/* * OpenSeadragon - Viewport * * Copyright (C) 2009 CodePlex Foundation * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 OpenSeadragon contributors * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of CodePlex Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function( $ ){ /** * @class Viewport * @memberof OpenSeadragon * @classdesc Handles coordinate-related functionality (zoom, pan, rotation, etc.) * for an {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewer}. * @param {Object} options - Options for this Viewport. * @param {Object} [options.margins] - See viewportMargins in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.springStiffness] - See springStiffness in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.animationTime] - See animationTime in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.minZoomImageRatio] - See minZoomImageRatio in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.maxZoomPixelRatio] - See maxZoomPixelRatio in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.visibilityRatio] - See visibilityRatio in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Boolean} [options.wrapHorizontal] - See wrapHorizontal in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Boolean} [options.wrapVertical] - See wrapVertical in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.defaultZoomLevel] - See defaultZoomLevel in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.minZoomLevel] - See minZoomLevel in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.maxZoomLevel] - See maxZoomLevel in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Number} [options.degrees] - See degrees in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. * @param {Boolean} [options.homeFillsViewer] - See homeFillsViewer in {@link OpenSeadragon.Options}. */ $.Viewport = function( options ) { //backward compatibility for positional args while prefering more //idiomatic javascript options object as the only argument var args = arguments; if( args.length && args[ 0 ] instanceof $.Point ){ options = { containerSize: args[ 0 ], contentSize: args[ 1 ], config: args[ 2 ] }; } //options.config and the general config argument are deprecated //in favor of the more direct specification of optional settings //being passed directly on the options object if ( options.config ){ $.extend( true, options, options.config ); delete options.config; } this._margins = $.extend({ left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, options.margins || {}); delete options.margins; $.extend( true, this, { //required settings containerSize: null, contentSize: null, //internal state properties zoomPoint: null, viewer: null, //configurable options springStiffness: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.springStiffness, animationTime: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.animationTime, minZoomImageRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.minZoomImageRatio, maxZoomPixelRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxZoomPixelRatio, visibilityRatio: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.visibilityRatio, wrapHorizontal: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.wrapHorizontal, wrapVertical: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.wrapVertical, defaultZoomLevel: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.defaultZoomLevel, minZoomLevel: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.minZoomLevel, maxZoomLevel: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxZoomLevel, degrees: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.degrees, homeFillsViewer: $.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.homeFillsViewer }, options ); this._updateContainerInnerSize(); this.centerSpringX = new $.Spring({ initial: 0, springStiffness: this.springStiffness, animationTime: this.animationTime }); this.centerSpringY = new $.Spring({ initial: 0, springStiffness: this.springStiffness, animationTime: this.animationTime }); this.zoomSpring = new $.Spring({ exponential: true, initial: 1, springStiffness: this.springStiffness, animationTime: this.animationTime }); this._oldCenterX = this.centerSpringX.current.value; this._oldCenterY = this.centerSpringY.current.value; this._oldZoom = this.zoomSpring.current.value; this._setContentBounds(new $.Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 1); this.goHome(true); this.update(); }; /** @lends OpenSeadragon.Viewport.prototype */ $.Viewport.prototype = { /** * Updates the viewport's home bounds and constraints for the given content size. * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} contentSize - size of the content in content units * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:reset-size */ resetContentSize: function(contentSize) { $.console.assert(contentSize, "[Viewport.resetContentSize] contentSize is required"); $.console.assert(contentSize instanceof $.Point, "[Viewport.resetContentSize] contentSize must be an OpenSeadragon.Point"); $.console.assert(contentSize.x > 0, "[Viewport.resetContentSize] contentSize.x must be greater than 0"); $.console.assert(contentSize.y > 0, "[Viewport.resetContentSize] contentSize.y must be greater than 0"); this._setContentBounds(new $.Rect(0, 0, 1, contentSize.y / contentSize.x), contentSize.x); return this; }, // deprecated setHomeBounds: function(bounds, contentFactor) { $.console.error("[Viewport.setHomeBounds] this function is deprecated; The content bounds should not be set manually."); this._setContentBounds(bounds, contentFactor); }, // Set the viewport's content bounds // @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds - the new bounds in viewport coordinates // without rotation // @param {Number} contentFactor - how many content units per viewport unit // @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:reset-size // @private _setContentBounds: function(bounds, contentFactor) { $.console.assert(bounds, "[Viewport._setContentBounds] bounds is required"); $.console.assert(bounds instanceof $.Rect, "[Viewport._setContentBounds] bounds must be an OpenSeadragon.Rect"); $.console.assert(bounds.width > 0, "[Viewport._setContentBounds] bounds.width must be greater than 0"); $.console.assert(bounds.height > 0, "[Viewport._setContentBounds] bounds.height must be greater than 0"); this._contentBoundsNoRotate = bounds.clone(); this._contentSizeNoRotate = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.getSize().times( contentFactor); this._contentBounds = bounds.rotate(this.degrees).getBoundingBox(); this._contentSize = this._contentBounds.getSize().times(contentFactor); this._contentAspectRatio = this._contentSize.x / this._contentSize.y; if (this.viewer) { /** * Raised when the viewer's content size or home bounds are reset * (see {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#resetContentSize}). * * @event reset-size * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised this event. * @property {OpenSeadragon.Point} contentSize * @property {OpenSeadragon.Rect} contentBounds - Content bounds. * @property {OpenSeadragon.Rect} homeBounds - Content bounds. * Deprecated use contentBounds instead. * @property {Number} contentFactor * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent('reset-size', { contentSize: this._contentSizeNoRotate.clone(), contentFactor: contentFactor, homeBounds: this._contentBoundsNoRotate.clone(), contentBounds: this._contentBounds.clone() }); } }, /** * Returns the home zoom in "viewport zoom" value. * @function * @returns {Number} The home zoom in "viewport zoom". */ getHomeZoom: function() { if (this.defaultZoomLevel) { return this.defaultZoomLevel; } var aspectFactor = this._contentAspectRatio / this.getAspectRatio(); var output; if (this.homeFillsViewer) { // fill the viewer and clip the image output = aspectFactor >= 1 ? aspectFactor : 1; } else { output = aspectFactor >= 1 ? 1 : aspectFactor; } return output / this._contentBounds.width; }, /** * Returns the home bounds in viewport coordinates. * @function * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} The home bounds in vewport coordinates. */ getHomeBounds: function() { return this.getHomeBoundsNoRotate().rotate(-this.getRotation()); }, /** * Returns the home bounds in viewport coordinates. * This method ignores the viewport rotation. Use * {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#getHomeBounds} to take it into account. * @function * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} The home bounds in vewport coordinates. */ getHomeBoundsNoRotate: function() { var center = this._contentBounds.getCenter(); var width = 1.0 / this.getHomeZoom(); var height = width / this.getAspectRatio(); return new $.Rect( center.x - (width / 2.0), center.y - (height / 2.0), width, height ); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} immediately * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:home */ goHome: function(immediately) { if (this.viewer) { /** * Raised when the "home" operation occurs (see {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#goHome}). * * @event home * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised this event. * @property {Boolean} immediately * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent('home', { immediately: immediately }); } return this.fitBounds(this.getHomeBounds(), immediately); }, /** * @function */ getMinZoom: function() { var homeZoom = this.getHomeZoom(), zoom = this.minZoomLevel ? this.minZoomLevel : this.minZoomImageRatio * homeZoom; return zoom; }, /** * @function */ getMaxZoom: function() { var zoom = this.maxZoomLevel; if (!zoom) { zoom = this._contentSize.x * this.maxZoomPixelRatio / this._containerInnerSize.x; zoom /= this._contentBounds.width; } return Math.max( zoom, this.getHomeZoom() ); }, /** * @function */ getAspectRatio: function() { return this._containerInnerSize.x / this._containerInnerSize.y; }, /** * @function * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} The size of the container, in screen coordinates. */ getContainerSize: function() { return new $.Point( this.containerSize.x, this.containerSize.y ); }, /** * The margins push the "home" region in from the sides by the specified amounts. * @function * @returns {Object} Properties (Numbers, in screen coordinates): left, top, right, bottom. */ getMargins: function() { return $.extend({}, this._margins); // Make a copy so we are not returning our original }, /** * The margins push the "home" region in from the sides by the specified amounts. * @function * @param {Object} margins - Properties (Numbers, in screen coordinates): left, top, right, bottom. */ setMargins: function(margins) { $.console.assert($.type(margins) === 'object', '[Viewport.setMargins] margins must be an object'); this._margins = $.extend({ left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, margins); this._updateContainerInnerSize(); if (this.viewer) { this.viewer.forceRedraw(); } }, /** * Returns the bounds of the visible area in viewport coordinates. * @function * @param {Boolean} current - Pass true for the current location; defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} The location you are zoomed/panned to, in viewport coordinates. */ getBounds: function(current) { return this.getBoundsNoRotate(current).rotate(-this.getRotation()); }, /** * Returns the bounds of the visible area in viewport coordinates. * This method ignores the viewport rotation. Use * {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#getBounds} to take it into account. * @function * @param {Boolean} current - Pass true for the current location; defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} The location you are zoomed/panned to, in viewport coordinates. */ getBoundsNoRotate: function(current) { var center = this.getCenter(current); var width = 1.0 / this.getZoom(current); var height = width / this.getAspectRatio(); return new $.Rect( center.x - (width / 2.0), center.y - (height / 2.0), width, height ); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} current - Pass true for the current location; defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} The location you are zoomed/panned to, * including the space taken by margins, in viewport coordinates. */ getBoundsWithMargins: function(current) { return this.getBoundsNoRotateWithMargins(current).rotate( -this.getRotation(), this.getCenter(current)); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} current - Pass true for the current location; defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} The location you are zoomed/panned to, * including the space taken by margins, in viewport coordinates. */ getBoundsNoRotateWithMargins: function(current) { var bounds = this.getBoundsNoRotate(current); var factor = this._containerInnerSize.x * this.getZoom(current); bounds.x -= this._margins.left / factor; bounds.y -= this._margins.top / factor; bounds.width += (this._margins.left + this._margins.right) / factor; bounds.height += (this._margins.top + this._margins.bottom) / factor; return bounds; }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} current - Pass true for the current location; defaults to false (target location). */ getCenter: function( current ) { var centerCurrent = new $.Point( this.centerSpringX.current.value, this.centerSpringY.current.value ), centerTarget = new $.Point( this.centerSpringX.target.value, this.centerSpringY.target.value ), oldZoomPixel, zoom, width, height, bounds, newZoomPixel, deltaZoomPixels, deltaZoomPoints; if ( current ) { return centerCurrent; } else if ( !this.zoomPoint ) { return centerTarget; } oldZoomPixel = this.pixelFromPoint(this.zoomPoint, true); zoom = this.getZoom(); width = 1.0 / zoom; height = width / this.getAspectRatio(); bounds = new $.Rect( centerCurrent.x - width / 2.0, centerCurrent.y - height / 2.0, width, height ); newZoomPixel = this._pixelFromPoint(this.zoomPoint, bounds); deltaZoomPixels = newZoomPixel.minus( oldZoomPixel ); deltaZoomPoints = deltaZoomPixels.divide( this._containerInnerSize.x * zoom ); return centerTarget.plus( deltaZoomPoints ); }, /** * @function * @param {Boolean} current - Pass true for the current location; defaults to false (target location). */ getZoom: function( current ) { if ( current ) { return this.zoomSpring.current.value; } else { return this.zoomSpring.target.value; } }, // private _applyZoomConstraints: function(zoom) { return Math.max( Math.min(zoom, this.getMaxZoom()), this.getMinZoom()); }, /** * @function * @private * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Rect} constrained bounds. */ _applyBoundaryConstraints: function(bounds, immediately) { var newBounds = new $.Rect( bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); if (this.wrapHorizontal) { //do nothing } else { var horizontalThreshold = this.visibilityRatio * newBounds.width; var boundsRight = newBounds.x + newBounds.width; var contentRight = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.x + this._contentBoundsNoRotate.width; var leftDx = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.x - boundsRight + horizontalThreshold; var rightDx = contentRight - newBounds.x - horizontalThreshold; if (horizontalThreshold > this._contentBoundsNoRotate.width) { newBounds.x += (leftDx + rightDx) / 2; } else if (rightDx < 0) { newBounds.x += rightDx; } else if (leftDx > 0) { newBounds.x += leftDx; } } if (this.wrapVertical) { //do nothing } else { var verticalThreshold = this.visibilityRatio * newBounds.height; var boundsBottom = newBounds.y + newBounds.height; var contentBottom = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.y + this._contentBoundsNoRotate.height; var topDy = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.y - boundsBottom + verticalThreshold; var bottomDy = contentBottom - newBounds.y - verticalThreshold; if (verticalThreshold > this._contentBoundsNoRotate.height) { newBounds.y += (topDy + bottomDy) / 2; } else if (bottomDy < 0) { newBounds.y += bottomDy; } else if (topDy > 0) { newBounds.y += topDy; } } if (this.viewer) { /** * Raised when the viewport constraints are applied (see {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#applyConstraints}). * * @event constrain * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised this event. * @property {Boolean} immediately * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'constrain', { immediately: immediately }); } return newBounds; }, /** * Enforces the minZoom, maxZoom and visibilityRatio constraints by * zooming and panning to the closest acceptable zoom and location. * @function * @param {Boolean} [immediately=false] * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:constrain */ applyConstraints: function(immediately) { var actualZoom = this.getZoom(); var constrainedZoom = this._applyZoomConstraints(actualZoom); if (actualZoom !== constrainedZoom) { this.zoomTo(constrainedZoom, this.zoomPoint, immediately); } var bounds = this.getBoundsNoRotate(); var constrainedBounds = this._applyBoundaryConstraints( bounds, immediately); if (bounds.x !== constrainedBounds.x || bounds.y !== constrainedBounds.y || immediately) { this.fitBounds( constrainedBounds.rotate(-this.getRotation()), immediately); } return this; }, /** * Equivalent to {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#applyConstraints} * @function * @param {Boolean} [immediately=false] * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:constrain */ ensureVisible: function(immediately) { return this.applyConstraints(immediately); }, /** * @function * @private * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds * @param {Object} options (immediately=false, constraints=false) * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ _fitBounds: function(bounds, options) { options = options || {}; var immediately = options.immediately || false; var constraints = options.constraints || false; var aspect = this.getAspectRatio(); var center = bounds.getCenter(); // Compute width and height of bounding box. var newBounds = new $.Rect( bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, bounds.degrees + this.getRotation()) .getBoundingBox(); if (newBounds.getAspectRatio() >= aspect) { newBounds.height = newBounds.width / aspect; } else { newBounds.width = newBounds.height * aspect; } // Compute x and y from width, height and center position newBounds.x = center.x - newBounds.width / 2; newBounds.y = center.y - newBounds.height / 2; var newZoom = 1.0 / newBounds.width; if (constraints) { var newBoundsAspectRatio = newBounds.getAspectRatio(); var newConstrainedZoom = this._applyZoomConstraints(newZoom); if (newZoom !== newConstrainedZoom) { newZoom = newConstrainedZoom; newBounds.width = 1.0 / newZoom; newBounds.x = center.x - newBounds.width / 2; newBounds.height = newBounds.width / newBoundsAspectRatio; newBounds.y = center.y - newBounds.height / 2; } newBounds = this._applyBoundaryConstraints(newBounds, immediately); center = newBounds.getCenter(); } if (immediately) { this.panTo(center, true); return this.zoomTo(newZoom, null, true); } this.panTo(this.getCenter(true), true); this.zoomTo(this.getZoom(true), null, true); var oldBounds = this.getBounds(); var oldZoom = this.getZoom(); if (oldZoom === 0 || Math.abs(newZoom / oldZoom - 1) < 0.00000001) { this.zoomTo(newZoom, true); return this.panTo(center, immediately); } newBounds = newBounds.rotate(-this.getRotation()); var referencePoint = newBounds.getTopLeft().times(newZoom) .minus(oldBounds.getTopLeft().times(oldZoom)) .divide(newZoom - oldZoom); return this.zoomTo(newZoom, referencePoint, immediately); }, /** * Makes the viewport zoom and pan so that the specified bounds take * as much space as possible in the viewport. * Note: this method ignores the constraints (minZoom, maxZoom and * visibilityRatio). * Use {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#fitBoundsWithConstraints} to enforce * them. * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds * @param {Boolean} [immediately=false] * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitBounds: function(bounds, immediately) { return this._fitBounds(bounds, { immediately: immediately, constraints: false }); }, /** * Makes the viewport zoom and pan so that the specified bounds take * as much space as possible in the viewport while enforcing the constraints * (minZoom, maxZoom and visibilityRatio). * Note: because this method enforces the constraints, part of the * provided bounds may end up outside of the viewport. * Use {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#fitBounds} to ignore them. * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} bounds * @param {Boolean} [immediately=false] * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitBoundsWithConstraints: function(bounds, immediately) { return this._fitBounds(bounds, { immediately: immediately, constraints: true }); }, /** * Zooms so the image just fills the viewer vertically. * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitVertically: function(immediately) { var box = new $.Rect( this._contentBounds.x + (this._contentBounds.width / 2), this._contentBounds.y, 0, this._contentBounds.height); return this.fitBounds(box, immediately); }, /** * Zooms so the image just fills the viewer horizontally. * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ fitHorizontally: function(immediately) { var box = new $.Rect( this._contentBounds.x, this._contentBounds.y + (this._contentBounds.height / 2), this._contentBounds.width, 0); return this.fitBounds(box, immediately); }, /** * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} delta * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:pan */ panBy: function( delta, immediately ) { var center = new $.Point( this.centerSpringX.target.value, this.centerSpringY.target.value ); return this.panTo( center.plus( delta ), immediately ); }, /** * @function * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} center * @param {Boolean} immediately * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:pan */ panTo: function( center, immediately ) { if ( immediately ) { this.centerSpringX.resetTo( center.x ); this.centerSpringY.resetTo( center.y ); } else { this.centerSpringX.springTo( center.x ); this.centerSpringY.springTo( center.y ); } if( this.viewer ){ /** * Raised when the viewport is panned (see {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#panBy} and {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#panTo}). * * @event pan * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised this event. * @property {OpenSeadragon.Point} center * @property {Boolean} immediately * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'pan', { center: center, immediately: immediately }); } return this; }, /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:zoom */ zoomBy: function(factor, refPoint, immediately) { return this.zoomTo( this.zoomSpring.target.value * factor, refPoint, immediately); }, /** * Zooms to the specified zoom level * @function * @param {Number} zoom The zoom level to zoom to. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} [refPoint] The point which will stay at * the same screen location. Defaults to the viewport center. * @param {Boolean} [immediately=false] * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:zoom */ zoomTo: function( zoom, refPoint, immediately ) { this.zoomPoint = refPoint instanceof $.Point && !isNaN(refPoint.x) && !isNaN(refPoint.y) ? refPoint : null; if ( immediately ) { this.zoomSpring.resetTo( zoom ); } else { this.zoomSpring.springTo( zoom ); } if( this.viewer ){ /** * Raised when the viewport zoom level changes (see {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#zoomBy} and {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#zoomTo}). * * @event zoom * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised this event. * @property {Number} zoom * @property {OpenSeadragon.Point} refPoint * @property {Boolean} immediately * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'zoom', { zoom: zoom, refPoint: refPoint, immediately: immediately }); } return this; }, /** * Rotates this viewport to the angle specified. * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. */ setRotation: function(degrees) { if (!this.viewer || !this.viewer.drawer.canRotate()) { return this; } this.degrees = $.positiveModulo(degrees, 360); this._setContentBounds( this.viewer.world.getHomeBounds(), this.viewer.world.getContentFactor()); this.viewer.forceRedraw(); /** * Raised when rotation has been changed. * * @event rotate * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised the event. * @property {Number} degrees - The number of degrees the rotation was set to. * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent('rotate', {"degrees": degrees}); return this; }, /** * Gets the current rotation in degrees. * @function * @return {Number} The current rotation in degrees. */ getRotation: function() { return this.degrees; }, /** * @function * @return {OpenSeadragon.Viewport} Chainable. * @fires OpenSeadragon.Viewer.event:resize */ resize: function( newContainerSize, maintain ) { var oldBounds = this.getBoundsNoRotate(), newBounds = oldBounds, widthDeltaFactor; this.containerSize.x = newContainerSize.x; this.containerSize.y = newContainerSize.y; this._updateContainerInnerSize(); if ( maintain ) { // TODO: widthDeltaFactor will always be 1; probably not what's intended widthDeltaFactor = newContainerSize.x / this.containerSize.x; newBounds.width = oldBounds.width * widthDeltaFactor; newBounds.height = newBounds.width / this.getAspectRatio(); } if( this.viewer ){ /** * Raised when the viewer is resized (see {@link OpenSeadragon.Viewport#resize}). * * @event resize * @memberof OpenSeadragon.Viewer * @type {object} * @property {OpenSeadragon.Viewer} eventSource - A reference to the Viewer which raised this event. * @property {OpenSeadragon.Point} newContainerSize * @property {Boolean} maintain * @property {?Object} userData - Arbitrary subscriber-defined object. */ this.viewer.raiseEvent( 'resize', { newContainerSize: newContainerSize, maintain: maintain }); } return this.fitBounds( newBounds, true ); }, // private _updateContainerInnerSize: function() { this._containerInnerSize = new $.Point( Math.max(1, this.containerSize.x - (this._margins.left + this._margins.right)), Math.max(1, this.containerSize.y - (this._margins.top + this._margins.bottom)) ); }, /** * Update the zoom and center (X and Y) springs. * @function * @returns {Boolean} True if any change has been made, false otherwise. */ update: function() { if (this.zoomPoint) { var oldZoomPixel = this.pixelFromPoint(this.zoomPoint, true); this.zoomSpring.update(); var newZoomPixel = this.pixelFromPoint(this.zoomPoint, true); var deltaZoomPixels = newZoomPixel.minus(oldZoomPixel); var deltaZoomPoints = this.deltaPointsFromPixels( deltaZoomPixels, true); this.centerSpringX.shiftBy(deltaZoomPoints.x); this.centerSpringY.shiftBy(deltaZoomPoints.y); if (this.zoomSpring.isAtTargetValue()) { this.zoomPoint = null; } } else { this.zoomSpring.update(); } this.centerSpringX.update(); this.centerSpringY.update(); var changed = this.centerSpringX.current.value !== this._oldCenterX || this.centerSpringY.current.value !== this._oldCenterY || this.zoomSpring.current.value !== this._oldZoom; this._oldCenterX = this.centerSpringX.current.value; this._oldCenterY = this.centerSpringY.current.value; this._oldZoom = this.zoomSpring.current.value; return changed; }, /** * Convert a delta (translation vector) from viewport coordinates to pixels * coordinates. This method does not take rotation into account. * Consider using deltaPixelsFromPoints if you need to account for rotation. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} deltaPoints - The translation vector to convert. * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate: function(deltaPoints, current) { return deltaPoints.times( this._containerInnerSize.x * this.getZoom(current) ); }, /** * Convert a delta (translation vector) from viewport coordinates to pixels * coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} deltaPoints - The translation vector to convert. * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ deltaPixelsFromPoints: function(deltaPoints, current) { return this.deltaPixelsFromPointsNoRotate( deltaPoints.rotate(this.getRotation()), current); }, /** * Convert a delta (translation vector) from pixels coordinates to viewport * coordinates. This method does not take rotation into account. * Consider using deltaPointsFromPixels if you need to account for rotation. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} deltaPixels - The translation vector to convert. * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ deltaPointsFromPixelsNoRotate: function(deltaPixels, current) { return deltaPixels.divide( this._containerInnerSize.x * this.getZoom(current) ); }, /** * Convert a delta (translation vector) from pixels coordinates to viewport * coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} deltaPixels - The translation vector to convert. * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ deltaPointsFromPixels: function(deltaPixels, current) { return this.deltaPointsFromPixelsNoRotate(deltaPixels, current) .rotate(-this.getRotation()); }, /** * Convert viewport coordinates to pixels coordinates. * This method does not take rotation into account. * Consider using pixelFromPoint if you need to account for rotation. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point the viewport coordinates * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ pixelFromPointNoRotate: function(point, current) { return this._pixelFromPointNoRotate( point, this.getBoundsNoRotate(current)); }, /** * Convert viewport coordinates to pixel coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point the viewport coordinates * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ pixelFromPoint: function(point, current) { return this._pixelFromPoint(point, this.getBoundsNoRotate(current)); }, // private _pixelFromPointNoRotate: function(point, bounds) { return point.minus( bounds.getTopLeft() ).times( this._containerInnerSize.x / bounds.width ).plus( new $.Point(this._margins.left, this._margins.top) ); }, // private _pixelFromPoint: function(point, bounds) { return this._pixelFromPointNoRotate( point.rotate(this.getRotation(), this.getCenter(true)), bounds); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates to viewport coordinates. * This method does not take rotation into account. * Consider using pointFromPixel if you need to account for rotation. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel Pixel coordinates * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ pointFromPixelNoRotate: function(pixel, current) { var bounds = this.getBoundsNoRotate(current); return pixel.minus( new $.Point(this._margins.left, this._margins.top) ).divide( this._containerInnerSize.x / bounds.width ).plus( bounds.getTopLeft() ); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates to viewport coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel Pixel coordinates * @param {Boolean} [current=false] - Pass true for the current location; * defaults to false (target location). * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ pointFromPixel: function(pixel, current) { return this.pointFromPixelNoRotate(pixel, current).rotate( -this.getRotation(), this.getCenter(true) ); }, // private _viewportToImageDelta: function( viewerX, viewerY ) { var scale = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.width; return new $.Point( viewerX * this._contentSizeNoRotate.x / scale, viewerY * this._contentSizeNoRotate.x / scale); }, /** * Translates from OpenSeadragon viewer coordinate system to image coordinate system. * This method can be called either by passing X,Y coordinates or an * OpenSeadragon.Point * Note: not accurate with multi-image; use TiledImage.viewportToImageCoordinates instead. * @function * @param {(OpenSeadragon.Point|Number)} viewerX either a point or the X * coordinate in viewport coordinate system. * @param {Number} [viewerY] Y coordinate in viewport coordinate system. * @return {OpenSeadragon.Point} a point representing the coordinates in the image. */ viewportToImageCoordinates: function(viewerX, viewerY) { if (viewerX instanceof $.Point) { //they passed a point instead of individual components return this.viewportToImageCoordinates(viewerX.x, viewerX.y); } if (this.viewer) { var count = this.viewer.world.getItemCount(); if (count > 1) { $.console.error('[Viewport.viewportToImageCoordinates] is not accurate ' + 'with multi-image; use TiledImage.viewportToImageCoordinates instead.'); } else if (count === 1) { // It is better to use TiledImage.viewportToImageCoordinates // because this._contentBoundsNoRotate can not be relied on // with clipping. var item = this.viewer.world.getItemAt(0); return item.viewportToImageCoordinates(viewerX, viewerY, true); } } return this._viewportToImageDelta( viewerX - this._contentBoundsNoRotate.x, viewerY - this._contentBoundsNoRotate.y); }, // private _imageToViewportDelta: function( imageX, imageY ) { var scale = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.width; return new $.Point( imageX / this._contentSizeNoRotate.x * scale, imageY / this._contentSizeNoRotate.x * scale); }, /** * Translates from image coordinate system to OpenSeadragon viewer coordinate system * This method can be called either by passing X,Y coordinates or an * OpenSeadragon.Point * Note: not accurate with multi-image; use TiledImage.imageToViewportCoordinates instead. * @function * @param {(OpenSeadragon.Point | Number)} imageX the point or the * X coordinate in image coordinate system. * @param {Number} [imageY] Y coordinate in image coordinate system. * @return {OpenSeadragon.Point} a point representing the coordinates in the viewport. */ imageToViewportCoordinates: function(imageX, imageY) { if (imageX instanceof $.Point) { //they passed a point instead of individual components return this.imageToViewportCoordinates(imageX.x, imageX.y); } if (this.viewer) { var count = this.viewer.world.getItemCount(); if (count > 1) { $.console.error('[Viewport.imageToViewportCoordinates] is not accurate ' + 'with multi-image; use TiledImage.imageToViewportCoordinates instead.'); } else if (count === 1) { // It is better to use TiledImage.viewportToImageCoordinates // because this._contentBoundsNoRotate can not be relied on // with clipping. var item = this.viewer.world.getItemAt(0); return item.imageToViewportCoordinates(imageX, imageY, true); } } var point = this._imageToViewportDelta(imageX, imageY); point.x += this._contentBoundsNoRotate.x; point.y += this._contentBoundsNoRotate.y; return point; }, /** * Translates from a rectangle which describes a portion of the image in * pixel coordinates to OpenSeadragon viewport rectangle coordinates. * This method can be called either by passing X,Y,width,height or an * OpenSeadragon.Rect * Note: not accurate with multi-image; use TiledImage.imageToViewportRectangle instead. * @function * @param {(OpenSeadragon.Rect | Number)} imageX the rectangle or the X * coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle in image coordinate system. * @param {Number} [imageY] the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * in image coordinate system. * @param {Number} [pixelWidth] the width in pixel of the rectangle. * @param {Number} [pixelHeight] the height in pixel of the rectangle. */ imageToViewportRectangle: function(imageX, imageY, pixelWidth, pixelHeight) { var rect = imageX; if (!(rect instanceof $.Rect)) { //they passed individual components instead of a rectangle rect = new $.Rect(imageX, imageY, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); } if (this.viewer) { var count = this.viewer.world.getItemCount(); if (count > 1) { $.console.error('[Viewport.imageToViewportRectangle] is not accurate ' + 'with multi-image; use TiledImage.imageToViewportRectangle instead.'); } else if (count === 1) { // It is better to use TiledImage.imageToViewportRectangle // because this._contentBoundsNoRotate can not be relied on // with clipping. var item = this.viewer.world.getItemAt(0); return item.imageToViewportRectangle( imageX, imageY, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, true); } } var coordA = this.imageToViewportCoordinates(rect.x, rect.y); var coordB = this._imageToViewportDelta(rect.width, rect.height); return new $.Rect( coordA.x, coordA.y, coordB.x, coordB.y, rect.degrees ); }, /** * Translates from a rectangle which describes a portion of * the viewport in point coordinates to image rectangle coordinates. * This method can be called either by passing X,Y,width,height or an * OpenSeadragon.Rect * Note: not accurate with multi-image; use TiledImage.viewportToImageRectangle instead. * @function * @param {(OpenSeadragon.Rect | Number)} viewerX either a rectangle or * the X coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle in viewport * coordinate system. * @param {Number} [viewerY] the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * in viewport coordinate system. * @param {Number} [pointWidth] the width of the rectangle in viewport coordinate system. * @param {Number} [pointHeight] the height of the rectangle in viewport coordinate system. */ viewportToImageRectangle: function(viewerX, viewerY, pointWidth, pointHeight) { var rect = viewerX; if (!(rect instanceof $.Rect)) { //they passed individual components instead of a rectangle rect = new $.Rect(viewerX, viewerY, pointWidth, pointHeight); } if (this.viewer) { var count = this.viewer.world.getItemCount(); if (count > 1) { $.console.error('[Viewport.viewportToImageRectangle] is not accurate ' + 'with multi-image; use TiledImage.viewportToImageRectangle instead.'); } else if (count === 1) { // It is better to use TiledImage.viewportToImageCoordinates // because this._contentBoundsNoRotate can not be relied on // with clipping. var item = this.viewer.world.getItemAt(0); return item.viewportToImageRectangle( viewerX, viewerY, pointWidth, pointHeight, true); } } var coordA = this.viewportToImageCoordinates(rect.x, rect.y); var coordB = this._viewportToImageDelta(rect.width, rect.height); return new $.Rect( coordA.x, coordA.y, coordB.x, coordB.y, rect.degrees ); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates relative to the viewer element to image * coordinates. * Note: not accurate with multi-image. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ viewerElementToImageCoordinates: function( pixel ) { var point = this.pointFromPixel( pixel, true ); return this.viewportToImageCoordinates( point ); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates relative to the image to * viewer element coordinates. * Note: not accurate with multi-image. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ imageToViewerElementCoordinates: function( pixel ) { var point = this.imageToViewportCoordinates( pixel ); return this.pixelFromPoint( point, true ); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates relative to the window to image coordinates. * Note: not accurate with multi-image. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ windowToImageCoordinates: function(pixel) { $.console.assert(this.viewer, "[Viewport.windowToImageCoordinates] the viewport must have a viewer."); var viewerCoordinates = pixel.minus( $.getElementPosition(this.viewer.element)); return this.viewerElementToImageCoordinates(viewerCoordinates); }, /** * Convert image coordinates to pixel coordinates relative to the window. * Note: not accurate with multi-image. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ imageToWindowCoordinates: function(pixel) { $.console.assert(this.viewer, "[Viewport.imageToWindowCoordinates] the viewport must have a viewer."); var viewerCoordinates = this.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(pixel); return viewerCoordinates.plus( $.getElementPosition(this.viewer.element)); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates relative to the viewer element to viewport * coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ viewerElementToViewportCoordinates: function( pixel ) { return this.pointFromPixel( pixel, true ); }, /** * Convert viewport coordinates to pixel coordinates relative to the * viewer element. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ viewportToViewerElementCoordinates: function( point ) { return this.pixelFromPoint( point, true ); }, /** * Convert a rectangle in pixel coordinates relative to the viewer element * to viewport coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rectangle the rectangle to convert * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} the converted rectangle */ viewerElementToViewportRectangle: function(rectangle) { return $.Rect.fromSummits( this.pointFromPixel(rectangle.getTopLeft(), true), this.pointFromPixel(rectangle.getTopRight(), true), this.pointFromPixel(rectangle.getBottomLeft(), true) ); }, /** * Convert a rectangle in viewport coordinates to pixel coordinates relative * to the viewer element. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Rect} rectangle the rectangle to convert * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Rect} the converted rectangle */ viewportToViewerElementRectangle: function(rectangle) { return $.Rect.fromSummits( this.pixelFromPoint(rectangle.getTopLeft(), true), this.pixelFromPoint(rectangle.getTopRight(), true), this.pixelFromPoint(rectangle.getBottomLeft(), true) ); }, /** * Convert pixel coordinates relative to the window to viewport coordinates. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} pixel * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ windowToViewportCoordinates: function(pixel) { $.console.assert(this.viewer, "[Viewport.windowToViewportCoordinates] the viewport must have a viewer."); var viewerCoordinates = pixel.minus( $.getElementPosition(this.viewer.element)); return this.viewerElementToViewportCoordinates(viewerCoordinates); }, /** * Convert viewport coordinates to pixel coordinates relative to the window. * @param {OpenSeadragon.Point} point * @returns {OpenSeadragon.Point} */ viewportToWindowCoordinates: function(point) { $.console.assert(this.viewer, "[Viewport.viewportToWindowCoordinates] the viewport must have a viewer."); var viewerCoordinates = this.viewportToViewerElementCoordinates(point); return viewerCoordinates.plus( $.getElementPosition(this.viewer.element)); }, /** * Convert a viewport zoom to an image zoom. * Image zoom: ratio of the original image size to displayed image size. * 1 means original image size, 0.5 half size... * Viewport zoom: ratio of the displayed image's width to viewport's width. * 1 means identical width, 2 means image's width is twice the viewport's width... * Note: not accurate with multi-image. * @function * @param {Number} viewportZoom The viewport zoom * target zoom. * @returns {Number} imageZoom The image zoom */ viewportToImageZoom: function(viewportZoom) { if (this.viewer) { var count = this.viewer.world.getItemCount(); if (count > 1) { $.console.error('[Viewport.viewportToImageZoom] is not ' + 'accurate with multi-image.'); } else if (count === 1) { // It is better to use TiledImage.viewportToImageZoom // because this._contentBoundsNoRotate can not be relied on // with clipping. var item = this.viewer.world.getItemAt(0); return item.viewportToImageZoom(viewportZoom); } } var imageWidth = this._contentSizeNoRotate.x; var containerWidth = this._containerInnerSize.x; var scale = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.width; var viewportToImageZoomRatio = (containerWidth / imageWidth) * scale; return viewportZoom * viewportToImageZoomRatio; }, /** * Convert an image zoom to a viewport zoom. * Image zoom: ratio of the original image size to displayed image size. * 1 means original image size, 0.5 half size... * Viewport zoom: ratio of the displayed image's width to viewport's width. * 1 means identical width, 2 means image's width is twice the viewport's width... * Note: not accurate with multi-image. * @function * @param {Number} imageZoom The image zoom * target zoom. * @returns {Number} viewportZoom The viewport zoom */ imageToViewportZoom: function(imageZoom) { if (this.viewer) { var count = this.viewer.world.getItemCount(); if (count > 1) { $.console.error('[Viewport.imageToViewportZoom] is not accurate ' + 'with multi-image.'); } else if (count === 1) { // It is better to use TiledImage.imageToViewportZoom // because this._contentBoundsNoRotate can not be relied on // with clipping. var item = this.viewer.world.getItemAt(0); return item.imageToViewportZoom(imageZoom); } } var imageWidth = this._contentSizeNoRotate.x; var containerWidth = this._containerInnerSize.x; var scale = this._contentBoundsNoRotate.width; var viewportToImageZoomRatio = (imageWidth / containerWidth) / scale; return imageZoom * viewportToImageZoomRatio; } }; }( OpenSeadragon ));