(function( $ ){ /** * @class * @extends OpenSeadragon.TileSource */ $.TileSourceCollection = function( tileSize, tileSources, rows, layout ) { if( $.isPlainObject( tileSize ) ){ options = tileSize; }else{ options = { tileSize: arguments[ 0 ], tileSources: arguments[ 1 ], rows: arguments[ 2 ], layout: arguments[ 3 ] }; } if( !options.layout ){ options.layout = 'horizontal'; } var minLevel = 0, levelSize = 1.0, tilesPerRow = Math.ceil( options.tileSources.length / options.rows ), longSide = tilesPerRow >= options.rows ? tilesPerRow : options.rows; if( 'horizontal' == options.layout ){ options.width = ( options.tileSize ) * tilesPerRow; options.height = ( options.tileSize ) * options.rows; } else { options.height = ( options.tileSize ) * tilesPerRow; options.width = ( options.tileSize ) * options.rows; } options.tileOverlap = -options.tileMargin; options.tilesPerRow = tilesPerRow; //Set min level to avoid loading sublevels since collection is a //different kind of abstraction while( levelSize < ( options.tileSize ) * longSide ){ //$.console.log( '%s levelSize %s minLevel %s', options.tileSize * longSide, levelSize, minLevel ); levelSize = levelSize * 2.0; minLevel++; } options.minLevel = minLevel; //for( var name in options ){ // $.console.log( 'Collection %s %s', name, options[ name ] ); //} $.TileSource.apply( this, [ options ] ); }; $.extend( $.TileSourceCollection.prototype, $.TileSource.prototype, { /** * @function * @name OpenSeadragon.TileSourceCollection.prototype.getTileBounds * @param {Number} level * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ getTileBounds: function( level, x, y ) { var dimensionsScaled = this.dimensions.times( this.getLevelScale( level ) ), px = this.tileSize * x - this.tileOverlap, py = this.tileSize * y - this.tileOverlap, sx = this.tileSize + 1 * this.tileOverlap, sy = this.tileSize + 1 * this.tileOverlap, scale = 1.0 / dimensionsScaled.x; sx = Math.min( sx, dimensionsScaled.x - px ); sy = Math.min( sy, dimensionsScaled.y - py ); return new $.Rect( px * scale, py * scale, sx * scale, sy * scale ); }, /** * * @function * @name OpenSeadragon.TileSourceCollection.prototype.configure */ configure: function( data, url ){ return; }, /** * @function * @name OpenSeadragon.TileSourceCollection.prototype.getTileUrl * @param {Number} level * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ getTileUrl: function( level, x, y ) { //$.console.log([ level, '/', x, '_', y ].join( '' )); return null; } }); }( OpenSeadragon ));