zombie will fail: the zombie was deleted, we will find new vaue there
tile01.addCache("my_custom_cache2", -849613, T_C);
const myCustomCache2RecreatedData = tile01.getCache("my_custom_cache2").data;
test.notEqual(myCustomCache2RecreatedData, myCustomCache2Data, "Caches are not equal because zombie was killed.");
test.equal(myCustomCache2RecreatedData, -849613, "Cache data is actually as set to 18.");
test.equal(tileCache.numCachesLoaded(), 7, "The cache has still 7 items.");
// some tile has been selected as a sacrifice since we triggered cap control
test.ok([tile00, tile01, tile10, tile11, tile12].find(x => !x.loaded), "One tile has been sacrificed.");
QUnit.test('Zombie Cache', function(test) {
const done = test.async();
viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: 'example',
prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/',
maxImageCacheCount: 200, //should be enough to fit test inside the cache
springStiffness: 100, // Faster animation = faster tests
drawer: 'test-cache-drawer-sync',
//test jobs by coverage: fail if cached coverage not fully re-stored without jobs
let jobCounter = 0, coverage = undefined;
OpenSeadragon.ImageLoader.prototype.addJob = function (options) {
if (coverage) {
//old coverage of previous tiled image: if loaded, fail --> should be in cache
const coverageItem = coverage[options.tile.level][options.tile.x][options.tile.y];
test.ok(!coverageItem, "Attempt to add job for tile that should be already in memory.");
return, options);
let tilesFinished = 0;
const tileCounter = function (event) {tilesFinished++;}
const openHandler = function(event) {
event.item.allowZombieCache(true);'add-item', openHandler);
test.ok(jobCounter === 0, 'Initial state, no images loaded');
waitFor(() => {
if (tilesFinished === jobCounter && event.item._fullyLoaded) {
coverage = $.extend(true, {}, event.item.coverage);;
return true;
return false;
let jobsAfterRemoval = 0;
const removalHandler = function (event) {'remove-item', removalHandler);
test.ok(jobCounter > 0, 'Tiled image removed after 100 ms, should load some images.');
jobsAfterRemoval = jobCounter;'add-item', reopenHandler);
tileSource: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi'
const reopenHandler = function (event) {
viewer.removeHandler('add-item', reopenHandler);
test.equal(jobCounter, jobsAfterRemoval, 'Reopening image does not fetch any tiles imemdiatelly.');
waitFor(() => {
if (event.item._fullyLoaded) {
viewer.removeHandler('tile-unloaded', unloadTileHandler);
viewer.removeHandler('tile-loaded', tileCounter);
coverage = undefined;
//console test needs here explicit removal to finish correctly
OpenSeadragon.ImageLoader.prototype.addJob = originalJob;
return true;
return false;
const unloadTileHandler = function (event) {
test.equal(event.destroyed, false, "Tile unload event should not delete with zombies!");
}'add-item', openHandler);'remove-item', removalHandler);
viewer.addHandler('tile-unloaded', unloadTileHandler);
viewer.addHandler('tile-loaded', tileCounter);'/test/data/testpattern.dzi');
QUnit.test('Zombie Cache Replace Item', function(test) {
const done = test.async();
viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: 'example',
prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/',
maxImageCacheCount: 200, //should be enough to fit test inside the cache
springStiffness: 100, // Faster animation = faster tests
drawer: 'test-cache-drawer-sync',
let jobCounter = 0, coverage = undefined;
OpenSeadragon.ImageLoader.prototype.addJob = function (options) {
if (coverage) {
//old coverage of previous tiled image: if loaded, fail --> should be in cache
const coverageItem = coverage[options.tile.level][options.tile.x][options.tile.y];
if (!coverageItem) {
console.warn(coverage, coverage[options.tile.level][options.tile.x], options.tile);
test.ok(!coverageItem, "Attempt to add job for tile data that was previously loaded.");
return, options);
let tilesFinished = 0;
const tileCounter = function (event) {tilesFinished++;}
const openHandler = function(event) {
event.item.allowZombieCache(true);'add-item', openHandler);'add-item', reopenHandler);
waitFor(() => {
if (tilesFinished === jobCounter && event.item._fullyLoaded) {
coverage = $.extend(true, {}, event.item.coverage);
tileSource: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi',
index: 0,
replace: true
return true;
return false;
const reopenHandler = function (event) {
viewer.removeHandler('add-item', reopenHandler);
waitFor(() => {
if (event.item._fullyLoaded) {
viewer.removeHandler('tile-unloaded', unloadTileHandler);
viewer.removeHandler('tile-loaded', tileCounter);
//console test needs here explicit removal to finish correctly
OpenSeadragon.ImageLoader.prototype.addJob = originalJob;
return true;
return false;
const unloadTileHandler = function (event) {
test.equal(event.destroyed, false, "Tile unload event should not delete with zombies!");
}'add-item', openHandler);
viewer.addHandler('tile-unloaded', unloadTileHandler);
viewer.addHandler('tile-loaded', tileCounter);'/test/data/testpattern.dzi');