mirror of https://github.com/openseadragon/openseadragon.git synced 2025-03-03 14:13:14 +03:00
Ian Gilman 88709189df Merge branch 'master' into ian3
Fixed Conflicts:
2015-10-29 14:31:38 -07:00

359 lines
24 KiB

2.1.0: (in progress)
* BREAKING CHANGE: the tile does not hold a reference to its image anymore. Only the tile cache keep a reference to images.
* BREAKING CHANGE: TileSource.tileSize no longer exists; use TileSource.getTileWidth() and TileSource.getTileHeight() instead.
* DEPRECATION: let ImageRecord.getRenderedContext create the rendered context instead of using ImageRecord.setRenderedContext
* DEPRECATION: TileSource.getTileSize() is deprecated. Use TileSource.getTileWidth() and TileSource.getTileHeight() instead.
* Added "tile-loaded" event on the viewer allowing to modify a tile before it is marked ready to be drawn (#659)
* Added "tile-unloaded" event on the viewer allowing to free up memory one has allocated on a tile (#659)
* Fixed flickering tiles with useCanvas=false when no cache is used (#661)
* Added additional coordinates conversion methods to TiledImage (#662)
* 'display: none' no longer gets reset on overlays during draw (#668)
* Added `preserveImageSizeOnResize` option (#666)
* Better error reporting for tile load failures (#679)
* Added collectionColumns as a configuration parameter (#680)
* Added support for non-square tiles (#673)
* TileSource.Options objects can now optionally provide tileWidth/tileHeight instead of tileSize for non-square tile support.
* IIIFTileSources will now respect non-square tiles if available.
* Added XDomainRequest as fallback method for ajax requests if XMLHttpRequest fails (for IE < 10) (#693)
* Now avoiding using eval when JSON.parse is available (#696)
* Rotation now works properly on retina display (#708)
* Added option in addTiledImage to replace tiledImage at index (#706)
* Changed resize behaviour to prevent "snapping" to world bounds when constraints allow more space (#711)
* Registers as an AMD module where possible (#719)
* Added autoRefigureSizes flag to World for optimizing mass rearrangements (#715)
* Added 'tile-load-failed' event (#725)
* Fixed issue with tiledImages loading tiles at every level instead of just the best level (#728)
* Fixed placeholderFillStyle flicker (#727)
* Fix for Chrome (v45) issue that key is sometimes undefined outside of the for-in loop (#730)
* World.removeAll now cancels any in-flight image loads; same for Viewer.open and Viewer.close (#734)
* Optimized adding large numbers of items to the world with collectionMode (#735)
* Fixed overlays position (use rounding instead of flooring and ceiling) (#741)
* Fixed issue with including overlays in your tileSources array when creating/opening in the viewer (#745)
* Fixed issue in iOS devices that would cause all touch events to fail after a Multitasking Gesture was triggered (#744)
* Fixed an issue with TiledImage setPosition/setWidth/setHeight not reliably triggering a redraw (#720)
* You can now change viewport margins after the viewer is created (#721)
* True multi-image mode (#450)
* BREAKING CHANGE: Passing an array for the tileSources option is no longer enough to trigger sequence mode; you have to set the sequenceMode option to true as well
* BREAKING CHANGE: Navigator no longer sends an open event when its viewer opens
* BREAKING CHANGE: Viewer.drawers and Viewer.drawersContainer no longer exist
* BREAKING CHANGE: A Viewer's Drawer and Viewport are now made once per Viewer and reused for every image that Viewer opens (rather than being recreated for every open); this means if you change Viewer options between opens, the behavior is different now.
* DEPRECATION: use Viewer.addTiledImage instead of Viewer.addLayer
* addTiledImage supports positioning config properties
* DEPRECATION: use World.getItemAt instead of Viewer.getLayerAtLevel
* DEPRECATION: use World.getIndexOfItem instead of Viewer.getLevelOfLayer
* DEPRECATION: use World.getItemCount instead of Viewer.getLayersCount
* DEPRECATION: use World.setItemIndex instead of Viewer.setLayerLevel
* DEPRECATION: use World.removeItem instead of Viewer.removeLayer
* DEPRECATION: use World.needsDraw instead of Drawer.needsUpdate
* DEPRECATION: use TileCache.numTilesLoaded instead of Drawer.numTilesLoaded
* DEPRECATION: use World.resetItems instead of Drawer.reset
* DEPRECATION: use Drawer.clear and World.draw instead of Drawer.update
* DEPRECATION: the layersAspectRatioEpsilon option is no longer necessary
* DEPRECATION: Viewer's add-layer event is now World's add-item event
* DEPRECATION: Viewer's layer-level-changed event is now World's item-index-change event
* DEPRECATION: Viewer's remove-layer event is now World's remove-item event
* DEPRECATION: Viewer's add-layer-failed event is now add-item-failed
* DEPRECATION: TileSourceCollection has been retired in favor of World
* DEPRECATION: collectionMode no longer draws outlines or reflections for items
* Drawer has been split into three classes:
* TiledImage, tile management and positioning for a single tiled image
* TileCache, tile caching for all images
* Drawer, tile drawing for all images
* New class: World, keeps track of multiple images in the scene
* Viewer now has world and tileCache properties
* Rect and Point now have clone functions
* New Viewport method for managing homeBounds as well as constraints: setHomeBounds
* Viewport.open supports positioning config properties
* For multi-image open, drawing isn't started until all tileSources have been opened
* You can specify a clip area for each image (only works on browsers that support the HTML5 canvas) (#594)
* Added placeholderFillStyle so image rectangles can be drawn even before their tiles load (#635)
* Ability to set opacity on individual TiledImages (#644)
* Margins option to push the home region in from the edges of the Viewer (#505)
* Rect and Point toString() functions are now consistent: rounding values to nearest hundredth
* Overlays appear in the DOM immediately on open or addOverlay (#507)
* imageLoaderLimit now works (#544)
* Turning off scrollToZoom in gestureSettings now allows scroll events to propagate
* You can now set a minZoomLevel that's greater than the home zoom level
* Added union() to OpenSeadragon.Rect
* Fixed an error in fitBounds if the new and old bounds were extremely close in size
* Added ajaxWithCredentials option (#543)
* Added viewport-change event for after the viewport changes but before it's drawn
* A spring's current value is now updated immediately on reset (#524)
* Fixed an error in fitBounds that occurred sometimes with immediately = true
* Added support for HDPI (retina) displays (#583)
* Corrected IIIF tile source to use canonical syntax (#586)
* Fixed x/y typo that caused horizontal reference strip to be rendered only relative to height (#595)
* Fixed Firefox 35 not able to open local files (#588)
* Fixed an issue with zero size viewers in IE8 (#609)
* Fixed: Cross Origin policy not working (#613)
* Optimized tile loading by clearing the queue on a re-draw when imageLoaderLimit is set (#616)
* Now animating zoom spring exponentially (#631)
* Added http://editorconfig.org/ config file (#637)
* Keyboard pan speed is now the same regardless of zoom level (#645)
* Added preserveOverlays option (#561)
* Fixed: DZI tilesource was broken on IE8/IE9 (#563)
* Exposed secondary pointer button (middle, right, etc.) events from MouseTracker and through viewer (#479)
* MouseTracker - Improved IE 8 compatibility (#562)
* MouseTracker - Improved IE 9+ compatibility (#564)
* MouseTracker - Simulated touchenter/touchleave events now bubble to parent element MouseTrackers (#566)
* MouseTracker - Improved multitouch support in enter/exit event handlers (#566)
* MouseTracker - orphaned tracked touch pointers removed (fix for #539)
* MouseTracker - removed touchenter/touchleave event support since the events don't exist on any known platform and have been removed from the W3C specification (#566)
* Removed Viewer onContainerPress/onContainerRelease handlers (and the associated 'container-release' event ) that were never fired due to the canvas (child) element capturing the DOM events (#566)
* Added 'canvas-enter', 'canvas-exit', and 'canvas-press' events to Viewer (#566)
* ButtonGroup - removed obsolete MouseTracker event handlers (#566)
* MouseTracker - added keydown and keyup handlers (#568)
* Modifier keys ignored in keyboard navigation handlers (#503)
* Requesting keyboard focus when viewer is clicked (#537)
* Arrow key navigation fixed across platforms (#565)
* Removed textarea element from viewer DOM. Viewer.canvas now handles keyboard navigation (#569)
* Removed 'position' property from MouseTracker keyDownHandler/keyUpHandler/keyHandler functions (#573)
* Fixed pointer event model detection for IE 10 and IE 11 (#571)
* Added setMouseNavEnabled() support to Navigator (#572)
* MouseTracker now defaults to tracking on (#558)
* Removed Viewer focusHandler/onCanvasFocus (#577)
* Added tabIndex option to viewer (#577)
* New combined IIIF TileSource for 1.0 through 2.0 (#441)
* BREAKING CHANGE: Removed IIIF1_1TileSource (now that IIIFTileSource supports all versions)
* Allowed TileSources to have dynamic tileSize via source.getTileSize(level) (#441)
* DEPRECATION: Use .getTileSize(level) instead of .tileSize
* Fix for IIPServer-style urls when using DZI (#413)
* Fix memory leak while destroying the viewer (#421)
* Added fitBoundsWithConstraints() to the viewport (#423)
* Fixed MouseTracker cross-browser issues with tracking pointers over and out of the tracked element (pull request #448, fix for #152, #404, #420, and #427)
* Fixed incorrect flick direction after image is rotated (#452)
* Debug mode now works with rotate images (#453)
* Now supporting dzi xml with namespaces (#462)
* You can now rotate the navigator along with the main viewer (#455)
* Viewport.setRotation now allows all rotation angles (#466)
* Pinch rotate is now available (defaults to off) (#468)
* Added option for home button to fill viewer (#474)
* Better handling of mid-update image loaded callbacks (#409)
* Tracked pointers are now cleaned up when Viewer.setMouseNavEnabled(false) is called (#518)
* Added explicit pointer capture for touch event model touchstart events (#552)
* Fixed issue with dragging the navigator highlight on Webkit browsers (#395)
* Improved Viewer Options Support in Gesture Handling (#399)
* BREAKING CHANGE: the openseadragon-canvas element now has two child divs. This means: (#298)
* The drawer element is no longer accessible via viewer.canvas.firstChild but via viewer.drawersContainer.firstChild or viewer.drawer.canvas.
* The overlays elements are no longer accessible via viewer.canvas.childNodes but via viewer.overlaysContainer.childNodes or viewer.currentOverlays[i].element.
* BREAKING CHANGE: Pseudo full screen mode on IE<11 using activex has been dropped. OpenSeadragon will run in full page if full screen mode is requested.
* BREAKING CHANGE: MouseTracker touch pinch gestures are no longer converted to scroll events. MouseTracker.pinchHandler should be used instead. (#369)
* DEPRECATION: overlay functions have been moved from Drawer to Viewer (#331)
* DEPRECATION: OpenSeadragon.cancelFullScreen has been renamed OpenSeadragon.exitFullScreen (#358)
* DEPRECATION: The 'isTouchEvent' property passed in MouseTracker events is deprecated and has been replaced with 'pointerType', which is a String value "mouse", "touch", "pen", etc. to support multiple simultaneous pointing devices (#369)
* DEPRECATION: The 'buttonDownAny' property passed in MouseTracker enter and exit events (enterHandler/exitHandler) is deprecated and has been replaced with 'buttons', which indicates the button(s) currently pressed (#369)
* DEPRECATION: The 'buttonDownAny' property passed in Viewer's 'container-enter' and 'container-exit' events is deprecated and has been replaced with 'buttons', which indicates the button(s) currently pressed (#369)
* Added layers support. Multiple images can now been displayed on top of each other with transparency via the Viewer.addLayer method (#298)
* Improved overlay functions (#331)
* Fixed: Nav button highlight states aren't quite aligned on Firefox (#303)
* Added ControlAnchor options for default controls (#304)
* Enabled basic cross-domain tile loading without tainting canvas (works in Chrome and Firefox) (#308)
* Added crossOriginPolicy drawer configuration to enable or disable CORS image requests (#364)
* Disabled CORS by default (#377)
* Added a ControlAnchor.ABSOLUTE enumeration. Enables absolute positioning of control elements in the viewer (#310)
* Added a 'navigator-scroll' event to Navigator. Fired when mousewheel events occur in the navigator (#310)
* Added a navigatorMaintainSizeRatio option. If set to true, the navigator minimap resizes when the viewer element is resized (#310)
* Added 'ABSOLUTE' as a navigatorPosition option, along with corresponding navigatorTop, navigatorLeft options. Allows the navigator minimap to be placed anywhere in the viewer (#310)
* Enhanced the navigatorTop, navigatorLeft, navigatorHeight, and navigatorWidth options to allow a number for pixel units or a string for other element units (%, em, etc.) (#310)
* Additional enhancements for IIIF support (#315)
* Fixed: Setting degrees in Viewer constructor has no effect (#336)
* Added pre-draw event for tiles to allow applications to alter the image (#348)
* Added optional Rotate Left/Right buttons to standard controls (#341)
* Added optimization for large numbers of overlays: `checkResize = false` option for OpenSeadragon.Overlay (#365)
* Updated full screen API, adding support for Opera and IE11 and allowing keyboard input in Chrome (#358)
* Various fixes to bring OpenSeadragon into W3C compliance (#375)
* Added separate flags for turning off each of the nav buttons (#376)
* Added support for query parameters in DZI tileSource URL (#378)
* Enhanced MouseTracker for multi-touch (#369)
* Added support for tracking multiple touch-points on multiple/simultaneous pointing devices
* Added support for the W3C Pointer Events event model. Enables touch/multi-touch on IE10+
* Added a dragEndHandler event callback, called when a drag gesture ends
* Added a pinchHandler event callback, called as a pinch gesture (2 touch points) is occurring
* Added real-time velocity (speed and direction) tracking to drag operations. 'speed' and 'direction' values are passed in the dragHandler and dragEndHandler event data
* Enhanced Viewer for multi-touch (#369)
* Added pinch zoom with the new MouseTracker pinchHandler. The 'pan' and 'zoom' Viewer events can be used to detect changes resulting in pinch gestures
* Added a "canvas-pinch" event fired by the pinch event handler
* Added flick gesture with the new MouseTracker dragEndHandler
* Added a "canvas-drag-end" event fired by the drag-end event handler
* Added a GestureSettings class for per-device gesture options. Currently has settings to enable/disable zoom-on-scroll, zoom-on-pinch, zoom-on-click, and flick gesture settings.
* Added GestureSettings objects for mouse, touch, and pen devices to the Viewer options giving users the ability to customize gesture handling in the viewer
* Added velocity (speed and direction) properties to the "canvas-drag" event
* Added double-click gesture detection to MouseTracker with corresponding dblClickHandler event callback (#392)
* Added zoom on double-click feature to Viewer, with corresponding dblClickToZoom option added to the GestureSettings class (#392)
* Made it possible to run OpenSeadragon from local filesystem on some browsers (#379)
NOTE: This version has a number of breaking changes to the API, mostly in event handling. See below.
* BREAKING CHANGE: All EventSource and MouseTracker event handler method signatures changed to 'handlerMethod(event)' where event == { eventSource, userData, ... } (#251) (Also fixes #23, #224, #239)
* The new eventSource property in the event object replaces the old eventSource parameter that was passed to handler methods.
* Where the event object duplicated the eventSource value, those properties have been removed. This affects the following events:
* All Button events - 'button' property removed
* All Viewer (Viewer, Drawer, Viewport) events - 'viewer' property removed
* BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed EventHandler to EventSource (#225)
* BREAKING CHANGE: Event names changed for consistency: changed to lower case, compound names hyphenated, and "on" prefixes removed (#226):
* Viewer "animationstart" changed to "animation-start"
* Viewer "animationfinish" changed to "animation-finish"
* Button "onPress" changed to "press"
* Button "onRelease" changed to "release"
* Button "onClick" changed to "click"
* Button "onEnter" changed to "enter"
* Button "onExit" changed to "exit"
* Button "onFocus" changed to "focus"
* Button "onBlur" changed to "blur"
* BREAKING CHANGE: Numerous improvements to fullPage/fullScreen (#256):
* Retains zoom/pan position better when switching into and out of fullPage.
* Retains scroll position when switching back out.
* More resilient to styling variations on the page.
* setFullPage no longer automatically engages fullScreen; there's now a separate setFullScreen.
* 'fullpage' event is now 'full-page'.
* The `fullpage` property of the 'full-page' event is now `fullPage`.
* There is now a 'full-screen' event with a `fullScreen` property (true if it has gone to full screen).
* There are now 'pre-full-page' and 'pre-full-screen' events that include a `preventDefaultAction` property you can set in your handler to cancel. They also have `fullPage` and `fullScreen` properties respectively, to indicate if they are going into or out of the mode.
* BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the 'onPageChange' callback from the viewer options. Viewer.goToPage() now raises the 'page' event only (#285)
* Major documentation improvements (#281)
* MouseTracker now passes the original event objects to its handler methods (#23)
* MouseTracker now supports an optional 'moveHandler' method for tracking mousemove events (#215)
* Added stopHandler to MouseTracker. (#262)
* Fixed: Element-relative mouse coordinates now correct if the element and/or page is scrolled (using new OpenSeadragon.getElementOffset() method) (#131)
* Fixed: Pinch zoom event issue, regressive issue from previous event system changes (#244)
* Added IIIF Image API 1.1 Tile Source (#230)
* IIIF 1.0 now uses pixel based syntax (#249)
* Fixed: Touch event issue where no canvas-click events were being raised (#240)
* Check that zoom reference point is valid before using it in zoomTo and zoomBy (#247)
* Added a number of easier coordinate conversion methods to viewport (#243)
* Added the ability to create a viewer and start at a specified page (#252)
* Fixed image resolve issue with collection mode (#255)
* DOM events are now passed through as 'event.originalEvent' in viewer and button events where appropriate. (#257) Affects the following events:
* Viewer: 'canvas-release', 'canvas-click', 'canvas-drag', 'canvas-scroll', 'container-enter', 'container-exit', 'container-release'
* Button: 'enter', 'exit', 'press', 'release', 'focus', 'blur', 'click'
* Fixed: IE 10 not reading DZI file correctly in certain circumstances (#218)
* Added support for the 'wheel' DOM mousewheel event (#261)
* Fix for non-canvas tile rendering at large size (#264)
* Drawer now uses an HTML5 canvas element whenever it's available. Can be overridden with the Viewer.useCanvas option (#191)
* Added a boolean preventDefaultAction property (default false) to the event object passed to MouseTracker handler methods. (#270) Implemented in the following MouseTracker subscribers:
* Viewer.keyboardCommandArea.innerTracker.focusHandler: preventDefaultAction == true prevents scrolling viewer into view
* Viewer.keyboardCommandArea.innerTracker.keyHandler: preventDefaultAction == true prevents viewer keyboard navigation
* Viewer.innerTracker.clickHandler: preventDefaultAction == true prevents viewer zoom on click
* Viewer.innerTracker.dragHandler: preventDefaultAction == true prevents viewer panning with mouse/touch
* Viewer.innerTracker.scrollHandler: preventDefaultAction == true prevents viewer zooming on mousewheel/pinch
* Fixed: IE8 error with custom buttons - "Object doesn't support this action" (#279)
* Support IIIF servers that don't report tile dimensions (#286)
* Added an autoResize option. Default is true. When set to false, the viewer takes no action when its container element is resized. (#291)
* Added a static 'version' property to OpenSeadragon. Useful for plugins that require specific OpenSeadragon versions. (#292)
* Fixed: canvas-click event shouldn't fire as you drag (#198)
* Fixed: LegacyTileSource doesn't fail gracefully when no supported file formats are found (#202)
* Added an optional userData argument to EventHandler.addHandler() which is passed unchanged to the handler method (#203)
* Fixed AJAX error reporting on IE8 (#208)
* Added viewportToImageRectangle method, and updated imageToViewportRectangle, imageToViewportCoordinates, and viewportToImageCoordinates to be more flexible with params (#212)
* Fixed: Viewer is not responsive (css) after returning from full screen (#222)
* Added partial support for rotation (just 90 degree increments for now). (#185)
* Hiding and restoring broke the viewer; fixed (#177)
* You can now provide an onDraw function for overlays to do custom overlay manipulation (#160)
* Added a destroy function on the viewer to clean up and remove elements (#179)
* Fixed: navigatorPosition option corrected. (#163)
* OpenSeadragon.now() returned undefined the first time; fixed
* onTouchEnd did not call the correct mouse up handler; fixed (#159)
* Touch events no longer capture mouse (was causing issues on devices that support both) (#168)
* Clicking on a button control no longer refreshes page (#184)
* Drawer now works when the page is rtl (#187)
* Fixed a situation that could throw errors in touch handling (#188)
* Fixed: navigator image not updating when base zoom image is changed (#147)
* Fixed tile rendering issue at lower zoom levels with the IIIF TileSource (#55)
* On IE, ajax errors would cause an exception to be thrown; fixed (#144)
* Faster and more consistent millisecond getter (#138)
* Fixed an error when using navPrevNextWrap on single images (#135)
* Various fixes to our timer handling (#133)
* Now generating source map for openseadragon.min.js (#51)
* Fix for calculating overlay width / height (#142)
* JSHint tidying (#136)
* Improved Ajax method (#149)
* Overhauled AJAX error reporting (#151)
* The navigator is now off by default (#102)
* Reverted minPixelRatio to 0.5 for better quality (#116)
* Sometimes tiles wouldn't resolve if you used the blendTime option; fixed. (#95)
* You can now choose to have previous and next buttons wrap using the config.navPrevNextWrap. (#114)
* You can now specify an ID for a div to hold the navigator (#46)
* You can now click in the navigator to go to a new location (#46)
* Keyboard handling is now done in the viewer rather than navigator (#46)
* Additional navigator fixes (#46)
* Drawer events now fire properly (#94)
* Fixed an error in EventHandler.removeHandler() (#48)
* Better requestAnimationFrame detection on older Firefox (#103)
* More efficient navigator loading (#115)
* Simplified element opacity setting implementation (#123)
* Fixed a problem with getString when the string property is a sub-property. (#64)
* Fixed: Tooltips for Navigation Controls not displaying (#63)
* Cleaned up some diagnostic code that was broken.
* Added fullpage class to viewer element when in fullpage mode (#61)
* Reverted to original New BSD license; cleaned up license declarations (#89)
* DZI JSONp was broken; fixed.
* Fully deprecated OpenSeadragon.createFromDZI, safely deprecated Viewer.openTileSource and
Viewer.openDZI to use Viewer.open internally. (#53 & #54).
* Full page bug fix for when viewer is child of document body (#43).
* Overlays for DZI bug fix (#45).
* DziTileSource: avoid changing relative paths (#56).
* Fix typo in preserveViewport handling (#77).
* Fix updateMulti timer leak after multiple Viewer.open() calls (#76).
* Minor documentation fixes.
* Performance enhancements.
* Real fullscreen support.
* Performance enhancements.
* Touch pan now works on Android.
* Pinch zoom is better on all devices.