(function( $ ){ /** * The LegacyTileSource allows simple, traditional image pyramids to be loaded * into an OpenSeadragon Viewer. Basically, this translates to the historically * common practice of starting with a 'master' image, maybe a tiff for example, * and generating a set of 'service' images like one or more thumbnails, a medium * resolution image and a high resolution image in standard web formats like * png or jpg. * @class * @param {Array} levels An array of file descriptions, each is an object with * a 'url', a 'width', and a 'height'. Overriding classes can expect more * properties but these properties are sufficient for this implementation. * Additionally, the levels are required to be listed in order from * smallest to largest. * @property {Number} aspectRatio * @property {Number} dimensions * @property {Number} tileSize * @property {Number} tileOverlap * @property {Number} minLevel * @property {Number} maxLevel * @property {Array} levels */ $.LegacyTileSource = function( levels ) { var options, width, height; if( $.isArray( levels ) ){ options = { type: 'legacy-image-pyramid', levels: levels }; } //clean up the levels to make sure we support all formats options.levels = filterFiles( options.levels ); width = options.levels[ options.levels.length - 1 ].width; height = options.levels[ options.levels.length - 1 ].height; $.extend( true, options, { width: width, height: height, tileSize: Math.max( height, width ), tileOverlap: 0, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: options.levels.length - 1 }); $.TileSource.apply( this, [ options ] ); this.levels = options.levels; }; $.LegacyTileSource.prototype = { /** * Determine if the data and/or url imply the image service is supported by * this tile source. * @function * @name OpenSeadragon.DziTileSource.prototype.supports * @param {Object|Array} data * @param {String} optional - url */ supports: function( data, url ){ return ( data.type && "legacy-image-pyramid" == data.type ) || ( data.documentElement && "legacy-image-pyramid" == data.documentElement.getAttribute('type') ); }, /** * * @function * @name OpenSeadragon.DziTileSource.prototype.configure * @param {Object|XMLDocument} configuration - the raw configuration * @param {String} dataUrl - the url the data was retreived from if any. * @return {Array} args - positional arguments required and/or optional * for this tile sources constructor */ configure: function( configuration, dataUrl ){ var options; if( configuration instanceof XMLDocument ){ options = configureFromXML( this, configuration ); }else if( 'object' == $.type( configuration) ){ options = configureFromObject( this, configuration ); } return options; }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level */ getLevelScale: function( level ) { var levelScale = NaN; if ( level >= this.minLevel && level <= this.maxLevel ){ levelScale = this.levels[ level ].width / this.levels[ this.maxLevel ].width; } return levelScale; }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level */ getNumTiles: function( level ) { var scale = this.getLevelScale( level ); if ( scale ){ return new $.Point( 1, 1 ); } else { return new $.Point( 0, 0 ); } }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level */ getPixelRatio: function( level ) { var imageSizeScaled = this.dimensions.times( this.getLevelScale( level ) ), rx = 1.0 / imageSizeScaled.x, ry = 1.0 / imageSizeScaled.y; return new $.Point(rx, ry); }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point */ getTileAtPoint: function( level, point ) { return new $.Point( 0, 0 ); }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ getTileBounds: function( level, x, y ) { var dimensionsScaled = this.dimensions.times( this.getLevelScale( level ) ), px = ( x === 0 ) ? 0 : this.levels[ level ].width, py = ( y === 0 ) ? 0 : this.levels[ level ].height, sx = this.levels[ level ].width, sy = this.levels[ level ].height, scale = 1.0 / ( this.width >= this.height ? dimensionsScaled.y : dimensionsScaled.x ); sx = Math.min( sx, dimensionsScaled.x - px ); sy = Math.min( sy, dimensionsScaled.y - py ); return new $.Rect( px * scale, py * scale, sx * scale, sy * scale ); }, /** * This method is not implemented by this class other than to throw an Error * announcing you have to implement it. Because of the variety of tile * server technologies, and various specifications for building image * pyramids, this method is here to allow easy integration. * @function * @param {Number} level * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @throws {Error} */ getTileUrl: function( level, x, y ) { var url = null; if( level >= this.minLevel && level <= this.maxLevel ){ url = this.levels[ level ].url; } return url; }, /** * @function * @param {Number} level * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ tileExists: function( level, x, y ) { var numTiles = this.getNumTiles( level ); return level >= this.minLevel && level <= this.maxLevel && x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < numTiles.x && y < numTiles.y; } }; /** * This method removes any files from the Array which dont conform to our * basic requirements for a 'level' in the LegacyTileSource. * @private * @inner * @function */ function filterFiles( files ){ var filtered = [], file, i; for( i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ){ file = files[ i ]; if( file.height && file.width && file.url && ( file.url.toLowerCase().match(/^.*\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/) || ( file.mimetype && file.mimetype.toLowerCase().match(/^.*\/(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/) ) ) ){ //This is sufficient to serve as a level filtered.push({ url: file.url, width: Number( file.width ), height: Number( file.height ) }); } } return filtered.sort(function(a,b){ return a.height - b.height; }); }; /** * @private * @inner * @function */ function configureFromXML( tileSource, xmlDoc ){ if ( !xmlDoc || !xmlDoc.documentElement ) { throw new Error( $.getString( "Errors.Xml" ) ); } var root = xmlDoc.documentElement, rootName = root.tagName, conf = null, levels = [], level, i; if ( rootName == "image" ) { try { conf = { type: root.getAttribute( "type" ), levels: [] }; levels = root.getElementsByTagName( "level" ); for ( i = 0; i < levels.length; i++ ) { level = levels[ i ]; conf.levels .push({ url: level.getAttribute( "url" ), width: parseInt( level.getAttribute( "width" ) ), height: parseInt( level.getAttribute( "height" ) ) }); } return configureFromObject( tileSource, conf ); } catch ( e ) { throw (e instanceof Error) ? e : new Error( 'Unknown error parsing Legacy Image Pyramid XML.' ); } } else if ( rootName == "collection" ) { throw new Error( 'Legacy Image Pyramid Collections not yet supported.' ); } else if ( rootName == "error" ) { throw new Error( 'Error: ' + xmlDoc ); } throw new Error( 'Unknown element ' + rootName ); }; /** * @private * @inner * @function */ function configureFromObject( tileSource, configuration ){ return configuration.levels; }; }( OpenSeadragon ));