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(function( $ ){
* The main point of entry into creating a zoomable image on the page.
* We have provided an idiomatic javascript constructor which takes
* a single object, but still support the legacy positional arguments.
* The options below are given in order that they appeared in the constructor
* as arguments and we translate a positional call into an idiomatic call.
* @class
* @extends OpenSeadragon.EventHandler
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.element Id of Element to attach to,
* @param {String} options.xmlPath Xpath ( TODO: not sure! ),
* @param {String} options.prefixUrl Url used to prepend to paths, eg button
* images, etc.
* @param {Seadragon.Controls[]} options.controls Array of Seadragon.Controls,
* @param {Seadragon.Overlays[]} options.overlays Array of Seadragon.Overlays,
* @param {Seadragon.Controls[]} options.overlayControls An Array of ( TODO:
* not sure! )
$.Viewer = function( options ) {
var args = arguments,
_this = this,
$.EventHandler.call( this );
if( typeof( options ) != 'object' ){
options = {
id: args[ 0 ],
xmlPath: args.length > 1 ? args[ 1 ] : undefined,
prefixUrl: args.length > 2 ? args[ 2 ] : undefined,
controls: args.length > 3 ? args[ 3 ] : undefined,
overlays: args.length > 4 ? args[ 4 ] : undefined,
overlayControls: args.length > 5 ? args[ 5 ] : undefined,
config: {}
//Allow the options object to override global defaults
$.extend( true, this, {
id: options.id,
xmlPath: null,
prefixUrl: '',
controls: [],
overlays: [],
overlayControls: [],
config: {
debugMode: true,
animationTime: 1.5,
blendTime: 0.5,
alwaysBlend: false,
autoHideControls: true,
immediateRender: false,
wrapHorizontal: false,
wrapVertical: false,
minZoomImageRatio: 0.8,
maxZoomPixelRatio: 2,
visibilityRatio: 0.5,
springStiffness: 5.0,
imageLoaderLimit: 0,
clickTimeThreshold: 200,
clickDistThreshold: 5,
zoomPerClick: 2.0,
zoomPerScroll: 1.2,
zoomPerSecond: 2.0,
showNavigationControl: true,
maxImageCacheCount: 100,
minPixelRatio: 0.5,
mouseNavEnabled: true,
navImages: {
zoomIn: {
REST: '/images/zoomin_rest.png',
GROUP: '/images/zoomin_grouphover.png',
HOVER: '/images/zoomin_hover.png',
DOWN: '/images/zoomin_pressed.png'
zoomOut: {
REST: '/images/zoomout_rest.png',
GROUP: '/images/zoomout_grouphover.png',
HOVER: '/images/zoomout_hover.png',
DOWN: '/images/zoomout_pressed.png'
home: {
REST: '/images/home_rest.png',
GROUP: '/images/home_grouphover.png',
HOVER: '/images/home_hover.png',
DOWN: '/images/home_pressed.png'
fullpage: {
REST: '/images/fullpage_rest.png',
GROUP: '/images/fullpage_grouphover.png',
HOVER: '/images/fullpage_hover.png',
DOWN: '/images/fullpage_pressed.png'
//These were referenced but never defined
controlsFadeDelay: 2000,
controlsFadeLength: 1500,
//These are originally not part options but declared as members
//in initialize. Its still considered idiomatic to put them here
source: null,
drawer: null,
viewport: null,
profiler: null,
//This was originally initialized in the constructor and so could never
//have anything in it. now it can because we allow it to be specified
//in the options and is only empty by default if not specified. Also
//this array was returned from get_controls which I find confusing
//since this object has a controls property which is treated in other
//functions like clearControls. I'm removing the accessors.
customControls: []
}, options );
this.element = document.getElementById( options.id );
this.container = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" );
this.canvas = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" );
//Used for toggling between fullscreen and default container size
this.bodyWidth = document.body.style.width;
this.bodyHeight = document.body.style.height;
this.bodyOverflow = document.body.style.overflow;
this.docOverflow = document.documentElement.style.overflow;
this.previousBody = [];
this._fsBoundsDelta = new $.Point( 1, 1 );
this._prevContainerSize = null;
this._lastOpenStartTime = 0;
this._lastOpenEndTime = 0;
this._animating = false;
this._forceRedraw = false;
this._mouseInside = false;
this.innerTracker = new $.MouseTracker({
element: this.canvas,
clickTimeThreshold: this.config.clickTimeThreshold,
clickDistThreshold: this.config.clickDistThreshold,
clickHandler: $.delegate( this, onCanvasClick ),
dragHandler: $.delegate( this, onCanvasDrag ),
releaseHandler: $.delegate( this, onCanvasRelease ),
scrollHandler: $.delegate( this, onCanvasScroll )
}).setTracking( true ); // default state
this.outerTracker = new $.MouseTracker({
element: this.container,
clickTimeThreshold: this.config.clickTimeThreshold,
clickDistThreshold: this.config.clickDistThreshold,
enterHandler: $.delegate( this, onContainerEnter ),
exitHandler: $.delegate( this, onContainerExit ),
releaseHandler: $.delegate( this, onContainerRelease )
}).setTracking( true ); // always tracking
(function( canvas ){
canvas.width = "100%";
canvas.height = "100%";
canvas.overflow = "hidden";
canvas.position = "absolute";
canvas.top = "0px";
canvas.left = "0px";
}( this.canvas.style ));
(function( container ){
container.width = "100%";
container.height = "100%";
container.position = "relative";
container.left = "0px";
container.top = "0px";
container.textAlign = "left"; // needed to protect against
}( this.container.style ));
var layouts = [ 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomright', 'bottomleft'],
for( i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++ ){
layout = layouts[ i ]
this.controls[ layout ] = $.makeNeutralElement( "div" );
this.controls[ layout ].style.position = 'absolute';
if ( layout.match( 'left' ) ){
this.controls[ layout ].style.left = '0px';
if ( layout.match( 'right' ) ){
this.controls[ layout ].style.right = '0px';
if ( layout.match( 'top' ) ){
this.controls[ layout ].style.top = '0px';
if ( layout.match( 'bottom' ) ){
this.controls[ layout ].style.bottom = '0px';
// Navigation Controls
this._group = null;
// whether we should be continuously zooming
this._zooming = false;
// how much we should be continuously zooming by
this._zoomFactor = null;
this._lastZoomTime = null;
var beginZoomingInHandler = $.delegate( this, beginZoomingIn ),
endZoomingHandler = $.delegate( this, endZooming ),
doSingleZoomInHandler = $.delegate( this, doSingleZoomIn ),
beginZoomingOutHandler = $.delegate( this, beginZoomingOut ),
doSingleZoomOutHandler = $.delegate( this, doSingleZoomOut ),
onHomeHandler = $.delegate( this, onHome ),
onFullPageHandler = $.delegate( this, onFullPage ),
navImages = this.config.navImages,
zoomIn = new $.Button({
config: this.config,
tooltip: $.getString( "Tooltips.ZoomIn" ),
srcRest: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomIn.REST ),
srcGroup: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomIn.GROUP ),
srcHover: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomIn.HOVER ),
srcDown: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomIn.DOWN ),
onPress: beginZoomingInHandler,
onRelease: endZoomingHandler,
onClick: doSingleZoomInHandler,
onEnter: beginZoomingInHandler,
onExit: endZoomingHandler
zoomOut = new $.Button({
config: this.config,
tooltip: $.getString( "Tooltips.ZoomOut" ),
srcRest: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomOut.REST ),
srcGroup: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomOut.GROUP ),
srcHover: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomOut.HOVER ),
srcDown: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.zoomOut.DOWN ),
onPress: beginZoomingOutHandler,
onRelease: endZoomingHandler,
onClick: doSingleZoomOutHandler,
onEnter: beginZoomingOutHandler,
onExit: endZoomingHandler
goHome = new $.Button({
config: this.config,
tooltip: $.getString( "Tooltips.Home" ),
srcRest: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.home.REST ),
srcGroup: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.home.GROUP ),
srcHover: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.home.HOVER ),
srcDown: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.home.DOWN ),
onRelease: onHomeHandler
fullPage = new $.Button({
config: this.config,
tooltip: $.getString( "Tooltips.FullPage" ),
srcRest: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.fullpage.REST ),
srcGroup: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.fullpage.GROUP ),
srcHover: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.fullpage.HOVER ),
srcDown: resolveUrl( this.urlPrefix, navImages.fullpage.DOWN ),
onRelease: onFullPageHandler
this.buttons = new $.ButtonGroup({
config: this.config,
buttons: [ zoomIn, zoomOut, goHome, fullPage ]
this.navControl = this.buttons.element;
this.navControl[ $.SIGNAL ] = true; // hack to get our controls to fade
this.addHandler( 'open', $.delegate( this, lightUp ) );
if ( this.config.showNavigationControl ) {
this.navControl.style.marginRight = "4px";
this.navControl.style.marginBottom = "4px";
this.addControl(this.navControl, $.ControlAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
for ( i = 0; i < this.customControls.length; i++ ) {
this.customControls[ i ].id,
this.customControls[ i ].anchor
this.container.appendChild( this.canvas );
this.container.appendChild( this.controls.topleft );
this.container.appendChild( this.controls.topright );
this.container.appendChild( this.controls.bottomright );
this.container.appendChild( this.controls.bottomleft );
this.element.appendChild( this.container );
window.setTimeout( function(){
beginControlsAutoHide( _this );
}, 1 ); // initial fade out
if ( this.xmlPath ){
this.openDzi( this.xmlPath );
$.extend( $.Viewer.prototype, $.EventHandler.prototype, {
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.addControl
addControl: function ( element, anchor ) {
var element = $.getElement( element ),
div = null;
if ( getControlIndex( this, element ) >= 0 ) {
return; // they're trying to add a duplicate control
switch ( anchor ) {
case $.ControlAnchor.TOP_RIGHT:
div = this.controls.topright;
element.style.position = "relative";
case $.ControlAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
div = this.controls.bottomright;
element.style.position = "relative";
case $.ControlAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT:
div = this.controls.bottomleft;
element.style.position = "relative";
case $.ControlAnchor.TOP_LEFT:
div = this.controls.topleft;
element.style.position = "relative";
case $.ControlAnchor.NONE:
div = this.container;
element.style.position = "absolute";
new $.Control( element, anchor, div )
element.style.display = "inline-block";
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.isOpen
isOpen: function () {
return !!this.source;
* If the string is xml is simply parsed and opened, otherwise the string
* is treated as an URL and an xml document is requested via ajax, parsed
* and then opened in the viewer.
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.openDzi
* @param {String} dzi and xml string or the url to a DZI xml document.
openDzi: function ( dzi ) {
var _this = this;
function( source ){
_this.open( source );
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.openTileSource
openTileSource: function ( tileSource ) {
var _this = this;
window.setTimeout( function () {
_this.open( tileSource );
}, 1 );
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.open
open: function( source ) {
var _this = this,
if ( this.source ) {
// to ignore earlier opens
this._lastOpenStartTime = +new Date();
window.setTimeout( function () {
if ( _this._lastOpenStartTime > _this._lastOpenEndTime ) {
_this._setMessage( $.getString( "Messages.Loading" ) );
}, 2000);
this._lastOpenEndTime = +new Date();
if ( this._lastOpenStartTime < viewer._lastOpenStartTime ) {
$.console.log( "Ignoring out-of-date open." );
this.raiseEvent( "ignore" );
this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
this._prevContainerSize = $.getElementSize( this.container );
if( source ){
this.source = source;
this.viewport = new $.Viewport(
this.drawer = new $.Drawer(
//this.profiler = new $.Profiler();
this._animating = false;
this._forceRedraw = true;
scheduleUpdate( this, updateMulti );
for ( i = 0; i < this.overlayControls.length; i++ ) {
overlay = this.overlayControls[ i ];
if ( overlay.point != null ) {
new $.Point(
} else {
new $.Rect(
this.raiseEvent( "open" );
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.close
close: function () {
this.source = null;
this.viewport = null;
this.drawer = null;
//this.profiler = null;
this.canvas.innerHTML = "";
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.removeControl
removeControl: function ( element ) {
var element = $.getElement( element ),
i = getControlIndex( this, element );
if ( i >= 0 ) {
this.controls[ i ].destroy();
this.controls.splice( i, 1 );
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.clearControls
clearControls: function () {
while ( this.controls.length > 0 ) {
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.isDashboardEnabled
isDashboardEnabled: function () {
var i;
for ( i = this.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( this.controls[ i ].isVisible() ) {
return true;
return false;
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.isFullPage
isFullPage: function () {
return this.container.parentNode == document.body;
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.isMouseNavEnabled
isMouseNavEnabled: function () {
return this.innerTracker.isTracking();
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.isVisible
isVisible: function () {
return this.container.style.visibility != "hidden";
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.setDashboardEnabled
setDashboardEnabled: function( enabled ) {
var i;
for ( i = this.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
this.controls[ i ].setVisible( enabled );
* Toggle full page mode.
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.setFullPage
* @param {Boolean} fullPage
* If true, enter full page mode. If false, exit full page mode.
setFullPage: function( fullPage ) {
var body = document.body,
bodyStyle = body.style,
docStyle = document.documentElement.style,
containerStyle = this.container.style,
canvasStyle = this.canvas.style,
//dont bother modifying the DOM if we are already in full page mode.
if ( fullPage == this.isFullPage() ) {
if ( fullPage ) {
this.bodyOverflow = bodyStyle.overflow;
this.docOverflow = docStyle.overflow;
bodyStyle.overflow = "hidden";
docStyle.overflow = "hidden";
this.bodyWidth = bodyStyle.width;
this.bodyHeight = bodyStyle.height;
bodyStyle.width = "100%";
bodyStyle.height = "100%";
canvasStyle.backgroundColor = "black";
canvasStyle.color = "white";
containerStyle.position = "fixed";
containerStyle.zIndex = "99999999";
//when entering full screen on the ipad it wasnt sufficient to leave
//the body intact as only only the top half of the screen would
//respond to touch events on the canvas, while the bottom half treated
//them as touch events on the document body. Thus we remove and store
//the bodies elements and replace them when we leave full screen.
this.previousBody = [];
nodes = document.body.childNodes.length;
for ( i = 0; i < nodes; i ++ ){
this.previousBody.push( document.body.childNodes[ 0 ] );
document.body.removeChild( document.body.childNodes[ 0 ] );
body.appendChild( this.container );
this._prevContainerSize = $.getWindowSize();
// mouse will be inside container now
$.delegate( this, onContainerEnter )();
} else {
bodyStyle.overflow = this.bodyOverflow;
docStyle.overflow = this.docOverflow;
bodyStyle.width = this.bodyWidth;
bodyStyle.height = this.bodyHeight;
canvasStyle.backgroundColor = "";
canvasStyle.color = "";
containerStyle.position = "relative";
containerStyle.zIndex = "";
document.body.removeChild( this.container );
nodes = this.previousBody.length;
for ( i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ){
document.body.appendChild( this.previousBody.shift() );
this.element.appendChild( this.container );
this._prevContainerSize = $.getElementSize( this.element );
// mouse will likely be outside now
$.delegate( this, onContainerExit )();
if ( this.viewport ) {
oldBounds = this.viewport.getBounds();
this.viewport.resize( this._prevContainerSize );
newBounds = this.viewport.getBounds();
if ( fullPage ) {
this._fsBoundsDelta = new $.Point(
newBounds.width / oldBounds.width,
newBounds.height / oldBounds.height
} else {
this._forceRedraw = true;
this.raiseEvent( "resize", this );
updateOnce( this );
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.setMouseNavEnabled
setMouseNavEnabled: function( enabled ){
this.innerTracker.setTracking( enabled );
* @function
* @name OpenSeadragon.Viewer.prototype.setVisible
setVisible: function( visible ){
this.container.style.visibility = visible ? "" : "hidden";
// Schedulers provide the general engine for animation
function scheduleUpdate( viewer, updateFunc, prevUpdateTime ){
var currentTime,
if ( this._animating ) {
return window.setTimeout( function(){
updateFunc( viewer );
}, 1 );
currentTime = +new Date();
prevUpdateTime = prevUpdateTime ? prevUpdateTime : currentTime;
// 60 frames per second is ideal
targetTime = prevUpdateTime + 1000 / 60;
deltaTime = Math.max( 1, targetTime - currentTime );
return window.setTimeout( function(){
updateFunc( viewer );
}, deltaTime );
//provides a sequence in the fade animation
function scheduleControlsFade( viewer ) {
window.setTimeout( function(){
updateControlsFade( viewer );
}, 20);
//initiates an animation to hide the controls
function beginControlsAutoHide( viewer ) {
if ( !viewer.config.autoHideControls ) {
viewer.controlsShouldFade = true;
viewer.controlsFadeBeginTime =
+new Date() +
window.setTimeout( function(){
scheduleControlsFade( viewer );
}, viewer.controlsFadeDelay );
//determines if fade animation is done or continues the animation
function updateControlsFade( viewer ) {
var currentTime,
if ( viewer.controlsShouldFade ) {
currentTime = new Date().getTime();
deltaTime = currentTime - viewer.controlsFadeBeginTime;
opacity = 1.0 - deltaTime / viewer.controlsFadeLength;
opacity = Math.min( 1.0, opacity );
opacity = Math.max( 0.0, opacity );
for ( i = viewer.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
viewer.controls[ i ].setOpacity( opacity );
if ( opacity > 0 ) {
// fade again
scheduleControlsFade( viewer );
//stop the fade animation on the controls and show them
function abortControlsAutoHide( viewer ) {
var i;
viewer.controlsShouldFade = false;
for ( i = viewer.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
viewer.controls[ i ].setOpacity( 1.0 );
// Default view event handlers.
function onCanvasClick( tracker, position, quick, shift ) {
var zoomPreClick,
if ( this.viewport && quick ) { // ignore clicks where mouse moved
zoomPerClick = this.config.zoomPerClick;
factor = shift ? 1.0 / zoomPerClick : zoomPerClick;
this.viewport.pointFromPixel( position, true )
function onCanvasDrag( tracker, position, delta, shift ) {
if ( this.viewport ) {
function onCanvasRelease( tracker, position, insideElementPress, insideElementRelease ) {
if ( insideElementPress && this.viewport ) {
function onCanvasScroll( tracker, position, scroll, shift ) {
var factor;
if ( this.viewport ) {
factor = Math.pow( this.config.zoomPerScroll, scroll );
this.viewport.pointFromPixel( position, true )
function onContainerExit( tracker, position, buttonDownElement, buttonDownAny ) {
if ( !buttonDownElement ) {
this._mouseInside = false;
if ( !this._animating ) {
beginControlsAutoHide( this );
function onContainerRelease( tracker, position, insideElementPress, insideElementRelease ) {
if ( !insideElementRelease ) {
this._mouseInside = false;
if ( !this._animating ) {
beginControlsAutoHide( this );
function onContainerEnter( tracker, position, buttonDownElement, buttonDownAny ) {
this._mouseInside = true;
abortControlsAutoHide( this );
// Utility methods
function getControlIndex( viewer, element ) {
for ( i = viewer.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( viewer.controls[ i ].element == element ) {
return i;
return -1;
// Page update routines ( aka Views - for future reference )
function updateMulti( viewer ) {
var beginTime;
if ( !viewer.source ) {
beginTime = +new Date();
updateOnce( viewer );
scheduleUpdate( viewer, arguments.callee, beginTime );
function updateOnce( viewer ) {
var containerSize,
if ( !viewer.source ) {
containerSize = $.getElementSize( viewer.container );
if ( !containerSize.equals( viewer._prevContainerSize ) ) {
// maintain image position
viewer.viewport.resize( containerSize, true );
viewer._prevContainerSize = containerSize;
viewer.raiseEvent( "resize" );
animated = viewer.viewport.update();
if ( !viewer._animating && animated ) {
viewer.raiseEvent( "animationstart" );
abortControlsAutoHide( viewer );
if ( animated ) {
viewer.raiseEvent( "animation" );
} else if ( viewer._forceRedraw || viewer.drawer.needsUpdate() ) {
viewer._forceRedraw = false;
if ( viewer._animating && !animated ) {
viewer.raiseEvent( "animationfinish" );
if ( !viewer._mouseInside ) {
beginControlsAutoHide( viewer );
viewer._animating = animated;
// Navigation Controls
function resolveUrl( prefix, url ) {
return prefix ? prefix + url : url;
function beginZoomingIn() {
this._lastZoomTime = +new Date();
this._zoomFactor = this.config.zoomPerSecond;
this._zooming = true;
scheduleZoom( this );
function beginZoomingOut() {
this._lastZoomTime = +new Date();
this._zoomFactor = 1.0 / this.config.zoomPerSecond;
this._zooming = true;
scheduleZoom( this );
function endZooming() {
this._zooming = false;
function scheduleZoom( viewer ) {
window.setTimeout( $.delegate( viewer, doZoom ), 10 );
function doZoom() {
var currentTime,
if ( this._zooming && this.viewport) {
currentTime = +new Date();
deltaTime = currentTime - this._lastZoomTime;
adjustedFactor = Math.pow( this._zoomFactor, deltaTime / 1000 );
this.viewport.zoomBy( adjustedFactor );
this._lastZoomTime = currentTime;
scheduleZoom( this );
function doSingleZoomIn() {
if ( this.viewport ) {
this._zooming = false;
this.config.zoomPerClick / 1.0
function doSingleZoomOut() {
if ( this.viewport ) {
this._zooming = false;
1.0 / this.config.zoomPerClick
function lightUp() {
function onHome() {
if ( this.viewport ) {
function onFullPage() {
this.setFullPage( !this.isFullPage() );
// correct for no mouseout event on change
if ( this.viewport ) {
}( OpenSeadragon ));