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/* global QUnit, Util */
(function() {
// This module tests whether our various file formats can be opened.
// TODO: Add more file formats (with corresponding test data).
QUnit.module('Formats', {
beforeEach: function () {
var example = document.createElement("div");
example.id = "example";
var viewer = null;
// ----------
var testOpenUrl = function(relativeUrl, assert) {
testOpen('/test/data/' + relativeUrl, assert);
var testOpen = function(tileSource, assert) {
var timeWatcher = Util.timeWatcher(assert, 7000);
viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: 'example',
prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/',
tileSources: tileSource
assert.ok(viewer, 'Viewer exists');
var openHandler = function(event) {
viewer.removeHandler('open', openHandler);
assert.ok(true, 'Open event was sent');
viewer.addHandler('tile-drawn', tileDrawnHandler);
var tileDrawnHandler = function(event) {
viewer.removeHandler('tile-drawn', tileDrawnHandler);
assert.ok(true, 'A tile has been drawn');
viewer.addHandler('close', closeHandler);
var closeHandler = function(event) {
viewer.removeHandler('close', closeHandler);
assert.ok(true, 'Close event was sent');
viewer.addHandler('open', openHandler);
// ----------
QUnit.test('DZI', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('testpattern.dzi', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('DZI JSONp', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('testpattern.js', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('DZI XML', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('testpattern.xml', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('DZI XML with query parameter', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('testpattern.xml?param=value', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 1.0 JSON', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_0_files/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 1.0 XML', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_0_files/info.xml', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 1.1 JSON', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_tiled/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF No Tiles, Less than 256', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_255/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF No Tiles, Bet. 256 and 512', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_384/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF No Tiles, Bet. 512 and 1024', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_768/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF No Tiles, Larger than 1024', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_1048/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 2.0 JSON', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_2_0_tiled/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 2.0 JSON scaleFactors [1]', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_2_0_tiled_sf1/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 2.0 JSON, sizes array only', function(assert) {
testOpenUrl('iiif_2_0_sizes/info.json', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('IIIF 2.0 JSON String', function(assert) {
'{' +
' "@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json",' +
' "@id": "http://localhost:8000/test/data/iiif_2_0_tiled",' +
' "protocol": "http://iiif.io/api/image",' +
' "height": 1024,' +
' "width": 775,' +
' "tiles" : [{"width":256, "scaleFactors":[1,2,4,8]}],' +
' "profile": ["http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level1.json",' +
' {' +
' "qualities": [' +
' "native",' +
' "bitonal",' +
' "grey",' +
' "color"' +
' ],' +
' "formats": [' +
' "jpg",' +
' "png",' +
' "gif"' +
' ]' +
' }' +
' ]' +
'}', assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('ImageTileSource', function(assert) {
type: "image",
url: "/test/data/A.png"
}, assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('Zoomify', function(assert) {
type: "zoomifytileservice",
tileSize: 256,
width: 1000,
height: 1000,
tilesUrl: "/test/data/zoomify/"
}, assert);
// ----------
QUnit.test('Legacy Image Pyramid', function(assert) {
// Although it is using image paths that happen to be in IIIF format, this is not a IIIFTileSource.
// The url values are opaque, just image locations.
// When emulating a legacy pyramid, IIIFTileSource calls functions from LegacyTileSource, so this
// adds a test for the legacy functionality too.
type: 'legacy-image-pyramid',
levels: [{
url: '/test/data/iiif_2_0_sizes/full/400,/0/default.jpg',
height: 291,
width: 400
}, {
url: '/test/data/iiif_2_0_sizes/full/800,/0/default.jpg',
height: 582,
width: 800
}, {
url: '/test/data/iiif_2_0_sizes/full/1600,/0/default.jpg',
height: 1164,
width: 1600
}, {
url: '/test/data/iiif_2_0_sizes/full/3200,/0/default.jpg',
height: 2328,
width: 3200
}, {
url: '/test/data/iiif_2_0_sizes/full/6976,/0/default.jpg',
height: 5074,
width: 6976
}, assert);