(function() { // This module tests whether our various file formats can be opened. // TODO: Add more file formats (with corresponding test data). module('Formats', { setup: function () { var example = document.createElement("div"); example.id = "example"; document.getElementById("qunit-fixture").appendChild(example); } }); var viewer = null; // ---------- var testOpenUrl = function(relativeUrl) { testOpen('/test/data/' + relativeUrl); }; var testOpen = function(tileSource) { $(document).ready(function() { var timeWatcher = Util.timeWatcher(7000); viewer = OpenSeadragon({ id: 'example', prefixUrl: '/build/openseadragon/images/', tileSources: tileSource }); ok(viewer, 'Viewer exists'); var openHandler = function(event) { viewer.removeHandler('open', openHandler); ok(true, 'Open event was sent'); viewer.addHandler('tile-drawn', tileDrawnHandler); }; var tileDrawnHandler = function(event) { viewer.removeHandler('tile-drawn', tileDrawnHandler); ok(true, 'A tile has been drawn'); viewer.addHandler('close', closeHandler); viewer.close(); }; var closeHandler = function(event) { viewer.removeHandler('close', closeHandler); $('#example').empty(); ok(true, 'Close event was sent'); timeWatcher.done(); }; viewer.addHandler('open', openHandler); }); }; // ---------- asyncTest('DZI', function() { testOpenUrl('testpattern.dzi'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('DZI JSONp', function() { testOpenUrl('testpattern.js'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('DZI XML', function() { testOpenUrl('testpattern.xml'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('DZI XML with query parameter', function() { testOpenUrl('testpattern.xml?param=value'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF 1.0 JSON', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_0_files/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF 1.0 XML', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_0_files/info.xml'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF 1.1 JSON', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_tiled/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF No Tiles, Less than 256', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_255/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF No Tiles, Bet. 256 and 512', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_384/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF No Tiles, Bet. 512 and 1024', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_768/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF No Tiles, Larger than 1024', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_1_1_no_tiles_1048/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF 2.0 JSON', function() { testOpenUrl('iiif_2_0_tiled/info.json'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('IIIF 2.0 JSON String', function() { testOpen( '{' + ' "@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json",' + ' "@id": "http://localhost:8000/test/data/iiif_2_0_tiled",' + ' "protocol": "http://iiif.io/api/image",' + ' "height": 1024,' + ' "width": 775,' + ' "tiles" : [{"width":256, "scaleFactors":[1,2,4,8]}],' + ' "profile": ["http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level1.json",' + ' {' + ' "qualities": [' + ' "native",' + ' "bitonal",' + ' "grey",' + ' "color"' + ' ],' + ' "formats": [' + ' "jpg",' + ' "png",' + ' "gif"' + ' ]' + ' }' + ' ]' + '}'); }); // ---------- asyncTest('ImageTileSource', function () { testOpen({ type: "image", url: "/test/data/A.png" }); }); })();