(function($) { /** * @class ZoomifyTileSource * @classdesc A tilesource implementation for the zoomify format. * * A description of the format can be found here: * https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/5410/Introducing_Zoomify_Image.pdf * * There are two ways of creating a zoomify tilesource for openseadragon * * 1) Supplying all necessary information in the tilesource object. A minimal example object for this method looks like this: * * { * type: "zoomifytileservice", * width: 1000, * height: 1000, * tilesUrl: "/test/data/zoomify/" * } * * The tileSize is set to 256 (the usual Zoomify default) when it is not defined. The tileUrl must the path to the image _directory_. * * 2) Loading image metadata from xml file: (CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED) * * When creating zoomify formatted images one "xml" like file with name ImageProperties.xml * will be created as well. Here is an example of such a file: * * * * To use this xml file as metadata source you must supply the path to the ImageProperties.xml file and leave out all other parameters: * As stated above, this method of loading a zoomify tilesource is currently not supported * * { * type: "zoomifytileservice", * tilesUrl: "/test/data/zoomify/ImageProperties.xml" * } * * @memberof OpenSeadragon * @extends OpenSeadragon.TileSource * @param {Number} width - the pixel width of the image. * @param {Number} height * @param {Number} tileSize * @param {String} tilesUrl */ $.ZoomifyTileSource = function(options) { if(typeof options.tileSize === 'undefined'){ options.tileSize = 256; } if(typeof options.fileFormat === 'undefined'){ options.fileFormat = 'jpg'; this.fileFormat = options.fileFormat; } var currentImageSize = { x: options.width, y: options.height }; options.imageSizes = [{ x: options.width, y: options.height }]; options.gridSize = [this._getGridSize(options.width, options.height, options.tileSize)]; while (parseInt(currentImageSize.x, 10) > options.tileSize || parseInt(currentImageSize.y, 10) > options.tileSize) { currentImageSize.x = Math.floor(currentImageSize.x / 2); currentImageSize.y = Math.floor(currentImageSize.y / 2); options.imageSizes.push({ x: currentImageSize.x, y: currentImageSize.y }); options.gridSize.push(this._getGridSize(currentImageSize.x, currentImageSize.y, options.tileSize)); } options.imageSizes.reverse(); options.gridSize.reverse(); options.minLevel = 0; options.maxLevel = options.gridSize.length - 1; $.TileSource.apply(this, [options]); }; $.extend($.ZoomifyTileSource.prototype, $.TileSource.prototype, /** @lends OpenSeadragon.ZoomifyTileSource.prototype */ { //private _getGridSize: function(width, height, tileSize) { return { x: Math.ceil(width / tileSize), y: Math.ceil(height / tileSize) }; }, //private _calculateAbsoluteTileNumber: function(level, x, y) { var num = 0; var size = {}; //Sum up all tiles below the level we want the number of tiles for (var z = 0; z < level; z++) { size = this.gridSize[z]; num += size.x * size.y; } //Add the tiles of the level size = this.gridSize[level]; num += size.x * y + x; return num; }, /** * Determine if the data and/or url imply the image service is supported by * this tile source. * @function * @param {Object|Array} data * @param {String} optional - url */ supports: function(data, url) { return (data.type && "zoomifytileservice" === data.type); }, /** * * @function * @param {Object} data - the raw configuration * @param {String} url - the url the data was retrieved from if any. * @param {String} postData - HTTP POST data in k=v&k2=v2... form or null * @returns {Object} options - A dictionary of keyword arguments sufficient * to configure this tile sources constructor. */ configure: function(data, url, postData) { return data; }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ getTileUrl: function(level, x, y) { //console.log(level); var result = 0; var num = this._calculateAbsoluteTileNumber(level, x, y); result = Math.floor(num / 256); return this.tilesUrl + 'TileGroup' + result + '/' + level + '-' + x + '-' + y + '.' + this.fileFormat; }, /** * Equality comparator */ equals: function (otherSource) { return this.tilesUrl === otherSource.tilesUrl; } }); }(OpenSeadragon));