mirror of
synced 2025-01-20 01:31:45 +03:00
214 lines
6.8 KiB
214 lines
6.8 KiB
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// ----------
// ----------
var packageJson = grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
distribution = "build/openseadragon/openseadragon.js",
minified = "build/openseadragon/openseadragon.min.js",
packageDirName = "openseadragon-bin-" + packageJson.version,
packageDir = "build/" + packageDirName + "/",
releaseRoot = "../site-build/built-openseadragon/",
sources = [
// ----------
// Project configuration.
pkg: packageJson,
clean: {
build: ["build"],
package: [packageDir],
release: {
src: [releaseRoot + '*', '!' + releaseRoot + 'releases'],
options: {
force: true
concat: {
options: {
banner: "//! <%= pkg.name %> <%= pkg.version %>\n"
+ "//! Built on <%= grunt.template.today('yyyy-mm-dd') %>\n"
+ "//! Git commit: <%= gitInfo %>\n"
+ "//! http://openseadragon.github.io\n\n",
process: true
dist: {
src: [ "<banner>" ].concat(sources),
dest: distribution
uglify: {
options: {
preserveComments: "some"
openseadragon: {
src: [ distribution ],
dest: minified
compress: {
zip: {
options: {
archive: "build/releases/" + packageDirName + ".zip",
level: 9
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: "build/", src: [ packageDirName + "/**" ] }
tar: {
options: {
archive: "build/releases/" + packageDirName + ".tar.gz",
level: 9
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: "build/", src: [ packageDirName + "/**" ] }
qunit: {
all: {
options: {
urls: [ "http://localhost:8000/test/test.html" ]
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 8000,
base: "."
watch: {
files: [ "Gruntfile.js", "src/*.js", "images/*" ],
tasks: "build"
jshint: {
options: {
browser: true,
eqeqeq: false,
loopfunc: false,
globals: {
OpenSeadragon: true
beforeconcat: sources,
afterconcat: [ distribution ]
"git-describe": {
build: {
options: {
prop: "gitInfo"
// ----------
// Copy:build task.
// Copies the image files into the appropriate location in the build folder.
grunt.registerTask("copy:build", function() {
grunt.file.recurse("images", function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
grunt.file.copy(abspath, "build/openseadragon/images/" + (subdir || "") + filename);
grunt.file.copy("changelog.txt", "build/changelog.txt");
// ----------
// Copy:package task.
// Creates a directory tree to be compressed into a package.
grunt.registerTask("copy:package", function() {
grunt.file.recurse("build/openseadragon", function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
var dest = packageDir
+ (subdir ? subdir + "/" : '/')
+ filename;
grunt.file.copy(abspath, dest);
grunt.file.copy("changelog.txt", packageDir + "changelog.txt");
grunt.file.copy("licenses/mit.txt", packageDir + "licenses/mit.txt");
grunt.file.copy("licenses/new-bsd.txt", packageDir + "licenses/new-bsd.txt");
// ----------
// Copy:release task.
// Copies the contents of the build folder into the release folder.
grunt.registerTask("copy:release", function() {
grunt.file.recurse("build", function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
var dest = releaseRoot
+ (subdir ? subdir + "/" : '/')
+ filename;
grunt.file.copy(abspath, dest);
// ----------
// Build task.
// Cleans out the build folder and builds the code and images into it, checking lint.
grunt.registerTask("build", [
"clean:build", "jshint:beforeconcat", "git-describe", "concat", "jshint:afterconcat", "uglify", "copy:build"
// ----------
// Test task.
// Builds and runs unit tests.
grunt.registerTask("test", ["build", "connect", "qunit"]);
// ----------
// Package task.
// Builds and creates the .zip and .tar.gz files.
grunt.registerTask("package", ["build", "copy:package", "compress", "clean:package"]);
// ----------
// Publish task.
// Cleans the built files out of the release folder and copies newly built ones over.
grunt.registerTask("publish", ["package", "clean:release", "copy:release"]);
// ----------
// Default task.
// Does a normal build.
grunt.registerTask("default", ["build"]);