/* global QUnit, $, Util, testLog */ (function() { var viewer; OpenSeadragon.getBuiltInDrawersForTest().forEach(runDrawerTests); function runDrawerTests(drawerType){ QUnit.module('Drawer-'+drawerType, { beforeEach: function () { $('<div id="example"></div>').appendTo("#qunit-fixture"); testLog.reset(); }, afterEach: function () { if (viewer){ viewer.destroy(); } viewer = null; } }); // ---------- var createViewer = function(options) { options = options || {}; // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap viewer = OpenSeadragon(OpenSeadragon.extend({ id: 'example', prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/', springStiffness: 100, // Faster animation = faster tests drawer: drawerType, }, options)); }; // ---------- QUnit.test('basics', function(assert) { var done = assert.async(); createViewer(); assert.ok(viewer.drawer, 'Drawer exists'); assert.equal(viewer.drawer.canRotate(), ['webgl','canvas'].includes(drawerType), 'we can rotate if we have canvas'); done(); }); // ---------- QUnit.test('rotation', function(assert) { var done = assert.async(); createViewer({ tileSources: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi' }); // this test only makes sense for canvas drawer because of how it is // detected by watching for the canvas context rotate function // TODO: add test for actual rotation of the drawn image in a way that // applies to the webgl drawer as well as the canvas drawer. if(viewer.drawer.getType() !== 'canvas'){ assert.expect(0); done(); }; viewer.addHandler('open', function handler(event) { viewer.viewport.setRotation(30, true); Util.spyOnce(viewer.drawer.context, 'rotate', function() { assert.ok(true, 'drawing with new rotation'); done(); }); }); }); // ---------- QUnit.test('debug', function(assert) { var done = assert.async(); createViewer({ tileSources: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi', debugMode: true }); // only test this for canvas and webgl drawers if( !['canvas','webgl'].includes(viewer.drawer.getType() )){ assert.expect(0); done() } Util.spyOnce(viewer.drawer, '_drawDebugInfo', function() { assert.ok(true, '_drawDebugInfo is called'); done(); }); }); // ---------- QUnit.test('sketchCanvas', function(assert) { var done = assert.async(); createViewer({ tileSources: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi', }); var drawer = viewer.drawer; // this test only makes sense for canvas drawer if(viewer.drawer.getType() !== 'canvas'){ assert.expect(0); done(); }; viewer.addHandler('tile-drawn', function noOpacityHandler() { viewer.removeHandler('tile-drawn', noOpacityHandler); assert.equal(drawer.sketchCanvas, null, 'The sketch canvas should be null if no decimal opacity is used.'); assert.equal(drawer.sketchContext, null, 'The sketch context should be null if no decimal opacity is used.'); testOpacityDecimal(); }); function testOpacityDecimal() { var tiledImage; viewer.addTiledImage({ tileSource: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi', opacity: 0.5, success: function(event) { tiledImage = event.item; } }); viewer.addHandler('tile-drawn', function opacityDecimalHandler(event) { if (tiledImage !== event.tiledImage) { return; } viewer.removeHandler('tile-drawn', opacityDecimalHandler); assert.notEqual(drawer.sketchCanvas, null, 'The sketch canvas should not be null once a decimal opacity has been used.'); assert.notEqual(drawer.sketchContext, null, 'The sketch context should not be null once a decimal opacity has been used.'); done(); }); } }); // ---------- QUnit.test('deprecations', function(assert) { var done = assert.async(); createViewer({ tileSources: '/test/data/testpattern.dzi' }); viewer.world.addHandler('add-item', function() { // no current deprecated methods assert.expect(0); done(); }); }); } })();