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333 lines
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333 lines
8.3 KiB
if (typeof JSDOC == "undefined") JSDOC = {};
@class Search a {@link JSDOC.TextStream} for language tokens.
JSDOC.TokenReader = function() {
this.keepDocs = true;
this.keepWhite = false;
this.keepComments = false;
@type {JSDOC.Token[]}
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.tokenize = function(/**JSDOC.TextStream*/stream) {
var tokens = [];
/**@ignore*/ tokens.last = function() { return tokens[tokens.length-1]; }
/**@ignore*/ tokens.lastSym = function() {
for (var i = tokens.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!(tokens[i].is("WHIT") || tokens[i].is("COMM"))) return tokens[i];
while (!stream.look().eof) {
if (this.read_mlcomment(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_slcomment(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_dbquote(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_snquote(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_regx(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_numb(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_punc(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_newline(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_space(stream, tokens)) continue;
if (this.read_word(stream, tokens)) continue;
// if execution reaches here then an error has happened
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(stream.next(), "TOKN", "UNKNOWN_TOKEN"));
return tokens;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_word = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var found = "";
while (!stream.look().eof && JSDOC.Lang.isWordChar(stream.look())) {
found += stream.next();
if (found === "") {
return false;
else {
var name;
if ((name = JSDOC.Lang.keyword(found))) tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "KEYW", name));
else tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "NAME", "NAME"));
return true;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_punc = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var found = "";
var name;
while (!stream.look().eof && JSDOC.Lang.punc(found+stream.look())) {
found += stream.next();
if (found === "") {
return false;
else {
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "PUNC", JSDOC.Lang.punc(found)));
return true;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_space = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var found = "";
while (!stream.look().eof && JSDOC.Lang.isSpace(stream.look())) {
found += stream.next();
if (found === "") {
return false;
else {
if (this.collapseWhite) found = " ";
if (this.keepWhite) tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "WHIT", "SPACE"));
return true;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_newline = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var found = "";
while (!stream.look().eof && JSDOC.Lang.isNewline(stream.look())) {
found += stream.next();
if (found === "") {
return false;
else {
if (this.collapseWhite) found = "\n";
if (this.keepWhite) tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "WHIT", "NEWLINE"));
return true;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_mlcomment = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
if (stream.look() == "/" && stream.look(1) == "*") {
var found = stream.next(2);
while (!stream.look().eof && !(stream.look(-1) == "/" && stream.look(-2) == "*")) {
found += stream.next();
// to start doclet we allow /** or /*** but not /**/ or /****
if (/^\/\*\*([^\/]|\*[^*])/.test(found) && this.keepDocs) tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "COMM", "JSDOC"));
else if (this.keepComments) tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "COMM", "MULTI_LINE_COMM"));
return true;
return false;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_slcomment = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var found;
if (
(stream.look() == "/" && stream.look(1) == "/" && (found=stream.next(2)))
(stream.look() == "<" && stream.look(1) == "!" && stream.look(2) == "-" && stream.look(3) == "-" && (found=stream.next(4)))
) {
while (!stream.look().eof && !JSDOC.Lang.isNewline(stream.look())) {
found += stream.next();
if (this.keepComments) {
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "COMM", "SINGLE_LINE_COMM"));
return true;
return false;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_dbquote = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
if (stream.look() == "\"") {
// find terminator
var string = stream.next();
while (!stream.look().eof) {
if (stream.look() == "\\") {
if (JSDOC.Lang.isNewline(stream.look(1))) {
do {
} while (!stream.look().eof && JSDOC.Lang.isNewline(stream.look()));
string += "\\\n";
else {
string += stream.next(2);
else if (stream.look() == "\"") {
string += stream.next();
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(string, "STRN", "DOUBLE_QUOTE"));
return true;
else {
string += stream.next();
return false; // error! unterminated string
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_snquote = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
if (stream.look() == "'") {
// find terminator
var string = stream.next();
while (!stream.look().eof) {
if (stream.look() == "\\") { // escape sequence
string += stream.next(2);
else if (stream.look() == "'") {
string += stream.next();
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(string, "STRN", "SINGLE_QUOTE"));
return true;
else {
string += stream.next();
return false; // error! unterminated string
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_numb = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
if (stream.look() === "0" && stream.look(1) == "x") {
return this.read_hex(stream, tokens);
var found = "";
while (!stream.look().eof && JSDOC.Lang.isNumber(found+stream.look())){
found += stream.next();
if (found === "") {
return false;
else {
if (/^0[0-7]/.test(found)) tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "NUMB", "OCTAL"));
else tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "NUMB", "DECIMAL"));
return true;
plan(3, "testing JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_numb");
//// setup
var src = "function foo(num){while (num+8.0 >= 0x20 && num < 0777){}}";
var tr = new JSDOC.TokenReader();
var tokens = tr.tokenize(new JSDOC.TextStream(src));
var hexToken, octToken, decToken;
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (tokens[i].name == "HEX_DEC") hexToken = tokens[i];
if (tokens[i].name == "OCTAL") octToken = tokens[i];
if (tokens[i].name == "DECIMAL") decToken = tokens[i];
is(decToken.data, "8.0", "decimal number is found in source.");
is(hexToken.data, "0x20", "hexdec number is found in source (issue #99).");
is(octToken.data, "0777", "octal number is found in source.");
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_hex = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var found = stream.next(2);
while (!stream.look().eof) {
if (JSDOC.Lang.isHexDec(found) && !JSDOC.Lang.isHexDec(found+stream.look())) { // done
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(found, "NUMB", "HEX_DEC"));
return true;
else {
found += stream.next();
return false;
@returns {Boolean} Was the token found?
JSDOC.TokenReader.prototype.read_regx = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/stream, tokens) {
var last;
if (
stream.look() == "/"
!(last = tokens.lastSym()) // there is no last, the regex is the first symbol
&& !last.is("NAME")
&& !last.is("RIGHT_PAREN")
&& !last.is("RIGHT_BRACKET")
) {
var regex = stream.next();
while (!stream.look().eof) {
if (stream.look() == "\\") { // escape sequence
regex += stream.next(2);
else if (stream.look() == "/") {
regex += stream.next();
while (/[gmi]/.test(stream.look())) {
regex += stream.next();
tokens.push(new JSDOC.Token(regex, "REGX", "REGX"));
return true;
else {
regex += stream.next();
// error: unterminated regex
return false;